There is no credible evidence that obama was actually born anywhere

Oh for crying out loud, it was someones OPONION.
get a friggen grip

..and he gave his opinion!!! I think you're the one that needs to get a grip. What do you expect when you post birther trash? You're going to get ridiculed. :cuckoo:

Well from now on we will run it by you to see what we can post here, K:eusa_silenced:

No problem, I was only objecting to the implication that they should all be run through you. :cool:
There is no credible evidence that obama was actually born anywhere


God, I hope they get desperate enought to go with this.

Oh for crying out loud, it was someones OPONION.
get a friggen grip

It's opinion based in fact. There ISN'T any tangible, verifiable proof of where obama was born, and he IS using a fraudulent SSN from a state he never resided in. The only REAL proof that has EVER existed was the VERBAL TESTIMONY of his grandmother that said she was PRESENT when he was born in MOMBASA, KENYA.

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If we do not confront Obama’s usurpation of power, investigate his crimes and expose those officials protecting him, our silence will be construed as an endorsement of permanent political corruption in Washington, D.C. and an abdication of our Constitutional rights.

The government has placed itself squarely in opposition to the American people.

It is time to heed the words of John F. Kennedy: (a DEMOCRAT...)

“Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life.”

It's coming...

How Obama Escapes Justice: A Congress of Whores| The Post & Email

God, I hope they get desperate enought to go with this.

Oh for crying out loud, it was someones OPONION.
get a friggen grip

It's opinion based in fact. There ISN'T any tangible, verifiable proof of where obama was born, and he IS using a fraudulent SSN from a state he never resided in. The only REAL proof that has EVER existed was the VERBAL TESTIMONY of his grandmother that said she was PRESENT when he was born in MOMBASA, KENYA.


I like the part about the Republicans and the kinky sex. They're a "dirty" bunch.
The fact that he exists is EXCELLENT evidence that he was born.

The fact that he was born is EXCELLENT evidence that he was somewhere at the time.

There is, however, no credible evidence of his academic record here or in Jakarta.
Oh for crying out loud, it was someones OPONION.
get a friggen grip

It's opinion based in fact. There ISN'T any tangible, verifiable proof of where obama was born, and he IS using a fraudulent SSN from a state he never resided in. The only REAL proof that has EVER existed was the VERBAL TESTIMONY of his grandmother that said she was PRESENT when he was born in MOMBASA, KENYA.


I like the part about the Republicans and the kinky sex. They're a "dirty" bunch.

You like making shit up to ya nipple headed idiot... STFU.
The left doesn't have answers, just sneers, lol!

WTF????? I GAVE you an answer......

We should all insist that Obama is actually an alien from outer space.

And this should be posted on every RW website, broadcast on FOX news and in the platform of every GOP candidate for POTUS.
It's opinion based in fact. There ISN'T any tangible, verifiable proof of where obama was born, and he IS using a fraudulent SSN from a state he never resided in. The only REAL proof that has EVER existed was the VERBAL TESTIMONY of his grandmother that said she was PRESENT when he was born in MOMBASA, KENYA.


I like the part about the Republicans and the kinky sex. They're a "dirty" bunch.

You like making shit up to ya nipple headed idiot... STFU.

What did he make up? :confused:

Jack Ryan was the Senate GOP candidate against Obama and he dropped out of the race when his wife revealed he took her to lurid sex clubs.
Hummm. some links in article at site.

by Lawrence Sellin, ©2011

Have members of the U.S. House and Senate betrayed the American people by their actions, secret deals, and failure to represent?
(Dec. 23, 2011) — Parliament of Whores was an international best-selling political humor book, written by P. J. O’Rourke and published in 1991. It was a brilliant and scathing critique of the American system of governance from a conservative perspective.

To me it does not seem so funny anymore.

Who would have imagined in 1991 that O’Rourke’s title would have provided an appropriate epitaph for the beginning of the downfall of the United States?

The American republic has entered the first stage of decline. It has become a totalitarian democracy, a political system described by Israeli historian J. L. Talmon, in which lawfully elected representatives rule a nation state whose citizens, although granted the right to vote, have little or no participation in the decision-making process of government.

In every sense of the term, we have a rogue government, which has been hijacked by an oligarchy composed of a self-serving permanent political class, supported by an obsequious press and financed by and beholden to wealthy special interests in order to pursue personal power and profit at the expense of ordinary Americans; the very people who pay the nation’s bills and fight her wars.

Politicians buy votes with our money, steal more money from our wallets and then repeat the process. It is a method designed to reward special interests in return for kickbacks in the form of campaign funding and other benefits in order to maintain themselves as permanent political parasites in Washington, D.C.

Most Americans now realize that Barack Hussein Obama is an empty suit, an individual totally unprepared for the responsibilities of the Presidency, but shaped and directed by others to undermine traditional American values, disrupt our economy and instigate class and racial conflict with the aim of making the United States vulnerable to control by foreign entities and hostile ideologies.

The anti-American forces backing Obama have successfully exploited politicians’ greed and lust for power, their susceptibility to be intimidated by political correctness and their overall lack of integrity and intestinal fortitude.

Members of Congress are not leaders by any stretch of the imagination. They are frightened rabbits constantly sniffing the air for any scent of controversy that might endanger their comfortable lifestyles and lucrative pensions.

We are experiencing, in real-time, the destruction of the Constitution and a flagrant disregard for the rule of law by Congress, the courts and government bureaucrats, who are deliberately hiding the truth about Obama from the American people.

Corrupt politicians and their collaborators in the mainstream media contemptuously believe that they can conceal the greatest Constitutional crisis since the Civil War with an organized campaign of disinformation and by blocking any legal avenues that honest citizens want to pursue.

Obama is a Constitutionally illegal President (see here and here who has forged his birth documents and his Selective Service registration. He has committed identity theft by using a Social Security Number not issued to him.

Why, for example, has no hospital in Hawaii provided verification that Obama was born there?

Our elected representatives, the courts and federal law enforcement agencies all know the truth.

read it all here..
How Obama Escapes Justice: A Congress of Whores| The Post & Email

This thread is pathetic.
That mysterious 3 ft circumference metallic ball that landed in the African desert earlier this week? Obama's 3rd child being delivered to Earth.

True story!
Hummm. some links in article at site.

by Lawrence Sellin, ©2011

Have members of the U.S. House and Senate betrayed the American people by their actions, secret deals, and failure to represent?
(Dec. 23, 2011) — Parliament of Whores was an international best-selling political humor book, written by P. J. O’Rourke and published in 1991. It was a brilliant and scathing critique of the American system of governance from a conservative perspective.

To me it does not seem so funny anymore.

Who would have imagined in 1991 that O’Rourke’s title would have provided an appropriate epitaph for the beginning of the downfall of the United States?

The American republic has entered the first stage of decline. It has become a totalitarian democracy, a political system described by Israeli historian J. L. Talmon, in which lawfully elected representatives rule a nation state whose citizens, although granted the right to vote, have little or no participation in the decision-making process of government.

In every sense of the term, we have a rogue government, which has been hijacked by an oligarchy composed of a self-serving permanent political class, supported by an obsequious press and financed by and beholden to wealthy special interests in order to pursue personal power and profit at the expense of ordinary Americans; the very people who pay the nation’s bills and fight her wars.

Politicians buy votes with our money, steal more money from our wallets and then repeat the process. It is a method designed to reward special interests in return for kickbacks in the form of campaign funding and other benefits in order to maintain themselves as permanent political parasites in Washington, D.C.

Most Americans now realize that Barack Hussein Obama is an empty suit, an individual totally unprepared for the responsibilities of the Presidency, but shaped and directed by others to undermine traditional American values, disrupt our economy and instigate class and racial conflict with the aim of making the United States vulnerable to control by foreign entities and hostile ideologies.

The anti-American forces backing Obama have successfully exploited politicians’ greed and lust for power, their susceptibility to be intimidated by political correctness and their overall lack of integrity and intestinal fortitude.

Members of Congress are not leaders by any stretch of the imagination. They are frightened rabbits constantly sniffing the air for any scent of controversy that might endanger their comfortable lifestyles and lucrative pensions.

We are experiencing, in real-time, the destruction of the Constitution and a flagrant disregard for the rule of law by Congress, the courts and government bureaucrats, who are deliberately hiding the truth about Obama from the American people.

Corrupt politicians and their collaborators in the mainstream media contemptuously believe that they can conceal the greatest Constitutional crisis since the Civil War with an organized campaign of disinformation and by blocking any legal avenues that honest citizens want to pursue.

Obama is a Constitutionally illegal President (see here and here who has forged his birth documents and his Selective Service registration. He has committed identity theft by using a Social Security Number not issued to him.

Why, for example, has no hospital in Hawaii provided verification that Obama was born there?

Our elected representatives, the courts and federal law enforcement agencies all know the truth.

read it all here..
How Obama Escapes Justice: A Congress of Whores| The Post & Email

This thread is pathetic.

thanks for sharing...:bye1:
The actual question is not if Obama is a citizen, it's is he a natural born citizen. The evidence and case law says no.
The actual question is not if Obama is a citizen, it's is he a natural born citizen. The evidence and case law says no.

A long line of dismissed cases - some with prejudice - say that your claim is incorrect.

But what the hell do those judges know anyway? They're all in the back pocket of liberal dems!

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