There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

It's NOT the guns, it's the fucked up policies of the Left causing this.

Which policies, exactly? The desire to see more limited access to AR-15's in general, or the push for the kind of background check that would NEVER have allowed that kid to get any kind of gun in his hands, let alone an AR-15?

Which policies, exactly? Please be specific......

This one was preventable and that will always be on us.
Bomb making wont be that tricky if it became the norm
Do you even realize how stupid this line of argument is?
Do you build bombs for fun and pleasure in your garage? Do you go set them off in the cow pasture on Sundays for recreation?
Just because we know to buy fertilizer, what then? How do you set it off? How much poop do you need to blow up a building the size of the federal building in OK?
I have a feeling if nutcases couldn't go to the sporting goods store and purchase a rifle, they would just grumble and grouse and dream of mayhem rather than committing it. 99% of the time, anyway. Even making AR15's illegal isn't going to solve the problem 100%.
Pogo is right--it isn't simply a matter of outlawing this gun or that, or making it harder to own one. There is a lot more to it, in many different areas: law enforcement, media, figuring out why in hell so many people are going off the rails and supporting solutions that prevent it. Nothing is going to change over night. It's not a magic wand solution. But we have to get started or we'll never get anywhere.
It's NOT the guns, it's the fucked up policies of the Left causing this.

Which policies, exactly? The desire to see more limited access to AR-15's in general, or the push for the kind of background check that would NEVER have allowed that kid to get any kind of gun in his hands, let alone an AR-15?

Which policies, exactly? Please be specific......

This one was preventable and that will always be on us.

MOST guns that are used to commit crimes are obtained illegally. Besides that, a lot of these loons don't have any "background" to speak of. So what kind of background checks are going to stop someone who doesn't have a criminal history from obtaining a weapon of their choice?
EverCurious, post: 19294118
YOU are the one who proclaimed that teachers should have AR-15s dumbshit

You made up the part about shooting kids willy nilly. A straight out lie. I never went there. So why are you doubling down on your lie?

I asked a question. Do you think teachers should be packing AR-15s so when the gun cult killer comes they can be on a level playing field although the element of surprise is always with the killer.
What is the thing people ALWAYS seem to say about these people. While once in a while, it comes out that the person may have been disturbed, a lot of times people who were closest to the mass murderer are surprised. They never suspected a thing. He seemed like a totally normal guy other than being a little quiet maybe. You just cannot predict when someone is going to freak out and kill people. Some of the most boisterous and tough talking people are actually the most least likely to commit a murder or to do anything at all, while sometimes it's the quiet ones you have to watch out for. These things are unpredictable. Crazy people are unpredictable. Unless you want to take away rights from a person for saying something or whatever. I mean, where do YOU draw the line on your own rights? Say we were talking about your right to vote or something instead of the "mean ole guns" thing?
Bomb making wont be that tricky if it became the norm
Do you even realize how stupid this line of argument is?
Do you build bombs for fun and pleasure in your garage? Do you go set them off in the cow pasture on Sundays for recreation?
Just because we know to buy fertilizer, what then? How do you set it off? How much poop do you need to blow up a building the size of the federal building in OK?
I have a feeling if nutcases couldn't go to the sporting goods store and purchase a rifle, they would just grumble and grouse and dream of mayhem rather than committing it. 99% of the time, anyway. Even making AR15's illegal isn't going to solve the problem 100%.
Pogo is right--it isn't simply a matter of outlawing this gun or that, or making it harder to own one. There is a lot more to it, in many different areas: law enforcement, media, figuring out why in hell so many people are going off the rails and supporting solutions that prevent it. Nothing is going to change over night. It's not a magic wand solution. But we have to get started or we'll never get anywhere.
Its not stupid. It if became a norm, materials and knowledge would be more accessible. Hek, we have books that show how to make bombs out of 3 ingredients.
I agree with the last part. Banning guns and ammo is fucking retarded. It wont do anything.
To get started, you have to have somewhere to start. Where is that starting position?
The people who actually obey laws are not the ones you want to focus on.

And I don't care if they can't buy a bump stock or a 30 round magazine to hunt rabbits

That is not the point. The point is the principle of it all and what is agenda behind it. There are many, many other things to think about.
It IS the point, though. The argument that if we outlaw bumpstocks we will then find all guns confiscated and the Second Amendment repealed is ridiculous. That's where principles have left the NRA; it is not reasonable.
It is strange though. These types of school/mass shootings are a relatively new phenomena. I think this stuff really started to pick up steam in the 90s. I know there were some incidents before that, but they were way more rare, I think. What has happened that would make people want to do these things suddenly? What has emboldened these nuts to think that they can get away with doing these things? Like I said earlier, there was a time in our history when children even brought their rifles to school and there were NO school shootings. Nowadays we want to ban certain types of weaponry or even all firearms because we are so afraid of a few loony tunes who break down and lose it.

In 1966, Charles Whitman went to the observation deck of the Texas Tower and killed 13 people and injured 31
This was a time when our maniacs were more concerned with assassinations than mass killing to get your name in the newspapers

It was not till Columbine that the idea of using your assault weapon to slaughter as many people as you can took off

Since then we have had one senseless killing after another
So killing 13 with a single shot or small capacity internal magazine is some how more acceptable to you than killing with a semiautomatic rifle?

And let's just state for the record that less than 1% of murders take place in mass shooting events and rifles of any kind are used in only about 2% of all murders

Every little bit helps

Mass killings are acts of terror ...why do we continue to provide them with the tools that maximize their killing ability?

I don't provide guns to anyone.

And the fact that I happen to own guns has absolutely nothing to do with murders, mass shooting or suicides

Most legal gun owners never shoot or kill anyone. These people are just full of hyperbole, trying to blame ALL gun owners for the actions of some crazy peeps.

So, if they can do that, then we can do the same with Muslims. It is about faith (religion) which is a constitutional right (like the 2nd amendment), yet some of these people are ABUSING it and using it as an excuse (an ideology) to kill or terrorize others.

And THIS is just one more facet of banning things because of what some loons might do. You cannot control the loony people with laws. It is just a fact of life that there are going to be some crazy people in life who will freak out and do some terrible things. It is a flaw of the human condition.

The beauty of this incident is the clear cut responsibility. We, The People allowed this particular crazy to obtain an AR-15 and all the ammo he could carry.

We can't deny people their rights based on what they might do, but We can limit the scope of dangerous toys available in general, and We can do a better job of vetting and properly licensing who can and who cannot own and operate such dangerous tools, toys and machines.
And the AR-15 isn't even the most often used weapon in crimes! Oh, you can have this deadly weapon, but not THAT deadly weapon. THAT deadly weapon was used to kill someone! Come on! Let's stop it with these silly childish games already! I'm tired of this game.
The people who actually obey laws are not the ones you want to focus on.

And I don't care if they can't buy a bump stock or a 30 round magazine to hunt rabbits

That is not the point. The point is the principle of it all and what is agenda behind it. There are many, many other things to think about.
It IS the point, though. The argument that if we outlaw bumpstocks we will then find all guns confiscated and the Second Amendment repealed is ridiculous. That's where principles have left the NRA; it is not reasonable.

It is called "incremental" steps towards the ultimate goal. Lol. You people will NEVER be happy or stop. That is the bottom line.
I don't know, but I think taking people's rights or limiting them to the power of government (especially when it comes to defense of yourself, your home, whatever), is more dangerous than the few lone loons we have running around. This wanting to limit or take one of our constitutional rights is a consorted organized effort.

We, The People ALREADY limit the ownership of weapons. When was the last time you saw an ad for an F-16 or a tank? How about a 50 cal machine gun?

Simple: Just add the AR-15 to that list. If you can pass whatever background check is required for a license to own a 50 cal machine gun, you too can buy an AR-15.

Nope. It is time to peel back the laws not make more... A ar-15 is a perfectly fine rifle it isn't any more dangerous then any other rifle it just looks scary to the pussy regressive left. Well many of them are ugly can we ban them?
it is not reasonable.
Nothing being put forth to solve this issue is reasonable.
"ban ban ban" "regulate regulate regulate"
We have a constitution that says fuck every one of you. Do it the lawful way or shut the fuck up.
If the "idea" is so great, you shouldnt have a problem getting through LEGALLY.
If you give them an inch, they will take a mile. Don't ever fall for that line from the leftists. :D
"lets ban 30 rd magazines"
4 days later
"we had another mass shooting. Better ban 16 round magazines"
Just as the few nuts in the Muslim religion should not "tarnish" the whole religion, neither should a few nuts who abuse their second amendment right affect me or any other law abiding citizen who would NEVER murder people. As long as the United States government brandishes weapons, then so shall we the people because WE are the bosses here. :)
The FBI was warned about the shooter who killed 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in South Florida, and many kids at the school say “everyone predicted” he would do something crazy. Also, in the aftermath of the deadly rampage, liberal talking heads are pushing full force to attack the Second Amendment.

Watch Live! Warning Signs Ignored: Details Of School Massacre
Just as the few nuts in the Muslim religion should not "tarnish" the whole religion, neither should a few nuts who abuse their second amendment right affect me or any other law abiding citizen who would NEVER murder people. As long as the United States government brandishes weapons, then so shall we the people because WE are the bosses here. :)
I would agree with this if it was just a few nuts in Islam... The culture they are raised in is not what we in the west call moral. Mostly because we dont kill people for being gay or women for not wearing the proper face mask.
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I can't believe leftist dems would think anyone would "trust" them??? That is a laugh and a half. Maybe even two or three really good laughs. :D Trust me, I'm from the government. You don't need your weapons. WE will protect you.

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