"There is no Black or White America, there is the Untied States of America"

I wouldn't call him anything...just as I don't like people referring to me as "the white guy over there"

But that aside....race hustlers don't have to be black. I know many people that are not black that look for racism even where racism does not exist.

Heck, my sister called me a racist for not voting for Obama....even though she knew that I was a conservative for the last 35 years of my life.

Do you think Stephanie would be using terms like "Race Hustler" if Obama were white?

I guess that would depend on whether or not he's capitalizing off of racial divisiveness.

Sure it would. Obama mentions race, or god forbid says something conservatives don't like, you are unable to just disagree but have to call him a "race hustler".

Oh, please. "Obama MENTIONS race"? Be serious.
Pick whom? The black leaders I would consult if I were President? I'm pretty sure the circumstances of that hypothetical mean that I DO get to pick 'em.

The black leaders you would pick have little to nothing to do with the black community. In other words, they don't speak for them. So, you'd get absolutely nowhere.

Are you black, Chuckles? No? Then who the fuck are you to tell any black person they're not part of the black community and have nothing to do with them? When were YOU elected Grand High Arbiter of the Black Community, and where do those poor bastards go to impeach your sorry ass? And even if you DO happen to be black, the same question really applies.

I'm not telling them that. They are telling me. Which one of those people you named has a lot of support in the black community? Would anyone of them be able to get even 20% of their vote? Please.

I'm quite sure that you think the purveyors of "Blacks are all angry, ignorant criminals who need to be taken care of by Big Momma Government" speak for the black community to YOU, because you're a bigot who believes that about blacks. I, however, think they are people with the same potential as anyone else, and those black people who advocate that position speak for the black community to ME.

No, I don't think all blacks are angry or ignorant criminals. I don't think our social safety net was created with any specific race in mind.

What really matters is that it's past time we stopped worrying about who claims to speak FOR the black community, and thought more about who can speak TO them, and show them the way to a better life. You really think Al "Tawana Brawley Hoax" Sharpton is that man?

You think the black community just needs a talking to and they don't need any representation? And you want to insinuate that I'm racist?

"I, I, I". Like most leftists, you think everything revolves around you. We are not talking about you, except that I did ask if you were black. That's the one thing you DIDN'T tell me.

I'm telling you what I think. So, yeah...I'm going to say "I", just like you. Anyway, you don't want the black community to be represented because you don't like their leaders, I think they get to make that decision for themselves.

As for "get their votes", how did Jesse Jackson do, running for President? How do you think Al Sharpton would do? I don't recall anyone choosing THEM as spokespeople for the black community, other than the leftist media and racist shits like you.

Jesse Jackson in the 1988 primary received at least 70% of the black vote in every state he ran and more often than not it was in the 90s. What is your point?

I'm quite sure you think the social safety net was created for ALL the ignorant peons that the benevolent leftist elite needs to spoonfeed, but that doesn't negate the fact that you're a bigot who views blacks as different simply because they're black. Don't even bother trying to tell me otherwise, because you and I can both see what you are, and YOU are the only one with a vested interest in your delusions.

No, I don't think the social savety net was created for "all the ignorant peons", if I did then I would make the claim that welfare was custom made for you as I think you have a touch of the dense as you are obviously relying on silly stereotypes about liberals.

I'm not sure what I've said where I'm bigoted towards blacks. Maybe you could point that out. Where we differ it seems is that I think the black community is capable of finding it's own leaders and you think they just need a talking to. How am I the racist in that equation?

Delusion, delusion, delusion. We're done.
Do you think Stephanie would be using terms like "Race Hustler" if Obama were white?

I guess that would depend on whether or not he's capitalizing off of racial divisiveness.

Sure it would. Obama mentions race, or god forbid says something conservatives don't like, you are unable to just disagree but have to call him a "race hustler".

Oh, please. "Obama MENTIONS race"? Be serious.
The black leaders you would pick have little to nothing to do with the black community. In other words, they don't speak for them. So, you'd get absolutely nowhere.

Are you black, Chuckles? No? Then who the fuck are you to tell any black person they're not part of the black community and have nothing to do with them? When were YOU elected Grand High Arbiter of the Black Community, and where do those poor bastards go to impeach your sorry ass? And even if you DO happen to be black, the same question really applies.

I'm not telling them that. They are telling me. Which one of those people you named has a lot of support in the black community? Would anyone of them be able to get even 20% of their vote? Please.

I'm quite sure that you think the purveyors of "Blacks are all angry, ignorant criminals who need to be taken care of by Big Momma Government" speak for the black community to YOU, because you're a bigot who believes that about blacks. I, however, think they are people with the same potential as anyone else, and those black people who advocate that position speak for the black community to ME.

No, I don't think all blacks are angry or ignorant criminals. I don't think our social safety net was created with any specific race in mind.

What really matters is that it's past time we stopped worrying about who claims to speak FOR the black community, and thought more about who can speak TO them, and show them the way to a better life. You really think Al "Tawana Brawley Hoax" Sharpton is that man?

You think the black community just needs a talking to and they don't need any representation? And you want to insinuate that I'm racist?

"I, I, I". Like most leftists, you think everything revolves around you. We are not talking about you, except that I did ask if you were black. That's the one thing you DIDN'T tell me.

I'm telling you what I think. So, yeah...I'm going to say "I", just like you. Anyway, you don't want the black community to be represented because you don't like their leaders, I think they get to make that decision for themselves.

As for "get their votes", how did Jesse Jackson do, running for President? How do you think Al Sharpton would do? I don't recall anyone choosing THEM as spokespeople for the black community, other than the leftist media and racist shits like you.

Jesse Jackson in the 1988 primary received at least 70% of the black vote in every state he ran and more often than not it was in the 90s. What is your point?

I'm quite sure you think the social safety net was created for ALL the ignorant peons that the benevolent leftist elite needs to spoonfeed, but that doesn't negate the fact that you're a bigot who views blacks as different simply because they're black. Don't even bother trying to tell me otherwise, because you and I can both see what you are, and YOU are the only one with a vested interest in your delusions.

No, I don't think the social savety net was created for "all the ignorant peons", if I did then I would make the claim that welfare was custom made for you as I think you have a touch of the dense as you are obviously relying on silly stereotypes about liberals.

I'm not sure what I've said where I'm bigoted towards blacks. Maybe you could point that out. Where we differ it seems is that I think the black community is capable of finding it's own leaders and you think they just need a talking to. How am I the racist in that equation?

Delusion, delusion, delusion. We're done.

Of course we are, you've been picked apart.
Look, back to the topic... Obama uses race to divide. Liberals in general teach anti Americanism, they like people mad, that way the federal government can came in and "fix things." Obama doesn't say much about all the inner city black killing each either, because it doesn't play into him narrative. The leftist anti American bullshit is no better than the white supremacist bullshit. They want people angry, they like people angry. People come here from all over the world and make it here. they become productive members of our society. They don't look for reasons why they cant make it. legal immigration is a good thing. American leftist focus on race. not real conservatives and it's pathetic. An American is an American. Just like Obama said in his speech. So you disagree with the 2004 Obama as well I got you....The rest of your comments are easily refuted but then we get way off topic....Politicians get rich off of cronyism. Tax reform and cutting out special deals takes care of a lot of the cronyism. Obama said he was for tax reform but all he pushed was stupid tax credits, and more special deals.

I never left the topic. You did. I merely multi-quoted some of your statements and responded to them.When you make outlandish statements without links or sources to support them be prepared to get called on it. You aren't prepared are you? Thus, the deflection from having to answer my responses to your quoted narratives. Take the statement you made below, highlighted in red. That statement is pure hyperbole. You don't have a clue as to whether it is true or not; but, thats what the right wing talking heads are saying and you, without question, go right along with them. In your case wooly hair may be be a sign of the sheep in you!

Riots and dead cops are happening in part because of the Obama administration liberals love the chaos
Obama is not a help anybody can see it unless you're blind. I'll tell you what i do see here in Detroit. Blacks slaughtering other blacks. babies, children, old women. ect..What i don't see is Obama confronting this, he's too busy fanning the flames of racism for political gain:thup:
Your entire litany of synopses has been naught but a series of conjectural forays based on unsubstantiated drivel. There is no need for serious debaters to continue here. Your interest in this conversation amounts to little more than keeping your dismal op alive.
Your entire litany of synopses has been naught but a series of conjectural forays based on unsubstantiated drivel. There is no need for serious debaters to continue here. Your interest in this conversation amounts to little more than keeping your dismal op alive.

How many words of that post of yours did you have to look up in the dictionary? No sir, you still aren't smart, but you are still a liberal.
Your entire litany of synopses has been naught but a series of conjectural forays based on unsubstantiated drivel. There is no need for serious debaters to continue here. Your interest in this conversation amounts to little more than keeping your dismal op alive.

How many words of that post of yours did you have to look up in the dictionary? No sir, you still aren't smart, but you are still a liberal.
Hi, Temp! Glad you liked my post!. And ,If I'm a "liberal" by your definition, I must be saying or doing something correct.
BTW, did you look up the big words. I didn't have to. First you have to know those words exist and what those words mean BEFORE you can use them correctly in a sentence. That means I am smart enough to do that!
Your entire litany of synopses has been naught but a series of conjectural forays based on unsubstantiated drivel. There is no need for serious debaters to continue here. Your interest in this conversation amounts to little more than keeping your dismal op alive.

How many words of that post of yours did you have to look up in the dictionary? No sir, you still aren't smart, but you are still a liberal.
Hi, Temp! Glad you liked my post!. And ,If I'm a "liberal" by your definition, I must be saying or doing something correct.
BTW, did you look up the big words. I didn't have to. First you have to know those words exist and what those words mean BEFORE you can use them correctly in a sentence. That means I am smart enough to do that!

You're cute when you talk down to people. Of all of the people qualified to lecture me on the English language, you are by far the least. I don't need to look up the big words, I know the big words.

And, for the record, you should be smart enough to know when you've had your ass kicked in a debate. Fare thee well my maladroit friend.
Your entire litany of synopses has been naught but a series of conjectural forays based on unsubstantiated drivel. There is no need for serious debaters to continue here. Your interest in this conversation amounts to little more than keeping your dismal op alive.

How many words of that post of yours did you have to look up in the dictionary? No sir, you still aren't smart, but you are still a liberal.
Hi, Temp! Glad you liked my post!. And ,If I'm a "liberal" by your definition, I must be saying or doing something correct.
BTW, did you look up the big words. I didn't have to. First you have to know those words exist and what those words mean BEFORE you can use them correctly in a sentence. That means I am smart enough to do that!

You're cute when you talk down to people. Of all of the people qualified to lecture me on the English language, you are by far the least. I don't need to look up the big words, I know the big words.

And, for the record, you should be smart enough to know when you've had your ass kicked in a debate. Fare thee well my maladroit friend.

Obviously, you are NOT smart enough to know when you've had your arse kicked in a debate. And that pathetic 9 letter word "maladroit" is hardly a term equaling the simpler one that describes you: moron!
Your entire litany of synopses has been naught but a series of conjectural forays based on unsubstantiated drivel. There is no need for serious debaters to continue here. Your interest in this conversation amounts to little more than keeping your dismal op alive.

How many words of that post of yours did you have to look up in the dictionary? No sir, you still aren't smart, but you are still a liberal.
Hi, Temp! Glad you liked my post!. And ,If I'm a "liberal" by your definition, I must be saying or doing something correct.
BTW, did you look up the big words. I didn't have to. First you have to know those words exist and what those words mean BEFORE you can use them correctly in a sentence. That means I am smart enough to do that!

You're cute when you talk down to people. Of all of the people qualified to lecture me on the English language, you are by far the least. I don't need to look up the big words, I know the big words.

And, for the record, you should be smart enough to know when you've had your ass kicked in a debate. Fare thee well my maladroit friend.

Obviously, you are NOT smart enough to know when you've had your arse kicked in a debate. And that pathetic 9 letter word "maladroit" is hardly a term equaling the simpler one that describes you: moron!

Are you looking for a fellow moron to pal around with? I'm sorry but you're out of luck, you've come to the wrong place. Princess Moron is in another castle!
Look, back to the topic... Obama uses race to divide. Liberals in general teach anti Americanism, they like people mad, that way the federal government can came in and "fix things." Obama doesn't say much about all the inner city black killing each either, because it doesn't play into him narrative. The leftist anti American bullshit is no better than the white supremacist bullshit. They want people angry, they like people angry. People come here from all over the world and make it here. they become productive members of our society. They don't look for reasons why they cant make it. legal immigration is a good thing. American leftist focus on race. not real conservatives and it's pathetic. An American is an American. Just like Obama said in his speech. So you disagree with the 2004 Obama as well I got you....The rest of your comments are easily refuted but then we get way off topic....Politicians get rich off of cronyism. Tax reform and cutting out special deals takes care of a lot of the cronyism. Obama said he was for tax reform but all he pushed was stupid tax credits, and more special deals.

I never left the topic. You did. I merely multi-quoted some of your statements and responded to them.When you make outlandish statements without links or sources to support them be prepared to get called on it. You aren't prepared are you? Thus, the deflection from having to answer my responses to your quoted narratives. Take the statement you made below, highlighted in red. That statement is pure hyperbole. You don't have a clue as to whether it is true or not; but, thats what the right wing talking heads are saying and you, without question, go right along with them. In your case wooly hair may be be a sign of the sheep in you!

Riots and dead cops are happening in part because of the Obama administration liberals love the chaos
Obama is not a help anybody can see it unless you're blind. I'll tell you what i do see here in Detroit. Blacks slaughtering other blacks. babies, children, old women. ect..What i don't see is Obama confronting this, he's too busy fanning the flames of racism for political gain:thup:
Your entire litany of synopses has been naught but a series of conjectural forays based on unsubstantiated drivel. There is no need for serious debaters to continue here. Your interest in this conversation amounts to little more than keeping your dismal op alive.

Coming from a person tells who me, a Jew, what I'm supposed to think simply because I'm a Jew. That says all we need to know about you leftist and your group think. You have no original thoughts, no more than the rest of these leftist here. Obama has done nothing for black Americans, zero. Poor black are worst off today than before he became president. I don't don't seem to remember having riots during the Bush administration, and have Al Sharpton in the White House is akin to George Bush having a white supremacist leader there.
Look, back to the topic... Obama uses race to divide. Liberals in general teach anti Americanism, they like people mad, that way the federal government can came in and "fix things." Obama doesn't say much about all the inner city black killing each either, because it doesn't play into him narrative. The leftist anti American bullshit is no better than the white supremacist bullshit. They want people angry, they like people angry. People come here from all over the world and make it here. they become productive members of our society. They don't look for reasons why they cant make it. legal immigration is a good thing. American leftist focus on race. not real conservatives and it's pathetic. An American is an American. Just like Obama said in his speech. So you disagree with the 2004 Obama as well I got you....The rest of your comments are easily refuted but then we get way off topic....Politicians get rich off of cronyism. Tax reform and cutting out special deals takes care of a lot of the cronyism. Obama said he was for tax reform but all he pushed was stupid tax credits, and more special deals.

I never left the topic. You did. I merely multi-quoted some of your statements and responded to them.When you make outlandish statements without links or sources to support them be prepared to get called on it. You aren't prepared are you? Thus, the deflection from having to answer my responses to your quoted narratives. Take the statement you made below, highlighted in red. That statement is pure hyperbole. You don't have a clue as to whether it is true or not; but, thats what the right wing talking heads are saying and you, without question, go right along with them. In your case wooly hair may be be a sign of the sheep in you!

Riots and dead cops are happening in part because of the Obama administration liberals love the chaos
Obama is not a help anybody can see it unless you're blind. I'll tell you what i do see here in Detroit. Blacks slaughtering other blacks. babies, children, old women. ect..What i don't see is Obama confronting this, he's too busy fanning the flames of racism for political gain:thup:
Your entire litany of synopses has been naught but a series of conjectural forays based on unsubstantiated drivel. There is no need for serious debaters to continue here. Your interest in this conversation amounts to little more than keeping your dismal op alive.

Coming from a person tells who me, a Jew, what I'm supposed to think simply because I'm a Jew. That says all we need to know about you leftist and your group think. You have no original thoughts, no more than the rest of these leftist here. Obama has done nothing for black Americans, zero. Poor black are worst off today than before he became president. I don't don't seem to remember having riots during the Bush administration, and have Al Sharpton in the White House is akin to George Bush having a white supremacist leader there.

I don't recall telling you what to think, I was just delving into the mysteries of the political dissonance you apparently have with the majority of American Jews. That divide between you and your fellows wasn't caused by Obama was it?
I don't expect an answer since you haven't really answered any of the pertinent questions posed to you thus far.

Moving on to your next assertion:

You say Obama has done nothing for Black Americans. I beg to differ. The passing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has benefitted millions of poor people including poor Blacks.

Obama's has hundreds of accomplishments that have benefitted working class Americans of all races creeds and colors. He is wise to help Blacks that way. To do so directly would have meant political suicide.
Here are just a few of the things he has accomplished that helped working class families including Blacks and poor people!

What happened? Obama must have been lying in this speech. He has divided us more so than any president in recent history. it's sad to say that the first mixed race president has been so bad for race relations. He could have actually been the great uniter, instead he chose the opposite. What a waste:(

Instead he chose the truth, and many Whites hate the truth.

I would say that Obama wouldn't recognize the truth if it bit him, except that no one could so consistently state the opposite of the truth by accident.

What happened? Obama must have been lying in this speech. He has divided us more so than any president in recent history. it's sad to say that the first mixed race president has been so bad for race relations. He could have actually been the great uniter, instead he chose the opposite. What a waste:(

Instead he chose the truth, and many Whites hate the truth.

I would say that Obama wouldn't recognize the truth if it bit him, except that no one could so consistently state the opposite of the truth by accident.

Thank you for proving my point.
  • Look, back to the topic... Obama uses race to divide. Liberals in general teach anti Americanism, they like people mad, that way the federal government can came in and "fix things." Obama doesn't say much about all the inner city black killing each either, because it doesn't play into him narrative. The leftist anti American bullshit is no better than the white supremacist bullshit. They want people angry, they like people angry. People come here from all over the world and make it here. they become productive members of our society. They don't look for reasons why they cant make it. legal immigration is a good thing. American leftist focus on race. not real conservatives and it's pathetic. An American is an American. Just like Obama said in his speech. So you disagree with the 2004 Obama as well I got you....The rest of your comments are easily refuted but then we get way off topic....Politicians get rich off of cronyism. Tax reform and cutting out special deals takes care of a lot of the cronyism. Obama said he was for tax reform but all he pushed was stupid tax credits, and more special deals.

    I never left the topic. You did. I merely multi-quoted some of your statements and responded to them.When you make outlandish statements without links or sources to support them be prepared to get called on it. You aren't prepared are you? Thus, the deflection from having to answer my responses to your quoted narratives. Take the statement you made below, highlighted in red. That statement is pure hyperbole. You don't have a clue as to whether it is true or not; but, thats what the right wing talking heads are saying and you, without question, go right along with them. In your case wooly hair may be be a sign of the sheep in you!

    Riots and dead cops are happening in part because of the Obama administration liberals love the chaos

    Obama is not a help anybody can see it unless you're blind. I'll tell you what i do see here in Detroit. Blacks slaughtering other blacks. babies, children, old women. ect..What i don't see is Obama confronting this, he's too busy fanning the flames of racism for political gain

    Your entire litany of synopses has been naught but a series of conjectural forays based on unsubstantiated drivel. There is no need for serious debaters to continue here. Your interest in this conversation amounts to little more than keeping your dismal op alive.

    Coming from a person tells who me, a Jew, what I'm supposed to think simply because I'm a Jew. That says all we need to know about you leftist and your group think. You have no original thoughts, no more than the rest of these leftist here. Obama has done nothing for black Americans, zero. Poor black are worst off today than before he became president. I don't don't seem to remember having riots during the Bush administration, and have Al Sharpton in the White House is akin to George Bush having a white supremacist leader there.

    I don't recall telling you what to think, I was just delving into the mysteries of the political dissonance you apparently have with the majority of American Jews. That divide between you and your fellows wasn't caused by Obama was it?

    I don't expect an answer since you haven't really answered any of the pertinent questions posed to you thus far.

    Moving on to your next assertion:

    You say Obama has done nothing for Black Americans. I beg to differ. The passing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has benefitted millions of poor people including poor Blacks.

    Obama's has hundreds of accomplishments that have benefitted working class Americans of all races creeds and colors. He is wise to help Blacks that way. To do so directly would have meant political suicide.

    Here are just a few of the things he has accomplished that helped working class families including Blacks and poor people!

    Those are some pretty weak “acompilshments” actually, and for the record most poor Backs were eligible for Medicaid before any “Obamacare” and I’m sure we could have paid for insurance for every uninsured American for less money then it’s taking to set up Obamacare

    Black unemployment under Obama

    There's a lot of blurring that happens with the Bureau of Labor Statistics' monthly jobs report, the splashy release that drives headlines about the unemployment rate and (recently at least) the gains in the job market. One example is that the figures are seasonally adjusted, to offer a comprehensible baseline month-over-month instead of always having to explain that employment always spikes in June and at the end of the year.

    It's blurry in a more important way, too. Reporting that unemployment in January was at 5.7 percent (a tick upward from December's figure) tells us a lot about the economy. But the unemployment varies by demographic, which tells us a lot about the economy, too.

    Since the government started tracking unemployment data by race, the unemployment rate for black Americans has never been lower than that of white Americans. In fact, it has never been less than 66 percent higher -- i.e. it's never been close. In the newest jobs report, blacks are the only demographic group besides teenagers with an unemployment rate over 10 percent

    Obama’s So-Called “home town” ..Sickening actually… 92% of African American teenagers in Chicago don’t have jobs!!.... That’s almost unbelievable!! Is there any wonder why the crime rate there is so high? So many Black teens killing each other? Obama is worried about illegals as black teens are suffering. He's pathetic:mad:

    CHICAGO (FOX 32 News) -

    Startling new figures about the state of our economy have recently come out.

    Ninety-two percent of African American male teenagers in Chicago don't have a job.

    A trend that continues to head in the wrong direction, for white and Hispanic teens, too.

    The jobs catastrophe here is far worse than the national average.

    These shocking numbers released by the Chicago Urban League are one more grim result of Illinois having 600,000 fewer jobs today than we did in the year 2000. Work that teens traditionally did, from delivering newspapers to flipping burgers, is now done by adults desperate for any income.

    High school senior Dvante King is one of the lucky ones. He actually found two on-and-off part-time jobs last year. Combined, he earned less than a thousand dollars.

    However, he was part of the eight percent of African-American male teens in Chicago who did find legitimate work; 92 percent of those age 16-19 were unemployed.

    "It's a very shocking number. Like, if anybody else see them numbers, hopefully they'll come together, like we need do something," King said.

    The jobless plight of Chicago's black teens, especially males, was analyzed in a new study released Friday by the Urban League. Nationwide 17 percent of black males 16-19 had some sort of job; 12 percent in Illinois; just 8 percent in Chicago

    New study finds 92 percent of black male teens are unemployed - FOX 32 News Chicago

    Most people believe Race relations are worst under Obama…
    Most Americans think relations between white and black communities have gotten worse since President Obama was elected, according to a new Bloomberg Politics poll.

    The poll released Sunday also revealed deep racial divides on recent decisions by grand juries in St. Louis County, Mo., and New York City declining to indict police officers in the deaths of unarmed black men.

    In the Dec. 3-5 poll of 1,001 adults, 53 percent said race relations had gotten worse since Obama, the nation's first black president, took office in 2009. That figure included 56 percent of white respondents and 45 percent of black respondents.

    Only 9 percent of respondents said race relations had gotten better under Obama, including just 3 percent who said they had gotten a lot better. Thirty-six percent said relations had stayed about the same.

    Poll Race relations have worsened under Obama WashingtonExaminer.com
What happened? Obama must have been lying in this speech. He has divided us more so than any president in recent history. it's sad to say that the first mixed race president has been so bad for race relations. He could have actually been the great uniter, instead he chose the opposite. What a waste:(

Instead he chose the truth, and many Whites hate the truth.

I would say that Obama wouldn't recognize the truth if it bit him, except that no one could so consistently state the opposite of the truth by accident.

What happened? Obama must have been lying in this speech. He has divided us more so than any president in recent history. it's sad to say that the first mixed race president has been so bad for race relations. He could have actually been the great uniter, instead he chose the opposite. What a waste:(

Instead he chose the truth, and many Whites hate the truth.

I would say that Obama wouldn't recognize the truth if it bit him, except that no one could so consistently state the opposite of the truth by accident.

Thank you for proving my point.

Your point was that Obama is a lying sack?
What happened? Obama must have been lying in this speech. He has divided us more so than any president in recent history. it's sad to say that the first mixed race president has been so bad for race relations. He could have actually been the great uniter, instead he chose the opposite. What a waste:(

Instead he chose the truth, and many Whites hate the truth.

I would say that Obama wouldn't recognize the truth if it bit him, except that no one could so consistently state the opposite of the truth by accident.

What happened? Obama must have been lying in this speech. He has divided us more so than any president in recent history. it's sad to say that the first mixed race president has been so bad for race relations. He could have actually been the great uniter, instead he chose the opposite. What a waste:(

Instead he chose the truth, and many Whites hate the truth.

I would say that Obama wouldn't recognize the truth if it bit him, except that no one could so consistently state the opposite of the truth by accident.

Thank you for proving my point.

Your point was that Obama is a lying sack?

Your have a comprehension problem?
Those are some pretty weak “acompilshments” actually, and for the record most poor Backs were eligible for Medicaid before any “Obamacare” and I’m sure we could have paid for insurance for every uninsured American for less money then it’s taking to set up Obamacare

If your responses to my arguments are intended to expose said “weakness” you’ve failed miserably.
For one thing, the PPACA as been a godsend from the onset. Millions of people without healthcare are now on the rolls and millions of former emergency room free loaders are either paying fines or are actively enrolled and paying premiums.. But it doesn’t stop there. MEDICAID served as a vehicle for the further distribution of wealth from the poor and middle classed Americans to the rich. To be eligible, one had to be devoid of funds and virtually all liquid assets. Even then, hospitals and doctors were reluctant to accept Medicaid patients because of limits or caps on what MEDICAID paid for.

Your notion that the PPACA costs the government more to sustain than the old corrupt inflated healthcare system is ludicrous. I’ve already shown that medical inflation under Obamcare has dropped to the lowest rate in 50 years. Add to that the money generated by new enrollees and or, penalties for a comparison with the old system you don’t want to see.

Obama’s So-Called “home town” ..Sickening actually… 92% of African American teenagers in Chicago don’t have jobs!!.... That’s almost unbelievable!! Is there any wonder why the crime rate there is so high? So many Black teens killing each other? Obama is worried about illegals as black teens are suffering. He's pathetic
I’m amazed that you would use the black demographics of Chicago and it’s high unemployment rate to castigate Obama. Last time I checked, Chicago had a mayor, is subordinate to a county and, finally, it is a tenant of the State of Illinois. If any blame has to be leveled for high black teen and adult unemployment/crime, it rests on the shoulders of one of those three entities. You err in blaming obama for not overtly taking on Chicago’s high black unemployment rate or the crime rate.Where are the Black leaders of the Chicago communities? What are the primary causes of high unemployment and the accompanying symptomatic high crime rate?
Last time I checked, Chicago had a mayor, is subordinate to a county and, finally, it is a tenant of the State of Illinois. If any blame has to be leveled for high black teen and adult unemployment/crime, it rests on the shoulders of one of those three entities. You err in blaming obama for not overtly taking on Chicago’s high black unemployment rate or the crime rate. Where are the Black leaders of the Chicago communities?

And whom do you think the State of Illinois answers to? It is just as much Obama's responsibility as it is Illinois.

And where in fact are the black leaders? Good question. They are too busy stirring up racial hatred to be concerned with Chicago's communities. They are too busy exploiting the dire situations in those communities to widen the racial divide.

Obama has had multiple opportunities to send a positive message, yet he has failed to do so.
Last time I checked, Chicago had a mayor, is subordinate to a county and, finally, it is a tenant of the State of Illinois. If any blame has to be leveled for high black teen and adult unemployment/crime, it rests on the shoulders of one of those three entities. You err in blaming obama for not overtly taking on Chicago’s high black unemployment rate or the crime rate. Where are the Black leaders of the Chicago communities?

And whom do you think the State of Illinois answers to? It is just as much Obama's responsibility as it is Illinois.

And where in fact are the black leaders? Good question. They are too busy stirring up racial hatred to be concerned with Chicago's communities. They are too busy exploiting the dire situations in those communities to widen the racial divide.

Obama has had multiple opportunities to send a positive message, yet he has failed to do so.

The states don't answer to the US President, that's for sure. They are more inclined to answer to any multi-national corporation that happens to take up residency.

Unless high unemployment and the social symptoms of it can be connected to underlying civil right's abuses there is very little that can be done by Obama. But what, if anything, is Obama to do about that? Do you expect him to send troops to Chicago to force businesses to hire more blacks?:lol: You may want him to do that so you can impeach him but he is far too smart. Further, I cannot understand this sudden concern over high black unemployment and crime in Chicago or anywhere else. None of it started with Obama's administration and it's not going to end with it.JROC should never have made this specious commentary a talking point.

I won't ignore the point I made, and you echoed, about the so-called "unofficial,unelected self appointed" black leaders of Chicago's black community.

Having no direct authority to do anything of substance except through legal channels, without some Constitutional violation, the local black"leaders" are at the mercy of State's Rights. Any federal money earmarked for use on projects to stimulate employment incentives anywhere in Illinois has to be channeled through the state, and, judging by the White teen employment rates, we know not much of that funding goes toward black employment. Black employment, it seems, was low priority for the monarchistic White duo that had ruled Chicago for decades and remains so today.

JROC's link offers sparse solutions, voiced by a financial advisor, Dr. Boyce Watkins. I 'm not sure if he is Black or not but he does suggest some things I agree with but, obviously, have not been tenable for decades. To attain the goals posited by Watkins, I believe the Black community has to extricate themselves from the dependency of having to beg for jobs from White society. Integration has done nothing for the majority except drain what hard earned wealth some of them manage accumulate. That 1 trillion dollars Blacks spend annually in white owned businesses needs to stay in their own communities.... There need to be a black renaissance of the Black Wall Street.
What happened? Obama must have been lying in this speech. He has divided us more so than any president in recent history. it's sad to say that the first mixed race president has been so bad for race relations. He could have actually been the great uniter, instead he chose the opposite. What a waste:(

Instead he chose the truth, and many Whites hate the truth.

I would say that Obama wouldn't recognize the truth if it bit him, except that no one could so consistently state the opposite of the truth by accident.

What happened? Obama must have been lying in this speech. He has divided us more so than any president in recent history. it's sad to say that the first mixed race president has been so bad for race relations. He could have actually been the great uniter, instead he chose the opposite. What a waste:(

Instead he chose the truth, and many Whites hate the truth.

I would say that Obama wouldn't recognize the truth if it bit him, except that no one could so consistently state the opposite of the truth by accident.

Thank you for proving my point.

Your point was that Obama is a lying sack?

Your have a comprehension problem?

No, but it's possible you have a communication problem, if you weren't, in fact, making the point that Obama is a lying sack, since I said he was, and you thanked me for proving your point.

Around here, it's extremely hard to tell if people realize what the words they're saying actually mean, so it's always best to clarify.

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