"There is no Black or White America, there is the Untied States of America"

Police brutality is the least of the black man's problems.

Ok so given your white privilege, please tell us what is EVERY black person's problem?

It's not every black person's problem, but too many blacks suffer from a culture where a lack of education and immoral behavior are acceptable. The most glaring example is black kids growing up without their fathers. Do you talk about that as much as you talk about police brutality? The answer is no, so you need reevaluate your priorities .
More Jew/ Teaper hate propaganda.

I'm not a Jew, I don't know what a teaper is, and I don't hate black people, I'm just calling it like I see it.
No, you are just regurgitating the teaper narrative. Real men think for themselves and don't let hate cloud their thinking.

Dude, I don't hate anyone. Sorry if it comes across that way to you.
Obama had a chance to move the country forward on this issue and he failed miserably. He handled every single incident involving race the wrong way. From him saying the police acted stupidly to If I had a son he would have looked like Trayvon to him talking about years of police brutality. The problem with Obama is, the liberal naririve of white racism is not grounded in reality and facts, but they keep pushing their bullshit, no matter how much this really hurts the black community. If Obama actually told the truth to the black community, who knows how many black people he could inspire. But instead of tell the truth he tells them white racism is the problem. There's no difference between him and Sharpton.

So there is no police brutality ever? I guess we just made Walter Scott and Eric Garner up right? It must be a coup to bring on WHITE GENOCIDE!!!

Police brutality is the least of the black man's problems.

You guys get an A for creativity when it comes to thinking up new ways to excuse police brutality.
Ok so given your white privilege, please tell us what is EVERY black person's problem?

It's not every black person's problem, but too many blacks suffer from a culture where a lack of education and immoral behavior are acceptable. The most glaring example is black kids growing up without their fathers. Do you talk about that as much as you talk about police brutality? The answer is no, so you need reevaluate your priorities .
More Jew/ Teaper hate propaganda.

I'm not a Jew, I don't know what a teaper is, and I don't hate black people, I'm just calling it like I see it.
No, you are just regurgitating the teaper narrative. Real men think for themselves and don't let hate cloud their thinking.

Dude, I don't hate anyone. Sorry if it comes across that way to you.
Actually, you are pretty cool and rational. Thought you were someone else. My bad.
What should he have done differently?

Stopped golfing
Knock off the parties
Do some work (with Congress...not against Congress)
Never apologized for America
Kept Al fucking Sharpton the hell out of the Whitehouse
Stop encouraging illegals to flood the borders

He should have done this for starters

Golfing has nothing to do with anything.

Which parties?

Supposed apologizing for our country has something to do with dividing the races?

Not a huge fan of Al Sharpton but at least he isn't going around lately telling us who the superior race is.

Stop encouraging legals to flood the borders? What does immigration reform have to do with your racism? I'm curious about that.
Obama had a chance to move the country forward on this issue and he failed miserably. He handled every single incident involving race the wrong way. From him saying the police acted stupidly to If I had a son he would have looked like Trayvon to him talking about years of police brutality. The problem with Obama is, the liberal naririve of white racism is not grounded in reality and facts, but they keep pushing their bullshit, no matter how much this really hurts the black community. If Obama actually told the truth to the black community, who knows how many black people he could inspire. But instead of tell the truth he tells them white racism is the problem. There's no difference between him and Sharpton.

So there is no police brutality ever? I guess we just made Walter Scott and Eric Garner up right? It must be a coup to bring on WHITE GENOCIDE!!!

Police brutality is the least of the black man's problems.

You guys get an A for creativity when it comes to thinking up new ways to excuse police brutality.
You get an F for failure in your attempt to tie police brutality to USMB posters.
Ok so given your white privilege, please tell us what is EVERY black person's problem?

Funny how Democrats think they know about every black person's problem, but do nothing about them. You agitate them, you don't help them. You do nothing but breed resentment.
What should he have done differently?
Not hire Al Sharpton as a "race adviser" Today Obama blamed Slavery and Jim Crow for riots? WTF?

I think today's racial issues have a basis in slavery and Jim Crow as well as many other aspects of our past. Do we not have a representative democracy today because we struggled under another government? The past helps craft our future, it's a part of us.

You have people (way more than healthy) on this board who day after day go on these racial tears. The victimized whites. I tell ya', if you can't make it in America because you are white, you really suck at life.

I think this is absolutely ridiculous. To blame the actions of people 6 GENERATIONS ago for conditions today is, simply, looking for somebody to blame. Surely, you can be more intellectually honest than that.
What happened? Obama must have been lying in this speech. He has divided us more so than any president in recent history. it's sad to say that the first mixed race president has been so bad for race relations. He could have actually been the great uniter, instead he chose the opposite. What a waste:(


Indeed, America remains as divided as it ever was but you have failed to show where that is Obama's fault. Just saying it is one thing, proving it is another.

Perhaps you have forgotten that right wing resistance to Obama's presidency has never let up. Radio, television and news papers owned by the right have been the driving force in the campaign to destroy Obama's presidency. Nothing has divided the country more.

The self named White male "conservatives" have rallied within the Republican Party to reinforce their solidarity.
The GOP is the 'us" and the Democrats are the "them." The "us' being real Americans and 'them" , in the disillusioned conservative mind, enemies of the state.Obama, is the leader of "them.' and his blackness seemingly hurts his cause in the eyes of the GOP.

If we must saddle Obama with divisiveness at all, though, lets do it this way:


For those who don't have glasses the chart reads: The Deficit has been cut in half since 2009

What is that? A graph for ants?



You may wish to read the fine print. And I would advise you to read the chart more carefully.

It was interesting how when the GOP won the house, the deficit declined sharply, by 4.3%. While Democrats held both houses in 09-10 the deficit only shrunk by 0.4%.

Do you really think I'm dumb enough to just look at picture and believe you?
What happened? Obama must have been lying in this speech. He has divided us more so than any president in recent history. it's sad to say that the first mixed race president has been so bad for race relations. He could have actually been the great uniter, instead he chose the opposite. What a waste:(


Indeed, America remains as divided as it ever was but you have failed to show where that is Obama's fault. Just saying it is one thing, proving it is another.

Perhaps you have forgotten that right wing resistance to Obama's presidency has never let up. Radio, television and news papers owned by the right have been the driving force in the campaign to destroy Obama's presidency. Nothing has divided the country more.

The self named White male "conservatives" have rallied within the Republican Party to reinforce their solidarity.
The GOP is the 'us" and the Democrats are the "them." The "us' being real Americans and 'them" , in the disillusioned conservative mind, enemies of the state.Obama, is the leader of "them.' and his blackness seemingly hurts his cause in the eyes of the GOP.

If we must saddle Obama with divisiveness at all, though, lets do it this way:


For those who don't have glasses the chart reads: The Deficit has been cut in half since 2009

What is that? A graph for ants?



You may wish to read the fine print. And I would advise you to read the chart more carefully.

It was interesting how when the GOP won the house, the deficit declined sharply, by 4.3%. While Democrats held both houses in 09-10 the deficit only shrunk by 0.4%.

Do you really think I'm dumb enough to just look at picture and believe you?
If he were a teaper...you would have taken his chart as gospel. Go back to being a leech on society because you can't control your temper you nutcase.
What happened? Obama must have been lying in this speech. He has divided us more so than any president in recent history. it's sad to say that the first mixed race president has been so bad for race relations. He could have actually been the great uniter, instead he chose the opposite. What a waste:(


Indeed, America remains as divided as it ever was but you have failed to show where that is Obama's fault. Just saying it is one thing, proving it is another.

Perhaps you have forgotten that right wing resistance to Obama's presidency has never let up. Radio, television and news papers owned by the right have been the driving force in the campaign to destroy Obama's presidency. Nothing has divided the country more.

The self named White male "conservatives" have rallied within the Republican Party to reinforce their solidarity.
The GOP is the 'us" and the Democrats are the "them." The "us' being real Americans and 'them" , in the disillusioned conservative mind, enemies of the state.Obama, is the leader of "them.' and his blackness seemingly hurts his cause in the eyes of the GOP.

If we must saddle Obama with divisiveness at all, though, lets do it this way:


For those who don't have glasses the chart reads: The Deficit has been cut in half since 2009

What is that? A graph for ants?



You may wish to read the fine print. And I would advise you to read the chart more carefully.

It was interesting how when the GOP won the house, the deficit declined sharply, by 4.3%. While Democrats held both houses in 09-10 the deficit only shrunk by 0.4%.

Do you really think I'm dumb enough to just look at picture and believe you?

But obama still gets the credit. The decline happened on his watch. That is a Democrat tradition cleaning up fiscal messes behind republicans Bush, asked for two wars and that helped to drive up the deficit.. The point was, in keeping with the theme of divisiveness, the deficit was CUT in half on Obama's watch!
But obama still gets the credit.

No he doesn't. His party never submitted a budget in that time. None. He gets no credit for the improvement. It happened when the GOP took over the house, the Democrats lost their ability to spend recklessly, which leads to the inevitable conclusion that the shrinkage in deficit spending was a direct result of Democrats losing control of the house.

That is a Democrat tradition cleaning up fiscal messes behind republicans Bush, asked for two wars and that helped to drive up the deficit.. The point was, in keeping with the theme of divisiveness, the deficit was CUT in half on Obama's watch!

You really are a cocky little one, aren't you? The Democratic tradition is making messes and blaming them on everyone else. If someone makes a mess, they add to it. They don't clean it up.

Clinton didn't get credit for the budget surpluses under his watch, the Republicans did. When the budget under Obama was cut in half, Obama doesn't get the credit, Republicans do. Obama has done nothing to directly contribute to shrinking the deficit.
What should he have done differently?
Not hire Al Sharpton as a "race adviser" Today Obama blamed Slavery and Jim Crow for riots? WTF?

I think today's racial issues have a basis in slavery and Jim Crow as well as many other aspects of our past. Do we not have a representative democracy today because we struggled under another government? The past helps craft our future, it's a part of us.

You have people (way more than healthy) on this board who day after day go on these racial tears. The victimized whites. I tell ya', if you can't make it in America because you are white, you really suck at life.

I think this is absolutely ridiculous. To blame the actions of people 6 GENERATIONS ago for conditions today is, simply, looking for somebody to blame. Surely, you can be more intellectually honest than that.

Right because we know right after the civil war everything changed and there was no racism. It just magically vanished. Nobody since has been discriminated against for fair housing, voting, getting a job, targeted by the police, face harsher penalties when convicted of crimes, none of that ever happened, right?
What should he have done differently?

Not be black for one

That makes him half white...I mean right.

and what. He isn't?

He isn't what? white or right? He's been right more often than not and he is half white. Clear things up?

EDIT: Wait, let me be more clear. I meant to say half of him isn't white...is that better?

EDIT2: He's half black is what I mean to say. However I'm only referring to the part of him that isn't white.

What should he have done differently?

Not be black for one

That makes him half white...I mean right.

and what. He isn't?

He isn't what? white or right? He's been right more often than not and he is half white. Clear things up?

EDIT: Wait, let me be more clear. I meant to say half of him isn't white...is that better?

EDIT2: He's half black is what I mean to say. However I'm only referring to the part of him that isn't white.


lol, he's been right the majority of the time huh? that must be why the MAJORITY of people kicked HIS PARTY into the Minority in congress under his reign of terror after only six years in two Historic midterm elections.

. Man you got it bad for Obama. you'll need to be deprogrammed along with a few other on here
What should he have done differently?

Not be black for one

That makes him half white...I mean right.

and what. He isn't?

He isn't what? white or right? He's been right more often than not and he is half white. Clear things up?

EDIT: Wait, let me be more clear. I meant to say half of him isn't white...is that better?

EDIT2: He's half black is what I mean to say. However I'm only referring to the part of him that isn't white.


lol, he been right huh? that must be why the people kicked HIS PARTY into the Minority in congress under his reign of terror after only six years. Man you got it bad for Obama. you'll need to be deprogrammed along with a few other on here

Do you think it's exactly 50% or maybe 49-51? I'm sure he's way more than 36.4% black, that's a paltry number.
But obama still gets the credit.

No he doesn't. His party never submitted a budget in that time. None. He gets no credit for the improvement. It happened when the GOP took over the house, the Democrats lost their ability to spend recklessly, which leads to the inevitable conclusion that the shrinkage in deficit spending was a direct result of Democrats losing control of the house.

That is a Democrat tradition cleaning up fiscal messes behind republicans Bush, asked for two wars and that helped to drive up the deficit.. The point was, in keeping with the theme of divisiveness, the deficit was CUT in half on Obama's watch!

You really are a cocky little one, aren't you? The Democratic tradition is making messes and blaming them on everyone else. If someone makes a mess, they add to it. They don't clean it up.

Clinton didn't get credit for the budget surpluses under his watch, the Republicans did. When the budget under Obama was cut in half, Obama doesn't get the credit, Republicans do. Obama has done nothing to directly contribute to shrinking the deficit.

Thanks for veering off on an off topic tangent just because you are too dull headed to see the satirical twist implied by my graph. It wasn't meant to launch a political analysis on the deficit or fiscal budget. I don't agree with your off topic conclusion but I'll defer in order to remain on topic... see ya!
lol, he's been right the majority of the time huh? that must be why the MAJORITY of people kicked HIS PARTY into the Minority in congress under his reign of terror after only six years in two Historic midterm elections.

I think Staph is unaware that the POTUS party is usually "kicked out" in his 2nd term. But if you didnt know history you would think that is extraordinary

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