"There is no Black or White America, there is the Untied States of America"

Last time I checked, Chicago had a mayor, is subordinate to a county and, finally, it is a tenant of the State of Illinois. If any blame has to be leveled for high black teen and adult unemployment/crime, it rests on the shoulders of one of those three entities. You err in blaming obama for not overtly taking on Chicago’s high black unemployment rate or the crime rate. Where are the Black leaders of the Chicago communities?

And whom do you think the State of Illinois answers to? It is just as much Obama's responsibility as it is Illinois.

And where in fact are the black leaders? Good question. They are too busy stirring up racial hatred to be concerned with Chicago's communities. They are too busy exploiting the dire situations in those communities to widen the racial divide.

Obama has had multiple opportunities to send a positive message, yet he has failed to do so.

The states don't answer to the US President, that's for sure. They are more inclined to answer to any multi-national corporation that happens to take up residency.

Unless high unemployment and the social symptoms of it can be connected to underlying civil right's abuses there is very little that can be done by Obama. But what, if anything, is Obama to do about that? Do you expect him to send troops to Chicago to force businesses to hire more blacks?:lol: You may want him to do that so you can impeach him but he is far too smart. Further, I cannot understand this sudden concern over high black unemployment and crime in Chicago or anywhere else. None of it started with Obama's administration and it's not going to end with it.JROC should never have made this specious commentary a talking point.

I won't ignore the point I made, and you echoed, about the so-called "unofficial,unelected self appointed" black leaders of Chicago's black community.

Having no direct authority to do anything of substance except through legal channels, without some Constitutional violation, the local black"leaders" are at the mercy of State's Rights. Any federal money earmarked for use on projects to stimulate employment incentives anywhere in Illinois has to be channeled through the state, and, judging by the White teen employment rates, we know not much of that funding goes toward black employment. Black employment, it seems, was low priority for the monarchistic White duo that had ruled Chicago for decades and remains so today.

JROC's link offers sparse solutions, voiced by a financial advisor, Dr. Boyce Watkins. I 'm not sure if he is Black or not but he does suggest some things I agree with but, obviously, have not been tenable for decades. To attain the goals posited by Watkins, I believe the Black community has to extricate themselves from the dependency of having to beg for jobs from White society. Integration has done nothing for the majority except drain what hard earned wealth some of them manage accumulate. That 1 trillion dollars Blacks spend annually in white owned businesses needs to stay in their own communities.... There need to be a black renaissance of the Black Wall Street.

:slap:What a bunch of gibberish. How about Americans? not "black community". You leftist have destroying a large part of the black community with the hate you spread. How about real capitalism, instead of all this crony bullshit? How about we keep jobs here by making it cost effective to keep jobs here? These liberals idiots have run these cities into the ground. Jobs not black jobs, jobs for Americans. People like Obama raise the cost of living for the working poor. Now Obama and his friends are attacking police depts, making neighborhoods even worst. Why would business want to open up in the inner cities in this type of atmosphere pushed by Obama,Holder, Al Sharpton?. Black businesses were burnt to the ground in some of these cities. Obama and his minions are a cancer on the "black community" and the country as a whole.

A sobering new report on the cost and scope of federal regulations puts the price of the rules at $1.88 trillion annually, a "hidden tax" of $14,976 on every single household, or about 29 percent of an average American's income.

In "Ten Thousand Commandments," the Competitive Enterprise Institute also reveals that regulations far more than laws are how the administration rules the land. While Congress, well known recently for doing little, passed 224 new laws last year, federal agencies issued 3,554 new regulations, or 16 per law.

Author Clyde Wayne Crews Jr., CEI vice president for policy, spread the blame for over-regulation around, but said that congressional inactivity is partly at fault and he called for reform that would have Congress oversee and even vote on new burdensome regulations.

Report 3 554 new regs in 2014 16 for every law 1.8 trillion pricetag WashingtonExaminer.com
Those are some pretty weak “acompilshments” actually, and for the record most poor Backs were eligible for Medicaid before any “Obamacare” and I’m sure we could have paid for insurance for every uninsured American for less money then it’s taking to set up Obamacare

If your responses to my arguments are intended to expose said “weakness” you’ve failed miserably.
For one thing, the PPACA as been a godsend from the onset. Millions of people without healthcare are now on the rolls and millions of former emergency room free loaders are either paying fines or are actively enrolled and paying premiums.. But it doesn’t stop there. MEDICAID served as a vehicle for the further distribution of wealth from the poor and middle classed Americans to the rich. To be eligible, one had to be devoid of funds and virtually all liquid assets. Even then, hospitals and doctors were reluctant to accept Medicaid patients because of limits or caps on what MEDICAID paid for.

Your notion that the PPACA costs the government more to sustain than the old corrupt inflated healthcare system is ludicrous. I’ve already shown that medical inflation under Obamcare has dropped to the lowest rate in 50 years. Add to that the money generated by new enrollees and or, penalties for a comparison with the old system you don’t want to see.
We could have paid for private insurance for these people for less money than it costs setting up Obama care. almost a billion dollars for a web-site?:uhh: what is it with you leftist? You think spending tons of money creating more bureaucracy ,wasting more money maintaining that bureaucracy is a good thing.:cuckoo: Tens of trillions of dollars spent and most of the problems are worst than ever
Last time I checked, Chicago had a mayor, is subordinate to a county and, finally, it is a tenant of the State of Illinois. If any blame has to be leveled for high black teen and adult unemployment/crime, it rests on the shoulders of one of those three entities. You err in blaming obama for not overtly taking on Chicago’s high black unemployment rate or the crime rate. Where are the Black leaders of the Chicago communities?

And whom do you think the State of Illinois answers to? It is just as much Obama's responsibility as it is Illinois.

And where in fact are the black leaders? Good question. They are too busy stirring up racial hatred to be concerned with Chicago's communities. They are too busy exploiting the dire situations in those communities to widen the racial divide.

Obama has had multiple opportunities to send a positive message, yet he has failed to do so.

The states don't answer to the US President, that's for sure. They are more inclined to answer to any multi-national corporation that happens to take up residency.

Unless high unemployment and the social symptoms of it can be connected to underlying civil right's abuses there is very little that can be done by Obama. But what, if anything, is Obama to do about that? Do you expect him to send troops to Chicago to force businesses to hire more blacks?:lol: You may want him to do that so you can impeach him but he is far too smart. Further, I cannot understand this sudden concern over high black unemployment and crime in Chicago or anywhere else. None of it started with Obama's administration and it's not going to end with it.JROC should never have made this specious commentary a talking point.

I won't ignore the point I made, and you echoed, about the so-called "unofficial,unelected self appointed" black leaders of Chicago's black community.

Having no direct authority to do anything of substance except through legal channels, without some Constitutional violation, the local black"leaders" are at the mercy of State's Rights. Any federal money earmarked for use on projects to stimulate employment incentives anywhere in Illinois has to be channeled through the state, and, judging by the White teen employment rates, we know not much of that funding goes toward black employment. Black employment, it seems, was low priority for the monarchistic White duo that had ruled Chicago for decades and remains so today.

JROC's link offers sparse solutions, voiced by a financial advisor, Dr. Boyce Watkins. I 'm not sure if he is Black or not but he does suggest some things I agree with but, obviously, have not been tenable for decades. To attain the goals posited by Watkins, I believe the Black community has to extricate themselves from the dependency of having to beg for jobs from White society. Integration has done nothing for the majority except drain what hard earned wealth some of them manage accumulate. That 1 trillion dollars Blacks spend annually in white owned businesses needs to stay in their own communities.... There need to be a black renaissance of the Black Wall Street.

:slap:What a bunch of gibberish. How about Americans? not "black community". You leftist have destroying a large part of the black community with the hate you spread. How about real capitalism, instead of all this crony bullshit? How about we keep jobs here by making it cost effective to keep jobs here? These liberals idiots have run these cities into the ground. Jobs not black jobs, jobs for Americans. People like Obama raise the cost of living for the working poor. Now Obama and his friends are attacking police depts, making neighborhoods even worst. Why would business want to open up in the inner cities in this type of atmosphere pushed by Obama,Holder, Al Sharpton?. Black businesses were burnt to the ground in some of these cities. Obama and his minions are a cancer on the "black community" and the country as a whole.

A sobering new report on the cost and scope of federal regulations puts the price of the rules at $1.88 trillion annually, a "hidden tax" of $14,976 on every single household, or about 29 percent of an average American's income.

In "Ten Thousand Commandments," the Competitive Enterprise Institute also reveals that regulations far more than laws are how the administration rules the land. While Congress, well known recently for doing little, passed 224 new laws last year, federal agencies issued 3,554 new regulations, or 16 per law.

Author Clyde Wayne Crews Jr., CEI vice president for policy, spread the blame for over-regulation around, but said that congressional inactivity is partly at fault and he called for reform that would have Congress oversee and even vote on new burdensome regulations.

Report 3 554 new regs in 2014 16 for every law 1.8 trillion pricetag WashingtonExaminer.com
Have you been hiding your head in the sand for the past 30 years? Nothing has changed all that much with or wihout Obama. At least my "gibberish" can be substantiated... your gibberish emantes from one pace: your own, misinformed mind.
Those are some pretty weak “acompilshments” actually, and for the record most poor Backs were eligible for Medicaid before any “Obamacare” and I’m sure we could have paid for insurance for every uninsured American for less money then it’s taking to set up Obamacare

If your responses to my arguments are intended to expose said “weakness” you’ve failed miserably.
For one thing, the PPACA as been a godsend from the onset. Millions of people without healthcare are now on the rolls and millions of former emergency room free loaders are either paying fines or are actively enrolled and paying premiums.. But it doesn’t stop there. MEDICAID served as a vehicle for the further distribution of wealth from the poor and middle classed Americans to the rich. To be eligible, one had to be devoid of funds and virtually all liquid assets. Even then, hospitals and doctors were reluctant to accept Medicaid patients because of limits or caps on what MEDICAID paid for.

Your notion that the PPACA costs the government more to sustain than the old corrupt inflated healthcare system is ludicrous. I’ve already shown that medical inflation under Obamcare has dropped to the lowest rate in 50 years. Add to that the money generated by new enrollees and or, penalties for a comparison with the old system you don’t want to see.
We could have paid for private insurance for these people for less money than it costs setting up Obama care. almost a billion dollars for a web-site?:uhh: what is it with you leftist? You think spending tons of money creating more bureaucracy ,wasting more money maintaining that bureaucracy is a good thing.:cuckoo: Tens of trillions of dollars spent and most of the problems are worst than ever
Tens of trillions? Yawwnnn! Where are your links? Yawwnnn! I'd also like to see your references for the comparative cost of Obamacare vs your health scenario...got any charts or data to back that assertion up?
Last time I checked, Chicago had a mayor, is subordinate to a county and, finally, it is a tenant of the State of Illinois. If any blame has to be leveled for high black teen and adult unemployment/crime, it rests on the shoulders of one of those three entities. You err in blaming obama for not overtly taking on Chicago’s high black unemployment rate or the crime rate. Where are the Black leaders of the Chicago communities?

And whom do you think the State of Illinois answers to? It is just as much Obama's responsibility as it is Illinois.

And where in fact are the black leaders? Good question. They are too busy stirring up racial hatred to be concerned with Chicago's communities. They are too busy exploiting the dire situations in those communities to widen the racial divide.

Obama has had multiple opportunities to send a positive message, yet he has failed to do so.

The states don't answer to the US President, that's for sure. They are more inclined to answer to any multi-national corporation that happens to take up residency.

Unless high unemployment and the social symptoms of it can be connected to underlying civil right's abuses there is very little that can be done by Obama. But what, if anything, is Obama to do about that? Do you expect him to send troops to Chicago to force businesses to hire more blacks?:lol: You may want him to do that so you can impeach him but he is far too smart. Further, I cannot understand this sudden concern over high black unemployment and crime in Chicago or anywhere else. None of it started with Obama's administration and it's not going to end with it.JROC should never have made this specious commentary a talking point.

I won't ignore the point I made, and you echoed, about the so-called "unofficial,unelected self appointed" black leaders of Chicago's black community.

Having no direct authority to do anything of substance except through legal channels, without some Constitutional violation, the local black"leaders" are at the mercy of State's Rights. Any federal money earmarked for use on projects to stimulate employment incentives anywhere in Illinois has to be channeled through the state, and, judging by the White teen employment rates, we know not much of that funding goes toward black employment. Black employment, it seems, was low priority for the monarchistic White duo that had ruled Chicago for decades and remains so today.

JROC's link offers sparse solutions, voiced by a financial advisor, Dr. Boyce Watkins. I 'm not sure if he is Black or not but he does suggest some things I agree with but, obviously, have not been tenable for decades. To attain the goals posited by Watkins, I believe the Black community has to extricate themselves from the dependency of having to beg for jobs from White society. Integration has done nothing for the majority except drain what hard earned wealth some of them manage accumulate. That 1 trillion dollars Blacks spend annually in white owned businesses needs to stay in their own communities.... There need to be a black renaissance of the Black Wall Street.

:slap:What a bunch of gibberish. How about Americans? not "black community". You leftist have destroying a large part of the black community with the hate you spread. How about real capitalism, instead of all this crony bullshit? How about we keep jobs here by making it cost effective to keep jobs here? These liberals idiots have run these cities into the ground. Jobs not black jobs, jobs for Americans. People like Obama raise the cost of living for the working poor. Now Obama and his friends are attacking police depts, making neighborhoods even worst. Why would business want to open up in the inner cities in this type of atmosphere pushed by Obama,Holder, Al Sharpton?. Black businesses were burnt to the ground in some of these cities. Obama and his minions are a cancer on the "black community" and the country as a whole.

A sobering new report on the cost and scope of federal regulations puts the price of the rules at $1.88 trillion annually, a "hidden tax" of $14,976 on every single household, or about 29 percent of an average American's income.

In "Ten Thousand Commandments," the Competitive Enterprise Institute also reveals that regulations far more than laws are how the administration rules the land. While Congress, well known recently for doing little, passed 224 new laws last year, federal agencies issued 3,554 new regulations, or 16 per law.

Author Clyde Wayne Crews Jr., CEI vice president for policy, spread the blame for over-regulation around, but said that congressional inactivity is partly at fault and he called for reform that would have Congress oversee and even vote on new burdensome regulations.

Report 3 554 new regs in 2014 16 for every law 1.8 trillion pricetag WashingtonExaminer.com
Have you been hiding your head in the sand for the past 30 years? Nothing has changed all that much with or wihout Obama. At least my "gibberish" can be substantiated... your gibberish emantes from one pace: your own, misinformed mind.

Things are changing for the worst because of Obama. you're the one with your head in the sand. Obama spreads misery he "changed the world alright"

Those are some pretty weak “acompilshments” actually, and for the record most poor Backs were eligible for Medicaid before any “Obamacare” and I’m sure we could have paid for insurance for every uninsured American for less money then it’s taking to set up Obamacare

If your responses to my arguments are intended to expose said “weakness” you’ve failed miserably.
For one thing, the PPACA as been a godsend from the onset. Millions of people without healthcare are now on the rolls and millions of former emergency room free loaders are either paying fines or are actively enrolled and paying premiums.. But it doesn’t stop there. MEDICAID served as a vehicle for the further distribution of wealth from the poor and middle classed Americans to the rich. To be eligible, one had to be devoid of funds and virtually all liquid assets. Even then, hospitals and doctors were reluctant to accept Medicaid patients because of limits or caps on what MEDICAID paid for.

Your notion that the PPACA costs the government more to sustain than the old corrupt inflated healthcare system is ludicrous. I’ve already shown that medical inflation under Obamcare has dropped to the lowest rate in 50 years. Add to that the money generated by new enrollees and or, penalties for a comparison with the old system you don’t want to see.
We could have paid for private insurance for these people for less money than it costs setting up Obama care. almost a billion dollars for a web-site?:uhh: what is it with you leftist? You think spending tons of money creating more bureaucracy ,wasting more money maintaining that bureaucracy is a good thing.:cuckoo: Tens of trillions of dollars spent and most of the problems are worst than ever
Tens of trillions? Yawwnnn! Where are your links? Yawwnnn! I'd also like to see your references for the comparative cost of Obamacare vs your health scenario...got any charts or data to back that assertion up?

Over, the last 50 years, the government spent more than $16 trillion to fight poverty.

Yet today, 15 percent of Americans still live in poverty. That’s scarcely better than the 19 percent living in poverty at the time of Johnson’s speech. Nearly 22 percent of children live in poverty today. In 1964, it was 23 percent.

How could we have spent so much and achieved so little?

It’s not just a question of the inefficiency of government bureaucracies, although the multiplicity of programs and overlapping jurisdiction surely means that there is a lack of accountability within the system. Rather, the entire concept behind how we fight poverty is wrong.

The vast majority of current programs are focused on making poverty more comfortable — giving poor people more food, better shelter, health care, etc. — rather than giving people the tools that will help them escape poverty. As a result, we have been successful in reducing the worst privations of poverty. Few Americans live with out the basic necessities of life, yet neither do they rise out of poverty. Moreover, their children are also likely to be poor.

Our goal should not be a society where people struggle along in poverty, dependent on government for just enough to survive, but rather a society where as few people as possible live in poverty, and where every American can reach his or her full potential.

War on Poverty at 50 -- Despite Trillions Spent Poverty Won Cato Institute

The heart of the War on Poverty report is its observation that most federal poverty-alleviation programs are essentially useless or incapable of having their impact measured in the real world.

The study observes that in 1965, the poverty rate was 17.3 percent. In 2012, it was 15 percent. This means taxpayers blew a staggering $20.7 trillion over the last half century in order to achieve a paltry 2.3 percentage point decrease in poverty.

The War on Poverty has barely made a dent in actual poverty
Broken down into less mind-blowing, easier-to-grasp figures, between 1965 and 2012 the average family of four spent roughly $146,000 per percentage-point drop in poverty, or $335,000 per family for the whole 2.3 percentage-point reduction.

Only the most blinkered or jaded among us in the body politic believe that sucking $9 trillion out of the private, productive economy for each single percentage-point reduction in the poverty rate constitutes an acceptable return on investment.

Which brings us to the modern “progressive” Left.

Those on the Left consider the gentle statistical dip in poverty over five decades to be social progress achieved by way of holy coercive redistribution. Mere results have always been less important to the Left than intentions.

The War on Poverty 21 Trillion Later

The War on Poverty 50 Years Later Budget.House.Gov
Last time I checked, Chicago had a mayor, is subordinate to a county and, finally, it is a tenant of the State of Illinois. If any blame has to be leveled for high black teen and adult unemployment/crime, it rests on the shoulders of one of those three entities. You err in blaming obama for not overtly taking on Chicago’s high black unemployment rate or the crime rate. Where are the Black leaders of the Chicago communities?

And whom do you think the State of Illinois answers to? It is just as much Obama's responsibility as it is Illinois.

And where in fact are the black leaders? Good question. They are too busy stirring up racial hatred to be concerned with Chicago's communities. They are too busy exploiting the dire situations in those communities to widen the racial divide.

Obama has had multiple opportunities to send a positive message, yet he has failed to do so.

The states don't answer to the US President, that's for sure. They are more inclined to answer to any multi-national corporation that happens to take up residency.

Unless high unemployment and the social symptoms of it can be connected to underlying civil right's abuses there is very little that can be done by Obama. But what, if anything, is Obama to do about that? Do you expect him to send troops to Chicago to force businesses to hire more blacks?:lol: You may want him to do that so you can impeach him but he is far too smart. Further, I cannot understand this sudden concern over high black unemployment and crime in Chicago or anywhere else. None of it started with Obama's administration and it's not going to end with it.JROC should never have made this specious commentary a talking point.

I won't ignore the point I made, and you echoed, about the so-called "unofficial,unelected self appointed" black leaders of Chicago's black community.

Having no direct authority to do anything of substance except through legal channels, without some Constitutional violation, the local black"leaders" are at the mercy of State's Rights. Any federal money earmarked for use on projects to stimulate employment incentives anywhere in Illinois has to be channeled through the state, and, judging by the White teen employment rates, we know not much of that funding goes toward black employment. Black employment, it seems, was low priority for the monarchistic White duo that had ruled Chicago for decades and remains so today.

JROC's link offers sparse solutions, voiced by a financial advisor, Dr. Boyce Watkins. I 'm not sure if he is Black or not but he does suggest some things I agree with but, obviously, have not been tenable for decades. To attain the goals posited by Watkins, I believe the Black community has to extricate themselves from the dependency of having to beg for jobs from White society. Integration has done nothing for the majority except drain what hard earned wealth some of them manage accumulate. That 1 trillion dollars Blacks spend annually in white owned businesses needs to stay in their own communities.... There need to be a black renaissance of the Black Wall Street.

:slap:What a bunch of gibberish. How about Americans? not "black community". You leftist have destroying a large part of the black community with the hate you spread. How about real capitalism, instead of all this crony bullshit? How about we keep jobs here by making it cost effective to keep jobs here? These liberals idiots have run these cities into the ground. Jobs not black jobs, jobs for Americans. People like Obama raise the cost of living for the working poor. Now Obama and his friends are attacking police depts, making neighborhoods even worst. Why would business want to open up in the inner cities in this type of atmosphere pushed by Obama,Holder, Al Sharpton?. Black businesses were burnt to the ground in some of these cities. Obama and his minions are a cancer on the "black community" and the country as a whole.

A sobering new report on the cost and scope of federal regulations puts the price of the rules at $1.88 trillion annually, a "hidden tax" of $14,976 on every single household, or about 29 percent of an average American's income.

In "Ten Thousand Commandments," the Competitive Enterprise Institute also reveals that regulations far more than laws are how the administration rules the land. While Congress, well known recently for doing little, passed 224 new laws last year, federal agencies issued 3,554 new regulations, or 16 per law.

Author Clyde Wayne Crews Jr., CEI vice president for policy, spread the blame for over-regulation around, but said that congressional inactivity is partly at fault and he called for reform that would have Congress oversee and even vote on new burdensome regulations.

Report 3 554 new regs in 2014 16 for every law 1.8 trillion pricetag WashingtonExaminer.com
Have you been hiding your head in the sand for the past 30 years? Nothing has changed all that much with or wihout Obama. At least my "gibberish" can be substantiated... your gibberish emantes from one pace: your own, misinformed mind.

Basic economics would be a help for you:thup:
Nothing has changed all that much with or without Obama

Really? My grandmother thinks its 1963 all over again, all this racial tension is a direct result of Obama. He has done nothing to help the black Americans living in poverty. Nothing. And yes, nothing changed, at least not for them. He has done more to turn them against whites and republicans than anything else.
Nothing has changed all that much with or without Obama

Really? My grandmother thinks its 1963 all over again, all this racial tension is a direct result of Obama. He has done nothing to help the black Americans living in poverty. Nothing. And yes, nothing changed, at least not for them. He has done more to turn them against whites and republicans than anything else.


The "racial tension" you speak of only exists in the minds of scared white people who get all their information about Blacks from television. In the real world, it doesn't exist.
Nothing has changed all that much with or without Obama

Really? My grandmother thinks its 1963 all over again, all this racial tension is a direct result of Obama. He has done nothing to help the black Americans living in poverty. Nothing. And yes, nothing changed, at least not for them. He has done more to turn them against whites and republicans than anything else.


The "racial tension" you speak of only exists in the minds of scared white people who get all their information about Blacks from television. In the real world, it doesn't exist.

Nah the hatred exsists, and it's boiled over a few times.
Nothing has changed all that much with or without Obama

Really? My grandmother thinks its 1963 all over again, all this racial tension is a direct result of Obama. He has done nothing to help the black Americans living in poverty. Nothing. And yes, nothing changed, at least not for them. He has done more to turn them against whites and republicans than anything else.


The "racial tension" you speak of only exists in the minds of scared white people who get all their information about Blacks from television. In the real world, it doesn't exist.

Nah the hatred exsists, and it's boiled over a few times.


Of course the "hatred" exists, see any post by Steve McKKK for reference.

But it's better now than it's ever been before.
Those are some pretty weak “acompilshments” actually, and for the record most poor Backs were eligible for Medicaid before any “Obamacare” and I’m sure we could have paid for insurance for every uninsured American for less money then it’s taking to set up Obamacare

If your responses to my arguments are intended to expose said “weakness” you’ve failed miserably.
For one thing, the PPACA as been a godsend from the onset. Millions of people without healthcare are now on the rolls and millions of former emergency room free loaders are either paying fines or are actively enrolled and paying premiums.. But it doesn’t stop there. MEDICAID served as a vehicle for the further distribution of wealth from the poor and middle classed Americans to the rich. To be eligible, one had to be devoid of funds and virtually all liquid assets. Even then, hospitals and doctors were reluctant to accept Medicaid patients because of limits or caps on what MEDICAID paid for.

Your notion that the PPACA costs the government more to sustain than the old corrupt inflated healthcare system is ludicrous. I’ve already shown that medical inflation under Obamcare has dropped to the lowest rate in 50 years. Add to that the money generated by new enrollees and or, penalties for a comparison with the old system you don’t want to see.
We could have paid for private insurance for these people for less money than it costs setting up Obama care. almost a billion dollars for a web-site?:uhh: what is it with you leftist? You think spending tons of money creating more bureaucracy ,wasting more money maintaining that bureaucracy is a good thing.:cuckoo: Tens of trillions of dollars spent and most of the problems are worst than ever
Tens of trillions? Yawwnnn! Where are your links? Yawwnnn! I'd also like to see your references for the comparative cost of Obamacare vs your health scenario...got any charts or data to back that assertion up?

Over, the last 50 years, the government spent more than $16 trillion to fight poverty.

Yet today, 15 percent of Americans still live in poverty. That’s scarcely better than the 19 percent living in poverty at the time of Johnson’s speech. Nearly 22 percent of children live in poverty today. In 1964, it was 23 percent.

How could we have spent so much and achieved so little?

It’s not just a question of the inefficiency of government bureaucracies, although the multiplicity of programs and overlapping jurisdiction surely means that there is a lack of accountability within the system. Rather, the entire concept behind how we fight poverty is wrong.

The vast majority of current programs are focused on making poverty more comfortable — giving poor people more food, better shelter, health care, etc. — rather than giving people the tools that will help them escape poverty. As a result, we have been successful in reducing the worst privations of poverty. Few Americans live with out the basic necessities of life, yet neither do they rise out of poverty. Moreover, their children are also likely to be poor.

Our goal should not be a society where people struggle along in poverty, dependent on government for just enough to survive, but rather a society where as few people as possible live in poverty, and where every American can reach his or her full potential.

War on Poverty at 50 -- Despite Trillions Spent Poverty Won Cato Institute

The heart of the War on Poverty report is its observation that most federal poverty-alleviation programs are essentially useless or incapable of having their impact measured in the real world.

The study observes that in 1965, the poverty rate was 17.3 percent. In 2012, it was 15 percent. This means taxpayers blew a staggering $20.7 trillion over the last half century in order to achieve a paltry 2.3 percentage point decrease in poverty.

The War on Poverty has barely made a dent in actual poverty
Broken down into less mind-blowing, easier-to-grasp figures, between 1965 and 2012 the average family of four spent roughly $146,000 per percentage-point drop in poverty, or $335,000 per family for the whole 2.3 percentage-point reduction.

Only the most blinkered or jaded among us in the body politic believe that sucking $9 trillion out of the private, productive economy for each single percentage-point reduction in the poverty rate constitutes an acceptable return on investment.

Which brings us to the modern “progressive” Left.

Those on the Left consider the gentle statistical dip in poverty over five decades to be social progress achieved by way of holy coercive redistribution. Mere results have always been less important to the Left than intentions.

The War on Poverty 21 Trillion Later

The War on Poverty 50 Years Later Budget.House.Gov
Well, thanks for the links. So, OK, 50 years have gone by with both GOP and democrat administrations at the helm... Why are you blaming Obama? Why didn't Reagan or the Bushes eliminate it on their watches? Oh, I forgot, you conservatives don't care about poverty except as a tool to use against the Democrats. When your guys are in the WH poverty becomes a non issue.

Now where did all that money go? Who profited from the War on Poverty? I suspect the rich got richer and the poor got poorer because of the War on Poverty. That money just didn't disappear. The poor got stiffed and the people who gained (republicans) get to point the finger at democrats for the spending that benefitted Republicans. Its not as simple s that but that is the way it is broadcast for the general gullible public to digest.

So, while laughing all the way to the banks they own, the republicans don't thank Johnson for initiating their cash cow ( the war on poverty] No! Now they want to win back the presidency and Congress so they can legislate more ways to keep all that dough and not have to share it in any way form or fashion.
The "racial tension" you speak of only exists in the minds of scared white people who get all their information about Blacks from television. In the real world, it doesn't exist.

I hope you're joking.

Please demonstrate to me how racial tension doesn't exist in America.
Nothing has changed all that much with or without Obama

Really? My grandmother thinks its 1963 all over again, all this racial tension is a direct result of Obama. He has done nothing to help the black Americans living in poverty. Nothing. And yes, nothing changed, at least not for them. He has done more to turn them against whites and republicans than anything else.


The "racial tension" you speak of only exists in the minds of scared white people who get all their information about Blacks from television. In the real world, it doesn't exist.

Nah the hatred exsists, and it's boiled over a few times.


Of course the "hatred" exists, see any post by Steve McKKK for reference.

But it's better now than it's ever been before.

But to hear liberals, it's the Jim Crow Era part II.
The "racial tension" you speak of only exists in the minds of scared white people who get all their information about Blacks from television. In the real world, it doesn't exist.

I hope you're joking.

Please demonstrate to me how racial tension doesn't exist in America.


I don't know how many times I'm going to have to explain this, but it's not my job to prove a negative.

Please demonstrate how it's "like 1963 all over again".
Nothing has changed all that much with or without Obama

Really? My grandmother thinks its 1963 all over again, all this racial tension is a direct result of Obama. He has done nothing to help the black Americans living in poverty. Nothing. And yes, nothing changed, at least not for them. He has done more to turn them against whites and republicans than anything else.


The "racial tension" you speak of only exists in the minds of scared white people who get all their information about Blacks from television. In the real world, it doesn't exist.

Nah the hatred exsists, and it's boiled over a few times.


Of course the "hatred" exists, see any post by Steve McKKK for reference.

But it's better now than it's ever been before.

But to hear liberals, it's the Jim Crow Era part II.

No, actually I only ever hear "Conservatives" who think it's that bad.

You know, "like 1963 all over again".
Nothing has changed all that much with or without Obama

Really? My grandmother thinks its 1963 all over again, all this racial tension is a direct result of Obama. He has done nothing to help the black Americans living in poverty. Nothing. And yes, nothing changed, at least not for them. He has done more to turn them against whites and republicans than anything else.
No! Temp, I disagree with you. Obama isn't causing policemen to shoot unarmed people in the back or choke them to death. Those actions would have caused protests and racial tensions no matter WHO was in the Oval Office. The age of the cell-phone camera has also brought the graphic details right into our living rooms via news media.

I keep hearing that same old refrain from you and the Cons that Obama has done nothing to help Back people. That is disingenuous malarkey and you know it. I've said it before but I'll repeat it once more for the "gipper" fans. Obama can't, as president show favoritism to poor Blacks or minorities. He has to be president for all the people within the framework of the US Constitution and the Democrat platform. anything he does for Blacks has to be inclusive for all poor Americans; regardless of race, creed or color.And even then, he can't do it alone and without Constitutional precedent.
In reality, the racist have had a field day denigrating Obama since before he got the nomination. The denigration ranges from subtle to the outright rabid.

But political messaging is not about reality, it's all about getting the flock to believe.

how ironic...
Really? My grandmother thinks its 1963 all over again, all this racial tension is a direct result of Obama. He has done nothing to help the black Americans living in poverty. Nothing. And yes, nothing changed, at least not for them. He has done more to turn them against whites and republicans than anything else.


The "racial tension" you speak of only exists in the minds of scared white people who get all their information about Blacks from television. In the real world, it doesn't exist.

Nah the hatred exsists, and it's boiled over a few times.


Of course the "hatred" exists, see any post by Steve McKKK for reference.

But it's better now than it's ever been before.

But to hear liberals, it's the Jim Crow Era part II.

No, actually I only ever hear "Conservatives" who think it's that bad.

You know, "like 1963 all over again".

I think you are ensconced within a world where there can never be any racial tension, simply because there isn't.

I hear democrats decrying racism all the time, they are the ones who bred this atmosphere of racial tension and then deny it exists. Nothing personal, Doc but you delude yourself into thinking we live in complete racial harmony. We don't, because recent events have demonstrated that there isn't anything of the sort.
The "racial tension" you speak of only exists in the minds of scared white people who get all their information about Blacks from television. In the real world, it doesn't exist.

I hope you're joking.

Please demonstrate to me how racial tension doesn't exist in America.


I don't know how many times I'm going to have to explain this, but it's not my job to prove a negative.

Please demonstrate how it's "like 1963 all over again".

You were the one who made the assertion, therefore it isn't my responsibility to prove anything to you.

You insist there is no racial tension, so I ask, how not?

Have the riots not demonstrated how high the tensions have become?

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