There is no life after death

Jewish Rabbis do not view Christians and Muslims as sinners as long as they follow The Seven Laws of Noah.

most of the Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox will disagree.

Many consider non-Jews as mere cattle, not humans. They make a big noise claiming otherwise but that is just because all their attempts to exterminate the Jewish Christian sect failed miserably and thye're makeing big bucks off of evangelicals who mistakenly believe they're the Jews of Moses and the OT; they're not.
You probably think all Christians are perfect little hippie peaceniks, don't you?
All u said was --
I believe in Jesus Christ and His promise of eternal life, which was paid for by His own blood on the cross. I believe that death is only physical, but the soul remains forever. At some point in time, all souls will be called to judgment. On that day you'll either have eternal life with God, or eternal damnation.

The choice is yours.
Muslims believe that too, I do too. My personal bet is that for u belief in Jesus and the Bible isn't enough, tho then again I may be wrong.
I never said I believed in nothing, but I don't accept the beliefs of ancient civilizations, all of whom held beliefs in mythology, to explain away their ignorance of our origin and afterwards.

Nobody said they have to, it's just obvious they all thought there was life after death; how they tried to explain it is pretty irrelevant to the point. You're just as ignorant as they are relative to what isn't known about the universe and nature, as we all are.
The first one you listed is strictly Judeo-Christian. The second one is sometimes listed. The next 3 are in sets of laws that predate the 10 commandments. Such as the Code of Hammurabi.
Belief in an afterlife stops a lot of people from being more vicious. Just not enough.
No, it doesn't.

Neither can you
Jesus is the proof of the afterlife.

Also, I said science backs up the Bible and have a youtube on it.

How does science back up evolution? It doesn't. No evidence whatsoever. It's just opinion by scientists run amok.
I never said I believed in nothing, but I don't accept the beliefs of ancient civilizations, all of whom held beliefs in mythology, to explain away their ignorance of our origin and afterwards.
Yeah, you know, because all the knowledge culminated and compiled and recorded by human beings up to this point after thousands of years is what, irrelevant? Is that your stance?
You probably think all Christians are perfect little hippie peaceniks, don't you?

Nope, most are just like you and have no resemblance to Jesus in the slightest.

Seems none of you ever learned about the Fruits of the Spirit.
Thank you! That is SO true.

I think the 2 biggest things that blind people to God are pride, and sin. (Isaiah 59:2)

As C.S Lewis puts it:

“As long as you are proud you cannot know God. A proud man is always looking down on things and people: and, of course, as long as you are looking down you cannot see something that is above you.”
“Pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete anti-God state of mind.”

Anyone who has participated in theism vs atheism debates knows that atheists and skeptics typically think they are too smart to believe in God, and there's always a very condescending attitude towards religion (calling it "fairy tales" etc.) Don't get me wrong, I get it, in the past when I was an unbeliever I had a similar attitude. I thought "I'm too smart to believe in silly stuff like that." But pride is blinding. And it leads to a fall. (Proverbs 16:18) And also, as you put it, the pursuit of pleasure and comfort above all else. And that reminds me of another great C.S Lewis quote:

"If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth, only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin, and in the end, despair.”
Thanks Buttercup for your support. --and The Duke guy, too. . It is the most crucial subject matter for every human on earth, i.e., Is there a God and what happens when we die? . The world is so afraid to confront reality directly on. . Well, good luck to them. . And I, too, love C.S. Lewis, so I will leave you with two of his quotes, quite apropos here.

“All that we call human history…is the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy.” -- C.S. Lewis

“If Christianity is false, it is of no importance. . But if it is true, it is of infinite importance. . What Christianity can never be is moderately important.” –C.S. Lewis
I will not engage in interfaith debate. Jews, Christians, and Muslims have a lot of shared beliefs.

Torah is the Holy Book. Torah is a Holy Book for Jews. Torah is a Holy Book for Christians -- Torah is contained in Christian Bible. Torah is a Holy Book for Muslims -- Torah is almost completely contained in Quran.
--and I imagine that you'd agree that I'd be pretty stupid to agree w/ someone on the internet that made and bunch of statements and insisted that they were based on the Bible --w/o either citing any supporting passages or addressing contrary passages
I'm not here to convince you of anything. I don't know who you are, neither do I care. You can Google the scriptures I cite if that interests you. If you don't care enough to actually look into them, then it is not you I'm speaking to
and thye're makeing big bucks off of evangelicals who mistakenly believe they're the Jews of Moses and the OT; they're not
I hit "thanks" before I read this part, which is a satanic lie. So I withdrew my "thanks."

The JEWS were prophesied to return to the Land of Israel before the Return. That has happened. Yes, they are the true Jews
Actually, they don't, but you can believe whatever you want. A lot of Christians don't believe they're facing the same fate from the left and corporations that eastern European Jews did under Hitler, so you're in good company.
And then others sense that's exactly what the left have in mind for most of us.

Here's where all their plans fail: America wasn't built by a bunch of pussies that are just gonna put up with their crap.
I hit "thanks" before I read this part, which is a satanic lie. So I withdrew my "thanks."

The JEWS were prophesied to return to the Land of Israel before the Return. That has happened. Yes, they are the true Jews

The real Jews are the Christians; the real Jews converted to Christianity a long long time ago; modern 'Jews' are not the Jews of the OT covenants, they're a racist cult invented by Babylonians beginning with Ezra and ending with the rabbinical cult invented in the 2nd Century A.D. The average Baptist is more Jewish than most Brooklyn rabbis. The ethnic group is not the same as the religion.

The Hebrewism of Moses was a universalist religion; universalism is implicit in monotheism; it isn't a racist cult built around Babylonian scam artists and their Messiah Cyrus. There are no great prophets after Ezra's cult takes over.
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Sadly, all my potential is w

You have absolutely no idea whether this is true or not. There is no proof either way, and in fact not even any data to support any conclusion. If that is your opinion, you are entitled to it, but it is not factual.
There is overwhelming proof that life after death does not exist
And then others sense that's exactly what the left have in mind for most of us.

Here's where all their plans fail: America wasn't built by a bunch of pussies that are just gonna put up with their crap.
Maybe you're right. There is zero evidence so far that anybody will lift a finger to stop it currently, or we wouldn't be seeing what we're seeing now, just a lot of noise and breast beating. They're going to railroad their main opposition candidate into prison or execute him, and the 'right' will just stand by and let them, so I guess you must be waiting on some other country's citizens to rescue you. Venezuela maybe?

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