There is no controversy over Babbett

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Should we also be arresting BLM "protesters"? As we all know, they are mostly rioters, not protesters.

The ones looting, fighting police, burning buildings, braking into buildings, etc. should all be arrested. See my signature.
Well, at least we agree on that. You left out one of the most dangerous ones... blocking the streets. Most of the deaths have taken place where mobs stop traffic. Its extremely dangerous for both parties and therefore unacceptable. It should be a felony.
People disrupting traffic should also be arrested.
Well, then you and i are in agreement. Im ok with Babbit being shot, even though she was simply climbing through a window. You fuck with the law, you pay the price.
She deserved what she got. It’s why the officer won’t be charged.
Floyd deserved his death too. Had he behaved, he would be alive.
Odd how a jury of your peers disagreed with you. Chauvin had his day in court too.
Floyd deserved his death too.

I disagree. More importantly, our legal system disagrees with you.
A left wing legal system disagreed with me. comes the crying.
Should we also be arresting BLM "protesters"? As we all know, they are mostly rioters, not protesters.

The ones looting, fighting police, burning buildings, braking into buildings, etc. should all be arrested. See my signature.
Well, at least we agree on that. You left out one of the most dangerous ones... blocking the streets. Most of the deaths have taken place where mobs stop traffic. Its extremely dangerous for both parties and therefore unacceptable. It should be a felony.
People disrupting traffic should also be arrested.
Well, then you and i are in agreement. Im ok with Babbit being shot, even though she was simply climbing through a window. You fuck with the law, you pay the price.
She deserved what she got. It’s why the officer won’t be charged.
Floyd deserved his death too. Had he behaved, he would be alive.
Odd how a jury of your peers disagreed with you. Chauvin had his day in court too.
Reality typically disagrees with conservatives.

What controversy? Babbett was a domestic terrorist bent on Trump inspired insurrection and the violent overthrow of the United States. She got just what she deserved for attempting, with her cohorts, to break into the inner sanctum of the Capital.

She deserved on mercy, and got none. Good riddance!

You are confused Moon Bat.

She was an unarmed American veteran Patriot protesting the blatant thievery of an election by the Democrat filth. She was murdered by a government thug.

No loon, Astrostar is not confused. But you have psychosis. Nothing you say here is reality.
STFU racist. So George Floyd got what he deserved. And so did every other black criminal. Your standards.
How start your post by calling another a "racist" then you proceed, in the rest of your post that you are a racist yourself.
Lantern and all the other retards are actually entitled to their opinion no matter how bass ackwards it is. I wonder whats going to happen when reality and their fantasy violently collide?
We aren’t the retard who claimed homicide isn’t murder, then posted a link proving you lied.
Homicide isn't murder. Homicide is the killing of a human being by another.

Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being .

When the state executes someone on death row, their cause of death is homicide, but they are never considered to have been murdered.
And Babbitt was murdered so shut up.
Typical trump cultist....wanting to silence those who they disagree with while they slurp up that orange koolaid.
Lantern and all the other retards are actually entitled to their opinion no matter how bass ackwards it is. I wonder whats going to happen when reality and their fantasy violently collide?
We aren’t the retard who claimed homicide isn’t murder, then posted a link proving you lied.
Homicide isn't murder.

Homicide is homicide.

All murders are homicides (which by definition is nothing more than causing the death of a person period) - but not all homicides are murder.
This was a murder. Like you, this “cop” has proven incapable of doing his job properly. Now trying to get him off on a technicality. Just pathetic.
No this was not a murder. If it was a murder the cop would be on trail charged with murder. That hasnt and will not happen. Sorry scrub. :lol:
It was a murder. Charges may still be brought. You were told to produce your non-existant “evidence”. Noting you keep running from that.
"Charges may still be brought" whom? The People's Court? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Judge Judy?
Floyd violently resisted arrest. Why shouldnt he die?
Violently resisted arrest is an overstatement. But the real reason he didn’t need to die because he posed zero threat to anyone as he was laying face down on the ground with his hands behind his back.
Was Babbit climbing through a window a real threat? We already know what happened when the people finally got inside.... nothing. She simply climbed through a window, lets be clear about that.
She didn't make it through the window.
Yep, she died for "an attempt to climb through a window".
A mob is breaking down the door to your home or business.....what do you do?
I would shoot her dead. Im ok with her dying for climbing through a window. My point is, i dont want to hear any whining the next time a violent black criminal gets shot during an act of violence.
Bottom line, an unarmed woman being moved along by the crowd should not have been shot. I can only coclude it was murder for intimidation. Cold blooded and planned.
A woman, who's "armed" status was unknown to the police, was part of a mob who had bashed open a window and were forcing their way into a chamber where people were being protected.

You seem to miss that part.
You seem to miss there was just no reason to shoot her, period. You are condoning murder.
When should they shoot someone? When they are already overrun and the situation is out of control, and the mob has their hands on the remaining congressman? Just curious.
It was nowhere near out of control. There were a lot of armed police there. Why wasn't anyone else shot. Some people did much worse.

Murder for intimidation purposes and sending a message Trump supporters are not equal under the law. Open season.

It was nowhere NEAR out of control? Did you not see all the video footage and damage? How they overran police and beat them? That this particular part of the mob had smashed open the windows in an effort to get through?

Get real? They were so "in control" they were frantically calling for help.

As to why they didn't shoot more, it's because we are not China. Police are shoot people in riots or demonstrations as a last resort. Surely you have noticed this over the past year. This occassion was no different.
I'm of the opinion that this first and only shot pretty much took the fight out of the rest of the mob.
They vast vast majority were not fighting. Were there FBI agents in those videos? Do you think the FBI would point them out?
"They [sic] vast majority were not fighting." That's nice.....they weren't arrested or shot then. And as for your FBI lunacies, you sure are easily manipulated by lil'tucker, aren't you?
Why was a unarmed woman shot and no one else if things were as bad as you murder condoning assholes contend?
It was a murder. Charges may still be brought.

Make sure you let us know when that happens. :lol:
Maybe right after Hillary Clinton is indicted....or the Durham investigation is finished...or Mexico pays for the Wall...or the Republicans come up with a better replacement for Obamacare...or the Babbitt family files their lawsuit....
Bottom line, an unarmed woman being moved along by the crowd should not have been shot. I can only coclude it was murder for intimidation. Cold blooded and planned.
A woman, who's "armed" status was unknown to the police, was part of a mob who had bashed open a window and were forcing their way into a chamber where people were being protected.

You seem to miss that part.
No warnings, she was unarmed, and the police IN THE ROOM saw no threat. You seem to keep missing that important part. Kind of like how you fail to do your job.
How did the police in that moment know she was unarmed?
Are they blind like you? Obvious to any educated person that Babbitt was unarmed. Had she been armed, the police IN THE ROOM would have detained her.
You are certainly free to draw the conclusion that Ashli was unarmed and act accordingly. None of the rest of us however are required to give her or anyone else the benefit of the doubt considering her actions at the time.
And you’re free to throw your tantrum and keep lying about the incident. I am not required to indulge your fantasies.
You being included in any fantasy of mine is so far out of the realm of possibility it doesn't even warrant consideration, however you seem particularly emotionally invested in this incident, which can't be good for your health particularly since you're on the wrong side of the issue.

I can't even imagine what it is you think I'm lying about.
Makes one wonder... "you seem particularly emotionally invested in this incident"...doesn't it? :eusa_think:
Lantern and all the other retards are actually entitled to their opinion no matter how bass ackwards it is. I wonder whats going to happen when reality and their fantasy violently collide?
We aren’t the retard who claimed homicide isn’t murder, then posted a link proving you lied.
Homicide isn't murder. Homicide is the killing of a human being by another.

Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being .

When the state executes someone on death row, their cause of death is homicide, but they are never considered to have been murdered.
And Babbitt was murdered so shut up.
Don't get mad at me because you're ignorant.
You are nowhere near important enough to anger me with your lies and lack of facts. Considering the crap you’ve been spouting here you may want to be careful with that word ignorant. I, like most sane people, am sick of leftist lies.
I'm not important enough to anger you huh? So you behave like a pompous ass to everyone who doesn't agree with you? Those are dictionary definitions so their veracity can easily be verified.

I get paid for my professional opinions, decent money too so you might want to rethink your position and perhaps find a cure for your ignorance.

Or don't, doesn't matter to me one way or another.
Here’s my response to your utter arrogance you fucking prick. You “get paid for your professional opinion”. Sure you do. Sorry, not indulging your fantasy does not make anybody ignorant. Find a cure for your arrogance in thinking anybody disagreeing with you is a pompous ass. YOU are a pompous ass. Now shut up before embarrassing yourself further.
LOL you're funny.

Just show me what I'm lying about and I will apologize to you, profusely.
Good luck with that "Karen".
Lantern and all the other retards are actually entitled to their opinion no matter how bass ackwards it is. I wonder whats going to happen when reality and their fantasy violently collide?
We aren’t the retard who claimed homicide isn’t murder, then posted a link proving you lied.
Homicide isn't murder. Homicide is the killing of a human being by another.

Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being .

When the state executes someone on death row, their cause of death is homicide, but they are never considered to have been murdered.
And Babbitt was murdered so shut up.
Don't get mad at me because you're ignorant.
You are nowhere near important enough to anger me with your lies and lack of facts. Considering the crap you’ve been spouting here you may want to be careful with that word ignorant. I, like most sane people, am sick of leftist lies.
You are definitely angry. Look at how emotional your words are. :itsok:

He’s sooooo angry. :laugh:
Loses control a lot....a Karen....wanting to speak to the manager!
It was a murder. Charges may still be brought.

Make sure you let us know when that happens. :lol:
Maybe right after Hillary Clinton is indicted....or the Durham investigation is finished...or Mexico pays for the Wall...or the Republicans come up with a better replacement for Obamacare...or the Babbitt family files their lawsuit....
Why is it so funny that our justice system only prosecutes who they want? Is that what equal under the law is about? You dickheads cheer on every unAmerican action they take. You realize that?

It makes you traitors with 0 respect for everything that made this country great. Things like fair elections.

What controversy? Babbett was a domestic terrorist bent on Trump inspired insurrection and the violent overthrow of the United States. She got just what she deserved for attempting, with her cohorts, to break into the inner sanctum of the Capital.

She deserved on mercy, and got none. Good riddance!

You are confused Moon Bat.

She was an unarmed American veteran Patriot protesting the blatant thievery of an election by the Democrat filth. She was murdered by a government thug.

No loon, Astrostar is not confused. But you have psychosis. Nothing you say here is reality.

If she was an unarmed Negro Ho shot by a government thug protesting Republicans wanting less welfare or whatever the Negros would be burning down another 200 cities, murder seven White people and looting another 50 7-11s and two dozen Targets.
Sure don't understand why some here call you a racist, Flash. It's a puzzlement. You seem so..................fair.
She wasn't armed. She wasn't threatening anyone. There were cops five feet away from her who weren't feeling threatened.
That is a blatant lie

Are you referring to the several cops who were on the mob side of the door who were convinced to move aside by threats on their lives?

I'm referring to the photograph taken just before she was murdered where cops are 5 feet away from her you lying piece of shit.
How long had those cops been there?
Bottom line, an unarmed woman being moved along by the crowd should not have been shot. I can only coclude it was murder for intimidation. Cold blooded and planned.
A woman, who's "armed" status was unknown to the police, was part of a mob who had bashed open a window and were forcing their way into a chamber where people were being protected.

You seem to miss that part.
You seem to miss there was just no reason to shoot her, period. You are condoning murder.
When should they shoot someone? When they are already overrun and the situation is out of control, and the mob has their hands on the remaining congressman? Just curious.
It was nowhere near out of control. There were a lot of armed police there. Why wasn't anyone else shot. Some people did much worse.

Murder for intimidation purposes and sending a message Trump supporters are not equal under the law. Open season.

It was nowhere NEAR out of control? Did you not see all the video footage and damage? How they overran police and beat them? That this particular part of the mob had smashed open the windows in an effort to get through?

Get real? They were so "in control" they were frantically calling for help.

As to why they didn't shoot more, it's because we are not China. Police are shoot people in riots or demonstrations as a last resort. Surely you have noticed this over the past year. This occassion was no different.
I'm of the opinion that this first and only shot pretty much took the fight out of the rest of the mob.
They vast vast majority were not fighting. Were there FBI agents in those videos? Do you think the FBI would point them out?
"They [sic] vast majority were not fighting." That's nice.....they weren't arrested or shot then. And as for your FBI lunacies, you sure are easily manipulated by lil'tucker, aren't you?
Why was a unarmed woman shot and no one else if things were as bad as you murder condoning assholes contend?
Who else attempted to climb oven the police barricade with lawmakers still inside the House chamber?

What controversy? Babbett was a domestic terrorist bent on Trump inspired insurrection and the violent overthrow of the United States. She got just what she deserved for attempting, with her cohorts, to break into the inner sanctum of the Capital.

She deserved on mercy, and got none. Good riddance!
ANITFA/BLM attempt the same thing throughout the nation all the time. By your standard we are free to gun them down with impunity.
Kyle Ritterhouse (and his mom) approve your message.

why yes ... yes you are.

you don't think that video exists? or the one where the basket dwelling trump humping insurrectionist was going thru the halls calling out pelosi'd name - specifically a very intimidating & sick way? lol ... they exist alright.

has fox, newsmax, AONN or RT shown that?

If you think what you see on Fake News CNN is real then you are delusional.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!! duuuuuuuuuude......... i i don't watch CNN - or MSNBC.

i don't even have cable - so yer wrong right outa the gate. those videos are there- unedited, anytime you wanna actually research them. youtube is chock full of videos. they ALL can't be doctored. or stay the poorly educated trump humper that donny counts on & loves you long time for your ignorant loyalty.

Not just the places you listed but videos of the violence have been posted on this board countless times. I have posted some of them.

The problem is that the reader has to actually click on the video and watch it to get the information.

As I've been saying for years, you can post link after link. Video after video. Photo after photo.

The far right will never click the link, watch the video or view the photo.

It's a waste of time to provide any honest facts to far right wing trump people.
You mean, like the videos we post of murderous BLM thugs carrying guns, and matches, and big screen tvs.....
Compared to the videos you show of election protestors carrying flags??? Those honest facts?
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