There Is No Such Thing As A Future The Antichrist.

Only the little flock is promised heaven-Rev 14:3--144,000 bought from the earth. No where is the great crowd promised heaven. So you as well live in your heresy.
Then your religion is gross and evil. And you are of lower moral character for believing that.
lol... right. And the dufus fairy will laugh at you in your laboratory when your boiling beaker explodes in your face in the vain attempt to turn lead into gold. An alchemist you are not.

And as usual what I have been saying is above your grasp. You put all your money on the bet that its all magical bullshit. Consequently you underestimate the power of scripture because you understand neither the figurative words nor hidden subjects just like everyone already in hell.

You can't win with a losing hand, and you have tipped your hand dummy. You suck at gambling.

Compliance with the law, the only way to heaven, stretches out above your addled head from horizon to horizon like a crystal clear vault.

FYI, The time is coming, indeed it is already here, when the dead will hear my voice and all those who listen will come to life, which excludes you.

If you don't believe me, just watch.

“How long, O simple ones, will you love your simple ways? How long will scoffers delight in their scorn and fools hate knowledge? If you had repented at my rebuke, then surely I would have poured out my spirit on you; I would have made my words known to you. Because you refused my call, and no one took my outstretched hand, because you neglected all my counsel, and wanted none of my correction, in turn I will mock your calamity; I will laugh when terror strikes you, when your dread comes like a storm, and your destruction like a whirlwind, when distress and anguish overwhelm you.

Then they will call on me, but I will not answer; they will earnestly seek me, but will not find me."
Hobelim, yu always think you are just too complicated to understand....while you trot out dusty, embarrassing talking points that are older than you are. It's kind of embarrassing.

In truth, your babble is vapid. It means nothing at all. It is designed to be that way.

Just public masturbation.
did they photocopy the tablets before smashing them ... no one cares about the golden calf - poor excuse for a liar.

47, you have a reading comprehension - problem ... without the tablets what was written was made null and void. you can not have both, their temper tantrum and the commandments - they are a heretic for destroying them if they excised and makes them a heretic for claiming they did without providing them either way moses is doomed till otherwise relieved by the admission of their falsehood.

the religion of antiquity is not monotheistic nor is in "our" image - so implied ... what moses expected was a golden moses not a calf ... too bad for him and his temper tantrum.

Nothing God does is null and void. Little mortal thoughts are though.
Why do you make this stuff up. You have no clue what Moses thought. Not a wise place to be standing.
Then your religion is gross and evil. And you are of lower moral character for believing that.
Show us then where it says the great crowd goes to heaven. It says-they will stand before the throne. At that point no matter where one stands it will be before the throne. It will be the only ruling power left. And then who was this promise to? Matthew 5:5 Psalm 37:29--The only other ones beside the little flock to enter Gods kingdom is the great crowd, thus its them who have the promise of earth.
Hobelim, yu always think you are just too complicated to understand....while you trot out dusty, embarrassing talking points that are older than you are. It's kind of embarrassing.

In truth, your babble is vapid. It means nothing at all. It is designed to be that way.

Just public masturbation.

You may not know this but scripture was deliberately written in figurative language, like treasure in a locked vault, to seem that way to unethical people like you. Apparently it still works like a charm.

You may not know this as well but the only reason that I respond to you at all is for the benefit of those standing around watching like dedicated medical students watch in the arena as a corpse strapped to a gurney is dissected to reveal the cause of death. I couldn't care less what you think.

Anyway, thanks for helping me to show the wisdom of God in giving the command to refrain from eating the vile and degrading flesh of anything that crawls on its belly and for so generously demonstrating the terrifying and deeply disturbing death consequent for failing to comply.

Because of the ignorant things that you say many will come to believe in Divine condemnation, not in some afterlife, but right here and now proving that the Law remains in effect and in full force.
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Nothing God does is null and void. Little mortal thoughts are though.
Why do you make this stuff up. You have no clue what Moses thought. Not a wise place to be standing.
if the commandments did exist only a heretic would destroy them and worse substitute their own for ones written in the heavens ...
produce the etched tablets from heaven or remove the false commandments made up by heretics

that's exactly what the heretic accomplished when they wantonly destroyed tablets etched in heaven.

you too are a heretic, 47 - and all people that support a desert religion document containing forged fallacies - they claim were written in the heavens.
that's exactly what the heretic accomplished when they wantonly destroyed tablets etched in heaven.

you too are a heretic, 47 - and all people that support a desert religion document containing forged fallacies - they claim were written in the heavens.
God inspired the bible. Its you standing in opposition to Gods will by thinking otherwise. Usually its ones practicing sin that listen to those who reason falsely.
You may not know this but scripture was deliberately written in figurative language, like treasure in a locked vault, to seem that way to unethical people like you.
Nah, silly horseshit.

You have just gone too far down the apologist rabbit hole.

And your magical beliefs have clouded your intellectual and judgment.
Nah, silly horseshit.

You have just gone too far down the apologist rabbit hole.

And your magical beliefs have clouded your intellectual and judgment.
Much cannot be understood in the bible. It kept satan in the darkness and mortals as well. The only ones who get truth revealed through them are the teachers Jesus appoints. Matt 24:45--these teachers.
God inspired the bible. Its you standing in opposition to Gods will by thinking otherwise. Usually its ones practicing sin that listen to those who reason falsely.

the heavens etched tablets that you and your type destroyed to write your own disguised as theirs the same throughout the forged c bible, seek help heretic or face trial and conviction for your certain crimes.
The devil’s fish

In a dream I had in September of 2000, I was under the control of Satan, who was making my life miserable. I was stooped over and could feel the weight of his power on my back. His method of control was very clever and seemingly foolproof, but as the dream progressed, I forgot the secret of how he exercised his power. I also had a vague recollection that he had a female companion.

The devil then turned me into a fish. I remember swimming in a small stream and thinking that being a fish wasn't so bad. But as soon as I grew accustomed to this form, I was turned back into a man. Now I was in a fish restaurant accompanied by a small boy. I am carrying a tray with fish dinners for both of us. As I walk down the aisle, I see an angry man in a booth who I realize is about to trip me or shove me down. However, as the man gets up to attack me, he is thrown to the floor by some invisible person, who hits the man with invisible punches. I realize that the invisible man is the devil, who is now protecting me.

Next, I see the devil standing in a pitch-black room under a bright light, which puts him in great agony. His dark clothing begins to change. First, he is dressed as Superman, next as Batman, then as a football player. As the football player, he starts running down a field with the ball and is knocked out of bounds.

What did Satan look like before being transformed into a superhero? I don't recall an exact face, but he did not have horns, a tail, a pitchfork, or any of the cartoon features usually associated with the devil.

Last Supper As the fish is a symbol representing Christianity, the dream seemed to suggest that I am the devil's fish and, thus, the devil's Christ or Antichrist. The fish dinners, suggestive of the Last Supper, symbolize my divinity, which I am sharing with the boy, who represents a future generation. The devil who had tormented me has now become my "hero" after being exposed to the Light of God. Satan will defend me against attacks and "carry the ball" for me.

Mark of the Beast In 2008 I consulted a urologist regarding a small lump in my scrotum. A test confirmed it was benign. The lump gradually grew larger, especially after my hernia surgery in June 2011, and is now about the size of a testicle. Thus, I have three dangling orbs that resemble the number 666. My urologist said my “666” observation was crazy. Still, it might provide an interesting anecdote at a urologist convention.
The devil’s fish

In a dream I had in September of 2000, I was under the control of Satan, who was making my life miserable. I was stooped over and could feel the weight of his power on my back. His method of control was very clever and seemingly foolproof, but as the dream progressed, I forgot the secret of how he exercised his power. I also had a vague recollection that he had a female companion.

The devil then turned me into a fish. I remember swimming in a small stream and thinking that being a fish wasn't so bad. But as soon as I grew accustomed to this form, I was turned back into a man. Now I was in a fish restaurant accompanied by a small boy. I am carrying a tray with fish dinners for both of us. As I walk down the aisle, I see an angry man in a booth who I realize is about to trip me or shove me down. However, as the man gets up to attack me, he is thrown to the floor by some invisible person, who hits the man with invisible punches. I realize that the invisible man is the devil, who is now protecting me.

Next, I see the devil standing in a pitch-black room under a bright light, which puts him in great agony. His dark clothing begins to change. First, he is dressed as Superman, next as Batman, then as a football player. As the football player, he starts running down a field with the ball and is knocked out of bounds.

What did Satan look like before being transformed into a superhero? I don't recall an exact face, but he did not have horns, a tail, a pitchfork, or any of the cartoon features usually associated with the devil.

Last Supper As the fish is a symbol representing Christianity, the dream seemed to suggest that I am the devil's fish and, thus, the devil's Christ or Antichrist. The fish dinners, suggestive of the Last Supper, symbolize my divinity, which I am sharing with the boy, who represents a future generation. The devil who had tormented me has now become my "hero" after being exposed to the Light of God. Satan will defend me against attacks and "carry the ball" for me.

Mark of the Beast In 2008 I consulted a urologist regarding a small lump in my scrotum. A test confirmed it was benign. The lump gradually grew larger, especially after my hernia surgery in June 2011, and is now about the size of a testicle. Thus, I have three dangling orbs that resemble the number 666. My urologist said my “666” observation was crazy. Still, it might provide an interesting anecdote at a urologist convention.

I also had a vague recollection that he had a female companion.

i've met a few ...
Fortunately term limits kept the last attempted anti-Christ from gaining much traction. Though worshiping him remains a requirement for good-standing Democrat Party status.
Much cannot be understood in the bible. It kept satan in the darkness and mortals as well. The only ones who get truth revealed through them are the teachers Jesus appoints. Matt 24:45--these teachers.
The Law came into the world as a light to the nations and the darkness has never mastered it.
Nah, silly horseshit.

You have just gone too far down the apologist rabbit hole.

And your magical beliefs have clouded your intellectual and judgment.

I do not have or hold any magical beliefs. I have shown you that scripture, as well, however many fantastical stories or hyperbolic or figurative language used by the authors is not and never was about magical bullshit either, from the creation of heaven and earth, to talking serpents, to elijah calling down fire from the sky, to ezekiel being flown from Babylon to Jerusalem by an angel holding a lock of his hair, to Jesus cleansing lepers, giving sight to the blind, healing the paralyzed, curing the crippled, the deaf, the dumb, raising the dead, ascending into heaven and, oh yeah, talking jackasses like you.

Pssst! Your inability to grasp what is easily understood by anyone with a second grade education is just more evidence of Divine condemnation. Thanks for proving my point professor. Well done!

You are going to make more believers than a legion of magical bullshit peddling evangelicals. :auiqs.jpg:.

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Why is it so hard to understand plain, simple words, that we use all the time, when they are in the Bible?
The Bible says THE Antichrist is real.
Here is the way the Bible describes him:
He exists. He is a human male. Not real keen on women. He will experience a mortal wound and yet survive it. He is beloved the world over. He will become the leader of the world. He will befriend the Jews. He will organize a peace treaty with Israel and the NWO. He'll let them build a new Temple. Then he'll sit in it and declare himself God.
It means what it says. If you understand words, then that is what you will be seeing on CNN in the not to far off future.
That is how you will be able to recognize THE antichrist.
Don't believe in him? You don't have to. But when you see one man doing all those things, don't be stupid. Put 2+2 together, and recognize his role in all of this and do not pledge your allegiance to him.

Bush told us in no uncertain terms that the New World Order is happening. Biden just told us that the world order is on it's way. I just heard a clip from a German politician saying the same thing. Gates is perfecting the mark that the leader will demand everyone have, just like the vaccine roll out test run. It will be a mandate.

The writing is on the wall. You just have to read it. Don't spiritualize it, don't imagine it figuratively, don't conceptualize it. Just read what it says and be aware of it when you see it coming to fruition..
Why is it so hard to understand plain, simple words, that we use all the time, when they are in the Bible?
The Bible says THE Antichrist is real.
Here is the way the Bible describes him:
He exists. He is a human male. Not real keen on women. He will experience a mortal wound and yet survive it. He is beloved the world over. He will become the leader of the world. He will befriend the Jews. He will organize a peace treaty with Israel and the NWO. He'll let them build a new Temple. Then he'll sit in it and declare himself God.
It means what it says. If you understand words, then that is what you will be seeing on CNN in the not to far off future.
That is how you will be able to recognize THE antichrist.
Don't believe in him? You don't have to. But when you see one man doing all those things, don't be stupid. Put 2+2 together, and recognize his role in all of this and do not pledge your allegiance to him.

Bush told us in no uncertain terms that the New World Order is happening. Biden just told us that the world order is on it's way. I just heard a clip from a German politician saying the same thing. Gates is perfecting the mark that the leader will demand everyone have, just like the vaccine roll out test run. It will be a mandate.

The writing is on the wall. You just have to read it. Don't spiritualize it, don't imagine it figuratively, don't conceptualize it. Just read what it says and be aware of it when you see it coming to fruition..
I believe this world is dying, people are killing it; not some supernatural being. We consider ourselves civilized, but how civilized can we be when we're still murdering one another and there's still war. Some days it seems like all we have in common is hatred. I used to have hope for this world but it's fading fast. I am one of the lucky ones I don't have to come back here ever again.
I believe this world is dying, people are killing it; not some supernatural being. We consider ourselves civilized, but how civilized can we be when we're still murdering one another and there's still war. Some days it seems like all we have in common is hatred. I used to have hope for this world but it's fading fast. I am one of the lucky ones I don't have to come back here ever again.
I am one of the lucky ones I don't have to come back here ever again.

guess again, no one would be sent to Earth that would not be liable for their actions, were you to witness evil and not confront it where would you be allowed to go next - unless where you are from is just as hopelessly corrupt and allowed you to leave in the first place. go back there then.

ram believes in saving herself and Earth be damned - they are wrong they will die than allow evil their way or they will either just die or become the evil they allowed to prosper.

the prescribed religion from antiquity is for humanity - for all to survive together or all to perish as the final judgement.
guess again, no one would be sent to Earth that would not be liable for their actions, were you to witness evil and not confront it where would you be allowed to go next - unless where you are from is just as hopelessly corrupt and allowed you to leave in the first place. go back there then.

ram believes in saving herself and Earth be damned - they are wrong they will die than allow evil their way or they will either just die or become the evil they allowed to prosper.

the prescribed religion from antiquity is for humanity - for all to survive together or all to perish as the final judgement.
That's some crazy tribal god you believe in. Above all, a god has to make sense. No god would create something with the intention of later on possibly destroying it. If it would destroy itself, that's another thing, humans don't make a lot of sense so that's a real possibility.

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