"There is no Black or White America, there is the Untied States of America"

Obama's problem is certainly not his race it's that he's a race -baiter, who uses race and ethnic background to divide us for political purposes..Hate is good politics to Obama

The race baiters are the ones who twist every utterance from both the President and the First Lady into a divisive lie.
Obama doesn't need any help ...He's quit good at it. He 's been taking pointers from his race adviser Al sharpton
JROC, I've got a question for you!
The US Jewish population has supported Obama from day 1 of his campaign to be president. Yet, you seem to make a mockery of that Jewish initiative. Obviously, you are not as bright as your Democrat Jewish brethren but you ought to make an effort to find out what made them stick to Obama. You may be compromising something in the best interest of Jews without even knowing it by siding with the White male American Taliban.
Umm... What?.... As i told one of the board clowns here "Stat". 80% of Jews stayed in Egypt, they did not leave during the exodus and were lost to history. were they right? of course not. ill stick with the 20%. i'm probably the least racist person on this board .Can i say the same about you?. No you're just a neither race baiter like the rest of the liberal scum

If you are Jewish, as you seem to demonstrate so graphically, you are likely a recent proselyte. Your "Klanish" responses here on USMB are not typical of Jews I have known and associated with. Your lineage comes from another source; one that puts you in sheer opposition to altruism and brotherly love. No, you are no Jew despite the ostentatious overtures presented as such.

You dodged my question? Have you examined your reasons for not joining the majority of you fellow Jews in supporting Obama?
Tell us how those high cognitive Jewish Democrats are wrong and you, the less cognitively endowed, are so right!

LOL "High cognitive" you're a funny guy you should be a comedian.:slap: Liberal Jews are liberals first. most American Jews live in a bubble and have not had much interaction with people outside of that bubble until later in life. Some would simply like to forget they are Jews and just be like everyone else. Jews gain nothing form siding with the leftist except it makes them feel good. Leftism, communism, socialism have done nothing for Jews. Jews are successful because they do for themselves... Me? I'm a Jew who grow up not around other Jews but around Non-Jews. I partied, slept, ate, hung out with Black people Hispanic people ect... My high school was 70% black. We were all the same, pretty much. Lots thought me mixed race . People are people. Screw you libs and your race baiting bullshit..How do you like my "Jew fro" sexy:lol:

At every opportunity, SB-1070, to Beer Summit, to Trayvon to Ferguson to name a few Obama and his sidekick Holder misused their influence to weigh in on local Racial issues which has inflamed and divided this country without question. Liberals can squeal all they want, they KNOW it's true.

He didn't inflame Racial issues, they were already present.

The biggest difference is that President Obama is willing to talk about them and maybe disrupt the status quo which inflames racists because they like the status quo.
Lol... talk about shit, he uses race to divide he's a pathetic piece of shit
"Only 6% of those surveyed earned their money from inheritance alone. 69% earned their wealth mostly by trading time and effort for money, or by “working." '

Most Wealthy Individuals Earned Not Inherited Their Wealth - Forbes

According to Thomas J. Stanley's book, "The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy," only 20% of millionaires inherited their riches. The other 80% are what you'd call nouveau riche: first-generation millionaires who earned their cash on their own. Many millionaires simply worked, saved, and lived within their means to generate their wealth -- think accountants and managers: regular people going to work every day. Most millionaires didn't get their riches overnight when a rich relative died -- they worked for the money.

7 Millionaire Myths - Yahoo Finance

Anything else you want to feel really stupid about?
So the bar as to what is wealthy is lowered? So these people didn't come from wealthy parent or family? If a millionaire has a son who also becomes a millionaire...does that really mean they moved up or maintained the same?

Read the post ---- read the references.

Don't deflect -- you clearly challenged the idea that most 'rich' people EARN their money - and you have been summarily dismissed.
Obama calls people who make $200,00 a year rich, while politicians like him rake in millions. Bill and Hillary 135 million and counting. It's good to be part of the political class.
Obama and Hillary are willing to pay higher taxes on wealth

Actually, they aren't - thus, the non-profit 'foundation'.

Liberal like their own rich people, especially those who get rich off "serving the publi" ...LOL "right winger" is a dumb ass, incapable of discussion with his own thoughts. He just throws out talking points fed to him from the left:eusa_clap:
So the bar as to what is wealthy is lowered? So these people didn't come from wealthy parent or family? If a millionaire has a son who also becomes a millionaire...does that really mean they moved up or maintained the same?

Read the post ---- read the references.

Don't deflect -- you clearly challenged the idea that most 'rich' people EARN their money - and you have been summarily dismissed.
Obama calls people who make $200,00 a year rich, while politicians like him rake in millions. Bill and Hillary 135 million and counting. It's good to be part of the political class.
Obama and Hillary are willing to pay higher taxes on wealth

Actually, they aren't - thus, the non-profit 'foundation'.

Liberal like their own rich people, especially those who get rich off "serving the publi" ...LOL "right winger" is a dumb ass, incapable of discussion with his own thoughts. He just throws out talking points fed to him from the left:eusa_clap:

Liberals like people who espouse liberal policies. Their personal wealth is not at issue.
Read the post ---- read the references.

Don't deflect -- you clearly challenged the idea that most 'rich' people EARN their money - and you have been summarily dismissed.
Obama calls people who make $200,00 a year rich, while politicians like him rake in millions. Bill and Hillary 135 million and counting. It's good to be part of the political class.
Obama and Hillary are willing to pay higher taxes on wealth

Actually, they aren't - thus, the non-profit 'foundation'.

Liberal like their own rich people, especially those who get rich off "serving the publi" ...LOL "right winger" is a dumb ass, incapable of discussion with his own thoughts. He just throws out talking points fed to him from the left:eusa_clap:

Liberals like people who espouse liberal policies. Their personal wealth is not at issue.
LOL.... 135 million and counting. we all haft to sacrifice for our country:eusa_boohoo:
Obama calls people who make $200,00 a year rich, while politicians like him rake in millions. Bill and Hillary 135 million and counting. It's good to be part of the political class.
Obama and Hillary are willing to pay higher taxes on wealth

Actually, they aren't - thus, the non-profit 'foundation'.

Liberal like their own rich people, especially those who get rich off "serving the publi" ...LOL "right winger" is a dumb ass, incapable of discussion with his own thoughts. He just throws out talking points fed to him from the left:eusa_clap:

Liberals like people who espouse liberal policies. Their personal wealth is not at issue.
LOL.... 135 million and counting. we all haft to sacrifice for our country:eusa_boohoo:

Not you though.
Obama and Hillary are willing to pay higher taxes on wealth

Actually, they aren't - thus, the non-profit 'foundation'.

Liberal like their own rich people, especially those who get rich off "serving the publi" ...LOL "right winger" is a dumb ass, incapable of discussion with his own thoughts. He just throws out talking points fed to him from the left:eusa_clap:

Liberals like people who espouse liberal policies. Their personal wealth is not at issue.
LOL.... 135 million and counting. we all haft to sacrifice for our country:eusa_boohoo:

Not you though.
of course not leftism is a cancer on society and this country..People like Obama divide people for his own political gain. RINO republicans fall right in line as well
Actually, they aren't - thus, the non-profit 'foundation'.

Liberal like their own rich people, especially those who get rich off "serving the publi" ...LOL "right winger" is a dumb ass, incapable of discussion with his own thoughts. He just throws out talking points fed to him from the left:eusa_clap:

Liberals like people who espouse liberal policies. Their personal wealth is not at issue.
LOL.... 135 million and counting. we all haft to sacrifice for our country:eusa_boohoo:

Not you though.
of course not leftism is a cancer on society and this country..People like Obama divide people for his own political gain. RINO republicans fall right in line as well

Sure, he's totally trying to divide cake bakers from homosexuals because that makes sense.
LOL "High cognitive" you're a funny guy you should be a comedian.:slap: Liberal Jews are liberals first. most American Jews live in a bubble and have not had much interaction with people outside of that bubble until later in life. Some would simply like to forget they are Jews and just be like everyone else. Jews gain nothing form siding with the leftist except it makes them feel good. Leftism, communism, socialism have done nothing for Jews. Jews are successful because they do for themselves... Me? I'm a Jew who grow up not around other Jews but around Non-Jews. I partied, slept, ate, hung out with Black people Hispanic people ect... My high school was 70% black. We were all the same, pretty much. Lots thought me mixed race . People are people. Screw you libs and your race baiting bullshit..

You have been seduced by secular materialism. Being a fiscal conservative is one thing but being a social conservative is another.
Actually, though, those "liberal" or "conservative " tags are meaningless since every individual is a mixture of both. A political inclination on one issue or another does not make one liberal or conservative.

The pertinent question is why did most Jews join the coalition of Blacks , White women, Asians and Hispanics in supporting Obama? The Democrat platform, obviously has some appeal to those groups that it doesn't for most White males. If that is the "divide" hinted at by the op you are fomenting a warped brand of misinformation.
JROC said:
Obama's problem is certainly not his race it's that he's a race -baiter, who uses race and ethnic background to divide us for political purposes..Hate is good politics to Obama

Obama has , probably unconsciously,been a symbol of change for millions of people who have been burned over and over again by capitalist greed and corporate theft. The Democrats, ostensibly, are the only alternative in modern times. Obama's election showed cohesion, not divisiveness. Bitter, frustrated White males, sensing a loss of power and White privilege, aligned with the opposition. Your claims are spurious, to say the least.
LOL "High cognitive" you're a funny guy you should be a comedian.:slap: Liberal Jews are liberals first. most American Jews live in a bubble and have not had much interaction with people outside of that bubble until later in life. Some would simply like to forget they are Jews and just be like everyone else. Jews gain nothing form siding with the leftist except it makes them feel good. Leftism, communism, socialism have done nothing for Jews. Jews are successful because they do for themselves... Me? I'm a Jew who grow up not around other Jews but around Non-Jews. I partied, slept, ate, hung out with Black people Hispanic people ect... My high school was 70% black. We were all the same, pretty much. Lots thought me mixed race . People are people. Screw you libs and your race baiting bullshit..

You have been seduced by secular materialism. Being a fiscal conservative is one thing but being a social conservative is another.
Actually, though, those "liberal" or "conservative " tags are meaningless since every individual is a mixture of both. A political inclination on one issue or another does not make one liberal or conservative.

The pertinent question is why did most Jews join the coalition of Blacks , White women, Asians and Hispanics in supporting Obama? The Democrat platform, obviously has some appeal to those groups that it doesn't for most White males. If that is the "divide" hinted at by the op you are fomenting a warped brand of misinformation.
JROC said:
Obama's problem is certainly not his race it's that he's a race -baiter, who uses race and ethnic background to divide us for political purposes..Hate is good politics to Obama
Obama has , probably unconsciously,been a symbol of change for millions of people who have been burned over and over again by capitalist greed and corporate theft. The Democrats, ostensibly, are the only alternative in modern times. Obama's election showed cohesion, not divisiveness. Bitter, frustrated White males, sensing a loss of power and White privilege, aligned with the opposition. Your claims are spurious, to say the least.

No offense, but i think you're bit full of yourself... "capitalist geed"?... LOL Capitalism has pulled more people out of poverty than any other system in the history of the world and Obama certainly is pro crony capitalism which i detest. Obama, the Clinton,s Al Gore, ect. are some of the most materialistic people you will find in this country. "Corporate theft" LOL.... Corporations are people's investments workers ect.. they are not evil, as only actual human beings can be evil, not entities.,but like i said, I deplore the "crony capitalist" which is why we need a smaller less powerful government. Liberty is a good thing. We don't "smart people" in Washington telling us what's good for us. "White privilege, what power" WTF? That's ignorant shit really,stupid talking points. It doesn't take a genius to spew out stupid talking points designed to divide the American people along racial lines. People are flocking to this country for a reason. and a lot of them come here with nothing and do very well for themselves. So why don't you leftist stop telling Black people they cant make it because of white privilege. You're spewing hate that is not true.:thup:
No offense, but i think you're bit full of yourself... "capitalist geed"?... LOL Capitalism has pulled more people out of poverty than any other system in the history of the world
No offense taken, Maybe I am a bit confident in my views. I'm sure that "capitalist greed" provided the backdrop for generating enormous wealth for some but without leftists (the workers) organizing and initiating Unions to bargain collectively with management, or to lobby for them in Washnigton...the poverty rates would be astronomical in this country. Redistribution of wealth has played a major part in forcing corporations to create a middle class!

"Corporate theft" LOL.... Corporations are people's investments workers ect.. they are not evil, as only actual human beings can be evil, not entities.
But wait! Wasn't that a campaign issue in 2012? One of Mitt Romney's major talking points on the GOP side was that corporations were people. You don't agree with your republican fellows on that issue , or so it seems.

I deplore the "crony capitalist" which is why we need a smaller less powerful government.
Crony capitalism didn't just start now. Its been around for a long time.

I don't think making the government smaller is going to stop crony capitalism at all but tell me how you think it will.
A smaller federal government would be disastrous for minorities, women, clean air and water.

Liberty is a good thing. We don't "smart people" in Washington telling us what's good for us.
I don't mind them suggesting what is good for us. I don't want them legislating what they think is good for us without a general public referendum.

White privilege, what power" WTF? That's ignorant shit really,stupid talking points. It doesn't take a genius to spew out stupid talking points designed to divide the American people along racial lines.

That's the well worn road taken by rightists who can't explain how Obama is supposedly dividing the American people along racial lines when many of his supporters are White women, Jewish, or white Union members. You can call it stupid if you wish but you look silly doing so.

People are flocking to this country for a reason. and a lot of them come here with nothing and do very well for themselves.
And once they've got what they wanted, many head back to their home countries.

So why don't you leftist stop telling Black people they cant make it because of white privilege. You're spewing hate that is not true.:thup:

Let me set you straight. Leftists, who ever they are, aren't talking about White privilege holding Blacks back. If they are talking about it at all its about how White males wish they had it back.
No offense, but i think you're bit full of yourself... "capitalist geed"?... LOL Capitalism has pulled more people out of poverty than any other system in the history of the world
No offense taken, Maybe I am a bit confident in my views. I'm sure that "capitalist greed" provided the backdrop for generating enormous wealth for some but without leftists (the workers) organizing and initiating Unions to bargain collectively with management, or to lobby for them in Washnigton...the poverty rates would be astronomical in this country. Redistribution of wealth has played a major part in forcing corporations to create a middle class!

"Corporate theft" LOL.... Corporations are people's investments workers ect.. they are not evil, as only actual human beings can be evil, not entities.
But wait! Wasn't that a campaign issue in 2012? One of Mitt Romney's major talking points on the GOP side was that corporations were people. You don't agree with your republican fellows on that issue , or so it seems.

I deplore the "crony capitalist" which is why we need a smaller less powerful government.
Crony capitalism didn't just start now. Its been around for a long time.

I don't think making the government smaller is going to stop crony capitalism at all but tell me how you think it will.
A smaller federal government would be disastrous for minorities, women, clean air and water.

Liberty is a good thing. We don't "smart people" in Washington telling us what's good for us.
I don't mind them suggesting what is good for us. I don't want them legislating what they think is good for us without a general public referendum.

White privilege, what power" WTF? That's ignorant shit really,stupid talking points. It doesn't take a genius to spew out stupid talking points designed to divide the American people along racial lines.

That's the well worn road taken by rightists who can't explain how Obama is supposedly dividing the American people along racial lines when many of his supporters are White women, Jewish, or white Union members. You can call it stupid if you wish but you look silly doing so.

People are flocking to this country for a reason. and a lot of them come here with nothing and do very well for themselves.
And once they've got what they wanted, many head back to their home countries.

So why don't you leftist stop telling Black people they cant make it because of white privilege. You're spewing hate that is not true.:thup:

Let me set you straight. Leftists, who ever they are, aren't talking about White privilege holding Blacks back. If they are talking about it at all its about how White males wish they had it back.

Look, back to the topic... Obama uses race to divide. Liberals in general teach anti Americanism, they like people mad, that way the federal government can came in and "fix things." Obama doesn't say much about all the inner city black killing each either, because it doesn't play into him narrative. The leftist anti American bullshit is no better than the white supremacist bullshit. They want people angry, they like people angry. People come here from all over the world and make it here. they become productive members of our society. They don't look for reasons why they cant make it. legal immigration is a good thing. American leftist focus on race. not real conservatives and it's pathetic. An American is an American. Just like Obama said in his speech. So you disagree with the 2004 Obama as well I got you....The rest of your comments are easily refuted but then we get way off topic....Politicians get rich off of cronyism. Tax reform and cutting out special deals takes care of a lot of the cronyism. Obama said he was for tax reform but all he pushed was stupid tax credits, and more special deals.

Obama fanning the flames...

Riots and dead cops are happening in part because of the Obama administration liberals love the chaos
Look, back to the topic... Obama uses race to divide. Liberals in general teach anti Americanism, they like people mad, that way the federal government can came in and "fix things." Obama doesn't say much about all the inner city black killing each either, because it doesn't play into him narrative. The leftist anti American bullshit is no better than the white supremacist bullshit. They want people angry, they like people angry. People come here from all over the world and make it here. they become productive members of our society. They don't look for reasons why they cant make it. legal immigration is a good thing. American leftist focus on race. not real conservatives and it's pathetic. An American is an American. Just like Obama said in his speech. So you disagree with the 2004 Obama as well I got you....The rest of your comments are easily refuted but then we get way off topic....Politicians get rich off of cronyism. Tax reform and cutting out special deals takes care of a lot of the cronyism. Obama said he was for tax reform but all he pushed was stupid tax credits, and more special deals.

I never left the topic. You did. I merely multi-quoted some of your statements and responded to them.When you make outlandish statements without links or sources to support them be prepared to get called on it. You aren't prepared are you? Thus, the deflection from having to answer my responses to your quoted narratives. Take the statement you made below, highlighted in red. That statement is pure hyperbole. You don't have a clue as to whether it is true or not; but, thats what the right wing talking heads are saying and you, without question, go right along with them. In your case wooly hair may be be a sign of the sheep in you!

Riots and dead cops are happening in part because of the Obama administration liberals love the chaos
What should he have done differently?
Not hire Al Sharpton as a "race adviser" Today Obama blamed Slavery and Jim Crow for riots? WTF?

If I were President and wanted to be racially uniting, the first thing I'd do is ban Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and their ilk from the White House. Those miserable bastards have no interest whatsoever in healing racial issues, because they'd lose their meal ticket.
What should he have done differently?
Not hire Al Sharpton as a "race adviser" Today Obama blamed Slavery and Jim Crow for riots? WTF?

I think today's racial issues have a basis in slavery and Jim Crow as well as many other aspects of our past. Do we not have a representative democracy today because we struggled under another government? The past helps craft our future, it's a part of us.

You have people (way more than healthy) on this board who day after day go on these racial tears. The victimized whites. I tell ya', if you can't make it in America because you are white, you really suck at life.

Oh, you "think" that, do you? WHY do you think that? Just because it sounds good? Have you any definitive proof linking today's racial problems directly back to slavery and Jim Crow?
What happened? Obama must have been lying in this speech. He has divided us more so than any president in recent history. it's sad to say that the first mixed race president has been so bad for race relations. He could have actually been the great uniter, instead he chose the opposite. What a waste:(

Instead he chose the truth, and many Whites hate the truth.

I would say that Obama wouldn't recognize the truth if it bit him, except that no one could so consistently state the opposite of the truth by accident.
Look, back to the topic... Obama uses race to divide. Liberals in general teach anti Americanism, they like people mad, that way the federal government can came in and "fix things." Obama doesn't say much about all the inner city black killing each either, because it doesn't play into him narrative. The leftist anti American bullshit is no better than the white supremacist bullshit. They want people angry, they like people angry. People come here from all over the world and make it here. they become productive members of our society. They don't look for reasons why they cant make it. legal immigration is a good thing. American leftist focus on race. not real conservatives and it's pathetic. An American is an American. Just like Obama said in his speech. So you disagree with the 2004 Obama as well I got you....The rest of your comments are easily refuted but then we get way off topic....Politicians get rich off of cronyism. Tax reform and cutting out special deals takes care of a lot of the cronyism. Obama said he was for tax reform but all he pushed was stupid tax credits, and more special deals.

I never left the topic. You did. I merely multi-quoted some of your statements and responded to them.When you make outlandish statements without links or sources to support them be prepared to get called on it. You aren't prepared are you? Thus, the deflection from having to answer my responses to your quoted narratives. Take the statement you made below, highlighted in red. That statement is pure hyperbole. You don't have a clue as to whether it is true or not; but, thats what the right wing talking heads are saying and you, without question, go right along with them. In your case wooly hair may be be a sign of the sheep in you!

Riots and dead cops are happening in part because of the Obama administration liberals love the chaos
Obama is not a help anybody can see it unless you're blind. I'll tell you what i do see here in Detroit. Blacks slaughtering other blacks. babies, children, old women. ect..What i don't see is Obama confronting this, he's too busy fanning the flames of racism for political gain:thup:

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