There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

It is strange though. These types of school/mass shootings are a relatively new phenomena. I think this stuff really started to pick up steam in the 90s. I know there were some incidents before that, but they were way more rare, I think. What has happened that would make people want to do these things suddenly? What has emboldened these nuts to think that they can get away with doing these things? Like I said earlier, there was a time in our history when children even brought their rifles to school and there were NO school shootings. Nowadays we want to ban certain types of weaponry or even all firearms because we are so afraid of a few loony tunes who break down and lose it.

In 1966, Charles Whitman went to the observation deck of the Texas Tower and killed 13 people and injured 31
This was a time when our maniacs were more concerned with assassinations than mass killing to get your name in the newspapers

It was not till Columbine that the idea of using your assault weapon to slaughter as many people as you can took off

Since then we have had one senseless killing after another
Who here actually believes that if you make something illegal, that a murderer is going to be afraid to obtain it because it is illegal? :D
Nice strawman, but the actual argument isn’t to outlaw those weapons because people will be afraid to use them — it’s because it will make them less accessible.

With 300,000,000 + firearms (estimated) in citizen hands? Too funny.

It would make them more expensive, but certainly not less accessible.
Laws targeted towards the entire population (which consists MOSTLY of law abiding people who would NEVER do something like this) to try to gain control over these types of loons? That is NEVER going to sit well or work well.

I disagree....

I for one am glad that the worst available for the crazies to acquire legally is the AR-15.

Can you imagine if that li'l fucker had been able to buy a bazooka as easily as he obtained his AR-15? :disbelief:
Who here actually believes that if you make something illegal, that a murderer is going to be afraid to obtain it because it is illegal? :D
Nice strawman, but the actual argument isn’t to outlaw those weapons because people will be afraid to use them — it’s because it will make them less accessible.

With 300,000,000 + firearms (estimated) in citizen hands? Too funny.

It would make them more expensive, but certainly not less accessible.

Just like heroin. Lol! Just like marijuana. Just like alcohol (which was once "illegal" too). Sure, let's create yet ANOTHER problem and make it even more difficult to track and keep tabs on. :D That is BRILLIANT!
Laws targeted towards the entire population (which consists MOSTLY of law abiding people who would NEVER do something like this) to try to gain control over these types of loons? That is NEVER going to sit well or work well.

I disagree....

I for one am glad that the worst available for the crazies to acquire legally is the AR-15.

Can you imagine if that li'l fucker had been able to buy a bazooka as easily as he obtained his AR-15? :disbelief:

Well, a bazooka is only good for distances because it blows stuff up. An AR-15 is just a semi automatic rifle.
and yet....assholes like you blame normal gun owners and members of the NRA for shootings they had no part in......


You are a nut. Someone should help you.
Blaming the weapon for an act by a deranged lunatic is pretty stupid.

Derp. Derp. Derpity derp.
And you prove my point again. Thanks.

Idiots always rely on others to make their "points".
Poor pitiful creature. Do you blame the airplanes for 9/11? Do you blame spoons for fat people? Moron.
It is strange though. These types of school/mass shootings are a relatively new phenomena. I think this stuff really started to pick up steam in the 90s. I know there were some incidents before that, but they were way more rare, I think. What has happened that would make people want to do these things suddenly? What has emboldened these nuts to think that they can get away with doing these things? Like I said earlier, there was a time in our history when children even brought their rifles to school and there were NO school shootings. Nowadays we want to ban certain types of weaponry or even all firearms because we are so afraid of a few loony tunes who break down and lose it.

In 1966, Charles Whitman went to the observation deck of the Texas Tower and killed 13 people and injured 31
This was a time when our maniacs were more concerned with assassinations than mass killing to get your name in the newspapers

It was not till Columbine that the idea of using your assault weapon to slaughter as many people as you can took off

Since then we have had one senseless killing after another
So killing 13 with a single shot or small capacity internal magazine is some how more acceptable to you than killing with a semiautomatic rifle?

And let's just state for the record that less than 1% of murders take place in mass shooting events and rifles of any kind are used in only about 2% of all murders
The dirt poor people in Afghanistan and elsewhere make bombs all the time. You can make all different bombs out of all kinds of different materials. They aren't that complicated in a lot of cases (not like in the movies usually - LOL - this is not James Bond!), and the ingredients are cheap. The guys who did the Boston Marathon bombing used a pressure cooker. You going to ban those too?
It is strange though. These types of school/mass shootings are a relatively new phenomena. I think this stuff really started to pick up steam in the 90s. I know there were some incidents before that, but they were way more rare, I think. What has happened that would make people want to do these things suddenly? What has emboldened these nuts to think that they can get away with doing these things? Like I said earlier, there was a time in our history when children even brought their rifles to school and there were NO school shootings. Nowadays we want to ban certain types of weaponry or even all firearms because we are so afraid of a few loony tunes who break down and lose it.

In 1966, Charles Whitman went to the observation deck of the Texas Tower and killed 13 people and injured 31
This was a time when our maniacs were more concerned with assassinations than mass killing to get your name in the newspapers

It was not till Columbine that the idea of using your assault weapon to slaughter as many people as you can took off

Since then we have had one senseless killing after another
So killing 13 with a single shot or small capacity internal magazine is some how more acceptable to you than killing with a semiautomatic rifle?

And let's just state for the record that less than 1% of murders take place in mass shooting events and rifles of any kind are used in only about 2% of all murders

Every little bit helps

Mass killings are acts of terror ...why do we continue to provide them with the tools that maximize their killing ability?
I don't know, but I think taking people's rights or limiting them to the power of government (especially when it comes to defense of yourself, your home, whatever), is more dangerous than the few lone loons we have running around. This wanting to limit or take one of our constitutional rights is a consorted organized effort.

We, The People ALREADY limit the ownership of weapons. When was the last time you saw an ad for an F-16 or a tank? How about a 50 cal machine gun?

Simple: Just add the AR-15 to that list. If you can pass whatever background check is required for a license to own a 50 cal machine gun, you too can buy an AR-15.

It is strange though. These types of school/mass shootings are a relatively new phenomena. I think this stuff really started to pick up steam in the 90s. I know there were some incidents before that, but they were way more rare, I think. What has happened that would make people want to do these things suddenly? What has emboldened these nuts to think that they can get away with doing these things? Like I said earlier, there was a time in our history when children even brought their rifles to school and there were NO school shootings. Nowadays we want to ban certain types of weaponry or even all firearms because we are so afraid of a few loony tunes who break down and lose it.

In 1966, Charles Whitman went to the observation deck of the Texas Tower and killed 13 people and injured 31
This was a time when our maniacs were more concerned with assassinations than mass killing to get your name in the newspapers

It was not till Columbine that the idea of using your assault weapon to slaughter as many people as you can took off

Since then we have had one senseless killing after another
So killing 13 with a single shot or small capacity internal magazine is some how more acceptable to you than killing with a semiautomatic rifle?

And let's just state for the record that less than 1% of murders take place in mass shooting events and rifles of any kind are used in only about 2% of all murders

Every little bit helps

Mass killings are acts of terror ...why do we continue to provide them with the tools that maximize their killing ability?

I don't provide guns to anyone.

And the fact that I happen to own guns has absolutely nothing to do with murders, mass shooting or suicides
The dirt poor people in Afghanistan and elsewhere make bombs all the time. You can make all different bombs out of all kinds of different materials. They aren't that complicated in a lot of cases (not like in the movies usually - LOL - this is not James Bond!), and the ingredients are cheap. The guys who did the Boston Marathon bombing used a pressure cooker. You going to ban those too?

I know that I chimed in on this tangent, but it is still not relevant to the conversation....
None of which reduces the role of We, the People in allowing the transaction resulting in that crazy young fucker owning an AR-15 and all the ammo he can carry.

Nor does it reduce in any way the sadness. :(
We look to Congress to legislate us out of the nightmare, but just like climate change, we can do it ourselves--at least some of it--since the government won't act.
Pogo is right that we need to radically change the culture, the perception of guns, in our society. I believe we also need to outlaw semiautomatic long guns like the AR15. They are not for hunting; they are for killing.

But where is the nationwide organization advocating that change? Why have I never heard of it? Why is it not a household name like the NRA? I'd send them my check. I would do whatever I could to spread the word. We cannot rely on our legislators. They have let us down over and over. So we need to work on what we can by ourselves.

:dunno: Without a product like guns & ammo to keep the cash-flow flowing, politics in America is hard...
From what I've heard, the Democrats "learned their lesson" the last time they enacted real gun control. They got voted out of office big time. No one has touched it since; it might damage their reelection chances.
There would be no NRA if it didn't have millions of folks paying membership dues because they SUPPORT the Second Amendment. Legislators do have to take their voters' will into account when the vote. I realize that. But the NRA has become fiercely, radically political with a complete "NO" stance on any attempts, however mild, to enact any gun safety legislation.

It doesn't seem to me that the NRA is about gun safety anymore. Only gun owners deserve safety in their eyes.
Gun safety is about gun owners. That doesnt even make sense. Why wouldnt it be? lol
Have you thought about what you would do to about this crap yet?
Yup. Been chirpin' away. Did you lose your reading glasses this morning?
None of which reduces the role of We, the People in allowing the transaction resulting in that crazy young fucker owning an AR-15 and all the ammo he can carry.

Nor does it reduce in any way the sadness. :(
We look to Congress to legislate us out of the nightmare, but just like climate change, we can do it ourselves--at least some of it--since the government won't act.
Pogo is right that we need to radically change the culture, the perception of guns, in our society. I believe we also need to outlaw semiautomatic long guns like the AR15. They are not for hunting; they are for killing.

But where is the nationwide organization advocating that change? Why have I never heard of it? Why is it not a household name like the NRA? I'd send them my check. I would do whatever I could to spread the word. We cannot rely on our legislators. They have let us down over and over. So we need to work on what we can by ourselves.

:dunno: Without a product like guns & ammo to keep the cash-flow flowing, politics in America is hard...
From what I've heard, the Democrats "learned their lesson" the last time they enacted real gun control. They got voted out of office big time. No one has touched it since; it might damage their reelection chances.
There would be no NRA if it didn't have millions of folks paying membership dues because they SUPPORT the Second Amendment. Legislators do have to take their voters' will into account when the vote. I realize that. But the NRA has become fiercely, radically political with a complete "NO" stance on any attempts, however mild, to enact any gun safety legislation.

It doesn't seem to me that the NRA is about gun safety anymore. Only gun owners deserve safety in their eyes.
Gun safety is about gun owners. That doesnt even make sense. Why wouldnt it be? lol
Have you thought about what you would do to about this crap yet?
Yup. Been chirpin' away. Did you lose your reading glasses this morning?
Sorry OL. I didnt feel like shifting through 101 pages to find one response.
Forget i asked.
Have a good day.
Who here actually believes that if you make something illegal, that a murderer is going to be afraid to obtain it because it is illegal? :D
Nice strawman, but the actual argument isn’t to outlaw those weapons because people will be afraid to use them — it’s because it will make them less accessible.

With 300,000,000 + firearms (estimated) in citizen hands? Too funny.

It would make them more expensive, but certainly not less accessible.
Where did I say anything about banning all guns??
It is strange though. These types of school/mass shootings are a relatively new phenomena. I think this stuff really started to pick up steam in the 90s. I know there were some incidents before that, but they were way more rare, I think. What has happened that would make people want to do these things suddenly? What has emboldened these nuts to think that they can get away with doing these things? Like I said earlier, there was a time in our history when children even brought their rifles to school and there were NO school shootings. Nowadays we want to ban certain types of weaponry or even all firearms because we are so afraid of a few loony tunes who break down and lose it.

In 1966, Charles Whitman went to the observation deck of the Texas Tower and killed 13 people and injured 31
This was a time when our maniacs were more concerned with assassinations than mass killing to get your name in the newspapers

It was not till Columbine that the idea of using your assault weapon to slaughter as many people as you can took off

Since then we have had one senseless killing after another
So killing 13 with a single shot or small capacity internal magazine is some how more acceptable to you than killing with a semiautomatic rifle?

And let's just state for the record that less than 1% of murders take place in mass shooting events and rifles of any kind are used in only about 2% of all murders

Every little bit helps

Mass killings are acts of terror ...why do we continue to provide them with the tools that maximize their killing ability?

I don't provide guns to anyone.

And the fact that I happen to own guns has absolutely nothing to do with murders, mass shooting or suicides

Most legal gun owners never shoot or kill anyone. These people are just full of hyperbole, trying to blame ALL gun owners for the actions of some crazy peeps.

So, if they can do that, then we can do the same with Muslims. It is about faith (religion) which is a constitutional right (like the 2nd amendment), yet some of these people are ABUSING it and using it as an excuse (an ideology) to kill or terrorize others.

And THIS is just one more facet of banning things because of what some loons might do. You cannot control the loony people with laws. It is just a fact of life that there are going to be some crazy people in life who will freak out and do some terrible things. It is a flaw of the human condition.
Looks like I will have to get my thoughts and prayers together and than God we have a second amendment

Seriously couldn't you wait till the blood drys before you start mocking?

No mock
Just tired of it

We didn't do anything after Sandy Hook and Vegas........why should we care now?
Thoughts and prayers.....Thoughts and Prayers

What more could you ask?
What should we do?
When people do bad things with words, do we take those away? Or when they abuse their religion? When people blah blah blah
Your pandoras box is a circle jerk for fools
And that was totally a mock.

I said Thoughts and Prayers
What more could those kids ask for?

They are not the first, won't be the last
Small price to pay for a second amendment
NO, repealing of the second amendment would have stop this.... Giving the a way your freedom because of a twisted kid is wrong. Perhaps we need to look at the seriously sick culture of the regressive left that has created these kids.
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Looks like I will have to get my thoughts and prayers together and than God we have a second amendment

Seriously couldn't you wait till the blood drys before you start mocking?

No mock
Just tired of it

We didn't do anything after Sandy Hook and Vegas........why should we care now?
Thoughts and prayers.....Thoughts and Prayers

What more could you ask?

Obviously what is needed is a thorough study of what moivates these students that decide to kill their fellow students and try and remedy it aka bullying ...many past shooter have been victims of bullying. Teachers should be trained to be on the lookout for bullying activity and take the appropriate action before it goes too far...bullying should not be tolerated.

Or we could have strong gun control like every sane nation. It has proven to work.
when? the UK is rampant with rape and murder . rape and murder is going down in the USA

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