There is no evidence Joe Biden took a bribe.

They are doing something, gathering evidence and witnesses and docs etc.
I heard they filed impeachment papers already, don't know if it is true or not, but a good source says they did.

Twice in fact, and still nothing but talk from your beloved party.
You know the “evidence” doesn’t exist when you can’t find a better source than another USMB thread.
Name your sources and I'll show where they were always wrong about every scandal, then name the times I've been wrong about the corruption and scandals as I pointed out from the beginning.. Archives only go back to 2019 on my commentary:
Volkers perjury and involment in treason admitted he knew Biden well and protected him

Look at the 2019 dates of my posts calling Biden compromised:
There is a shitload of evidence
That’s what the right told us about election fraud too but we know that was all bullshit.

Shokin’s firing was investigated. There’s no evidence it was because of a bribe. All the evidence was that Shokin was corrupt.

The laptop has been around for years and we don’t have any evidence of corruption from it.

Bobulinsky hasn’t made any claims of corruption.

No one has seen these supposed tapes.

No one has seen what “the FBI has”.

We’ve seen bank transactions, but that’s not evidence of corruption unless you can tie it to an act that Biden took on behalf of the people who paid him.
We cant impeach him because dems in the Senate will aquit him, we cant indict him because the DOJ wont do that under any circumstance, the FBI is currently stonewalling the entire investigation and they have been for years, and the media refuses to report on any of it.

So you tell me, what possible way is there to get Biden while he is in office?
statute of limitations on bribery is currently 3 years. Did this bribery occur before 2020? On july 1st it will change to 5 years, but its probably not retroactive. The FBI has been well aware of the time limit on bribery.

Also, impeachment is for high crimes that are committed while in office.
Well it’s not like they ran DOJ for 4 year…oh wait.
That's why I blast Bill Barr for not doing his job making removal of corruption harder. I used to support him but then realized he was protecting his friends.
Durham report and past comments shows Barr knew the use of the Russia hoax was a treasonous coup but did nothing about it, and so they doubled down and committed more treasonous acts.
statute of limitations on bribery is currently 3 years. Did this bribery occur before 2020? On july 1st it will change to 5 years, but its probably not retroactive. The FBI has been well aware of the time limit on bribery.

Also, impeachment is for high crimes that are committed while in office.
Bribery is one of the things you can impeach for. Also, i dont believe you are correct about 3 years.

Edit: it was 3 years. Starting July 1st it will become 5 years.

Whats the statute of limitations on tax evasion or money laundering?
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Who cares?

Impeaching him lets the American people see the evidence instead of just hearing about it. That is worth the effort even if the Senate will not convict him.

Why do you not want us to be able to see all this evidence prior to the election?
There is nothing that is going to stop the globalists domination unless killing the corrupted politicians, law enforcement, security and spies in all ways. You are right no Republican voters are going to do that. They screw with their own and are happy proving their virile power. I have been profiled many times in life. If you have not experienced it, you should. I also know what you promote is death due to the expense.
That’s what the right told us about election fraud too but we know that was all bullshit.

Shokin’s firing was investigated. There’s no evidence it was because of a bribe. All the evidence was that Shokin was corrupt.

The laptop has been around for years and we don’t have any evidence of corruption from it.

Bobulinsky hasn’t made any claims of corruption.

No one has seen these supposed tapes.

No one has seen what “the FBI has”.

We’ve seen bank transactions, but that’s not evidence of corruption unless you can tie it to an act that Biden took on behalf of the people who paid him.
Everything about your post is false.
Bobolinsky did point out Biden was getting the cut from Hunter and selling favors, the FBI ignored him to protect their bosses boss.
It was The Left who claimed there was zero election fraud, and they had to retract that to be "not enough to sway election", because THE RIGHT DID FIND ELECTION FRAUD VIOLATIONS, some people got arrested including a mayor.
The argument is not election fraud existing, it's was there enough to sway the election. With all our newer evidence, yes the media was manipulated, the online outlets were manipulated by feds, they manipulated obstructed investigations that swayedcthe election so yes fraud took place and we now know it did sway the election, just your mindcis set on ballots and not the total picture of how it was done. Dick Morris says it was done by Dems setting up Secretary of States to control voting processes and hire the People who process the ballots polling etc. Biden sliped as brain tumor removal people sometimes do (they have no filters) and told us he had an election fraud network in place, this is describing what Dick Morris described and remember he used to help Clinton, so he knows the tricks of the trade and their schemes.
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They had no idea it was happening. We know a shitload now, bit we knew virtually nothing back then.

Trump was making accusations
Accusations that were unfounded….just like now
You arent aware of any evidence that points to bribery?
Go ahead and link to it.

All you have are allegations by desperate Republicans trying to create as much smoke and noise as possible to deflect from their beleaguered Dear Leader.

They have been pulling shit out of their asses for MONTHS and flinging it, and NONE of it has stuck.

They are now scraping the bottom of the barrel with this bribery hoax. It's a last ditch effort to distract from Dear Leader's crimes.

They have produced ZERO evidence.
He said on open TV that he demanded that Shonkin be removed before the US, EU and IMF sent any more aid, because the guy's deputies were caught with houses full of diamonds and foreign currency. Even Republicans like Ron Johnson and Mark Kirk called for Shonkin's removal.

Wrong. Obama followed the historical precedent of NOT endorsing a candidate in the primaries, just like Reagan did in 1988. When Joe got the nomination, Obama got behind him.

Boblinski's word is useless.

None of which is admissible in court, because it's been through too many hands.

What evidence/

What evidence?

You mean the evidence Trump tried to shake them down for.

This would be the same Giuliani who tried to sell pardons in the last days of the Trump administration?

Well, you call it that, because you people are kind of nuts... Meanwhile, the "news sources" you guys like are thing like RT (Russia Times), which really are owned by the Russians, or the Epoch Times, which is owned by the Fulan Gong Cult, or the Washington Times, which is owned by the Moonies.
Not true, you take out the context of that Ukraine prosecutor investigating the very company he got his bribe from. Any claim on that prosecuter coming from corruption is a double negative and has to be scrutinized by a non bias non corrupt source.
And remember your excuse for Biden admiting his quid pro Joe, that's what the left tried to impeach Trump for, wanting to stop Ukraine corruption.-oops busted!
It's taped recording from Burisma!!!
Where is it?

Plus Biden stole classified material and stored them in his garage and in a library where the CCP had easy access
I have asked several members of Trump's cult this question, and none of them have been able to answer since they obviously did not read the indictment. I'm betting you have not, either.

So let's test your knowledge of the case against Trump.

After resisting for over a year, Trump finally voluntarily turned over 197 classified documents he had in his possession, along with several boxes of other government property. Biden turned over ALL the classified documents and government property he had in his possession, and allowed his property to be searched.

With this in mind, is Trump being indicted for possessing any of those 197 classified documents or boxes he voluntarily turned over?
silly they just proved election was stolen just not the way you keep picturing it in ballots. Read my post above, feds fixed the election like I said before the election they would.

Sorry Skippy

But I don’t engage in stolen election fantasies
I haven't seen it. I'm seen some stuff y'all think is proof, but, when the rubber hits the road, it's not.

You know the old saying.....

Put up or shut up!

Show me whatcha got.

Bub...remember when the filthy dems complained Trump sold hamburgers and rented hotel rooms to foreign dignitaries and received bribes that way?

Yet Biden can get paid million undeclared from foreign countries and it does not sound an alarm? C'mon, bub.

trump hitched.jpg

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