There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

Its not stupid. It if became a norm, materials and knowledge would be more accessible. Hek, we have books that show how to make bombs out of 3 ingredients.
I agree with the last part. Banning guns and ammo is fucking retarded. It wont do anything.
To get started, you have to have somewhere to start. Where is that starting position?
Banning guns and ammo is fucking retarded.
That's not what I said. I said it is only part of the answer. And I didn't say all guns and ammo. Just AR-15 type rifles and high capacity magazines would be a big help. There is no justification for civilian ownership of that type of gun. It has turned our streets, our schools, our movie theaters and churches into a war zone, because it is a gun designed to kill as many humans as possible as quickly as possible.
You wont fix a goddamn thing with critical thinking skills of a fucking pre-K student.
The Constitution doesn't say what type of weapons are allowed. Speech which can be harmful to others is legally, constitutionally, banned. Why can't certain types of "arms" be banned as well?
Really, TN, I expected plenty of name calling today, but not from you.
It doesnt have to. Its very specific. The right to bear arms shall not be infringed. Its not my fault if you cant read.
Please show me what words are banned in the COTUS :rolleyes:
And i wouldnt have judge your lack of critical thinking if this wasnt just a bunch of knee jerk bullshit that we go through every fucking time.
Get the states to change our constitution or STFU
Put me on iggy. I'm not shutting up for you or anyone else.
But I won't be listening to anymore of your horseshit.
Im just asking you to THINK and not react. Sorry if thats too complicated or it hurts your sensitivities.
Screaming, banning, regulating and punishing 99% of the country wont get us anywhere. But at least you will have a reason to continue bitching :thup:
Think about this. The NRA & dumbass Trumpettes want to pass out silencers & make concealed carry permits no longer needed.

How many of more of those school students would be dead if the shooter utilized a silencer?

Hundred? Two Hundred?

Yet this is what the NRA & the stupid Trumpettes want.

Pass out guns at the door, rig them with silencers & if a shooter enters the building, we can have 1800 untrained idiots armed to the teeth. That is the NRA plan.
He shot them as they ran out out into the hallway, dumbfuck
This is what i mean by ignorant mfers reacting and not thinking. A silencer, if anything, would have put his aim off.
News conference-
FBI said they did receive a report to investigate a commenter on YouTube regarding his wanting to shoot up a school, which was the shooter, but never identified who he was.
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News conference: broward north-doctors said 9 received, 1 was shooter, 3 released, 2 deceased, 1critical, 1 stable and one doing well.

Broward main- 7 patients, 2 are critical, 5 released unstable condition.
This is how I feel after reading this whole thread:

"If more guns really made you safer, America would be one of the safest places in the world. As it is seven children or teenagers are shot dead on average every day."
Looks like I will have to get my thoughts and prayers together and than God we have a second amendment

Seriously couldn't you wait till the blood drys before you start mocking?

No mock
Just tired of it

We didn't do anything after Sandy Hook and Vegas........why should we care now?
Thoughts and prayers.....Thoughts and Prayers

What more could you ask?

Happens all the time here. Very rare in countries with strong gun control.

We tolerate it
Shrug...say how bad it is
Offer Thoughts and Prayers

Then wait a month or two for the next slaughter
Don't forget, we light candles, too. And leave flowers on the sidewalk.
Oh yes, let's not forget the sidewalk candles. Shows lots of concern, and should stave off the next attack.

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I am going to speculate this is Islamic terrorism. Parkland Florida has a large Muslim population.
Or you could just wait till we have at least a few facts...

The large Muslim population is a fact.

Your fact sucks donkey dick, 1.05% identify with Islam in Parkland.

Parkland, Florida Religion
Well that basted has properly branded himself as an untrustworthy hack.

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"The left demands compelte background searches and multiple layers of permits and licenses to purchase a firearm but says asking voters to show their driver’s license is racist" - Jack Posobiec
News conference: superintendent yes, we had problems with him, due to privacy issues won’t discuss and said this is a community issue, not just a school issue.

Scott- already spoken with some legislators to get to work on issues regarding school safety, and things must be done now.
I am going to speculate this is Islamic terrorism. Parkland Florida has a large Muslim population.
Or you could just wait till we have at least a few facts...

The large Muslim population is a fact.

Your fact sucks donkey dick, 1.05% identify with Islam in Parkland.

Parkland, Florida Religion
Well that basted has properly branded himself as an untrustworthy hack.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Can't spell bastard?
You can see the concentration of mosques in the immediate area.
Islamic Center in Parkland, FL with Reviews -
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Florida’s Governor is going to continue to make sure Florida’s mass murderers are the best equipped mass murderers in the world.

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