There Is No Such Thing As White Privilege

How victimized have white people been by AA? Have the races switched classes, so that whites are usually poor and blacks are usually wealthy? Did you wake up today, and notice that the vast majority of billionaires are black?


Gosh, I wonder why. Maybe it's because "black privilege" doesn't really exist.

Are you suggesting that reverse racism is okay until it makes everyone victims?

How victimized have white people been by AA? Have the races switched classes, so that whites are usually poor and blacks are usually wealthy? Did you wake up today, and notice that the vast majority of billionaires are black?


Gosh, I wonder why. Maybe it's because "black privilege" doesn't really exist.

Are you suggesting that reverse racism is okay until it makes everyone victims?

Either that or redistribution. Take your pick.
How victimized have white people been by AA? Have the races switched classes, so that whites are usually poor and blacks are usually wealthy? Did you wake up today, and notice that the vast majority of billionaires are black?


Gosh, I wonder why. Maybe it's because "black privilege" doesn't really exist.

Are you suggesting that reverse racism is okay until it makes everyone victims?


Of course not. I am denying the existence of black privilege, even with Affirmative Action.

I do not support affirmative action, but it's not some black privilege program that will drive whites into an oppressed status.
White privilege is the feast before a white person, who is used to being well-fed with food of their choosing for all their life.....and whose parents and grandparents and great-grandparents also had access to such a feast, so there aren't even stories about days of privation.

"Black privilege" is what those white people scream about when black people, who are used to being hungry, who never saw such food, are welcomed to some of the food......not the whole table, mind you, but not just the crusts and crumbs, either.
:bsflag: Black Privilege is just what I've been saying it is all through this thread. It is malicious, racist discrimination against Whites by way of Affirmative Action. And it is the largest (by far) amount of racial discrimination in America, victimizing (by far) the largest amount of people, over the past 50 years. And everyone one who has supported it should be ashamed of themselves. In fact, they should all be arrested and imprisoned for violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (racial discrimination in employment and schools), and I wouldn't go easy on them.


How victimized have white people been by AA? Have the races switched classes, so that whites are usually poor and blacks are usually wealthy? Did you wake up today, and notice that the vast majority of billionaires are black?


Gosh, I wonder why. Maybe it's because "black privilege" doesn't really exist.
Limiting a discussion of racial privilege to something like number of billionaires, is little more than a diversion tactic. I'm talking about hundreds of millions of White people (and other non-Black races) who have been denied college admissions, college financial aid (including me), job hiring, and job promotions, all through the malicious racist dicriminatin of Affirmative Action.
I've already told you how victimized whites have been by AA. FAR, FAR MORE than any discrimination affecting minorities, all combined (simply because of the much greater number of Whites, all being affected)
You can't figure that out for yourself ?. Good grief, man. Get a grip.
How victimized have white people been by AA? Have the races switched classes, so that whites are usually poor and blacks are usually wealthy? Did you wake up today, and notice that the vast majority of billionaires are black?


Gosh, I wonder why. Maybe it's because "black privilege" doesn't really exist.

Are you suggesting that reverse racism is okay until it makes everyone victims?

Either that or redistribution. Take your pick.
Redistribution is OK. I am a lifelong LIBERAL on economics. I support raising taxes on the rich to at least 70% (maybe higher). I support raising the minimum wage. I support workers rights, and various cases of business regulation. But AA is cold-blooded, malicious racial discrimination, and anybody who supports it ought to be arrested and jailed.
White privilege is the feast before a white person, who is used to being well-fed with food of their choosing for all their life.....and whose parents and grandparents and great-grandparents also had access to such a feast, so there aren't even stories about days of privation.

"Black privilege" is what those white people scream about when black people, who are used to being hungry, who never saw such food, are welcomed to some of the food......not the whole table, mind you, but not just the crusts and crumbs, either.
:bsflag: Black Privilege is just what I've been saying it is all through this thread. It is malicious, racist discrimination against Whites by way of Affirmative Action. And it is the largest (by far) amount of racial discrimination in America, victimizing (by far) the largest amount of people, over the past 50 years. And everyone one who has supported it should be ashamed of themselves. In fact, they should all be arrested and imprisoned for violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (racial discrimination in employment and schools), and I wouldn't go easy on them.


How victimized have white people been by AA? Have the races switched classes, so that whites are usually poor and blacks are usually wealthy? Did you wake up today, and notice that the vast majority of billionaires are black?


Gosh, I wonder why. Maybe it's because "black privilege" doesn't really exist.
Limiting a discussion of racial privilege to something like number of billionaires, is little more than a diversion tactic. I'm talking about hundreds of millions of White people (and other non-Black races) who have been denied college admissions, college financial aid (including me), job hiring, and job promotions, all through the malicious racist dicriminatin of Affirmative Action.
I've already told you how victimized whites have been by AA. FAR, FAR MORE than any discrimination affecting minorities, all combined (simply because of the much greater number of Whites, all being affected)
You can't figure that out for yourself ?. Good grief, man. Get a grip.

You don't want to discuss this in terms of billionaires? OK.

Let's discuss this in terms of lynchings. How many white people have been lynched by affirmative action, that "malicious, racist discrimination"?

I'm being facetious, of course. Do you realize that 1, the discussion of billionaires tells you something about the systematic privilege or discrimination against each group, and 2, part of the white privilege is having several different pathways to success.
How victimized have white people been by AA? Have the races switched classes, so that whites are usually poor and blacks are usually wealthy? Did you wake up today, and notice that the vast majority of billionaires are black?


Gosh, I wonder why. Maybe it's because "black privilege" doesn't really exist.

Are you suggesting that reverse racism is okay until it makes everyone victims?


Of course not. I am denying the existence of black privilege, even with Affirmative Action.

I do not support affirmative action, but it's not some black privilege program that will drive whites into an oppressed status.
That's EXACTLY what it is, and you are deep in denial to ludicrously claim otherwise.
How victimized have white people been by AA? Have the races switched classes, so that whites are usually poor and blacks are usually wealthy? Did you wake up today, and notice that the vast majority of billionaires are black?


Gosh, I wonder why. Maybe it's because "black privilege" doesn't really exist.

Are you suggesting that reverse racism is okay until it makes everyone victims?


Of course not. I am denying the existence of black privilege, even with Affirmative Action.

I do not support affirmative action, but it's not some black privilege program that will drive whites into an oppressed status.
That's EXACTLY what it is, and you are deep in denial to ludicrously claim otherwise.

Please give us the statistics that show the oppression of white people. I would expect things like rapidly declining college attendance, economic disadvantage compared to other groups (especially blacks), and a skyrocketing of white unemployment and crime, again, compared to other groups (especially blacks). Also disparity in criminal sentencing and school discipline favoring black people.

Also some photos of signs that say "Whites Need Not Apply" and "Blacks Only" would be helpful.
How victimized have white people been by AA? Have the races switched classes, so that whites are usually poor and blacks are usually wealthy? Did you wake up today, and notice that the vast majority of billionaires are black?


Gosh, I wonder why. Maybe it's because "black privilege" doesn't really exist.

Are you suggesting that reverse racism is okay until it makes everyone victims?

Either that or redistribution. Take your pick.
Redistribution is OK. I am a lifelong LIBERAL on economics. I support raising taxes on the rich to at least 70% (maybe higher). I support raising the minimum wage. I support workers rights, and various cases of business regulation. But AA is cold-blooded, malicious racial discrimination, and anybody who supports it ought to be arrested and jailed.
Naw. I'm talking returning land stolen by whites from Blacks back to them. I'm talking about giving back the original 40 acres Blacks told Sherman they wanted and Jackson rescinded. If the US cant or wont do this then we do it the slow way via AA.
White privilege is the feast before a white person, who is used to being well-fed with food of their choosing for all their life.....and whose parents and grandparents and great-grandparents also had access to such a feast, so there aren't even stories about days of privation.

"Black privilege" is what those white people scream about when black people, who are used to being hungry, who never saw such food, are welcomed to some of the food......not the whole table, mind you, but not just the crusts and crumbs, either.
:bsflag: Black Privilege is just what I've been saying it is all through this thread. It is malicious, racist discrimination against Whites by way of Affirmative Action. And it is the largest (by far) amount of racial discrimination in America, victimizing (by far) the largest amount of people, over the past 50 years. And everyone one who has supported it should be ashamed of themselves. In fact, they should all be arrested and imprisoned for violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (racial discrimination in employment and schools), and I wouldn't go easy on them.


How victimized have white people been by AA? Have the races switched classes, so that whites are usually poor and blacks are usually wealthy? Did you wake up today, and notice that the vast majority of billionaires are black?


Gosh, I wonder why. Maybe it's because "black privilege" doesn't really exist.
Limiting a discussion of racial privilege to something like number of billionaires, is little more than a diversion tactic. I'm talking about hundreds of millions of White people (and other non-Black races) who have been denied college admissions, college financial aid (including me), job hiring, and job promotions, all through the malicious racist dicriminatin of Affirmative Action.
I've already told you how victimized whites have been by AA. FAR, FAR MORE than any discrimination affecting minorities, all combined (simply because of the much greater number of Whites, all being affected)
You can't figure that out for yourself ?. Good grief, man. Get a grip.

You don't want to discuss this in terms of billionaires? OK.

Let's discuss this in terms of lynchings. How many white people have been lynched by affirmative action, that "malicious, racist discrimination"?

I'm being facetious, of course. Do you realize that 1, the discussion of billionaires tells you something about the systematic privilege or discrimination against each group, and 2, part of the white privilege is having several different pathways to success.
Discussion of billionaires tells us next to nothing about systemic privilege. It is hardly much more than a family-based history that goes back to many decades of the past, and whiich affect a TINY minority of people. I'm talking about AA which has victimized hundreds of millions of people for 50 years.
And NO, let's NOT talk about this in terms of lynchings, or in any other terms that you would like to use as a diversion from the basis of the OP, and the TOPIC of this thread. > The MYTH of White Privilege, and the evil REALITY of Black Privilege.
White privilege is the feast before a white person, who is used to being well-fed with food of their choosing for all their life.....and whose parents and grandparents and great-grandparents also had access to such a feast, so there aren't even stories about days of privation.

"Black privilege" is what those white people scream about when black people, who are used to being hungry, who never saw such food, are welcomed to some of the food......not the whole table, mind you, but not just the crusts and crumbs, either.
:bsflag: Black Privilege is just what I've been saying it is all through this thread. It is malicious, racist discrimination against Whites by way of Affirmative Action. And it is the largest (by far) amount of racial discrimination in America, victimizing (by far) the largest amount of people, over the past 50 years. And everyone one who has supported it should be ashamed of themselves. In fact, they should all be arrested and imprisoned for violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (racial discrimination in employment and schools), and I wouldn't go easy on them.


How victimized have white people been by AA? Have the races switched classes, so that whites are usually poor and blacks are usually wealthy? Did you wake up today, and notice that the vast majority of billionaires are black?


Gosh, I wonder why. Maybe it's because "black privilege" doesn't really exist.
Limiting a discussion of racial privilege to something like number of billionaires, is little more than a diversion tactic. I'm talking about hundreds of millions of White people (and other non-Black races) who have been denied college admissions, college financial aid (including me), job hiring, and job promotions, all through the malicious racist dicriminatin of Affirmative Action.
I've already told you how victimized whites have been by AA. FAR, FAR MORE than any discrimination affecting minorities, all combined (simply because of the much greater number of Whites, all being affected)
You can't figure that out for yourself ?. Good grief, man. Get a grip.

You don't want to discuss this in terms of billionaires? OK.

Let's discuss this in terms of lynchings. How many white people have been lynched by affirmative action, that "malicious, racist discrimination"?

I'm being facetious, of course. Do you realize that 1, the discussion of billionaires tells you something about the systematic privilege or discrimination against each group, and 2, part of the white privilege is having several different pathways to success.
Discussion of billionaires tells us next to nothing about systemic privilege. It is hardly much more than a family-based history that goes back to many decades of the past, and whiich affect a TINY minority of people. I'm talking about AA which has victimized hundreds of millions of people for 50 years.
And NO, let's NOT talk about this in terms of lynchings, or in any other terms that you would like to use as a diversion from the basis of the OP, and the TOPIC of this thread. > The MYTH of White Privilege, and the evil REALITY of Black Privilege.
Grab a number and get in line. We have 350 plus years of oppression.
How victimized have white people been by AA? Have the races switched classes, so that whites are usually poor and blacks are usually wealthy? Did you wake up today, and notice that the vast majority of billionaires are black?


Gosh, I wonder why. Maybe it's because "black privilege" doesn't really exist.

Are you suggesting that reverse racism is okay until it makes everyone victims?

Either that or redistribution. Take your pick.
Redistribution is OK. I am a lifelong LIBERAL on economics. I support raising taxes on the rich to at least 70% (maybe higher). I support raising the minimum wage. I support workers rights, and various cases of business regulation. But AA is cold-blooded, malicious racial discrimination, and anybody who supports it ought to be arrested and jailed.
Naw. I'm talking returning land stolen by whites from Blacks back to them. I'm talking about giving back the original 40 acres Blacks told Sherman they wanted and Jackson rescinded. If the US cant or wont do this then we do it the slow way via AA.
And by violating the 1964 Civil right law. You're under arrest. And for your edification, much more land was taken from Whites than from Blacks, so don't try give me that crap that it's a Black thing.
White privilege is the feast before a white person, who is used to being well-fed with food of their choosing for all their life.....and whose parents and grandparents and great-grandparents also had access to such a feast, so there aren't even stories about days of privation.

"Black privilege" is what those white people scream about when black people, who are used to being hungry, who never saw such food, are welcomed to some of the food......not the whole table, mind you, but not just the crusts and crumbs, either.
:bsflag: Black Privilege is just what I've been saying it is all through this thread. It is malicious, racist discrimination against Whites by way of Affirmative Action. And it is the largest (by far) amount of racial discrimination in America, victimizing (by far) the largest amount of people, over the past 50 years. And everyone one who has supported it should be ashamed of themselves. In fact, they should all be arrested and imprisoned for violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (racial discrimination in employment and schools), and I wouldn't go easy on them.


How victimized have white people been by AA? Have the races switched classes, so that whites are usually poor and blacks are usually wealthy? Did you wake up today, and notice that the vast majority of billionaires are black?


Gosh, I wonder why. Maybe it's because "black privilege" doesn't really exist.
Limiting a discussion of racial privilege to something like number of billionaires, is little more than a diversion tactic. I'm talking about hundreds of millions of White people (and other non-Black races) who have been denied college admissions, college financial aid (including me), job hiring, and job promotions, all through the malicious racist dicriminatin of Affirmative Action.
I've already told you how victimized whites have been by AA. FAR, FAR MORE than any discrimination affecting minorities, all combined (simply because of the much greater number of Whites, all being affected)
You can't figure that out for yourself ?. Good grief, man. Get a grip.

You don't want to discuss this in terms of billionaires? OK.

Let's discuss this in terms of lynchings. How many white people have been lynched by affirmative action, that "malicious, racist discrimination"?

I'm being facetious, of course. Do you realize that 1, the discussion of billionaires tells you something about the systematic privilege or discrimination against each group, and 2, part of the white privilege is having several different pathways to success.
Discussion of billionaires tells us next to nothing about systemic privilege. It is hardly much more than a family-based history that goes back to many decades of the past, and whiich affect a TINY minority of people. I'm talking about AA which has victimized hundreds of millions of people for 50 years.
And NO, let's NOT talk about this in terms of lynchings, or in any other terms that you would like to use as a diversion from the basis of the OP, and the TOPIC of this thread. > The MYTH of White Privilege, and the evil REALITY of Black Privilege.

How do you think the vast majority of billionaires happen to be white?

I think something you are doing is anything that disagrees with you, is "off topic."
:bsflag: Black Privilege is just what I've been saying it is all through this thread. It is malicious, racist discrimination against Whites by way of Affirmative Action. And it is the largest (by far) amount of racial discrimination in America, victimizing (by far) the largest amount of people, over the past 50 years. And everyone one who has supported it should be ashamed of themselves. In fact, they should all be arrested and imprisoned for violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (racial discrimination in employment and schools), and I wouldn't go easy on them.


How victimized have white people been by AA? Have the races switched classes, so that whites are usually poor and blacks are usually wealthy? Did you wake up today, and notice that the vast majority of billionaires are black?


Gosh, I wonder why. Maybe it's because "black privilege" doesn't really exist.
Limiting a discussion of racial privilege to something like number of billionaires, is little more than a diversion tactic. I'm talking about hundreds of millions of White people (and other non-Black races) who have been denied college admissions, college financial aid (including me), job hiring, and job promotions, all through the malicious racist dicriminatin of Affirmative Action.
I've already told you how victimized whites have been by AA. FAR, FAR MORE than any discrimination affecting minorities, all combined (simply because of the much greater number of Whites, all being affected)
You can't figure that out for yourself ?. Good grief, man. Get a grip.

You don't want to discuss this in terms of billionaires? OK.

Let's discuss this in terms of lynchings. How many white people have been lynched by affirmative action, that "malicious, racist discrimination"?

I'm being facetious, of course. Do you realize that 1, the discussion of billionaires tells you something about the systematic privilege or discrimination against each group, and 2, part of the white privilege is having several different pathways to success.
Discussion of billionaires tells us next to nothing about systemic privilege. It is hardly much more than a family-based history that goes back to many decades of the past, and whiich affect a TINY minority of people. I'm talking about AA which has victimized hundreds of millions of people for 50 years.
And NO, let's NOT talk about this in terms of lynchings, or in any other terms that you would like to use as a diversion from the basis of the OP, and the TOPIC of this thread. > The MYTH of White Privilege, and the evil REALITY of Black Privilege.
Grab a number and get in line. We have 350 plus years of oppression.
Answer me 2 questions ..,

1. When is this 350 years you keep yammering about ?

2. When did you start in the workforce ?
How victimized have white people been by AA? Have the races switched classes, so that whites are usually poor and blacks are usually wealthy? Did you wake up today, and notice that the vast majority of billionaires are black?


Gosh, I wonder why. Maybe it's because "black privilege" doesn't really exist.

Are you suggesting that reverse racism is okay until it makes everyone victims?

Either that or redistribution. Take your pick.
Redistribution is OK. I am a lifelong LIBERAL on economics. I support raising taxes on the rich to at least 70% (maybe higher). I support raising the minimum wage. I support workers rights, and various cases of business regulation. But AA is cold-blooded, malicious racial discrimination, and anybody who supports it ought to be arrested and jailed.
Naw. I'm talking returning land stolen by whites from Blacks back to them. I'm talking about giving back the original 40 acres Blacks told Sherman they wanted and Jackson rescinded. If the US cant or wont do this then we do it the slow way via AA.
And by violating the 1964 Civil right law. You're under arrest. And for your edification, much more land was taken from Whites than from Blacks, so don't try give me that crap that it's a Black thing.
Dont care about what white land was taken. i'm talking about returning Black land. Whites losing their land by the hands of other whites have nothing to do with this.
:bsflag: Black Privilege is just what I've been saying it is all through this thread. It is malicious, racist discrimination against Whites by way of Affirmative Action. And it is the largest (by far) amount of racial discrimination in America, victimizing (by far) the largest amount of people, over the past 50 years. And everyone one who has supported it should be ashamed of themselves. In fact, they should all be arrested and imprisoned for violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (racial discrimination in employment and schools), and I wouldn't go easy on them.


How victimized have white people been by AA? Have the races switched classes, so that whites are usually poor and blacks are usually wealthy? Did you wake up today, and notice that the vast majority of billionaires are black?


Gosh, I wonder why. Maybe it's because "black privilege" doesn't really exist.
Limiting a discussion of racial privilege to something like number of billionaires, is little more than a diversion tactic. I'm talking about hundreds of millions of White people (and other non-Black races) who have been denied college admissions, college financial aid (including me), job hiring, and job promotions, all through the malicious racist dicriminatin of Affirmative Action.
I've already told you how victimized whites have been by AA. FAR, FAR MORE than any discrimination affecting minorities, all combined (simply because of the much greater number of Whites, all being affected)
You can't figure that out for yourself ?. Good grief, man. Get a grip.

You don't want to discuss this in terms of billionaires? OK.

Let's discuss this in terms of lynchings. How many white people have been lynched by affirmative action, that "malicious, racist discrimination"?

I'm being facetious, of course. Do you realize that 1, the discussion of billionaires tells you something about the systematic privilege or discrimination against each group, and 2, part of the white privilege is having several different pathways to success.
Discussion of billionaires tells us next to nothing about systemic privilege. It is hardly much more than a family-based history that goes back to many decades of the past, and whiich affect a TINY minority of people. I'm talking about AA which has victimized hundreds of millions of people for 50 years.
And NO, let's NOT talk about this in terms of lynchings, or in any other terms that you would like to use as a diversion from the basis of the OP, and the TOPIC of this thread. > The MYTH of White Privilege, and the evil REALITY of Black Privilege.

How do you think the vast majority of billionaires happen to be white?

I think something you are doing is anything that disagrees with you, is "off topic."
I already shot down your OFF TOPIC billionaires diversion BS.
How victimized have white people been by AA? Have the races switched classes, so that whites are usually poor and blacks are usually wealthy? Did you wake up today, and notice that the vast majority of billionaires are black?


Gosh, I wonder why. Maybe it's because "black privilege" doesn't really exist.
Limiting a discussion of racial privilege to something like number of billionaires, is little more than a diversion tactic. I'm talking about hundreds of millions of White people (and other non-Black races) who have been denied college admissions, college financial aid (including me), job hiring, and job promotions, all through the malicious racist dicriminatin of Affirmative Action.
I've already told you how victimized whites have been by AA. FAR, FAR MORE than any discrimination affecting minorities, all combined (simply because of the much greater number of Whites, all being affected)
You can't figure that out for yourself ?. Good grief, man. Get a grip.

You don't want to discuss this in terms of billionaires? OK.

Let's discuss this in terms of lynchings. How many white people have been lynched by affirmative action, that "malicious, racist discrimination"?

I'm being facetious, of course. Do you realize that 1, the discussion of billionaires tells you something about the systematic privilege or discrimination against each group, and 2, part of the white privilege is having several different pathways to success.
Discussion of billionaires tells us next to nothing about systemic privilege. It is hardly much more than a family-based history that goes back to many decades of the past, and whiich affect a TINY minority of people. I'm talking about AA which has victimized hundreds of millions of people for 50 years.
And NO, let's NOT talk about this in terms of lynchings, or in any other terms that you would like to use as a diversion from the basis of the OP, and the TOPIC of this thread. > The MYTH of White Privilege, and the evil REALITY of Black Privilege.
Grab a number and get in line. We have 350 plus years of oppression.
Answer me 2 questions ..,

1. When is this 350 years you keep yammering about ?

2. When did you start in the workforce ?
Slavery and Jim Crow and realistically up until today.

None of your business.
Naw. I'm talking returning land stolen by whites from Blacks back to them. I'm talking about giving back the original 40 acres Blacks told Sherman they wanted and Jackson rescinded. If the US cant or wont do this then we do it the slow way via AA.

Sure thing ... I will support any former slave who wants to sue Jackson for rescinding the offer.

Protectionist, pull your monkey comments in, your only warning.

You cannot defend your OP by attacking AA, the reaction to white privilege.

I am impressed you are a populist, albeit a white privilege populist.

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