There Is No Such Thing As White Privilege

Naw. I'm talking returning land stolen by whites from Blacks back to them. I'm talking about giving back the original 40 acres Blacks told Sherman they wanted and Jackson rescinded. If the US cant or wont do this then we do it the slow way via AA.

Sure thing ... I will support any former slave who wants to sue Jackson for rescinding the offer.

Good. I represent my slave ancestors.
How victimized have white people been by AA? Have the races switched classes, so that whites are usually poor and blacks are usually wealthy? Did you wake up today, and notice that the vast majority of billionaires are black?


Gosh, I wonder why. Maybe it's because "black privilege" doesn't really exist.

Are you suggesting that reverse racism is okay until it makes everyone victims?


Of course not. I am denying the existence of black privilege, even with Affirmative Action.

I do not support affirmative action, but it's not some black privilege program that will drive whites into an oppressed status.
That's EXACTLY what it is, and you are deep in denial to ludicrously claim otherwise.

Please give us the statistics that show the oppression of white people. I would expect things like rapidly declining college attendance, economic disadvantage compared to other groups (especially blacks), and a skyrocketing of white unemployment and crime, again, compared to other groups (especially blacks). Also disparity in criminal sentencing and school discipline favoring black people.

Also some photos of signs that say "Whites Need Not Apply" and "Blacks Only" would be helpful.
YOU ALREADY HAVE THE STATISTICS. It's ALL the hundreds of millions of Whites from 1964 to 2014 who have entered the workforce, worked in it, applied for promotions, applied for colleges, and applied for college financial aid. Even a 10 year old in the 5th grade can easily see that that is hundreds of millions of people. And that's all you need , not all that other jibberish you came up with.
How victimized have white people been by AA? Have the races switched classes, so that whites are usually poor and blacks are usually wealthy? Did you wake up today, and notice that the vast majority of billionaires are black?


Gosh, I wonder why. Maybe it's because "black privilege" doesn't really exist.

Are you suggesting that reverse racism is okay until it makes everyone victims?


Of course not. I am denying the existence of black privilege, even with Affirmative Action.

I do not support affirmative action, but it's not some black privilege program that will drive whites into an oppressed status.
That's EXACTLY what it is, and you are deep in denial to ludicrously claim otherwise.

Please give us the statistics that show the oppression of white people. I would expect things like rapidly declining college attendance, economic disadvantage compared to other groups (especially blacks), and a skyrocketing of white unemployment and crime, again, compared to other groups (especially blacks). Also disparity in criminal sentencing and school discipline favoring black people.

Also some photos of signs that say "Whites Need Not Apply" and "Blacks Only" would be helpful.
YOU ALREADY HAVE THE STATISTICS. It's ALL the hundreds of millions of Whites from 1964 to 2014 who have entered the workforce, worked in it, applied for promotions, applied for colleges, and applied for college financial aid. Even a 10 year old in the 5th grade can easily see that that is hundreds of millions of people. And that's all you need , not all that other jibberish you came up with.
Looks to me like most of those white people have jobs.
Are you suggesting that reverse racism is okay until it makes everyone victims?

Either that or redistribution. Take your pick.
Redistribution is OK. I am a lifelong LIBERAL on economics. I support raising taxes on the rich to at least 70% (maybe higher). I support raising the minimum wage. I support workers rights, and various cases of business regulation. But AA is cold-blooded, malicious racial discrimination, and anybody who supports it ought to be arrested and jailed.
Naw. I'm talking returning land stolen by whites from Blacks back to them. I'm talking about giving back the original 40 acres Blacks told Sherman they wanted and Jackson rescinded. If the US cant or wont do this then we do it the slow way via AA.
And by violating the 1964 Civil right law. You're under arrest. And for your edification, much more land was taken from Whites than from Blacks, so don't try give me that crap that it's a Black thing.
Dont care about what white land was taken. i'm talking about returning Black land. Whites losing their land by the hands of other whites have nothing to do with this.
Whatever the hell it is your babbling about, it has nothing to do with Black Privilege 1964-2014, and White victimization 1964-2014. So please talk ON TOPIV, Mr. Diversion.
Are you suggesting that reverse racism is okay until it makes everyone victims?


Of course not. I am denying the existence of black privilege, even with Affirmative Action.

I do not support affirmative action, but it's not some black privilege program that will drive whites into an oppressed status.
That's EXACTLY what it is, and you are deep in denial to ludicrously claim otherwise.

Please give us the statistics that show the oppression of white people. I would expect things like rapidly declining college attendance, economic disadvantage compared to other groups (especially blacks), and a skyrocketing of white unemployment and crime, again, compared to other groups (especially blacks). Also disparity in criminal sentencing and school discipline favoring black people.

Also some photos of signs that say "Whites Need Not Apply" and "Blacks Only" would be helpful.
YOU ALREADY HAVE THE STATISTICS. It's ALL the hundreds of millions of Whites from 1964 to 2014 who have entered the workforce, worked in it, applied for promotions, applied for colleges, and applied for college financial aid. Even a 10 year old in the 5th grade can easily see that that is hundreds of millions of people. And that's all you need , not all that other jibberish you came up with.
Looks to me like most of those white people have jobs.
Looks to you WRONGLY.
YOU ALREADY HAVE THE STATISTICS. It's ALL the hundreds of millions of Whites from 1964 to 2014 who have entered the workforce, worked in it, applied for promotions, applied for colleges, and applied for college financial aid. Even a 10 year old in the 5th grade can easily see that that is hundreds of millions of people. And that's all you need , not all that other jibberish you came up with.

And yet those hundreds of millions of white people were not plunged into poverty, correct? They must have, somehow, persevered through the hardship of losing out on one college admission, or one kind of financial aid, or one promotion.

Why? Because of white privilege.
Of course not. I am denying the existence of black privilege, even with Affirmative Action.

I do not support affirmative action, but it's not some black privilege program that will drive whites into an oppressed status.
That's EXACTLY what it is, and you are deep in denial to ludicrously claim otherwise.

Please give us the statistics that show the oppression of white people. I would expect things like rapidly declining college attendance, economic disadvantage compared to other groups (especially blacks), and a skyrocketing of white unemployment and crime, again, compared to other groups (especially blacks). Also disparity in criminal sentencing and school discipline favoring black people.

Also some photos of signs that say "Whites Need Not Apply" and "Blacks Only" would be helpful.
YOU ALREADY HAVE THE STATISTICS. It's ALL the hundreds of millions of Whites from 1964 to 2014 who have entered the workforce, worked in it, applied for promotions, applied for colleges, and applied for college financial aid. Even a 10 year old in the 5th grade can easily see that that is hundreds of millions of people. And that's all you need , not all that other jibberish you came up with.
Looks to me like most of those white people have jobs.
Looks to you WRONGLY.
Show me the numbers. I'll wait.
Either that or redistribution. Take your pick.
Redistribution is OK. I am a lifelong LIBERAL on economics. I support raising taxes on the rich to at least 70% (maybe higher). I support raising the minimum wage. I support workers rights, and various cases of business regulation. But AA is cold-blooded, malicious racial discrimination, and anybody who supports it ought to be arrested and jailed.
Naw. I'm talking returning land stolen by whites from Blacks back to them. I'm talking about giving back the original 40 acres Blacks told Sherman they wanted and Jackson rescinded. If the US cant or wont do this then we do it the slow way via AA.
And by violating the 1964 Civil right law. You're under arrest. And for your edification, much more land was taken from Whites than from Blacks, so don't try give me that crap that it's a Black thing.
Dont care about what white land was taken. i'm talking about returning Black land. Whites losing their land by the hands of other whites have nothing to do with this.
Whatever the hell it is your babbling about, it has nothing to do with Black Privilege 1964-2014, and White victimization 1964-2014. So please talk ON TOPIV, Mr. Diversion.
No such thing as Black privledge since AA is not just for Blacks. We have already agreed white women benefit from AA more than anyone else. Thats actually more white privilege. The fact that the stolen land is now owned by whites is more white privilege.
Protectionist has blown up his own OP.

Let's close this down.
Look here. Jake's calling for a RETREAT. HA HA HA.

Well, they ran through the briars, and they ran through the brambles. Ran through the places where a rabbit couldn't go. They ran so fast, the hounds couldn't catch'm. Down the Mississippi to the Gulf o' Mexico. :badgrin:
Protectionist has blown up his own OP.

Let's close this down.
Look here. Jake's calling for a RETREAT. HA HA HA.

Well, they ran through the briars, and they ran through the brambles. Ran through the places where a rabbit couldn't go. They ran so fast, the hounds couldn't catch'm. Down the Mississippi to the Gulf o' Mexico. :badgrin:
Youre losing whats left of your mind.
They wont be appearing. You deal with me or deal with the system of AA.

You bring up an interesting point. Presumably, land your ancestors owned would have been passed down, generation to generation, to be used and profited from. And nobody would dispute that you are entitled to that.

Yet, if your ancestors suffered an injustice, you apparently are not entitled to collect a settlement in their name.
They wont be appearing. You deal with me or deal with the system of AA.

You were not a slave ... So I cannot support you.
Give me their cell phone number ... Perhaps I can convince them to appear.

Oh ... I don't particularly care about racism in the form of AA ... Bigots do what they have to in order to cling to their ideas.

Today, as many other days, I heard somebody on one of the cable news shows using the term "White Privilege". Today it was Sunny Hostin, but it could just as easily have been any one of 100 different people.
They say these words as if every TV viewer fully accepted the term as meaning what it clearly states.

Only problem with the term is that it does not exist. And it has not existed for half a century now, ever since whatever White Privilege did exist previously, has been obliterated and replaced by Black Privilege, by way of Affirmative Action. How in the world anyone could believe there is White Privilege in America, when hundreds of millions of White Americans have been deprived of education and careers due to this insidious, treacherous, anti-White discrimination.

Being deprived of college admission, college financial aid, jobs, job promotions, etc. has been SOP for Whites long enough for some people to have had it eradicate their entire worklife from starting out rookie, clear through to retirement at age 65.

It's time now for the term "White Privilege" to be retired (50 years too late). And why don't we hear the correct term Black Privilege more often ? Or should I say "at all ?"

Those who claim that I am where I am because of white privilege simply get shown my three college degrees, two of which are advanced, my Stat'es residential contractor license, my current secondary teaching certificate although I no longer teach but maintain, and a 4" three-ring binder of State, national, and international certifications in my currently employed field.

Guess all I had to do in the simple minds of those people is to have shown up to an interview with my white skin.
Do you have binders full of women?
They wont be appearing. You deal with me or deal with the system of AA.

You bring up an interesting point. Presumably, land your ancestors owned would have been passed down, generation to generation, to be used and profited from. And nobody would dispute that you are entitled to that.

Yet, if your ancestors suffered an injustice, you apparently are not entitled to collect a settlement in their name.
More white privilege.
They wont be appearing. You deal with me or deal with the system of AA.

You were not a slave ... So I cannot support you.
Give me their cell phone number ... Perhaps I can convince them to appear.

Oh ... I don't particularly care about racism in the form of AA ... Bigots do what they have to in order to cling to their ideas.

I didnt ask for support. I said give me the land my ancestors owned back to me or deal with AA.

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