There Is No Such Thing As White Privilege

Any who believe There Is No Such Thing As White Privilege are mentally feeble, woefully uneducated, malignantly motivated, or a combination of any or all three.
Any who believe There Is No Such Thing As White Privilege are mentally feeble, woefully uneducated, malignantly motivated, or a combination of any or all three.
You're too late, trash bag. I've already destroyed everything you just said 1000 times over, and now moved on to other threads. This one is DONE.
Protectionist is nothing but a little tea pot pouting and spouting nonsense to rid himself off the fact of white privilege.
Protectionist is a white monkey whose bare ass is showing.

Don't be stupid enough to be talking about killing people if you respond.
NO they don't own the line you moron. Millions of govt jobs are hired through AA.

Yes, the AA for everyone not a white male just started 50 years ago. Which happens to be the ONLY time that is relevant to this discussion. It is the only time that 99% of white males alive today, have been in the workforce. You're not giving me a headache with your moronic use of :lame2: dodge words like "whining" (long worn out - :laugh:), but I might be getting sick to my stomach. And where HA HA, do you get off talking about ME leaching off the system and begging for handouts ? That's what YOU and YOUR AA zeros do. And you hate them ? That's what you said.
Yes whites do own the line. Stop whining to me and get one of your white friends to get you a job you are not qualified for. Nepotism was invented by whites so they could get unqualified scrubs like you a job over more qualified Black guys. You must suck big time in order to not have any white person that will do this for you. You dont run anything so you cant tell me what is relevant boy. I said whites males had AA for 350 years and I dont care if that hurts you. You should have encouraged your people to make hay while the sun was up since you obviously knew you were going to turn out to be a waste of sperm and a egg. That way they would have left you a trust fund or something.

No I only hate whiny white boys like you that cant take working hard. I made it by working hard and I am Black. Your sorry ass is taking up oxygen from someone else that is infinitely more worthy.

No such thing as a "more qualified Black guy", except in your deranged mind.

HA HA HA. You poor little putz. Here you post RAGE, RAGE, and more RAGE. HA HA. You're really pissed aren't you ? I can't even see your pathetic words. All I can see is your unrestrained ANGER. You're just pissed that you're Black, and like that racist loon on HLN, Miss Ali, always says: "Eva Black person wanna be White" Yeah, and you're one of them. HA HA. Hey, you still have a chance. Get a nose job, and that skin whitening stuff. If Michael Jackson can get away with it , why not you too, right, BOY ?

You made it !! Made it to where ? The front sink, washing dishes ? (after cleaning out the grease pit for 20 years) ?

Let me tell you something, dustball. I have a collection of over 100 art drawings & paintings that I've done, you could only dream about. I have another 100 songs & poems (some of them published right here in this forum), that you can pathetically read, and wish you only could have wrote those words.

And I play 5 musical instruments, all on a professional level, and played in bands in nightclubs, back in the 80s. Something you could only dream about.
Sometime, I'll put some videos of me playing my violin/fiddle, mandolin, guitars and harmonica, and you can than go to sleep at night, dreaming that it was YOU that was playing all that cool music. Hey, when you can't do it, you can always dream....BOY.

You will NEVER be able to write quality poetry like this, because you're just too much of a bonehead simian cretin.

Protectionist Poem 5

CLOUD'S PUFFS by Protectionist

The first cloud had its full form intact
Its whites, grays, blues, all matter-of-fact
Steady its course, ready to react
With all atmospheric bodies abstract
Or solid, moving, spinning, still
Hunchbacked, cracked, compact
Set and posed to interact
And draw a figure cold but alive
And reach down for my insomniaced
Visions loose but exact.

The second cloud, large and moving around
Still, but in motion, a sky merry-go-round
Up high above its lightning greyhound
To race through the air, to clouds or ground
To open bays, river, or sound.

And little puffs up here and there
Trap my eyes to full minute stare
Surrounded by blue, strange nothingness
Seeming to say "something's amiss"
Broken apart from their parent cloud
And hanging remote, aloof, enshroud, high-browed, proud.

Every Black person I know is more qualified than you. I'm not pissed. I like making fun of you cave monkeys on this site. Its easy to get you in a impotent rage that you cant do anything about. Even if I was right in front of your face the most you would do is turn red with anger and frustration. I'm like a titan stomping a mud hole in the ass of every white boy such as yourself that is envious of me. I had to laugh extra hard at your assertion I want to be white. I havent heard a joke that funny in a while. I love being Black. I would probably kill myself if I had to be white.

BTW your poems sucked donkey ass. I have never seen such terrible writing in my life. I bet you have about a million rejection letters in your draw if you were brave enough to try and publish. I know thats why you are upset at Black people. Trust me you were rejected because your writing sucks and not due to AA. You are a loser and your poem echos the loser in you.
An "impotent rage" ? That's what YOU are, Mr. inferiority complex. Rather than just accepting your inferior status, and moving on with it, like most guys like you do, you pretend you're superior. HA HA HA!! Oh, man. This is gonna be a fun day today.

And now you're calling white people "monkeys", huh ? Well, even if you don't get it, all the other Black people around do know that all that talk only bounces right back in your face.

God, you are easy to trash talk. You've got nothing at all going, trash bag. If you were right in front of me, I'd wait for you to put your filthy, smelly hand on me, and then I'd hand you your skinny little punk ass, US Army style. Yeah, you're talking to the US Army, boy. And you never want to make an enemy out of the US Army. NOoooooooo!! As my ex-Battalion commander used to say > In the Army we have a specific way of how we handle out enemies. It can be summed up in 3 simple words. WE KILL THEM! HA HA HA. But you need not fear. You're only on the other side of a computer, not where I could make a pretzel out of you. :drillsergeant::lol: And even if you were in my presence, you'd faint before you could lift a finger toward me.

So you love being Black, huh ?
Dude, you'd give your right arm to be white and YOU KNOW it. And it wasn't my assertion that you want to be White. I clearly wrote that it was Miss Ali (a Black woman) on the Dr. Drew show on HLN who said that. SHE (not me) said > "Eva Black person wanna be White" Whats the matter you got a deficiency in reading comprehension ? HA HA. Well, maybe they pushed you through school with AA, even though you weren't ready for the next higher grade.

Well, that doesn't surprise me. I remember my Meteorology class in college, which was filled with Open Admissions Blacks. Being admitted to the college without having to show a high standard of academic accomplishment in high school, they were let in, just because they were black, and that's how the AA do-gooders wanted it. So the teacher (a cool Black guy) lowered the work level to about 6th grade, and those dum-dums still couldn't pass the easiest "exam" I ever saw. In fact, it was an open book test. When they told me the term "open book" test, I didn't even know what they were talking about, I had never heard of any such ludicrous thing. Of course not. I had all my schooling up to then, before open admissions started and watered down our educations to next to nothing.

And all this just so some totally :lame2: White liberal idiots could walk around feeling confident they wouldn't be called a racist (by some racist AA :asshole:)

So now, here we are in 2014. And despite the oppression foisted upon us whites, by the racist AA goons, we can hold our heads up high knowing that all our accomplishments (ans mine are MANY) are FOR REAL, and we achieved them despite the roadblocks & handicaps of AA. So that is what helps us to love being White (in addition to being much better looking-

For Blacks, it just the opposite. You all have to live with the STIGMA of inferiority as a result of AA. Because of AA, no one can ever take you seriously. Whereever you show up, you are looked at with a question mark imprinted in your forehead. Hmmmm. Did this guy really make it on his own, or is he just there because of AA ? And that's the stigma that all Blacks carry with them (as well as Hispanics like me) So every one of you (Obama, Holder, Sotomayer, this new woman appointee to be attorney general, etc.) Nobody can ever trust that you have a clue for what you're doing. BTW, in 50 years in the workforce, I never once lowered myself to fill out an AA questionnaire, much less check "Hispanic" on one. :rolleyes-41: So I can still hold my head up high, even though YOU CAN'T.

As for my poem, you know it's good, and way beyond your inferior capabilities, so you pretend it's bad, and you couldn't be more obvious. You even misspelled the word "drawer". HA HA. This is too funny.

You are a loon. Now you resort to taliking about KILLING people in an anonymous forum? I rememmber you issuing the same type of empty threats over this same some time ago.

I'm tired of wasting my time here talking to AA deficients. I have other threads to attend to. Talking to real people.

Then please, go away and sulk, you mentally unbalanced screwball.
Protectionist is a white monkey whose bare ass is showing.

Don't be stupid enough to be talking about killing people if you respond.

He is in fact way beyond stupid enough to do so. This is not the first time that he has openly issued threats in this forum.

A great example of how ignorance, arrogance and stupidity are a dangerous combination.
Protectionist is nothing but a little tea pot pouting and spouting nonsense to rid himself off the fact of white privilege.
So you are saying there is no Black Privilege (AKA Affrimative Action) ? And you deny all the things I've been
NO they don't own the line you moron. Millions of govt jobs are hired through AA.

Yes, the AA for everyone not a white male just started 50 years ago. Which happens to be the ONLY time that is relevant to this discussion. It is the only time that 99% of white males alive today, have been in the workforce. You're not giving me a headache with your moronic use of :lame2: dodge words like "whining" (long worn out - :laugh:), but I might be getting sick to my stomach. And where HA HA, do you get off talking about ME leaching off the system and begging for handouts ? That's what YOU and YOUR AA zeros do. And you hate them ? That's what you said.
Yes whites do own the line. Stop whining to me and get one of your white friends to get you a job you are not qualified for. Nepotism was invented by whites so they could get unqualified scrubs like you a job over more qualified Black guys. You must suck big time in order to not have any white person that will do this for you. You dont run anything so you cant tell me what is relevant boy. I said whites males had AA for 350 years and I dont care if that hurts you. You should have encouraged your people to make hay while the sun was up since you obviously knew you were going to turn out to be a waste of sperm and a egg. That way they would have left you a trust fund or something.

No I only hate whiny white boys like you that cant take working hard. I made it by working hard and I am Black. Your sorry ass is taking up oxygen from someone else that is infinitely more worthy.

No such thing as a "more qualified Black guy", except in your deranged mind.

HA HA HA. You poor little putz. Here you post RAGE, RAGE, and more RAGE. HA HA. You're really pissed aren't you ? I can't even see your pathetic words. All I can see is your unrestrained ANGER. You're just pissed that you're Black, and like that racist loon on HLN, Miss Ali, always says: "Eva Black person wanna be White" Yeah, and you're one of them. HA HA. Hey, you still have a chance. Get a nose job, and that skin whitening stuff. If Michael Jackson can get away with it , why not you too, right, BOY ?

You made it !! Made it to where ? The front sink, washing dishes ? (after cleaning out the grease pit for 20 years) ?

Let me tell you something, dustball. I have a collection of over 100 art drawings & paintings that I've done, you could only dream about. I have another 100 songs & poems (some of them published right here in this forum), that you can pathetically read, and wish you only could have wrote those words.

And I play 5 musical instruments, all on a professional level, and played in bands in nightclubs, back in the 80s. Something you could only dream about.
Sometime, I'll put some videos of me playing my violin/fiddle, mandolin, guitars and harmonica, and you can than go to sleep at night, dreaming that it was YOU that was playing all that cool music. Hey, when you can't do it, you can always dream....BOY.

You will NEVER be able to write quality poetry like this, because you're just too much of a bonehead simian cretin.

Protectionist Poem 5

CLOUD'S PUFFS by Protectionist

The first cloud had its full form intact
Its whites, grays, blues, all matter-of-fact
Steady its course, ready to react
With all atmospheric bodies abstract
Or solid, moving, spinning, still
Hunchbacked, cracked, compact
Set and posed to interact
And draw a figure cold but alive
And reach down for my insomniaced
Visions loose but exact.

The second cloud, large and moving around
Still, but in motion, a sky merry-go-round
Up high above its lightning greyhound
To race through the air, to clouds or ground
To open bays, river, or sound.

And little puffs up here and there
Trap my eyes to full minute stare
Surrounded by blue, strange nothingness
Seeming to say "something's amiss"
Broken apart from their parent cloud
And hanging remote, aloof, enshroud, high-browed, proud.

Every Black person I know is more qualified than you. I'm not pissed. I like making fun of you cave monkeys on this site. Its easy to get you in a impotent rage that you cant do anything about. Even if I was right in front of your face the most you would do is turn red with anger and frustration. I'm like a titan stomping a mud hole in the ass of every white boy such as yourself that is envious of me. I had to laugh extra hard at your assertion I want to be white. I havent heard a joke that funny in a while. I love being Black. I would probably kill myself if I had to be white.

BTW your poems sucked donkey ass. I have never seen such terrible writing in my life. I bet you have about a million rejection letters in your draw if you were brave enough to try and publish. I know thats why you are upset at Black people. Trust me you were rejected because your writing sucks and not due to AA. You are a loser and your poem echos the loser in you.
An "impotent rage" ? That's what YOU are, Mr. inferiority complex. Rather than just accepting your inferior status, and moving on with it, like most guys like you do, you pretend you're superior. HA HA HA!! Oh, man. This is gonna be a fun day today.

And now you're calling white people "monkeys", huh ? Well, even if you don't get it, all the other Black people around do know that all that talk only bounces right back in your face.

God, you are easy to trash talk. You've got nothing at all going, trash bag. If you were right in front of me, I'd wait for you to put your filthy, smelly hand on me, and then I'd hand you your skinny little punk ass, US Army style. Yeah, you're talking to the US Army, boy. And you never want to make an enemy out of the US Army. NOoooooooo!! As my ex-Battalion commander used to say > In the Army we have a specific way of how we handle out enemies. It can be summed up in 3 simple words. WE KILL THEM! HA HA HA. But you need not fear. You're only on the other side of a computer, not where I could make a pretzel out of you. :drillsergeant::lol: And even if you were in my presence, you'd faint before you could lift a finger toward me.

So you love being Black, huh ?
Dude, you'd give your right arm to be white and YOU KNOW it. And it wasn't my assertion that you want to be White. I clearly wrote that it was Miss Ali (a Black woman) on the Dr. Drew show on HLN who said that. SHE (not me) said > "Eva Black person wanna be White" Whats the matter you got a deficiency in reading comprehension ? HA HA. Well, maybe they pushed you through school with AA, even though you weren't ready for the next higher grade.

Well, that doesn't surprise me. I remember my Meteorology class in college, which was filled with Open Admissions Blacks. Being admitted to the college without having to show a high standard of academic accomplishment in high school, they were let in, just because they were black, and that's how the AA do-gooders wanted it. So the teacher (a cool Black guy) lowered the work level to about 6th grade, and those dum-dums still couldn't pass the easiest "exam" I ever saw. In fact, it was an open book test. When they told me the term "open book" test, I didn't even know what they were talking about, I had never heard of any such ludicrous thing. Of course not. I had all my schooling up to then, before open admissions started and watered down our educations to next to nothing.

And all this just so some totally :lame2: White liberal idiots could walk around feeling confident they wouldn't be called a racist (by some racist AA :asshole:)

So now, here we are in 2014. And despite the oppression foisted upon us whites, by the racist AA goons, we can hold our heads up high knowing that all our accomplishments (ans mine are MANY) are FOR REAL, and we achieved them despite the roadblocks & handicaps of AA. So that is what helps us to love being White (in addition to being much better looking-

For Blacks, it just the opposite. You all have to live with the STIGMA of inferiority as a result of AA. Because of AA, no one can ever take you seriously. Whereever you show up, you are looked at with a question mark imprinted in your forehead. Hmmmm. Did this guy really make it on his own, or is he just there because of AA ? And that's the stigma that all Blacks carry with them (as well as Hispanics like me) So every one of you (Obama, Holder, Sotomayer, this new woman appointee to be attorney general, etc.) Nobody can ever trust that you have a clue for what you're doing. BTW, in 50 years in the workforce, I never once lowered myself to fill out an AA questionnaire, much less check "Hispanic" on one. :rolleyes-41: So I can still hold my head up high, even though YOU CAN'T.

As for my poem, you know it's good, and way beyond your inferior capabilities, so you pretend it's bad, and you couldn't be more obvious. You even misspelled the word "drawer". HA HA. This is too funny.

Protectionist is nothing but a little tea pot pouting and spouting nonsense to rid himself off the fact of white privilege.
So you deny there is Black Privilege ? (AKA Affirmative Action) And you deny they that Black privilege by AA, has been the largest amount of malicious racial discrimination which has victimized the largest amount of people (Whites) over the past 50 years ?
Maybe you will try to tell us that AA doesn't exist ? What the hell kind of gooneybird thing ARE you saying ?
Protectionist is nothing but a little tea pot pouting and spouting nonsense to rid himself off the fact of white privilege.
So you deny there is Black Privilege ? (AKA Affirmative Action) And you deny they that Black privilege by AA, has been the largest amount of malicious racial discrimination which has victimized the largest amount of people (Whites) over the past 50 years ?
Maybe you will try to tell us that AA doesn't exist ? What the hell kind of gooneybird thing ARE you saying ?
NO they don't own the line you moron. Millions of govt jobs are hired through AA.

Yes, the AA for everyone not a white male just started 50 years ago. Which happens to be the ONLY time that is relevant to this discussion. It is the only time that 99% of white males alive today, have been in the workforce. You're not giving me a headache with your moronic use of :lame2: dodge words like "whining" (long worn out - :laugh:), but I might be getting sick to my stomach. And where HA HA, do you get off talking about ME leaching off the system and begging for handouts ? That's what YOU and YOUR AA zeros do. And you hate them ? That's what you said.
Yes whites do own the line. Stop whining to me and get one of your white friends to get you a job you are not qualified for. Nepotism was invented by whites so they could get unqualified scrubs like you a job over more qualified Black guys. You must suck big time in order to not have any white person that will do this for you. You dont run anything so you cant tell me what is relevant boy. I said whites males had AA for 350 years and I dont care if that hurts you. You should have encouraged your people to make hay while the sun was up since you obviously knew you were going to turn out to be a waste of sperm and a egg. That way they would have left you a trust fund or something.

No I only hate whiny white boys like you that cant take working hard. I made it by working hard and I am Black. Your sorry ass is taking up oxygen from someone else that is infinitely more worthy.

No such thing as a "more qualified Black guy", except in your deranged mind.

HA HA HA. You poor little putz. Here you post RAGE, RAGE, and more RAGE. HA HA. You're really pissed aren't you ? I can't even see your pathetic words. All I can see is your unrestrained ANGER. You're just pissed that you're Black, and like that racist loon on HLN, Miss Ali, always says: "Eva Black person wanna be White" Yeah, and you're one of them. HA HA. Hey, you still have a chance. Get a nose job, and that skin whitening stuff. If Michael Jackson can get away with it , why not you too, right, BOY ?

You made it !! Made it to where ? The front sink, washing dishes ? (after cleaning out the grease pit for 20 years) ?

Let me tell you something, dustball. I have a collection of over 100 art drawings & paintings that I've done, you could only dream about. I have another 100 songs & poems (some of them published right here in this forum), that you can pathetically read, and wish you only could have wrote those words.

And I play 5 musical instruments, all on a professional level, and played in bands in nightclubs, back in the 80s. Something you could only dream about.
Sometime, I'll put some videos of me playing my violin/fiddle, mandolin, guitars and harmonica, and you can than go to sleep at night, dreaming that it was YOU that was playing all that cool music. Hey, when you can't do it, you can always dream....BOY.

You will NEVER be able to write quality poetry like this, because you're just too much of a bonehead simian cretin.

Protectionist Poem 5

CLOUD'S PUFFS by Protectionist

The first cloud had its full form intact
Its whites, grays, blues, all matter-of-fact
Steady its course, ready to react
With all atmospheric bodies abstract
Or solid, moving, spinning, still
Hunchbacked, cracked, compact
Set and posed to interact
And draw a figure cold but alive
And reach down for my insomniaced
Visions loose but exact.

The second cloud, large and moving around
Still, but in motion, a sky merry-go-round
Up high above its lightning greyhound
To race through the air, to clouds or ground
To open bays, river, or sound.

And little puffs up here and there
Trap my eyes to full minute stare
Surrounded by blue, strange nothingness
Seeming to say "something's amiss"
Broken apart from their parent cloud
And hanging remote, aloof, enshroud, high-browed, proud.

Every Black person I know is more qualified than you. I'm not pissed. I like making fun of you cave monkeys on this site. Its easy to get you in a impotent rage that you cant do anything about. Even if I was right in front of your face the most you would do is turn red with anger and frustration. I'm like a titan stomping a mud hole in the ass of every white boy such as yourself that is envious of me. I had to laugh extra hard at your assertion I want to be white. I havent heard a joke that funny in a while. I love being Black. I would probably kill myself if I had to be white.

BTW your poems sucked donkey ass. I have never seen such terrible writing in my life. I bet you have about a million rejection letters in your draw if you were brave enough to try and publish. I know thats why you are upset at Black people. Trust me you were rejected because your writing sucks and not due to AA. You are a loser and your poem echos the loser in you.
An "impotent rage" ? That's what YOU are, Mr. inferiority complex. Rather than just accepting your inferior status, and moving on with it, like most guys like you do, you pretend you're superior. HA HA HA!! Oh, man. This is gonna be a fun day today.

And now you're calling white people "monkeys", huh ? Well, even if you don't get it, all the other Black people around do know that all that talk only bounces right back in your face.

God, you are easy to trash talk. You've got nothing at all going, trash bag. If you were right in front of me, I'd wait for you to put your filthy, smelly hand on me, and then I'd hand you your skinny little punk ass, US Army style. Yeah, you're talking to the US Army, boy. And you never want to make an enemy out of the US Army. NOoooooooo!! As my ex-Battalion commander used to say > In the Army we have a specific way of how we handle out enemies. It can be summed up in 3 simple words. WE KILL THEM! HA HA HA. But you need not fear. You're only on the other side of a computer, not where I could make a pretzel out of you. :drillsergeant::lol: And even if you were in my presence, you'd faint before you could lift a finger toward me.

So you love being Black, huh ?
Dude, you'd give your right arm to be white and YOU KNOW it. And it wasn't my assertion that you want to be White. I clearly wrote that it was Miss Ali (a Black woman) on the Dr. Drew show on HLN who said that. SHE (not me) said > "Eva Black person wanna be White" Whats the matter you got a deficiency in reading comprehension ? HA HA. Well, maybe they pushed you through school with AA, even though you weren't ready for the next higher grade.

Well, that doesn't surprise me. I remember my Meteorology class in college, which was filled with Open Admissions Blacks. Being admitted to the college without having to show a high standard of academic accomplishment in high school, they were let in, just because they were black, and that's how the AA do-gooders wanted it. So the teacher (a cool Black guy) lowered the work level to about 6th grade, and those dum-dums still couldn't pass the easiest "exam" I ever saw. In fact, it was an open book test. When they told me the term "open book" test, I didn't even know what they were talking about, I had never heard of any such ludicrous thing. Of course not. I had all my schooling up to then, before open admissions started and watered down our educations to next to nothing.

And all this just so some totally :lame2: White liberal idiots could walk around feeling confident they wouldn't be called a racist (by some racist AA :asshole:)

So now, here we are in 2014. And despite the oppression foisted upon us whites, by the racist AA goons, we can hold our heads up high knowing that all our accomplishments (ans mine are MANY) are FOR REAL, and we achieved them despite the roadblocks & handicaps of AA. So that is what helps us to love being White (in addition to being much better looking-

For Blacks, it just the opposite. You all have to live with the STIGMA of inferiority as a result of AA. Because of AA, no one can ever take you seriously. Whereever you show up, you are looked at with a question mark imprinted in your forehead. Hmmmm. Did this guy really make it on his own, or is he just there because of AA ? And that's the stigma that all Blacks carry with them (as well as Hispanics like me) So every one of you (Obama, Holder, Sotomayer, this new woman appointee to be attorney general, etc.) Nobody can ever trust that you have a clue for what you're doing. BTW, in 50 years in the workforce, I never once lowered myself to fill out an AA questionnaire, much less check "Hispanic" on one. :rolleyes-41: So I can still hold my head up high, even though YOU CAN'T.

As for my poem, you know it's good, and way beyond your inferior capabilities, so you pretend it's bad, and you couldn't be more obvious. You even misspelled the word "drawer". HA HA. This is too funny.

You are a loon. Now you resort to taliking about KILLING people in an anonymous forum? I rememmber you issuing the same type of empty threats over this same some time ago.

Yeah. I talked about killing ENEMIES of the USA, in the US Army. You got a problem with that ?
White privilege is the feast before a white person, who is used to being well-fed with food of their choosing for all their life.....and whose parents and grandparents and great-grandparents also had access to such a feast, so there aren't even stories about days of privation.

"Black privilege" is what those white people scream about when black people, who are used to being hungry, who never saw such food, are welcomed to some of the food......not the whole table, mind you, but not just the crusts and crumbs, either.
Protectionist is a white monkey whose bare ass is showing.

Don't be stupid enough to be talking about killing people if you respond.
i think I feel threatened.
I'm posting whole posts, and the forum isn't
Yes whites do own the line. Stop whining to me and get one of your white friends to get you a job you are not qualified for. Nepotism was invented by whites so they could get unqualified scrubs like you a job over more qualified Black guys. You must suck big time in order to not have any white person that will do this for you. You dont run anything so you cant tell me what is relevant boy. I said whites males had AA for 350 years and I dont care if that hurts you. You should have encouraged your people to make hay while the sun was up since you obviously knew you were going to turn out to be a waste of sperm and a egg. That way they would have left you a trust fund or something.

No I only hate whiny white boys like you that cant take working hard. I made it by working hard and I am Black. Your sorry ass is taking up oxygen from someone else that is infinitely more worthy.

No such thing as a "more qualified Black guy", except in your deranged mind.

HA HA HA. You poor little putz. Here you post RAGE, RAGE, and more RAGE. HA HA. You're really pissed aren't you ? I can't even see your pathetic words. All I can see is your unrestrained ANGER. You're just pissed that you're Black, and like that racist loon on HLN, Miss Ali, always says: "Eva Black person wanna be White" Yeah, and you're one of them. HA HA. Hey, you still have a chance. Get a nose job, and that skin whitening stuff. If Michael Jackson can get away with it , why not you too, right, BOY ?

You made it !! Made it to where ? The front sink, washing dishes ? (after cleaning out the grease pit for 20 years) ?

Let me tell you something, dustball. I have a collection of over 100 art drawings & paintings that I've done, you could only dream about. I have another 100 songs & poems (some of them published right here in this forum), that you can pathetically read, and wish you only could have wrote those words.

And I play 5 musical instruments, all on a professional level, and played in bands in nightclubs, back in the 80s. Something you could only dream about.
Sometime, I'll put some videos of me playing my violin/fiddle, mandolin, guitars and harmonica, and you can than go to sleep at night, dreaming that it was YOU that was playing all that cool music. Hey, when you can't do it, you can always dream....BOY.

You will NEVER be able to write quality poetry like this, because you're just too much of a bonehead simian cretin.

Protectionist Poem 5

CLOUD'S PUFFS by Protectionist

The first cloud had its full form intact
Its whites, grays, blues, all matter-of-fact
Steady its course, ready to react
With all atmospheric bodies abstract
Or solid, moving, spinning, still
Hunchbacked, cracked, compact
Set and posed to interact
And draw a figure cold but alive
And reach down for my insomniaced
Visions loose but exact.

The second cloud, large and moving around
Still, but in motion, a sky merry-go-round
Up high above its lightning greyhound
To race through the air, to clouds or ground
To open bays, river, or sound.

And little puffs up here and there
Trap my eyes to full minute stare
Surrounded by blue, strange nothingness
Seeming to say "something's amiss"
Broken apart from their parent cloud
And hanging remote, aloof, enshroud, high-browed, proud.

Every Black person I know is more qualified than you. I'm not pissed. I like making fun of you cave monkeys on this site. Its easy to get you in a impotent rage that you cant do anything about. Even if I was right in front of your face the most you would do is turn red with anger and frustration. I'm like a titan stomping a mud hole in the ass of every white boy such as yourself that is envious of me. I had to laugh extra hard at your assertion I want to be white. I havent heard a joke that funny in a while. I love being Black. I would probably kill myself if I had to be white.

BTW your poems sucked donkey ass. I have never seen such terrible writing in my life. I bet you have about a million rejection letters in your draw if you were brave enough to try and publish. I know thats why you are upset at Black people. Trust me you were rejected because your writing sucks and not due to AA. You are a loser and your poem echos the loser in you.
An "impotent rage" ? That's what YOU are, Mr. inferiority complex. Rather than just accepting your inferior status, and moving on with it, like most guys like you do, you pretend you're superior. HA HA HA!! Oh, man. This is gonna be a fun day today.

And now you're calling white people "monkeys", huh ? Well, even if you don't get it, all the other Black people around do know that all that talk only bounces right back in your face.

God, you are easy to trash talk. You've got nothing at all going, trash bag. If you were right in front of me, I'd wait for you to put your filthy, smelly hand on me, and then I'd hand you your skinny little punk ass, US Army style. Yeah, you're talking to the US Army, boy. And you never want to make an enemy out of the US Army. NOoooooooo!! As my ex-Battalion commander used to say > In the Army we have a specific way of how we handle out enemies. It can be summed up in 3 simple words. WE KILL THEM! HA HA HA. But you need not fear. You're only on the other side of a computer, not where I could make a pretzel out of you. :drillsergeant::lol: And even if you were in my presence, you'd faint before you could lift a finger toward me.

So you love being Black, huh ?
Dude, you'd give your right arm to be white and YOU KNOW it. And it wasn't my assertion that you want to be White. I clearly wrote that it was Miss Ali (a Black woman) on the Dr. Drew show on HLN who said that. SHE (not me) said > "Eva Black person wanna be White" Whats the matter you got a deficiency in reading comprehension ? HA HA. Well, maybe they pushed you through school with AA, even though you weren't ready for the next higher grade.

Well, that doesn't surprise me. I remember my Meteorology class in college, which was filled with Open Admissions Blacks. Being admitted to the college without having to show a high standard of academic accomplishment in high school, they were let in, just because they were black, and that's how the AA do-gooders wanted it. So the teacher (a cool Black guy) lowered the work level to about 6th grade, and those dum-dums still couldn't pass the easiest "exam" I ever saw. In fact, it was an open book test. When they told me the term "open book" test, I didn't even know what they were talking about, I had never heard of any such ludicrous thing. Of course not. I had all my schooling up to then, before open admissions started and watered down our educations to next to nothing.

And all this just so some totally :lame2: White liberal idiots could walk around feeling confident they wouldn't be called a racist (by some racist AA :asshole:)

So now, here we are in 2014. And despite the oppression foisted upon us whites, by the racist AA goons, we can hold our heads up high knowing that all our accomplishments (ans mine are MANY) are FOR REAL, and we achieved them despite the roadblocks & handicaps of AA. So that is what helps us to love being White (in addition to being much better looking-

For Blacks, it just the opposite. You all have to live with the STIGMA of inferiority as a result of AA. Because of AA, no one can ever take you seriously. Whereever you show up, you are looked at with a question mark imprinted in your forehead. Hmmmm. Did this guy really make it on his own, or is he just there because of AA ? And that's the stigma that all Blacks carry with them (as well as Hispanics like me) So every one of you (Obama, Holder, Sotomayer, this new woman appointee to be attorney general, etc.) Nobody can ever trust that you have a clue for what you're doing. BTW, in 50 years in the workforce, I never once lowered myself to fill out an AA questionnaire, much less check "Hispanic" on one. :rolleyes-41: So I can still hold my head up high, even though YOU CAN'T.

As for my poem, you know it's good, and way beyond your inferior capabilities, so you pretend it's bad, and you couldn't be more obvious. You even misspelled the word "drawer". HA HA. This is too funny.

You are a loon. Now you resort to taliking about KILLING people in an anonymous forum? I rememmber you issuing the same type of empty threats over this same some time ago.

Yeah. I talked about killing ENEMIES of the USA, in the US Army. You got a problem with that ?

Personally, I think you are a depraved lunatic who has lost touch with reality. You openly stated what you would do to another poster, and you know it.

Didn't you claim to have "other threads to attend to"?

I'm not going to push your buttons anymore, you are mentally unstable and could become yet another demoralized goon who turns into a mass shooter.

Go away.
White privilege is the feast before a white person, who is used to being well-fed with food of their choosing for all their life.....and whose parents and grandparents and great-grandparents also had access to such a feast, so there aren't even stories about days of privation.

"Black privilege" is what those white people scream about when black people, who are used to being hungry, who never saw such food, are welcomed to some of the food......not the whole table, mind you, but not just the crusts and crumbs, either.
:bsflag: Black Privilege is just what I've been saying it is all through this thread. It is malicious, racist discrimination against Whites by way of Affirmative Action. And it is the largest (by far) amount of racial discrimination in America, victimizing (by far) the largest amount of people, over the past 50 years. And everyone one who has supported it should be ashamed of themselves. In fact, they should all be arrested and imprisoned for violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (racial discrimination in employment and schools), and I wouldn't go easy on them.

Protectionist is a white monkey whose bare ass is showing.

Don't be stupid enough to be talking about killing people if you respond.
i think I feel threatened.
I'm posting whole posts, and the forum isn't
No such thing as a "more qualified Black guy", except in your deranged mind.

HA HA HA. You poor little putz. Here you post RAGE, RAGE, and more RAGE. HA HA. You're really pissed aren't you ? I can't even see your pathetic words. All I can see is your unrestrained ANGER. You're just pissed that you're Black, and like that racist loon on HLN, Miss Ali, always says: "Eva Black person wanna be White" Yeah, and you're one of them. HA HA. Hey, you still have a chance. Get a nose job, and that skin whitening stuff. If Michael Jackson can get away with it , why not you too, right, BOY ?

You made it !! Made it to where ? The front sink, washing dishes ? (after cleaning out the grease pit for 20 years) ?

Let me tell you something, dustball. I have a collection of over 100 art drawings & paintings that I've done, you could only dream about. I have another 100 songs & poems (some of them published right here in this forum), that you can pathetically read, and wish you only could have wrote those words.

And I play 5 musical instruments, all on a professional level, and played in bands in nightclubs, back in the 80s. Something you could only dream about.
Sometime, I'll put some videos of me playing my violin/fiddle, mandolin, guitars and harmonica, and you can than go to sleep at night, dreaming that it was YOU that was playing all that cool music. Hey, when you can't do it, you can always dream....BOY.

You will NEVER be able to write quality poetry like this, because you're just too much of a bonehead simian cretin.

Protectionist Poem 5

CLOUD'S PUFFS by Protectionist

The first cloud had its full form intact
Its whites, grays, blues, all matter-of-fact
Steady its course, ready to react
With all atmospheric bodies abstract
Or solid, moving, spinning, still
Hunchbacked, cracked, compact
Set and posed to interact
And draw a figure cold but alive
And reach down for my insomniaced
Visions loose but exact.

The second cloud, large and moving around
Still, but in motion, a sky merry-go-round
Up high above its lightning greyhound
To race through the air, to clouds or ground
To open bays, river, or sound.

And little puffs up here and there
Trap my eyes to full minute stare
Surrounded by blue, strange nothingness
Seeming to say "something's amiss"
Broken apart from their parent cloud
And hanging remote, aloof, enshroud, high-browed, proud.

Every Black person I know is more qualified than you. I'm not pissed. I like making fun of you cave monkeys on this site. Its easy to get you in a impotent rage that you cant do anything about. Even if I was right in front of your face the most you would do is turn red with anger and frustration. I'm like a titan stomping a mud hole in the ass of every white boy such as yourself that is envious of me. I had to laugh extra hard at your assertion I want to be white. I havent heard a joke that funny in a while. I love being Black. I would probably kill myself if I had to be white.

BTW your poems sucked donkey ass. I have never seen such terrible writing in my life. I bet you have about a million rejection letters in your draw if you were brave enough to try and publish. I know thats why you are upset at Black people. Trust me you were rejected because your writing sucks and not due to AA. You are a loser and your poem echos the loser in you.
An "impotent rage" ? That's what YOU are, Mr. inferiority complex. Rather than just accepting your inferior status, and moving on with it, like most guys like you do, you pretend you're superior. HA HA HA!! Oh, man. This is gonna be a fun day today.

And now you're calling white people "monkeys", huh ? Well, even if you don't get it, all the other Black people around do know that all that talk only bounces right back in your face.

God, you are easy to trash talk. You've got nothing at all going, trash bag. If you were right in front of me, I'd wait for you to put your filthy, smelly hand on me, and then I'd hand you your skinny little punk ass, US Army style. Yeah, you're talking to the US Army, boy. And you never want to make an enemy out of the US Army. NOoooooooo!! As my ex-Battalion commander used to say > In the Army we have a specific way of how we handle out enemies. It can be summed up in 3 simple words. WE KILL THEM! HA HA HA. But you need not fear. You're only on the other side of a computer, not where I could make a pretzel out of you. :drillsergeant::lol: And even if you were in my presence, you'd faint before you could lift a finger toward me.

So you love being Black, huh ?
Dude, you'd give your right arm to be white and YOU KNOW it. And it wasn't my assertion that you want to be White. I clearly wrote that it was Miss Ali (a Black woman) on the Dr. Drew show on HLN who said that. SHE (not me) said > "Eva Black person wanna be White" Whats the matter you got a deficiency in reading comprehension ? HA HA. Well, maybe they pushed you through school with AA, even though you weren't ready for the next higher grade.

Well, that doesn't surprise me. I remember my Meteorology class in college, which was filled with Open Admissions Blacks. Being admitted to the college without having to show a high standard of academic accomplishment in high school, they were let in, just because they were black, and that's how the AA do-gooders wanted it. So the teacher (a cool Black guy) lowered the work level to about 6th grade, and those dum-dums still couldn't pass the easiest "exam" I ever saw. In fact, it was an open book test. When they told me the term "open book" test, I didn't even know what they were talking about, I had never heard of any such ludicrous thing. Of course not. I had all my schooling up to then, before open admissions started and watered down our educations to next to nothing.

And all this just so some totally :lame2: White liberal idiots could walk around feeling confident they wouldn't be called a racist (by some racist AA :asshole:)

So now, here we are in 2014. And despite the oppression foisted upon us whites, by the racist AA goons, we can hold our heads up high knowing that all our accomplishments (ans mine are MANY) are FOR REAL, and we achieved them despite the roadblocks & handicaps of AA. So that is what helps us to love being White (in addition to being much better looking-

For Blacks, it just the opposite. You all have to live with the STIGMA of inferiority as a result of AA. Because of AA, no one can ever take you seriously. Whereever you show up, you are looked at with a question mark imprinted in your forehead. Hmmmm. Did this guy really make it on his own, or is he just there because of AA ? And that's the stigma that all Blacks carry with them (as well as Hispanics like me) So every one of you (Obama, Holder, Sotomayer, this new woman appointee to be attorney general, etc.) Nobody can ever trust that you have a clue for what you're doing. BTW, in 50 years in the workforce, I never once lowered myself to fill out an AA questionnaire, much less check "Hispanic" on one. :rolleyes-41: So I can still hold my head up high, even though YOU CAN'T.

As for my poem, you know it's good, and way beyond your inferior capabilities, so you pretend it's bad, and you couldn't be more obvious. You even misspelled the word "drawer". HA HA. This is too funny.

You are a loon. Now you resort to taliking about KILLING people in an anonymous forum? I rememmber you issuing the same type of empty threats over this same some time ago.

Yeah. I talked about killing ENEMIES of the USA, in the US Army. You got a problem with that ?

Personally, I think you are a depraved lunatic who has lost touch with reality. You openly stated what you would do to another poster, and you know it.

Didn't you claim to have "other threads to attend to"?

I'm not going to push your buttons anymore, you are mentally unstable and could become yet another demoralized goon who turns into a mass shooter.

Go away.
Interesting how you say "openly stated what you would do to another poster", but you don't say what that was. Why not ?
White privilege is the feast before a white person, who is used to being well-fed with food of their choosing for all their life.....and whose parents and grandparents and great-grandparents also had access to such a feast, so there aren't even stories about days of privation.

"Black privilege" is what those white people scream about when black people, who are used to being hungry, who never saw such food, are welcomed to some of the food......not the whole table, mind you, but not just the crusts and crumbs, either.
:bsflag: Black Privilege is just what I've been saying it is all through this thread. It is malicious, racist discrimination against Whites by way of Affirmative Action. And it is the largest (by far) amount of racial discrimination in America, victimizing (by far) the largest amount of people, over the past 50 years. And everyone one who has supported it should be ashamed of themselves. In fact, they should all be arrested and imprisoned for violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (racial discrimination in employment and schools), and I wouldn't go easy on them.


How victimized have white people been by AA? Have the races switched classes, so that whites are usually poor and blacks are usually wealthy? Did you wake up today, and notice that the vast majority of billionaires are black?


Gosh, I wonder why. Maybe it's because "black privilege" doesn't really exist.
Protectionist is a white monkey whose bare ass is showing.

Don't be stupid enough to be talking about killing people if you respond.
i think I feel threatened.
I'm posting whole posts, and the forum isn't
No such thing as a "more qualified Black guy", except in your deranged mind.

HA HA HA. You poor little putz. Here you post RAGE, RAGE, and more RAGE. HA HA. You're really pissed aren't you ? I can't even see your pathetic words. All I can see is your unrestrained ANGER. You're just pissed that you're Black, and like that racist loon on HLN, Miss Ali, always says: "Eva Black person wanna be White" Yeah, and you're one of them. HA HA. Hey, you still have a chance. Get a nose job, and that skin whitening stuff. If Michael Jackson can get away with it , why not you too, right, BOY ?

You made it !! Made it to where ? The front sink, washing dishes ? (after cleaning out the grease pit for 20 years) ?

Let me tell you something, dustball. I have a collection of over 100 art drawings & paintings that I've done, you could only dream about. I have another 100 songs & poems (some of them published right here in this forum), that you can pathetically read, and wish you only could have wrote those words.

And I play 5 musical instruments, all on a professional level, and played in bands in nightclubs, back in the 80s. Something you could only dream about.
Sometime, I'll put some videos of me playing my violin/fiddle, mandolin, guitars and harmonica, and you can than go to sleep at night, dreaming that it was YOU that was playing all that cool music. Hey, when you can't do it, you can always dream....BOY.

You will NEVER be able to write quality poetry like this, because you're just too much of a bonehead simian cretin.

Protectionist Poem 5

CLOUD'S PUFFS by Protectionist

The first cloud had its full form intact
Its whites, grays, blues, all matter-of-fact
Steady its course, ready to react
With all atmospheric bodies abstract
Or solid, moving, spinning, still
Hunchbacked, cracked, compact
Set and posed to interact
And draw a figure cold but alive
And reach down for my insomniaced
Visions loose but exact.

The second cloud, large and moving around
Still, but in motion, a sky merry-go-round
Up high above its lightning greyhound
To race through the air, to clouds or ground
To open bays, river, or sound.

And little puffs up here and there
Trap my eyes to full minute stare
Surrounded by blue, strange nothingness
Seeming to say "something's amiss"
Broken apart from their parent cloud
And hanging remote, aloof, enshroud, high-browed, proud.

Every Black person I know is more qualified than you. I'm not pissed. I like making fun of you cave monkeys on this site. Its easy to get you in a impotent rage that you cant do anything about. Even if I was right in front of your face the most you would do is turn red with anger and frustration. I'm like a titan stomping a mud hole in the ass of every white boy such as yourself that is envious of me. I had to laugh extra hard at your assertion I want to be white. I havent heard a joke that funny in a while. I love being Black. I would probably kill myself if I had to be white.

BTW your poems sucked donkey ass. I have never seen such terrible writing in my life. I bet you have about a million rejection letters in your draw if you were brave enough to try and publish. I know thats why you are upset at Black people. Trust me you were rejected because your writing sucks and not due to AA. You are a loser and your poem echos the loser in you.
An "impotent rage" ? That's what YOU are, Mr. inferiority complex. Rather than just accepting your inferior status, and moving on with it, like most guys like you do, you pretend you're superior. HA HA HA!! Oh, man. This is gonna be a fun day today.

And now you're calling white people "monkeys", huh ? Well, even if you don't get it, all the other Black people around do know that all that talk only bounces right back in your face.

God, you are easy to trash talk. You've got nothing at all going, trash bag. If you were right in front of me, I'd wait for you to put your filthy, smelly hand on me, and then I'd hand you your skinny little punk ass, US Army style. Yeah, you're talking to the US Army, boy. And you never want to make an enemy out of the US Army. NOoooooooo!! As my ex-Battalion commander used to say > In the Army we have a specific way of how we handle out enemies. It can be summed up in 3 simple words. WE KILL THEM! HA HA HA. But you need not fear. You're only on the other side of a computer, not where I could make a pretzel out of you. :drillsergeant::lol: And even if you were in my presence, you'd faint before you could lift a finger toward me.

So you love being Black, huh ?
Dude, you'd give your right arm to be white and YOU KNOW it. And it wasn't my assertion that you want to be White. I clearly wrote that it was Miss Ali (a Black woman) on the Dr. Drew show on HLN who said that. SHE (not me) said > "Eva Black person wanna be White" Whats the matter you got a deficiency in reading comprehension ? HA HA. Well, maybe they pushed you through school with AA, even though you weren't ready for the next higher grade.

Well, that doesn't surprise me. I remember my Meteorology class in college, which was filled with Open Admissions Blacks. Being admitted to the college without having to show a high standard of academic accomplishment in high school, they were let in, just because they were black, and that's how the AA do-gooders wanted it. So the teacher (a cool Black guy) lowered the work level to about 6th grade, and those dum-dums still couldn't pass the easiest "exam" I ever saw. In fact, it was an open book test. When they told me the term "open book" test, I didn't even know what they were talking about, I had never heard of any such ludicrous thing. Of course not. I had all my schooling up to then, before open admissions started and watered down our educations to next to nothing.

And all this just so some totally :lame2: White liberal idiots could walk around feeling confident they wouldn't be called a racist (by some racist AA :asshole:)

So now, here we are in 2014. And despite the oppression foisted upon us whites, by the racist AA goons, we can hold our heads up high knowing that all our accomplishments (ans mine are MANY) are FOR REAL, and we achieved them despite the roadblocks & handicaps of AA. So that is what helps us to love being White (in addition to being much better looking-

For Blacks, it just the opposite. You all have to live with the STIGMA of inferiority as a result of AA. Because of AA, no one can ever take you seriously. Whereever you show up, you are looked at with a question mark imprinted in your forehead. Hmmmm. Did this guy really make it on his own, or is he just there because of AA ? And that's the stigma that all Blacks carry with them (as well as Hispanics like me) So every one of you (Obama, Holder, Sotomayer, this new woman appointee to be attorney general, etc.) Nobody can ever trust that you have a clue for what you're doing. BTW, in 50 years in the workforce, I never once lowered myself to fill out an AA questionnaire, much less check "Hispanic" on one. :rolleyes-41: So I can still hold my head up high, even though YOU CAN'T.

As for my poem, you know it's good, and way beyond your inferior capabilities, so you pretend it's bad, and you couldn't be more obvious. You even misspelled the word "drawer". HA HA. This is too funny.

You are a loon. Now you resort to taliking about KILLING people in an anonymous forum? I rememmber you issuing the same type of empty threats over this same some time ago.

Yeah. I talked about killing ENEMIES of the USA, in the US Army. You got a problem with that ?

Personally, I think you are a depraved lunatic who has lost touch with reality. You openly stated what you would do to another poster, and you know it.

Didn't you claim to have "other threads to attend to"?

I'm not going to push your buttons anymore, you are mentally unstable and could become yet another demoralized goon who turns into a mass shooter.

Go away.
YOU go away. I'm the author of the OP, it's my topic that I created, and you're just a troller, posting harassment posts.

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