There Is No Such Thing As White Privilege

Today, as many other days, I heard somebody on one of the cable news shows using the term "White Privilege". Today it was Sunny Hostin, but it could just as easily have been any one of 100 different people.
They say these words as if every TV viewer fully accepted the term as meaning what it clearly states.

Only problem with the term is that it does not exist. And it has not existed for half a century now, ever since whatever White Privilege did exist previously, has been obliterated and replaced by Black Privilege, by way of Affirmative Action. How in the world anyone could believe there is White Privilege in America, when hundreds of millions of White Americans have been deprived of education and careers due to this insidious, treacherous, anti-White discrimination.

Being deprived of college admission, college financial aid, jobs, job promotions, etc. has been SOP for Whites long enough for some people to have had it eradicate their entire worklife from starting out rookie, clear through to retirement at age 65.

It's time now for the term "White Privilege" to be retired (50 years too late). And why don't we hear the correct term Black Privilege more often ? Or should I say "at all ?"

Of course there is such a thing as white privilege. Why would you deny this?

The thing is though, we've earned it.

White people have earned the "privilege" of people not assuming we are stupid, or criminals.

White people have earned the "privilege" of people assuming we take care of our responsibilities

White people have earned the "privilege" of people thinking theirs a good chance we'd make a good employee.

Etc , etc.

Why would anyone deny that?
The auto industry for one,mainly because whites do sloppy work,thats why there is so many recalls for unsafe cars.Also before I forget how about all these bridges eroding because of cheap materials.How would you like to be traveling across a bridge that all of a sudden started falling to pieces.whites do shoddy work if they work at all.They come to work to complain about the work of the Black employees. That's all they do is complain complain and complain. Especially if their boss is Black, they don't want to take orders from a Black supervisor. Damn when is this country going to open its eyes.
As a former supervisor in manufacturing and construction, i can tell you that is a giant pile of :bsflag: If anybody does shoddy work, it's Blacks. They are slow, they're stupid, they make mistakes, you have to show them every little thing to do, and half the time they don't even show up for work at all.
Your posts are too dumb to be amusing.

1. Whites are at the back of the line due to AA. That's how it's structured - has nothing to do with working hard.

2. 350 years before AA has NOTHING to do with 50 years after the start of AA.

3. You're just as pathetic as the other stupe. Like him, using words like "whining", "idiotic". "amusing", only show off your inablity to debate the issue on its merits.

4. You're giving YOURSELF a headache.
White are not at the back of the line. They own the line dummy.

White AA has been around 350 years. The AA for everyone not a white male just started 50 years agao.

I cant debate merits with an idiot that doesnt even know what the AA policy is.

You are giving me a headache with your pitiful whining. Get off your ass and make something of yourself instead of leaching off the system. I hate people that beg for handouts.
NO they don't own the line you moron. Millions of govt jobs are hired through AA.

Yes, the AA for everyone not a white male just started 50 years ago. Which happens to be the ONLY time that is relevant to this discussion. It is the only time that 99% of white males alive today, have been in the workforce. You're not giving me a headache with your moronic use of :lame2: dodge words like "whining" (long worn out - :laugh:), but I might be getting sick to my stomach. And where HA HA, do you get off talking about ME leaching off the system and begging for handouts ? That's what YOU and YOUR AA zeros do. And you hate them ? That's what you said.
Yes whites do own the line. Stop whining to me and get one of your white friends to get you a job you are not qualified for. Nepotism was invented by whites so they could get unqualified scrubs like you a job over more qualified Black guys. You must suck big time in order to not have any white person that will do this for you. You dont run anything so you cant tell me what is relevant boy. I said whites males had AA for 350 years and I dont care if that hurts you. You should have encouraged your people to make hay while the sun was up since you obviously knew you were going to turn out to be a waste of sperm and a egg. That way they would have left you a trust fund or something.

No I only hate whiny white boys like you that cant take working hard. I made it by working hard and I am Black. Your sorry ass is taking up oxygen from someone else that is infinitely more worthy.

No such thing as a "more qualified Black guy", except in your deranged mind.

HA HA HA. You poor little putz. Here you post RAGE, RAGE, and more RAGE. HA HA. You're really pissed aren't you ? I can't even see your pathetic words. All I can see is your unrestrained ANGER. You're just pissed that you're Black, and like that racist loon on HLN, Miss Ali, always says: "Eva Black person wanna be White" Yeah, and you're one of them. HA HA. Hey, you still have a chance. Get a nose job, and that skin whitening stuff. If Michael Jackson can get away with it , why not you too, right, BOY ?

You made it !! Made it to where ? The front sink, washing dishes ? (after cleaning out the grease pit for 20 years) ?

Let me tell you something, dustball. I have a collection of over 100 art drawings & paintings that I've done, you could only dream about. I have another 100 songs & poems (some of them published right here in this forum), that you can pathetically read, and wish you only could have wrote those words.

And I play 5 musical instruments, all on a professional level, and played in bands in nightclubs, back in the 80s. Something you could only dream about.
Sometime, I'll put some videos of me playing my violin/fiddle, mandolin, guitars and harmonica, and you can than go to sleep at night, dreaming that it was YOU that was playing all that cool music. Hey, when you can't do it, you can always dream....BOY.

You will NEVER be able to write quality poetry like this, because you're just too much of a bonehead simian cretin.

Protectionist Poem 5

CLOUD'S PUFFS by Protectionist

The first cloud had its full form intact
Its whites, grays, blues, all matter-of-fact
Steady its course, ready to react
With all atmospheric bodies abstract
Or solid, moving, spinning, still
Hunchbacked, cracked, compact
Set and posed to interact
And draw a figure cold but alive
And reach down for my insomniaced
Visions loose but exact.

The second cloud, large and moving around
Still, but in motion, a sky merry-go-round
Up high above its lightning greyhound
To race through the air, to clouds or ground
To open bays, river, or sound.

And little puffs up here and there
Trap my eyes to full minute stare
Surrounded by blue, strange nothingness
Seeming to say "something's amiss"
Broken apart from their parent cloud
And hanging remote, aloof, enshroud, high-browed, proud.

Anyone in a lucid state of mind can clearly see that you are the one who is insecure, enraged, and clearly in a state of having no self esteem.

You play 5 instruments, claim to be an accomplished poet, as well as artist?
With all of that imagined talent, you should not even be concerned over AA, and should have been able to turn those "skills" into an opportunity for yourself,

I meant to add previously when you included Hispanics in your growing list of AA victims....that this is yet another figment of your fertile imaginatiin.on your part. Your last post more than proves that you are just a bitter old racist fool with delusions of granduer who life has passed by.
Asclepias said >> "You play 5 instruments, claim to be an accomplished poet, as well as artist?
With all of that imagined talent, you should not even be concerned over AA, and should have been able to turn those "skills" into an opportunity for yourself,

I meant to add previously when you included Hisoanics in your growing list of AA victims....that this is yet another BIG MISS on your part. Your last post more than proves that you are just a bitter old racist fool with delusions of granduer who life has passed by."

Not "claim"...AM! And you just saw one of the poems of it.

Not "imagined".......KNOW. YOU KNOW.

Not "should have"......DID! In upscale night clubs and colleges, for 8 years.

And I happen to BE Hispanic (50%), oh ignorant one.

You should have quit when you were far behind in this debate, Now you're FAAAAR, FAR behind. But that's what USMB readers would expect, when reading one of your posts. Right Asclepias ? Right ? Right ?
Yes. That is right. As we all know.

"This is no debate, and that is a fact, I am not, as you know, Asclepias. Your blather and bluster so false and misplaced, what you post as your truth, is obviously fake.

You rant and you rave like a madman, indeed, overlooking the facts in an ignorant screed.

So dwell in the dark and refuse to learn, I am finished throwing pearls to a swine who is unlearned"

I am not a poet at all, but it took me exactly 1 minute to sum up how the above applies to you.

Goodnight. And watch out for that "black bogeyman" who obviously has complete control over you and is the catalyst for your psychosis.
You and Aslepias are the same, You're in a RAGE. You're a mindless, wild dog, foaming at the mouth. I just sit here and say to myself, when Thanksgiving gets here, I know what I'll be thankful for, Thankful I'm not anything like these gooneybirds in USMB, who go around pretending to be smart and cool, while they're the biggest idiots ion the forum.
Your idiotic assertion is amusing. You got exactly what you deserved. If you had of worked hard and excelled you would not have been at the back of line. Only whites that work hard dont have to worry about AA. Black people were at the back of the line for 350 plus years no matter how hard they worked in the white job market. Stop your pathetic whining. You are giving me a headache.

Your posts are too dumb to be amusing.

1. Whites are at the back of the line due to AA. That's how it's structured - has nothing to do with working hard.

2. 350 years before AA has NOTHING to do with 50 years after the start of AA.

3. You're just as pathetic as the other stupe. Like him, using words like "whining", "idiotic". "amusing", only show off your inablity to debate the issue on its merits.

4. You're giving YOURSELF a headache.
White are not at the back of the line. They own the line dummy.

White AA has been around 350 years. The AA for everyone not a white male just started 50 years agao.

I cant debate merits with an idiot that doesnt even know what the AA policy is.

You are giving me a headache with your pitiful whining. Get off your ass and make something of yourself instead of leaching off the system. I hate people that beg for handouts.
NO they don't own the line you moron. Millions of govt jobs are hired through AA.

Yes, the AA for everyone not a white male just started 50 years ago. Which happens to be the ONLY time that is relevant to this discussion. It is the only time that 99% of white males alive today, have been in the workforce. You're not giving me a headache with your moronic use of :lame2: dodge words like "whining" (long worn out - :laugh:), but I might be getting sick to my stomach. And where HA HA, do you get off talking about ME leaching off the system and begging for handouts ? That's what YOU and YOUR AA zeros do. And you hate them ? That's what you said.
Yes whites do own the line. Stop whining to me and get one of your white friends to get you a job you are not qualified for. Nepotism was invented by whites so they could get unqualified scrubs like you a job over more qualified Black guys. You must suck big time in order to not have any white person that will do this for you. You dont run anything so you cant tell me what is relevant boy. I said whites males had AA for 350 years and I dont care if that hurts you. You should have encouraged your people to make hay while the sun was up since you obviously knew you were going to turn out to be a waste of sperm and a egg. That way they would have left you a trust fund or something.

No I only hate whiny white boys like you that cant take working hard. I made it by working hard and I am Black. Your sorry ass is taking up oxygen from someone else that is infinitely more worthy.

No such thing as a "more qualified Black guy", except in your deranged mind.

HA HA HA. You poor little putz. Here you post RAGE, RAGE, and more RAGE. HA HA. You're really pissed aren't you ? I can't even see your pathetic words. All I can see is your unrestrained ANGER. You're just pissed that you're Black, and like that racist loon on HLN, Miss Ali, always says: "Eva Black person wanna be White" Yeah, and you're one of them. HA HA. Hey, you still have a chance. Get a nose job, and that skin whitening stuff. If Michael Jackson can get away with it , why not you too, right, BOY ?

You made it !! Made it to where ? The front sink, washing dishes ? (after cleaning out the grease pit for 20 years) ?

Let me tell you something, dustball. I have a collection of over 100 art drawings & paintings that I've done, you could only dream about. I have another 100 songs & poems (some of them published right here in this forum), that you can pathetically read, and wish you only could have wrote those words.

And I play 5 musical instruments, all on a professional level, and played in bands in nightclubs, back in the 80s. Something you could only dream about.
Sometime, I'll put some videos of me playing my violin/fiddle, mandolin, guitars and harmonica, and you can than go to sleep at night, dreaming that it was YOU that was playing all that cool music. Hey, when you can't do it, you can always dream....BOY.

You will NEVER be able to write quality poetry like this, because you're just too much of a bonehead simian cretin.

Protectionist Poem 5

CLOUD'S PUFFS by Protectionist

The first cloud had its full form intact
Its whites, grays, blues, all matter-of-fact
Steady its course, ready to react
With all atmospheric bodies abstract
Or solid, moving, spinning, still
Hunchbacked, cracked, compact
Set and posed to interact
And draw a figure cold but alive
And reach down for my insomniaced
Visions loose but exact.

The second cloud, large and moving around
Still, but in motion, a sky merry-go-round
Up high above its lightning greyhound
To race through the air, to clouds or ground
To open bays, river, or sound.

And little puffs up here and there
Trap my eyes to full minute stare
Surrounded by blue, strange nothingness
Seeming to say "something's amiss"
Broken apart from their parent cloud
And hanging remote, aloof, enshroud, high-browed, proud.

Every Black person I know is more qualified than you. I'm not pissed. I like making fun of you cave monkeys on this site. Its easy to get you in a impotent rage that you cant do anything about. Even if I was right in front of your face the most you would do is turn red with anger and frustration. I'm like a titan stomping a mud hole in the ass of every white boy such as yourself that is envious of me. I had to laugh extra hard at your assertion I want to be white. I havent heard a joke that funny in a while. I love being Black. I would probably kill myself if I had to be white.

BTW your poems sucked donkey ass. I have never seen such terrible writing in my life. I bet you have about a million rejection letters in your draw if you were brave enough to try and publish. I know thats why you are upset at Black people. Trust me you were rejected because your writing sucks and not due to AA. You are a loser and your poem echos the loser in you.
White are not at the back of the line. They own the line dummy.

White AA has been around 350 years. The AA for everyone not a white male just started 50 years agao.

I cant debate merits with an idiot that doesnt even know what the AA policy is.

You are giving me a headache with your pitiful whining. Get off your ass and make something of yourself instead of leaching off the system. I hate people that beg for handouts.
NO they don't own the line you moron. Millions of govt jobs are hired through AA.

Yes, the AA for everyone not a white male just started 50 years ago. Which happens to be the ONLY time that is relevant to this discussion. It is the only time that 99% of white males alive today, have been in the workforce. You're not giving me a headache with your moronic use of :lame2: dodge words like "whining" (long worn out - :laugh:), but I might be getting sick to my stomach. And where HA HA, do you get off talking about ME leaching off the system and begging for handouts ? That's what YOU and YOUR AA zeros do. And you hate them ? That's what you said.
Yes whites do own the line. Stop whining to me and get one of your white friends to get you a job you are not qualified for. Nepotism was invented by whites so they could get unqualified scrubs like you a job over more qualified Black guys. You must suck big time in order to not have any white person that will do this for you. You dont run anything so you cant tell me what is relevant boy. I said whites males had AA for 350 years and I dont care if that hurts you. You should have encouraged your people to make hay while the sun was up since you obviously knew you were going to turn out to be a waste of sperm and a egg. That way they would have left you a trust fund or something.

No I only hate whiny white boys like you that cant take working hard. I made it by working hard and I am Black. Your sorry ass is taking up oxygen from someone else that is infinitely more worthy.

No such thing as a "more qualified Black guy", except in your deranged mind.

HA HA HA. You poor little putz. Here you post RAGE, RAGE, and more RAGE. HA HA. You're really pissed aren't you ? I can't even see your pathetic words. All I can see is your unrestrained ANGER. You're just pissed that you're Black, and like that racist loon on HLN, Miss Ali, always says: "Eva Black person wanna be White" Yeah, and you're one of them. HA HA. Hey, you still have a chance. Get a nose job, and that skin whitening stuff. If Michael Jackson can get away with it , why not you too, right, BOY ?

You made it !! Made it to where ? The front sink, washing dishes ? (after cleaning out the grease pit for 20 years) ?

Let me tell you something, dustball. I have a collection of over 100 art drawings & paintings that I've done, you could only dream about. I have another 100 songs & poems (some of them published right here in this forum), that you can pathetically read, and wish you only could have wrote those words.

And I play 5 musical instruments, all on a professional level, and played in bands in nightclubs, back in the 80s. Something you could only dream about.
Sometime, I'll put some videos of me playing my violin/fiddle, mandolin, guitars and harmonica, and you can than go to sleep at night, dreaming that it was YOU that was playing all that cool music. Hey, when you can't do it, you can always dream....BOY.

You will NEVER be able to write quality poetry like this, because you're just too much of a bonehead simian cretin.

Protectionist Poem 5

CLOUD'S PUFFS by Protectionist

The first cloud had its full form intact
Its whites, grays, blues, all matter-of-fact
Steady its course, ready to react
With all atmospheric bodies abstract
Or solid, moving, spinning, still
Hunchbacked, cracked, compact
Set and posed to interact
And draw a figure cold but alive
And reach down for my insomniaced
Visions loose but exact.

The second cloud, large and moving around
Still, but in motion, a sky merry-go-round
Up high above its lightning greyhound
To race through the air, to clouds or ground
To open bays, river, or sound.

And little puffs up here and there
Trap my eyes to full minute stare
Surrounded by blue, strange nothingness
Seeming to say "something's amiss"
Broken apart from their parent cloud
And hanging remote, aloof, enshroud, high-browed, proud.

Anyone in a lucid state of mind can clearly see that you are the one who is insecure, enraged, and clearly in a state of having no self esteem.

You play 5 instruments, claim to be an accomplished poet, as well as artist?
With all of that imagined talent, you should not even be concerned over AA, and should have been able to turn those "skills" into an opportunity for yourself,

I meant to add previously when you included Hispanics in your growing list of AA victims....that this is yet another figment of your fertile imaginatiin.on your part. Your last post more than proves that you are just a bitter old racist fool with delusions of granduer who life has passed by.
Asclepias said >> "You play 5 instruments, claim to be an accomplished poet, as well as artist?
With all of that imagined talent, you should not even be concerned over AA, and should have been able to turn those "skills" into an opportunity for yourself,

I meant to add previously when you included Hisoanics in your growing list of AA victims....that this is yet another BIG MISS on your part. Your last post more than proves that you are just a bitter old racist fool with delusions of granduer who life has passed by."

Not "claim"...AM! And you just saw one of the poems of it.

Not "imagined".......KNOW. YOU KNOW.

Not "should have"......DID! In upscale night clubs and colleges, for 8 years.

And I happen to BE Hispanic (50%), oh ignorant one.

You should have quit when you were far behind in this debate, Now you're FAAAAR, FAR behind. But that's what USMB readers would expect, when reading one of your posts. Right Asclepias ? Right ? Right ?
Yes. That is right. As we all know.

"This is no debate, and that is a fact, I am not, as you know, Asclepias. Your blather and bluster so false and misplaced, what you post as your truth, is obviously fake.

You rant and you rave like a madman, indeed, overlooking the facts in an ignorant screed.

So dwell in the dark and refuse to learn, I am finished throwing pearls to a swine who is unlearned"

I am not a poet at all, but it took me exactly 1 minute to sum up how the above applies to you.

Goodnight. And watch out for that "black bogeyman" who obviously has complete control over you and is the catalyst for your psychosis.
You and Aslepias are the same, You're in a RAGE. You're a mindless, wild dog, foaming at the mouth. I just sit here and say to myself, when Thanksgiving gets here, I know what I'll be thankful for, Thankful I'm not anything like these gooneybirds in USMB, who go around pretending to be smart and cool, while they're the biggest idiots ion the forum.

No, Mr. "Artist/composer/poet", I'm not "cool", and certainly not angry or enraged at you or anyone here over anything.

I just won't buy into your self pity, and it pisses you off. You have no one to blame for your failures but you.

Frankly, if I had hundreds of songs and poetry written(as you claim to) I would be actively marketing myself to leverage the efforts that I have invested, instead of writing volumes of "poor me" posts in an anonymous forum.

Your point of view is exactly that....... YOURS.
You're a "victim" with alledegly a vast array of talent, but are here sniveling and whining about how you have been persecuted while the black population has been rewarded at your expense.

There are huge numbers of black Americans who have endured generational poverty as a result of Jim Crow laws and biased hiring practices and have still been successful, as well as some who have not succeeded because of their own actions, that I will freely admit, because it is true, however, EVERY successful black American has not been successful at the expense of white males, and for you to assume that to be the truth is a testament to your ignorance and arrogance.

You are insecure, petty and small, as well as too immature to recognize and come to terms with your own shortcomings.

You have some screws loose, dude.
NO they don't own the line you moron. Millions of govt jobs are hired through AA.

Yes, the AA for everyone not a white male just started 50 years ago. Which happens to be the ONLY time that is relevant to this discussion. It is the only time that 99% of white males alive today, have been in the workforce. You're not giving me a headache with your moronic use of :lame2: dodge words like "whining" (long worn out - :laugh:), but I might be getting sick to my stomach. And where HA HA, do you get off talking about ME leaching off the system and begging for handouts ? That's what YOU and YOUR AA zeros do. And you hate them ? That's what you said.
Yes whites do own the line. Stop whining to me and get one of your white friends to get you a job you are not qualified for. Nepotism was invented by whites so they could get unqualified scrubs like you a job over more qualified Black guys. You must suck big time in order to not have any white person that will do this for you. You dont run anything so you cant tell me what is relevant boy. I said whites males had AA for 350 years and I dont care if that hurts you. You should have encouraged your people to make hay while the sun was up since you obviously knew you were going to turn out to be a waste of sperm and a egg. That way they would have left you a trust fund or something.

No I only hate whiny white boys like you that cant take working hard. I made it by working hard and I am Black. Your sorry ass is taking up oxygen from someone else that is infinitely more worthy.

No such thing as a "more qualified Black guy", except in your deranged mind.

HA HA HA. You poor little putz. Here you post RAGE, RAGE, and more RAGE. HA HA. You're really pissed aren't you ? I can't even see your pathetic words. All I can see is your unrestrained ANGER. You're just pissed that you're Black, and like that racist loon on HLN, Miss Ali, always says: "Eva Black person wanna be White" Yeah, and you're one of them. HA HA. Hey, you still have a chance. Get a nose job, and that skin whitening stuff. If Michael Jackson can get away with it , why not you too, right, BOY ?

You made it !! Made it to where ? The front sink, washing dishes ? (after cleaning out the grease pit for 20 years) ?

Let me tell you something, dustball. I have a collection of over 100 art drawings & paintings that I've done, you could only dream about. I have another 100 songs & poems (some of them published right here in this forum), that you can pathetically read, and wish you only could have wrote those words.

And I play 5 musical instruments, all on a professional level, and played in bands in nightclubs, back in the 80s. Something you could only dream about.
Sometime, I'll put some videos of me playing my violin/fiddle, mandolin, guitars and harmonica, and you can than go to sleep at night, dreaming that it was YOU that was playing all that cool music. Hey, when you can't do it, you can always dream....BOY.

You will NEVER be able to write quality poetry like this, because you're just too much of a bonehead simian cretin.

Protectionist Poem 5

CLOUD'S PUFFS by Protectionist

The first cloud had its full form intact
Its whites, grays, blues, all matter-of-fact
Steady its course, ready to react
With all atmospheric bodies abstract
Or solid, moving, spinning, still
Hunchbacked, cracked, compact
Set and posed to interact
And draw a figure cold but alive
And reach down for my insomniaced
Visions loose but exact.

The second cloud, large and moving around
Still, but in motion, a sky merry-go-round
Up high above its lightning greyhound
To race through the air, to clouds or ground
To open bays, river, or sound.

And little puffs up here and there
Trap my eyes to full minute stare
Surrounded by blue, strange nothingness
Seeming to say "something's amiss"
Broken apart from their parent cloud
And hanging remote, aloof, enshroud, high-browed, proud.

Anyone in a lucid state of mind can clearly see that you are the one who is insecure, enraged, and clearly in a state of having no self esteem.

You play 5 instruments, claim to be an accomplished poet, as well as artist?
With all of that imagined talent, you should not even be concerned over AA, and should have been able to turn those "skills" into an opportunity for yourself,

I meant to add previously when you included Hispanics in your growing list of AA victims....that this is yet another figment of your fertile imaginatiin.on your part. Your last post more than proves that you are just a bitter old racist fool with delusions of granduer who life has passed by.
Asclepias said >> "You play 5 instruments, claim to be an accomplished poet, as well as artist?
With all of that imagined talent, you should not even be concerned over AA, and should have been able to turn those "skills" into an opportunity for yourself,

I meant to add previously when you included Hisoanics in your growing list of AA victims....that this is yet another BIG MISS on your part. Your last post more than proves that you are just a bitter old racist fool with delusions of granduer who life has passed by."

Not "claim"...AM! And you just saw one of the poems of it.

Not "imagined".......KNOW. YOU KNOW.

Not "should have"......DID! In upscale night clubs and colleges, for 8 years.

And I happen to BE Hispanic (50%), oh ignorant one.

You should have quit when you were far behind in this debate, Now you're FAAAAR, FAR behind. But that's what USMB readers would expect, when reading one of your posts. Right Asclepias ? Right ? Right ?
Yes. That is right. As we all know.

"This is no debate, and that is a fact, I am not, as you know, Asclepias. Your blather and bluster so false and misplaced, what you post as your truth, is obviously fake.

You rant and you rave like a madman, indeed, overlooking the facts in an ignorant screed.

So dwell in the dark and refuse to learn, I am finished throwing pearls to a swine who is unlearned"

I am not a poet at all, but it took me exactly 1 minute to sum up how the above applies to you.

Goodnight. And watch out for that "black bogeyman" who obviously has complete control over you and is the catalyst for your psychosis.
You and Aslepias are the same, You're in a RAGE. You're a mindless, wild dog, foaming at the mouth. I just sit here and say to myself, when Thanksgiving gets here, I know what I'll be thankful for, Thankful I'm not anything like these gooneybirds in USMB, who go around pretending to be smart and cool, while they're the biggest idiots ion the forum.

No, Mr. "Artist/composer/poet", I'm not "cool", and certainly not angry or enraged at you or anyone here over anything.

I just won't buy into your self pity, and it pisses you off. You have no one to blame for your failures but you.

Frankly, if I had hundreds of songs and poetry written(as you claim to) I would be actively marketing myself to leverage the efforts that I have invested, instead of writing volumes of "poor me" posts in an anonymous forum.

Your point of view is exactly that....... YOURS.
You're a "victim" with alledegly a vast array of talent, but are here sniveling and whining about how you have been persecuted while the black population has been rewarded at your expense.

There are huge numbers of black Americans who have endured generational poverty as a result of Jim Crow laws and biased hiring practices and have still been successful, as well as some who have not succeeded because of their own actions, that I will freely admit, because it is true, however, EVERY successful black American has not been successful at the expense of white males, and for you to assume that to be the truth is a testament to your ignorance and arrogance.

You are insecure, petty and small, as well as too immature to recognize and come to terms with your own shortcomings.

You have some screws loose, dude.
I just ripped to pieces (in Post # 65) everything you just stupidly and dishonestly said here. Just like the other ass clown, you just can't stand it that I've written an OP that tells the TRUTH about the myth of "White privilege", and exposes the fact of Black privilege (AKA Affirmative Action), which you desperately want to keep covered up. Too bad, sucker. Like the Rolling Stones used to say > "You can't always get what you want." HA HA HA.

Last edited:
White are not at the back of the line. They own the line dummy.

White AA has been around 350 years. The AA for everyone not a white male just started 50 years agao.

I cant debate merits with an idiot that doesnt even know what the AA policy is.

You are giving me a headache with your pitiful whining. Get off your ass and make something of yourself instead of leaching off the system. I hate people that beg for handouts.
NO they don't own the line you moron. Millions of govt jobs are hired through AA.

Yes, the AA for everyone not a white male just started 50 years ago. Which happens to be the ONLY time that is relevant to this discussion. It is the only time that 99% of white males alive today, have been in the workforce. You're not giving me a headache with your moronic use of :lame2: dodge words like "whining" (long worn out - :laugh:), but I might be getting sick to my stomach. And where HA HA, do you get off talking about ME leaching off the system and begging for handouts ? That's what YOU and YOUR AA zeros do. And you hate them ? That's what you said.
Yes whites do own the line. Stop whining to me and get one of your white friends to get you a job you are not qualified for. Nepotism was invented by whites so they could get unqualified scrubs like you a job over more qualified Black guys. You must suck big time in order to not have any white person that will do this for you. You dont run anything so you cant tell me what is relevant boy. I said whites males had AA for 350 years and I dont care if that hurts you. You should have encouraged your people to make hay while the sun was up since you obviously knew you were going to turn out to be a waste of sperm and a egg. That way they would have left you a trust fund or something.

No I only hate whiny white boys like you that cant take working hard. I made it by working hard and I am Black. Your sorry ass is taking up oxygen from someone else that is infinitely more worthy.

No such thing as a "more qualified Black guy", except in your deranged mind.

HA HA HA. You poor little putz. Here you post RAGE, RAGE, and more RAGE. HA HA. You're really pissed aren't you ? I can't even see your pathetic words. All I can see is your unrestrained ANGER. You're just pissed that you're Black, and like that racist loon on HLN, Miss Ali, always says: "Eva Black person wanna be White" Yeah, and you're one of them. HA HA. Hey, you still have a chance. Get a nose job, and that skin whitening stuff. If Michael Jackson can get away with it , why not you too, right, BOY ?

You made it !! Made it to where ? The front sink, washing dishes ? (after cleaning out the grease pit for 20 years) ?

Let me tell you something, dustball. I have a collection of over 100 art drawings & paintings that I've done, you could only dream about. I have another 100 songs & poems (some of them published right here in this forum), that you can pathetically read, and wish you only could have wrote those words.

And I play 5 musical instruments, all on a professional level, and played in bands in nightclubs, back in the 80s. Something you could only dream about.
Sometime, I'll put some videos of me playing my violin/fiddle, mandolin, guitars and harmonica, and you can than go to sleep at night, dreaming that it was YOU that was playing all that cool music. Hey, when you can't do it, you can always dream....BOY.

You will NEVER be able to write quality poetry like this, because you're just too much of a bonehead simian cretin.

Protectionist Poem 5

CLOUD'S PUFFS by Protectionist

The first cloud had its full form intact
Its whites, grays, blues, all matter-of-fact
Steady its course, ready to react
With all atmospheric bodies abstract
Or solid, moving, spinning, still
Hunchbacked, cracked, compact
Set and posed to interact
And draw a figure cold but alive
And reach down for my insomniaced
Visions loose but exact.

The second cloud, large and moving around
Still, but in motion, a sky merry-go-round
Up high above its lightning greyhound
To race through the air, to clouds or ground
To open bays, river, or sound.

And little puffs up here and there
Trap my eyes to full minute stare
Surrounded by blue, strange nothingness
Seeming to say "something's amiss"
Broken apart from their parent cloud
And hanging remote, aloof, enshroud, high-browed, proud.

Every Black person I know is more qualified than you. I'm not pissed. I like making fun of you cave monkeys on this site. Its easy to get you in a impotent rage that you cant do anything about. Even if I was right in front of your face the most you would do is turn red with anger and frustration. I'm like a titan stomping a mud hole in the ass of every white boy such as yourself that is envious of me. I had to laugh extra hard at your assertion I want to be white. I havent heard a joke that funny in a while. I love being Black. I would probably kill myself if I had to be white.

BTW your poems sucked donkey ass. I have never seen such terrible writing in my life. I bet you have about a million rejection letters in your draw if you were brave enough to try and publish. I know thats why you are upset at Black people. Trust me you were rejected because your writing sucks and not due to AA. You are a loser and your poem echos the loser in you.
An "impotent rage" ? That's what YOU are, Mr. inferiority complex. Rather than just accepting your inferior status, and moving on with it, like most guys like you do, you pretend you're superior. HA HA HA!! Oh, man. This is gonna be a fun day today.

And now you're calling white people "monkeys", huh ? Well, even if you don't get it, all the other Black people around do know that all that talk only bounces right back in your face.

God, you are easy to trash talk. You've got nothing at all going, trash bag. If you were right in front of me, I'd wait for you to put your filthy, smelly hand on me, and then I'd hand you your skinny little punk ass, US Army style. Yeah, you're talking to the US Army, boy. And you never want to make an enemy out of the US Army. NOoooooooo!! As my ex-Battalion commander used to say > In the Army we have a specific way of how we handle out enemies. It can be summed up in 3 simple words. WE KILL THEM! HA HA HA. But you need not fear. You're only on the other side of a computer, not where I could make a pretzel out of you. :drillsergeant::lol: And even if you were in my presence, you'd faint before you could lift a finger toward me.

So you love being Black, huh ?
Dude, you'd give your right arm to be white and YOU KNOW it. And it wasn't my assertion that you want to be White. I clearly wrote that it was Miss Ali (a Black woman) on the Dr. Drew show on HLN who said that. SHE (not me) said > "Eva Black person wanna be White" Whats the matter you got a deficiency in reading comprehension ? HA HA. Well, maybe they pushed you through school with AA, even though you weren't ready for the next higher grade.

Well, that doesn't surprise me. I remember my Meteorology class in college, which was filled with Open Admissions Blacks. Being admitted to the college without having to show a high standard of academic accomplishment in high school, they were let in, just because they were black, and that's how the AA do-gooders wanted it. So the teacher (a cool Black guy) lowered the work level to about 6th grade, and those dum-dums still couldn't pass the easiest "exam" I ever saw. In fact, it was an open book test. When they told me the term "open book" test, I didn't even know what they were talking about, I had never heard of any such ludicrous thing. Of course not. I had all my schooling up to then, before open admissions started and watered down our educations to next to nothing.

And all this just so some totally :lame2: White liberal idiots could walk around feeling confident they wouldn't be called a racist (by some racist AA :asshole:)

So now, here we are in 2014. And despite the oppression foisted upon us whites, by the racist AA goons, we can hold our heads up high knowing that all our accomplishments (ans mine are MANY) are FOR REAL, and we achieved them despite the roadblocks & handicaps of AA. So that is what helps us to love being White (in addition to being much better looking-

For Blacks, it just the opposite. You all have to live with the STIGMA of inferiority as a result of AA. Because of AA, no one can ever take you seriously. Whereever you show up, you are looked at with a question mark imprinted in your forehead. Hmmmm. Did this guy really make it on his own, or is he just there because of AA ? And that's the stigma that all Blacks carry with them (as well as Hispanics like me) So every one of you (Obama, Holder, Sotomayer, this new woman appointee to be attorney general, etc.) Nobody can ever trust that you have a clue for what you're doing. BTW, in 50 years in the workforce, I never once lowered myself to fill out an AA questionnaire, much less check "Hispanic" on one. :rolleyes-41: So I can still hold my head up high, even though YOU CAN'T.

As for my poem, you know it's good, and way beyond your inferior capabilities, so you pretend it's bad, and you couldn't be more obvious. You even misspelled the word "drawer". HA HA. This is too funny.
The more you talk the more its obvious you are a loser and a monkey. Your first sentence highlights your loser attitude. I know you have accepted your inferior status but other men like me never accept anything someone limits us to. Like a god I cause havoc and chaos in the brain of sad sack white boys like you. Your poems suck donkey ass. Those rejection letters speak the truth. Deal with it.
Yes whites do own the line. Stop whining to me and get one of your white friends to get you a job you are not qualified for. Nepotism was invented by whites so they could get unqualified scrubs like you a job over more qualified Black guys. You must suck big time in order to not have any white person that will do this for you. You dont run anything so you cant tell me what is relevant boy. I said whites males had AA for 350 years and I dont care if that hurts you. You should have encouraged your people to make hay while the sun was up since you obviously knew you were going to turn out to be a waste of sperm and a egg. That way they would have left you a trust fund or something.

No I only hate whiny white boys like you that cant take working hard. I made it by working hard and I am Black. Your sorry ass is taking up oxygen from someone else that is infinitely more worthy.

No such thing as a "more qualified Black guy", except in your deranged mind.

HA HA HA. You poor little putz. Here you post RAGE, RAGE, and more RAGE. HA HA. You're really pissed aren't you ? I can't even see your pathetic words. All I can see is your unrestrained ANGER. You're just pissed that you're Black, and like that racist loon on HLN, Miss Ali, always says: "Eva Black person wanna be White" Yeah, and you're one of them. HA HA. Hey, you still have a chance. Get a nose job, and that skin whitening stuff. If Michael Jackson can get away with it , why not you too, right, BOY ?

You made it !! Made it to where ? The front sink, washing dishes ? (after cleaning out the grease pit for 20 years) ?

Let me tell you something, dustball. I have a collection of over 100 art drawings & paintings that I've done, you could only dream about. I have another 100 songs & poems (some of them published right here in this forum), that you can pathetically read, and wish you only could have wrote those words.

And I play 5 musical instruments, all on a professional level, and played in bands in nightclubs, back in the 80s. Something you could only dream about.
Sometime, I'll put some videos of me playing my violin/fiddle, mandolin, guitars and harmonica, and you can than go to sleep at night, dreaming that it was YOU that was playing all that cool music. Hey, when you can't do it, you can always dream....BOY.

You will NEVER be able to write quality poetry like this, because you're just too much of a bonehead simian cretin.

Protectionist Poem 5

CLOUD'S PUFFS by Protectionist

The first cloud had its full form intact
Its whites, grays, blues, all matter-of-fact
Steady its course, ready to react
With all atmospheric bodies abstract
Or solid, moving, spinning, still
Hunchbacked, cracked, compact
Set and posed to interact
And draw a figure cold but alive
And reach down for my insomniaced
Visions loose but exact.

The second cloud, large and moving around
Still, but in motion, a sky merry-go-round
Up high above its lightning greyhound
To race through the air, to clouds or ground
To open bays, river, or sound.

And little puffs up here and there
Trap my eyes to full minute stare
Surrounded by blue, strange nothingness
Seeming to say "something's amiss"
Broken apart from their parent cloud
And hanging remote, aloof, enshroud, high-browed, proud.

Anyone in a lucid state of mind can clearly see that you are the one who is insecure, enraged, and clearly in a state of having no self esteem.

You play 5 instruments, claim to be an accomplished poet, as well as artist?
With all of that imagined talent, you should not even be concerned over AA, and should have been able to turn those "skills" into an opportunity for yourself,

I meant to add previously when you included Hispanics in your growing list of AA victims....that this is yet another figment of your fertile imaginatiin.on your part. Your last post more than proves that you are just a bitter old racist fool with delusions of granduer who life has passed by.
Asclepias said >> "You play 5 instruments, claim to be an accomplished poet, as well as artist?
With all of that imagined talent, you should not even be concerned over AA, and should have been able to turn those "skills" into an opportunity for yourself,

I meant to add previously when you included Hisoanics in your growing list of AA victims....that this is yet another BIG MISS on your part. Your last post more than proves that you are just a bitter old racist fool with delusions of granduer who life has passed by."

Not "claim"...AM! And you just saw one of the poems of it.

Not "imagined".......KNOW. YOU KNOW.

Not "should have"......DID! In upscale night clubs and colleges, for 8 years.

And I happen to BE Hispanic (50%), oh ignorant one.

You should have quit when you were far behind in this debate, Now you're FAAAAR, FAR behind. But that's what USMB readers would expect, when reading one of your posts. Right Asclepias ? Right ? Right ?
Yes. That is right. As we all know.

"This is no debate, and that is a fact, I am not, as you know, Asclepias. Your blather and bluster so false and misplaced, what you post as your truth, is obviously fake.

You rant and you rave like a madman, indeed, overlooking the facts in an ignorant screed.

So dwell in the dark and refuse to learn, I am finished throwing pearls to a swine who is unlearned"

I am not a poet at all, but it took me exactly 1 minute to sum up how the above applies to you.

Goodnight. And watch out for that "black bogeyman" who obviously has complete control over you and is the catalyst for your psychosis.
You and Aslepias are the same, You're in a RAGE. You're a mindless, wild dog, foaming at the mouth. I just sit here and say to myself, when Thanksgiving gets here, I know what I'll be thankful for, Thankful I'm not anything like these gooneybirds in USMB, who go around pretending to be smart and cool, while they're the biggest idiots ion the forum.

No, Mr. "Artist/composer/poet", I'm not "cool", and certainly not angry or enraged at you or anyone here over anything.

I just won't buy into your self pity, and it pisses you off. You have no one to blame for your failures but you.

Frankly, if I had hundreds of songs and poetry written(as you claim to) I would be actively marketing myself to leverage the efforts that I have invested, instead of writing volumes of "poor me" posts in an anonymous forum.

Your point of view is exactly that....... YOURS.
You're a "victim" with alledegly a vast array of talent, but are here sniveling and whining about how you have been persecuted while the black population has been rewarded at your expense.

There are huge numbers of black Americans who have endured generational poverty as a result of Jim Crow laws and biased hiring practices and have still been successful, as well as some who have not succeeded because of their own actions, that I will freely admit, because it is true, however, EVERY successful black American has not been successful at the expense of white males, and for you to assume that to be the truth is a testament to your ignorance and arrogance.

You are insecure, petty and small, as well as too immature to recognize and come to terms with your own shortcomings.

You have some screws loose, dude.
I just ripped to pieces (in Post # 65) everything you just stupidly and dishonestly said here. Just like the other ass clown, you just can't stand it that I've written an OP that tells the TRUTH about the myth of "white privilege", and exposes the fact of Black privilege (AKA Affirmative Action), which you desperately want to keep covered up. Too bad, sucker. Like the Rolling Stones used to say > "You can't always get what you want." HA HA HA.
You only ripped your hymen monkey. You dont have the intelligence to even remain rational. We are laughing at you as you whine about screwed up your life is. Stop being a lazy ass and get a better job. You cant clean toilets all your life and expect the finer things to be just given to you.
No such thing as a "more qualified Black guy", except in your deranged mind.

HA HA HA. You poor little putz. Here you post RAGE, RAGE, and more RAGE. HA HA. You're really pissed aren't you ? I can't even see your pathetic words. All I can see is your unrestrained ANGER. You're just pissed that you're Black, and like that racist loon on HLN, Miss Ali, always says: "Eva Black person wanna be White" Yeah, and you're one of them. HA HA. Hey, you still have a chance. Get a nose job, and that skin whitening stuff. If Michael Jackson can get away with it , why not you too, right, BOY ?

You made it !! Made it to where ? The front sink, washing dishes ? (after cleaning out the grease pit for 20 years) ?

Let me tell you something, dustball. I have a collection of over 100 art drawings & paintings that I've done, you could only dream about. I have another 100 songs & poems (some of them published right here in this forum), that you can pathetically read, and wish you only could have wrote those words.

And I play 5 musical instruments, all on a professional level, and played in bands in nightclubs, back in the 80s. Something you could only dream about.
Sometime, I'll put some videos of me playing my violin/fiddle, mandolin, guitars and harmonica, and you can than go to sleep at night, dreaming that it was YOU that was playing all that cool music. Hey, when you can't do it, you can always dream....BOY.

You will NEVER be able to write quality poetry like this, because you're just too much of a bonehead simian cretin.

Protectionist Poem 5

CLOUD'S PUFFS by Protectionist

The first cloud had its full form intact
Its whites, grays, blues, all matter-of-fact
Steady its course, ready to react
With all atmospheric bodies abstract
Or solid, moving, spinning, still
Hunchbacked, cracked, compact
Set and posed to interact
And draw a figure cold but alive
And reach down for my insomniaced
Visions loose but exact.

The second cloud, large and moving around
Still, but in motion, a sky merry-go-round
Up high above its lightning greyhound
To race through the air, to clouds or ground
To open bays, river, or sound.

And little puffs up here and there
Trap my eyes to full minute stare
Surrounded by blue, strange nothingness
Seeming to say "something's amiss"
Broken apart from their parent cloud
And hanging remote, aloof, enshroud, high-browed, proud.

Anyone in a lucid state of mind can clearly see that you are the one who is insecure, enraged, and clearly in a state of having no self esteem.

You play 5 instruments, claim to be an accomplished poet, as well as artist?
With all of that imagined talent, you should not even be concerned over AA, and should have been able to turn those "skills" into an opportunity for yourself,

I meant to add previously when you included Hispanics in your growing list of AA victims....that this is yet another figment of your fertile imaginatiin.on your part. Your last post more than proves that you are just a bitter old racist fool with delusions of granduer who life has passed by.
Asclepias said >> "You play 5 instruments, claim to be an accomplished poet, as well as artist?
With all of that imagined talent, you should not even be concerned over AA, and should have been able to turn those "skills" into an opportunity for yourself,

I meant to add previously when you included Hisoanics in your growing list of AA victims....that this is yet another BIG MISS on your part. Your last post more than proves that you are just a bitter old racist fool with delusions of granduer who life has passed by."

Not "claim"...AM! And you just saw one of the poems of it.

Not "imagined".......KNOW. YOU KNOW.

Not "should have"......DID! In upscale night clubs and colleges, for 8 years.

And I happen to BE Hispanic (50%), oh ignorant one.

You should have quit when you were far behind in this debate, Now you're FAAAAR, FAR behind. But that's what USMB readers would expect, when reading one of your posts. Right Asclepias ? Right ? Right ?
Yes. That is right. As we all know.

"This is no debate, and that is a fact, I am not, as you know, Asclepias. Your blather and bluster so false and misplaced, what you post as your truth, is obviously fake.

You rant and you rave like a madman, indeed, overlooking the facts in an ignorant screed.

So dwell in the dark and refuse to learn, I am finished throwing pearls to a swine who is unlearned"

I am not a poet at all, but it took me exactly 1 minute to sum up how the above applies to you.

Goodnight. And watch out for that "black bogeyman" who obviously has complete control over you and is the catalyst for your psychosis.
You and Aslepias are the same, You're in a RAGE. You're a mindless, wild dog, foaming at the mouth. I just sit here and say to myself, when Thanksgiving gets here, I know what I'll be thankful for, Thankful I'm not anything like these gooneybirds in USMB, who go around pretending to be smart and cool, while they're the biggest idiots ion the forum.

No, Mr. "Artist/composer/poet", I'm not "cool", and certainly not angry or enraged at you or anyone here over anything.

I just won't buy into your self pity, and it pisses you off. You have no one to blame for your failures but you.

Frankly, if I had hundreds of songs and poetry written(as you claim to) I would be actively marketing myself to leverage the efforts that I have invested, instead of writing volumes of "poor me" posts in an anonymous forum.

Your point of view is exactly that....... YOURS.
You're a "victim" with alledegly a vast array of talent, but are here sniveling and whining about how you have been persecuted while the black population has been rewarded at your expense.

There are huge numbers of black Americans who have endured generational poverty as a result of Jim Crow laws and biased hiring practices and have still been successful, as well as some who have not succeeded because of their own actions, that I will freely admit, because it is true, however, EVERY successful black American has not been successful at the expense of white males, and for you to assume that to be the truth is a testament to your ignorance and arrogance.

You are insecure, petty and small, as well as too immature to recognize and come to terms with your own shortcomings.

You have some screws loose, dude.
I just ripped to pieces (in Post # 65) everything you just stupidly and dishonestly said here. Just like the other ass clown, you just can't stand it that I've written an OP that tells the TRUTH about the myth of "white privilege", and exposes the fact of Black privilege (AKA Affirmative Action), which you desperately want to keep covered up. Too bad, sucker. Like the Rolling Stones used to say > "You can't always get what you want." HA HA HA.
You only ripped your hymen monkey. You dont have the intelligence to even remain rational. We are laughing at you as you whine about screwed up your life is. Stop being a lazy ass and get a better job. You cant clean toilets all your life and expect the finer things to be just given to you.
So memory is also part of that inferiority you live with, huh ? I told you before my worklife is past, and that I am RETIRED, oh dense one. And I've never cleaned toilets. That's for the inferior folks. You know, like you. HA HA HA. And you can laugh all you please. Ever see teenagers on motorcycles laughing at older people driving cars with lots of safety features ?
You don't get points for laughing, when your laughing is DUMB. :laugh2:
Anyone in a lucid state of mind can clearly see that you are the one who is insecure, enraged, and clearly in a state of having no self esteem.

You play 5 instruments, claim to be an accomplished poet, as well as artist?
With all of that imagined talent, you should not even be concerned over AA, and should have been able to turn those "skills" into an opportunity for yourself,

I meant to add previously when you included Hispanics in your growing list of AA victims....that this is yet another figment of your fertile imaginatiin.on your part. Your last post more than proves that you are just a bitter old racist fool with delusions of granduer who life has passed by.
"This is no debate, and that is a fact, I am not, as you know, Asclepias. Your blather and bluster so false and misplaced, what you post as your truth, is obviously fake.

You rant and you rave like a madman, indeed, overlooking the facts in an ignorant screed.

So dwell in the dark and refuse to learn, I am finished throwing pearls to a swine who is unlearned"

I am not a poet at all, but it took me exactly 1 minute to sum up how the above applies to you.

Goodnight. And watch out for that "black bogeyman" who obviously has complete control over you and is the catalyst for your psychosis.
You and Aslepias are the same, You're in a RAGE. You're a mindless, wild dog, foaming at the mouth. I just sit here and say to myself, when Thanksgiving gets here, I know what I'll be thankful for, Thankful I'm not anything like these gooneybirds in USMB, who go around pretending to be smart and cool, while they're the biggest idiots ion the forum.

No, Mr. "Artist/composer/poet", I'm not "cool", and certainly not angry or enraged at you or anyone here over anything.

I just won't buy into your self pity, and it pisses you off. You have no one to blame for your failures but you.

Frankly, if I had hundreds of songs and poetry written(as you claim to) I would be actively marketing myself to leverage the efforts that I have invested, instead of writing volumes of "poor me" posts in an anonymous forum.

Your point of view is exactly that....... YOURS.
You're a "victim" with alledegly a vast array of talent, but are here sniveling and whining about how you have been persecuted while the black population has been rewarded at your expense.

There are huge numbers of black Americans who have endured generational poverty as a result of Jim Crow laws and biased hiring practices and have still been successful, as well as some who have not succeeded because of their own actions, that I will freely admit, because it is true, however, EVERY successful black American has not been successful at the expense of white males, and for you to assume that to be the truth is a testament to your ignorance and arrogance.

You are insecure, petty and small, as well as too immature to recognize and come to terms with your own shortcomings.

You have some screws loose, dude.
I just ripped to pieces (in Post # 65) everything you just stupidly and dishonestly said here. Just like the other ass clown, you just can't stand it that I've written an OP that tells the TRUTH about the myth of "white privilege", and exposes the fact of Black privilege (AKA Affirmative Action), which you desperately want to keep covered up. Too bad, sucker. Like the Rolling Stones used to say > "You can't always get what you want." HA HA HA.
You only ripped your hymen monkey. You dont have the intelligence to even remain rational. We are laughing at you as you whine about screwed up your life is. Stop being a lazy ass and get a better job. You cant clean toilets all your life and expect the finer things to be just given to you.
So memory is also part of that inferiority you live with, huh ? I told you before my worklife is past, and that I am RETIRED, oh dense one. And I've never cleaned toilets. That's for the inferior folks. You know, like you. HA HA HA. And you can laugh all you please. Ever see teenagers on motorcycles laughing at older people driving cars with lots of safety features ?
You don't get points for laughing, when your laughing is DUMB. :laugh2:
Stop lying monkey. You arent retired and you are a part time toilet cleaner. Work harder, shave and delouse yourself and I am sure someone will get you a better gig.
NO they don't own the line you moron. Millions of govt jobs are hired through AA.

Yes, the AA for everyone not a white male just started 50 years ago. Which happens to be the ONLY time that is relevant to this discussion. It is the only time that 99% of white males alive today, have been in the workforce. You're not giving me a headache with your moronic use of :lame2: dodge words like "whining" (long worn out - :laugh:), but I might be getting sick to my stomach. And where HA HA, do you get off talking about ME leaching off the system and begging for handouts ? That's what YOU and YOUR AA zeros do. And you hate them ? That's what you said.
Yes whites do own the line. Stop whining to me and get one of your white friends to get you a job you are not qualified for. Nepotism was invented by whites so they could get unqualified scrubs like you a job over more qualified Black guys. You must suck big time in order to not have any white person that will do this for you. You dont run anything so you cant tell me what is relevant boy. I said whites males had AA for 350 years and I dont care if that hurts you. You should have encouraged your people to make hay while the sun was up since you obviously knew you were going to turn out to be a waste of sperm and a egg. That way they would have left you a trust fund or something.

No I only hate whiny white boys like you that cant take working hard. I made it by working hard and I am Black. Your sorry ass is taking up oxygen from someone else that is infinitely more worthy.

No such thing as a "more qualified Black guy", except in your deranged mind.

HA HA HA. You poor little putz. Here you post RAGE, RAGE, and more RAGE. HA HA. You're really pissed aren't you ? I can't even see your pathetic words. All I can see is your unrestrained ANGER. You're just pissed that you're Black, and like that racist loon on HLN, Miss Ali, always says: "Eva Black person wanna be White" Yeah, and you're one of them. HA HA. Hey, you still have a chance. Get a nose job, and that skin whitening stuff. If Michael Jackson can get away with it , why not you too, right, BOY ?

You made it !! Made it to where ? The front sink, washing dishes ? (after cleaning out the grease pit for 20 years) ?

Let me tell you something, dustball. I have a collection of over 100 art drawings & paintings that I've done, you could only dream about. I have another 100 songs & poems (some of them published right here in this forum), that you can pathetically read, and wish you only could have wrote those words.

And I play 5 musical instruments, all on a professional level, and played in bands in nightclubs, back in the 80s. Something you could only dream about.
Sometime, I'll put some videos of me playing my violin/fiddle, mandolin, guitars and harmonica, and you can than go to sleep at night, dreaming that it was YOU that was playing all that cool music. Hey, when you can't do it, you can always dream....BOY.

You will NEVER be able to write quality poetry like this, because you're just too much of a bonehead simian cretin.

Protectionist Poem 5

CLOUD'S PUFFS by Protectionist

The first cloud had its full form intact
Its whites, grays, blues, all matter-of-fact
Steady its course, ready to react
With all atmospheric bodies abstract
Or solid, moving, spinning, still
Hunchbacked, cracked, compact
Set and posed to interact
And draw a figure cold but alive
And reach down for my insomniaced
Visions loose but exact.

The second cloud, large and moving around
Still, but in motion, a sky merry-go-round
Up high above its lightning greyhound
To race through the air, to clouds or ground
To open bays, river, or sound.

And little puffs up here and there
Trap my eyes to full minute stare
Surrounded by blue, strange nothingness
Seeming to say "something's amiss"
Broken apart from their parent cloud
And hanging remote, aloof, enshroud, high-browed, proud.

Every Black person I know is more qualified than you. I'm not pissed. I like making fun of you cave monkeys on this site. Its easy to get you in a impotent rage that you cant do anything about. Even if I was right in front of your face the most you would do is turn red with anger and frustration. I'm like a titan stomping a mud hole in the ass of every white boy such as yourself that is envious of me. I had to laugh extra hard at your assertion I want to be white. I havent heard a joke that funny in a while. I love being Black. I would probably kill myself if I had to be white.

BTW your poems sucked donkey ass. I have never seen such terrible writing in my life. I bet you have about a million rejection letters in your draw if you were brave enough to try and publish. I know thats why you are upset at Black people. Trust me you were rejected because your writing sucks and not due to AA. You are a loser and your poem echos the loser in you.
An "impotent rage" ? That's what YOU are, Mr. inferiority complex. Rather than just accepting your inferior status, and moving on with it, like most guys like you do, you pretend you're superior. HA HA HA!! Oh, man. This is gonna be a fun day today.

And now you're calling white people "monkeys", huh ? Well, even if you don't get it, all the other Black people around do know that all that talk only bounces right back in your face.

God, you are easy to trash talk. You've got nothing at all going, trash bag. If you were right in front of me, I'd wait for you to put your filthy, smelly hand on me, and then I'd hand you your skinny little punk ass, US Army style. Yeah, you're talking to the US Army, boy. And you never want to make an enemy out of the US Army. NOoooooooo!! As my ex-Battalion commander used to say > In the Army we have a specific way of how we handle out enemies. It can be summed up in 3 simple words. WE KILL THEM! HA HA HA. But you need not fear. You're only on the other side of a computer, not where I could make a pretzel out of you. :drillsergeant::lol: And even if you were in my presence, you'd faint before you could lift a finger toward me.

So you love being Black, huh ?
Dude, you'd give your right arm to be white and YOU KNOW it. And it wasn't my assertion that you want to be White. I clearly wrote that it was Miss Ali (a Black woman) on the Dr. Drew show on HLN who said that. SHE (not me) said > "Eva Black person wanna be White" Whats the matter you got a deficiency in reading comprehension ? HA HA. Well, maybe they pushed you through school with AA, even though you weren't ready for the next higher grade.

Well, that doesn't surprise me. I remember my Meteorology class in college, which was filled with Open Admissions Blacks. Being admitted to the college without having to show a high standard of academic accomplishment in high school, they were let in, just because they were black, and that's how the AA do-gooders wanted it. So the teacher (a cool Black guy) lowered the work level to about 6th grade, and those dum-dums still couldn't pass the easiest "exam" I ever saw. In fact, it was an open book test. When they told me the term "open book" test, I didn't even know what they were talking about, I had never heard of any such ludicrous thing. Of course not. I had all my schooling up to then, before open admissions started and watered down our educations to next to nothing.

And all this just so some totally :lame2: White liberal idiots could walk around feeling confident they wouldn't be called a racist (by some racist AA :asshole:)

So now, here we are in 2014. And despite the oppression foisted upon us whites, by the racist AA goons, we can hold our heads up high knowing that all our accomplishments (ans mine are MANY) are FOR REAL, and we achieved them despite the roadblocks & handicaps of AA. So that is what helps us to love being White (in addition to being much better looking-

For Blacks, it just the opposite. You all have to live with the STIGMA of inferiority as a result of AA. Because of AA, no one can ever take you seriously. Whereever you show up, you are looked at with a question mark imprinted in your forehead. Hmmmm. Did this guy really make it on his own, or is he just there because of AA ? And that's the stigma that all Blacks carry with them (as well as Hispanics like me) So every one of you (Obama, Holder, Sotomayer, this new woman appointee to be attorney general, etc.) Nobody can ever trust that you have a clue for what you're doing. BTW, in 50 years in the workforce, I never once lowered myself to fill out an AA questionnaire, much less check "Hispanic" on one. :rolleyes-41: So I can still hold my head up high, even though YOU CAN'T.

As for my poem, you know it's good, and way beyond your inferior capabilities, so you pretend it's bad, and you couldn't be more obvious. You even misspelled the word "drawer". HA HA. This is too funny.
The more you talk the more its obvious you are a loser and a monkey. Your first sentence highlights your loser attitude. I know you have accepted your inferior status but other men like me never accept anything someone limits us to. Like a god I cause havoc and chaos in the brain of sad sack white boys like you. Your poems suck donkey ass. Those rejection letters speak the truth. Deal with it.
Diary of a mad/sad loser, strapped with the stigma of Affrimative Action. Hey boy! You know how to use a screwdriver ?
Today, as many other days, I heard somebody on one of the cable news shows using the term "White Privilege". Today it was Sunny Hostin, but it could just as easily have been any one of 100 different people.
They say these words as if every TV viewer fully accepted the term as meaning what it clearly states.

Only problem with the term is that it does not exist. And it has not existed for half a century now, ever since whatever White Privilege did exist previously, has been obliterated and replaced by Black Privilege, by way of Affirmative Action. How in the world anyone could believe there is White Privilege in America, when hundreds of millions of White Americans have been deprived of education and careers due to this insidious, treacherous, anti-White discrimination.

Being deprived of college admission, college financial aid, jobs, job promotions, etc. has been SOP for Whites long enough for some people to have had it eradicate their entire worklife from starting out rookie, clear through to retirement at age 65.

It's time now for the term "White Privilege" to be retired (50 years too late). And why don't we hear the correct term Black Privilege more often ? Or should I say "at all ?"

You are way off mark suggesting whites don't have exclusive privileges.

Whites have the privilege of being called racist bigots and accused of discrimination regardless of whether or not it applies.

Whites have the privilege of living in a society that holds them accountable for the actions of their forefathers ... And where other races are seldom held accountable for their own actions, much less their forefathers'.

Whites have the privilege of living in a multicultural society that keeps them around for the added revenue stream ... Damn, someone has to pay the bill.

I am sure I could think of more privileges, but you get the point ... You are just looking at it wrong.

Last edited:
Yes whites do own the line. Stop whining to me and get one of your white friends to get you a job you are not qualified for. Nepotism was invented by whites so they could get unqualified scrubs like you a job over more qualified Black guys. You must suck big time in order to not have any white person that will do this for you. You dont run anything so you cant tell me what is relevant boy. I said whites males had AA for 350 years and I dont care if that hurts you. You should have encouraged your people to make hay while the sun was up since you obviously knew you were going to turn out to be a waste of sperm and a egg. That way they would have left you a trust fund or something.

No I only hate whiny white boys like you that cant take working hard. I made it by working hard and I am Black. Your sorry ass is taking up oxygen from someone else that is infinitely more worthy.

No such thing as a "more qualified Black guy", except in your deranged mind.

HA HA HA. You poor little putz. Here you post RAGE, RAGE, and more RAGE. HA HA. You're really pissed aren't you ? I can't even see your pathetic words. All I can see is your unrestrained ANGER. You're just pissed that you're Black, and like that racist loon on HLN, Miss Ali, always says: "Eva Black person wanna be White" Yeah, and you're one of them. HA HA. Hey, you still have a chance. Get a nose job, and that skin whitening stuff. If Michael Jackson can get away with it , why not you too, right, BOY ?

You made it !! Made it to where ? The front sink, washing dishes ? (after cleaning out the grease pit for 20 years) ?

Let me tell you something, dustball. I have a collection of over 100 art drawings & paintings that I've done, you could only dream about. I have another 100 songs & poems (some of them published right here in this forum), that you can pathetically read, and wish you only could have wrote those words.

And I play 5 musical instruments, all on a professional level, and played in bands in nightclubs, back in the 80s. Something you could only dream about.
Sometime, I'll put some videos of me playing my violin/fiddle, mandolin, guitars and harmonica, and you can than go to sleep at night, dreaming that it was YOU that was playing all that cool music. Hey, when you can't do it, you can always dream....BOY.

You will NEVER be able to write quality poetry like this, because you're just too much of a bonehead simian cretin.

Protectionist Poem 5

CLOUD'S PUFFS by Protectionist

The first cloud had its full form intact
Its whites, grays, blues, all matter-of-fact
Steady its course, ready to react
With all atmospheric bodies abstract
Or solid, moving, spinning, still
Hunchbacked, cracked, compact
Set and posed to interact
And draw a figure cold but alive
And reach down for my insomniaced
Visions loose but exact.

The second cloud, large and moving around
Still, but in motion, a sky merry-go-round
Up high above its lightning greyhound
To race through the air, to clouds or ground
To open bays, river, or sound.

And little puffs up here and there
Trap my eyes to full minute stare
Surrounded by blue, strange nothingness
Seeming to say "something's amiss"
Broken apart from their parent cloud
And hanging remote, aloof, enshroud, high-browed, proud.

Every Black person I know is more qualified than you. I'm not pissed. I like making fun of you cave monkeys on this site. Its easy to get you in a impotent rage that you cant do anything about. Even if I was right in front of your face the most you would do is turn red with anger and frustration. I'm like a titan stomping a mud hole in the ass of every white boy such as yourself that is envious of me. I had to laugh extra hard at your assertion I want to be white. I havent heard a joke that funny in a while. I love being Black. I would probably kill myself if I had to be white.

BTW your poems sucked donkey ass. I have never seen such terrible writing in my life. I bet you have about a million rejection letters in your draw if you were brave enough to try and publish. I know thats why you are upset at Black people. Trust me you were rejected because your writing sucks and not due to AA. You are a loser and your poem echos the loser in you.
An "impotent rage" ? That's what YOU are, Mr. inferiority complex. Rather than just accepting your inferior status, and moving on with it, like most guys like you do, you pretend you're superior. HA HA HA!! Oh, man. This is gonna be a fun day today.

And now you're calling white people "monkeys", huh ? Well, even if you don't get it, all the other Black people around do know that all that talk only bounces right back in your face.

God, you are easy to trash talk. You've got nothing at all going, trash bag. If you were right in front of me, I'd wait for you to put your filthy, smelly hand on me, and then I'd hand you your skinny little punk ass, US Army style. Yeah, you're talking to the US Army, boy. And you never want to make an enemy out of the US Army. NOoooooooo!! As my ex-Battalion commander used to say > In the Army we have a specific way of how we handle out enemies. It can be summed up in 3 simple words. WE KILL THEM! HA HA HA. But you need not fear. You're only on the other side of a computer, not where I could make a pretzel out of you. :drillsergeant::lol: And even if you were in my presence, you'd faint before you could lift a finger toward me.

So you love being Black, huh ?
Dude, you'd give your right arm to be white and YOU KNOW it. And it wasn't my assertion that you want to be White. I clearly wrote that it was Miss Ali (a Black woman) on the Dr. Drew show on HLN who said that. SHE (not me) said > "Eva Black person wanna be White" Whats the matter you got a deficiency in reading comprehension ? HA HA. Well, maybe they pushed you through school with AA, even though you weren't ready for the next higher grade.

Well, that doesn't surprise me. I remember my Meteorology class in college, which was filled with Open Admissions Blacks. Being admitted to the college without having to show a high standard of academic accomplishment in high school, they were let in, just because they were black, and that's how the AA do-gooders wanted it. So the teacher (a cool Black guy) lowered the work level to about 6th grade, and those dum-dums still couldn't pass the easiest "exam" I ever saw. In fact, it was an open book test. When they told me the term "open book" test, I didn't even know what they were talking about, I had never heard of any such ludicrous thing. Of course not. I had all my schooling up to then, before open admissions started and watered down our educations to next to nothing.

And all this just so some totally :lame2: White liberal idiots could walk around feeling confident they wouldn't be called a racist (by some racist AA :asshole:)

So now, here we are in 2014. And despite the oppression foisted upon us whites, by the racist AA goons, we can hold our heads up high knowing that all our accomplishments (ans mine are MANY) are FOR REAL, and we achieved them despite the roadblocks & handicaps of AA. So that is what helps us to love being White (in addition to being much better looking-

For Blacks, it just the opposite. You all have to live with the STIGMA of inferiority as a result of AA. Because of AA, no one can ever take you seriously. Whereever you show up, you are looked at with a question mark imprinted in your forehead. Hmmmm. Did this guy really make it on his own, or is he just there because of AA ? And that's the stigma that all Blacks carry with them (as well as Hispanics like me) So every one of you (Obama, Holder, Sotomayer, this new woman appointee to be attorney general, etc.) Nobody can ever trust that you have a clue for what you're doing. BTW, in 50 years in the workforce, I never once lowered myself to fill out an AA questionnaire, much less check "Hispanic" on one. :rolleyes-41: So I can still hold my head up high, even though YOU CAN'T.

As for my poem, you know it's good, and way beyond your inferior capabilities, so you pretend it's bad, and you couldn't be more obvious. You even misspelled the word "drawer". HA HA. This is too funny.
The more you talk the more its obvious you are a loser and a monkey. Your first sentence highlights your loser attitude. I know you have accepted your inferior status but other men like me never accept anything someone limits us to. Like a god I cause havoc and chaos in the brain of sad sack white boys like you. Your poems suck donkey ass. Those rejection letters speak the truth. Deal with it.
Diary of a mad/sad loser, strapped with the stigma of Affrimative Action. Hey boy! You know how to use a screwdriver ?
I use a screwdriver much better than you use a pen. Your poems should never see the light of day. Matter of fact you should be shot for even posting them. I dont know who tricked you into thinking they were even decent but you need to kick their ass for lying to you. You are a loser on an even worse scale than your poems. Your inferiority is so apparent I have a crook in my neck looking down trying to see the top of your head.
You and Aslepias are the same, You're in a RAGE. You're a mindless, wild dog, foaming at the mouth. I just sit here and say to myself, when Thanksgiving gets here, I know what I'll be thankful for, Thankful I'm not anything like these gooneybirds in USMB, who go around pretending to be smart and cool, while they're the biggest idiots ion the forum.

No, Mr. "Artist/composer/poet", I'm not "cool", and certainly not angry or enraged at you or anyone here over anything.

I just won't buy into your self pity, and it pisses you off. You have no one to blame for your failures but you.

Frankly, if I had hundreds of songs and poetry written(as you claim to) I would be actively marketing myself to leverage the efforts that I have invested, instead of writing volumes of "poor me" posts in an anonymous forum.

Your point of view is exactly that....... YOURS.
You're a "victim" with alledegly a vast array of talent, but are here sniveling and whining about how you have been persecuted while the black population has been rewarded at your expense.

There are huge numbers of black Americans who have endured generational poverty as a result of Jim Crow laws and biased hiring practices and have still been successful, as well as some who have not succeeded because of their own actions, that I will freely admit, because it is true, however, EVERY successful black American has not been successful at the expense of white males, and for you to assume that to be the truth is a testament to your ignorance and arrogance.

You are insecure, petty and small, as well as too immature to recognize and come to terms with your own shortcomings.

You have some screws loose, dude.
I just ripped to pieces (in Post # 65) everything you just stupidly and dishonestly said here. Just like the other ass clown, you just can't stand it that I've written an OP that tells the TRUTH about the myth of "white privilege", and exposes the fact of Black privilege (AKA Affirmative Action), which you desperately want to keep covered up. Too bad, sucker. Like the Rolling Stones used to say > "You can't always get what you want." HA HA HA.
You only ripped your hymen monkey. You dont have the intelligence to even remain rational. We are laughing at you as you whine about screwed up your life is. Stop being a lazy ass and get a better job. You cant clean toilets all your life and expect the finer things to be just given to you.
So memory is also part of that inferiority you live with, huh ? I told you before my worklife is past, and that I am RETIRED, oh dense one. And I've never cleaned toilets. That's for the inferior folks. You know, like you. HA HA HA. And you can laugh all you please. Ever see teenagers on motorcycles laughing at older people driving cars with lots of safety features ?
You don't get points for laughing, when your laughing is DUMB. :laugh2:
Stop lying monkey. You arent retired and you are a part time toilet cleaner. Work harder, shave and delouse yourself and I am sure someone will get you a better gig.
Oh, no doubt. This is how AA stigma dum-dums cope with their load. They project low standards on others, which they know are absurd, but still it helps them to live with the AA disgrace they have heaped on themselves. Well, most I can say about it is, NOT MY PROBLEM. Hey! That's a sink, for hand washing. Not a toilet for pissing into. What's the matter with you ?
No, Mr. "Artist/composer/poet", I'm not "cool", and certainly not angry or enraged at you or anyone here over anything.

I just won't buy into your self pity, and it pisses you off. You have no one to blame for your failures but you.

Frankly, if I had hundreds of songs and poetry written(as you claim to) I would be actively marketing myself to leverage the efforts that I have invested, instead of writing volumes of "poor me" posts in an anonymous forum.

Your point of view is exactly that....... YOURS.
You're a "victim" with alledegly a vast array of talent, but are here sniveling and whining about how you have been persecuted while the black population has been rewarded at your expense.

There are huge numbers of black Americans who have endured generational poverty as a result of Jim Crow laws and biased hiring practices and have still been successful, as well as some who have not succeeded because of their own actions, that I will freely admit, because it is true, however, EVERY successful black American has not been successful at the expense of white males, and for you to assume that to be the truth is a testament to your ignorance and arrogance.

You are insecure, petty and small, as well as too immature to recognize and come to terms with your own shortcomings.

You have some screws loose, dude.
I just ripped to pieces (in Post # 65) everything you just stupidly and dishonestly said here. Just like the other ass clown, you just can't stand it that I've written an OP that tells the TRUTH about the myth of "white privilege", and exposes the fact of Black privilege (AKA Affirmative Action), which you desperately want to keep covered up. Too bad, sucker. Like the Rolling Stones used to say > "You can't always get what you want." HA HA HA.
You only ripped your hymen monkey. You dont have the intelligence to even remain rational. We are laughing at you as you whine about screwed up your life is. Stop being a lazy ass and get a better job. You cant clean toilets all your life and expect the finer things to be just given to you.
So memory is also part of that inferiority you live with, huh ? I told you before my worklife is past, and that I am RETIRED, oh dense one. And I've never cleaned toilets. That's for the inferior folks. You know, like you. HA HA HA. And you can laugh all you please. Ever see teenagers on motorcycles laughing at older people driving cars with lots of safety features ?
You don't get points for laughing, when your laughing is DUMB. :laugh2:
Stop lying monkey. You arent retired and you are a part time toilet cleaner. Work harder, shave and delouse yourself and I am sure someone will get you a better gig.
Oh, no doubt. This is how AA stigma dum-dums cope with their load. They project low standards on others, which they know are absurd, but still it helps them to live with the AA disgrace they have heaped on themselves. Well, most I can say about it is, NOT MY PROBLEM. Hey! That's a sink, for hand washing. Not a toilet for pissing into. What's the matter with you ?
You must be a AA stigma dum-dum. You just begged me to accept an inferior status. Why would I do something like that? Monkeys like you stay upset because AA keeps you from always getting to the front of the line. Deal with it monkey. This is the end of your privilege as you know it.
No such thing as a "more qualified Black guy", except in your deranged mind.

HA HA HA. You poor little putz. Here you post RAGE, RAGE, and more RAGE. HA HA. You're really pissed aren't you ? I can't even see your pathetic words. All I can see is your unrestrained ANGER. You're just pissed that you're Black, and like that racist loon on HLN, Miss Ali, always says: "Eva Black person wanna be White" Yeah, and you're one of them. HA HA. Hey, you still have a chance. Get a nose job, and that skin whitening stuff. If Michael Jackson can get away with it , why not you too, right, BOY ?

You made it !! Made it to where ? The front sink, washing dishes ? (after cleaning out the grease pit for 20 years) ?

Let me tell you something, dustball. I have a collection of over 100 art drawings & paintings that I've done, you could only dream about. I have another 100 songs & poems (some of them published right here in this forum), that you can pathetically read, and wish you only could have wrote those words.

And I play 5 musical instruments, all on a professional level, and played in bands in nightclubs, back in the 80s. Something you could only dream about.
Sometime, I'll put some videos of me playing my violin/fiddle, mandolin, guitars and harmonica, and you can than go to sleep at night, dreaming that it was YOU that was playing all that cool music. Hey, when you can't do it, you can always dream....BOY.

You will NEVER be able to write quality poetry like this, because you're just too much of a bonehead simian cretin.

Protectionist Poem 5

CLOUD'S PUFFS by Protectionist

The first cloud had its full form intact
Its whites, grays, blues, all matter-of-fact
Steady its course, ready to react
With all atmospheric bodies abstract
Or solid, moving, spinning, still
Hunchbacked, cracked, compact
Set and posed to interact
And draw a figure cold but alive
And reach down for my insomniaced
Visions loose but exact.

The second cloud, large and moving around
Still, but in motion, a sky merry-go-round
Up high above its lightning greyhound
To race through the air, to clouds or ground
To open bays, river, or sound.

And little puffs up here and there
Trap my eyes to full minute stare
Surrounded by blue, strange nothingness
Seeming to say "something's amiss"
Broken apart from their parent cloud
And hanging remote, aloof, enshroud, high-browed, proud.

Every Black person I know is more qualified than you. I'm not pissed. I like making fun of you cave monkeys on this site. Its easy to get you in a impotent rage that you cant do anything about. Even if I was right in front of your face the most you would do is turn red with anger and frustration. I'm like a titan stomping a mud hole in the ass of every white boy such as yourself that is envious of me. I had to laugh extra hard at your assertion I want to be white. I havent heard a joke that funny in a while. I love being Black. I would probably kill myself if I had to be white.

BTW your poems sucked donkey ass. I have never seen such terrible writing in my life. I bet you have about a million rejection letters in your draw if you were brave enough to try and publish. I know thats why you are upset at Black people. Trust me you were rejected because your writing sucks and not due to AA. You are a loser and your poem echos the loser in you.
An "impotent rage" ? That's what YOU are, Mr. inferiority complex. Rather than just accepting your inferior status, and moving on with it, like most guys like you do, you pretend you're superior. HA HA HA!! Oh, man. This is gonna be a fun day today.

And now you're calling white people "monkeys", huh ? Well, even if you don't get it, all the other Black people around do know that all that talk only bounces right back in your face.

God, you are easy to trash talk. You've got nothing at all going, trash bag. If you were right in front of me, I'd wait for you to put your filthy, smelly hand on me, and then I'd hand you your skinny little punk ass, US Army style. Yeah, you're talking to the US Army, boy. And you never want to make an enemy out of the US Army. NOoooooooo!! As my ex-Battalion commander used to say > In the Army we have a specific way of how we handle out enemies. It can be summed up in 3 simple words. WE KILL THEM! HA HA HA. But you need not fear. You're only on the other side of a computer, not where I could make a pretzel out of you. :drillsergeant::lol: And even if you were in my presence, you'd faint before you could lift a finger toward me.

So you love being Black, huh ?
Dude, you'd give your right arm to be white and YOU KNOW it. And it wasn't my assertion that you want to be White. I clearly wrote that it was Miss Ali (a Black woman) on the Dr. Drew show on HLN who said that. SHE (not me) said > "Eva Black person wanna be White" Whats the matter you got a deficiency in reading comprehension ? HA HA. Well, maybe they pushed you through school with AA, even though you weren't ready for the next higher grade.

Well, that doesn't surprise me. I remember my Meteorology class in college, which was filled with Open Admissions Blacks. Being admitted to the college without having to show a high standard of academic accomplishment in high school, they were let in, just because they were black, and that's how the AA do-gooders wanted it. So the teacher (a cool Black guy) lowered the work level to about 6th grade, and those dum-dums still couldn't pass the easiest "exam" I ever saw. In fact, it was an open book test. When they told me the term "open book" test, I didn't even know what they were talking about, I had never heard of any such ludicrous thing. Of course not. I had all my schooling up to then, before open admissions started and watered down our educations to next to nothing.

And all this just so some totally :lame2: White liberal idiots could walk around feeling confident they wouldn't be called a racist (by some racist AA :asshole:)

So now, here we are in 2014. And despite the oppression foisted upon us whites, by the racist AA goons, we can hold our heads up high knowing that all our accomplishments (ans mine are MANY) are FOR REAL, and we achieved them despite the roadblocks & handicaps of AA. So that is what helps us to love being White (in addition to being much better looking-

For Blacks, it just the opposite. You all have to live with the STIGMA of inferiority as a result of AA. Because of AA, no one can ever take you seriously. Whereever you show up, you are looked at with a question mark imprinted in your forehead. Hmmmm. Did this guy really make it on his own, or is he just there because of AA ? And that's the stigma that all Blacks carry with them (as well as Hispanics like me) So every one of you (Obama, Holder, Sotomayer, this new woman appointee to be attorney general, etc.) Nobody can ever trust that you have a clue for what you're doing. BTW, in 50 years in the workforce, I never once lowered myself to fill out an AA questionnaire, much less check "Hispanic" on one. :rolleyes-41: So I can still hold my head up high, even though YOU CAN'T.

As for my poem, you know it's good, and way beyond your inferior capabilities, so you pretend it's bad, and you couldn't be more obvious. You even misspelled the word "drawer". HA HA. This is too funny.
The more you talk the more its obvious you are a loser and a monkey. Your first sentence highlights your loser attitude. I know you have accepted your inferior status but other men like me never accept anything someone limits us to. Like a god I cause havoc and chaos in the brain of sad sack white boys like you. Your poems suck donkey ass. Those rejection letters speak the truth. Deal with it.
Diary of a mad/sad loser, strapped with the stigma of Affrimative Action. Hey boy! You know how to use a screwdriver ?
I use a screwdriver much better than you use a pen. Your poems should never see the light of day. Matter of fact you should be shot for even posting them. I dont know who tricked you into thinking they were even decent but you need to kick their ass for lying to you. You are a loser on an even worse scale than your poems. Your inferiority is so apparent I have a crook in my neck looking down trying to see the top of your head.
My poems are great. So are my drawings and paintings. And so is my musicianship on 5 different instruments, which soon I will post videos of myself playing those instruments. As for you........ So you can't play them. No big deal, So you'll NEVER be able to do that. Hey, you can watch and listen, and just wish it was you who was playing them. And at night, you can dream it was you in the videos. If all you can do is dream, you might as well dream high.
I just ripped to pieces (in Post # 65) everything you just stupidly and dishonestly said here. Just like the other ass clown, you just can't stand it that I've written an OP that tells the TRUTH about the myth of "white privilege", and exposes the fact of Black privilege (AKA Affirmative Action), which you desperately want to keep covered up. Too bad, sucker. Like the Rolling Stones used to say > "You can't always get what you want." HA HA HA.
You only ripped your hymen monkey. You dont have the intelligence to even remain rational. We are laughing at you as you whine about screwed up your life is. Stop being a lazy ass and get a better job. You cant clean toilets all your life and expect the finer things to be just given to you.
So memory is also part of that inferiority you live with, huh ? I told you before my worklife is past, and that I am RETIRED, oh dense one. And I've never cleaned toilets. That's for the inferior folks. You know, like you. HA HA HA. And you can laugh all you please. Ever see teenagers on motorcycles laughing at older people driving cars with lots of safety features ?
You don't get points for laughing, when your laughing is DUMB. :laugh2:
Stop lying monkey. You arent retired and you are a part time toilet cleaner. Work harder, shave and delouse yourself and I am sure someone will get you a better gig.
Oh, no doubt. This is how AA stigma dum-dums cope with their load. They project low standards on others, which they know are absurd, but still it helps them to live with the AA disgrace they have heaped on themselves. Well, most I can say about it is, NOT MY PROBLEM. Hey! That's a sink, for hand washing. Not a toilet for pissing into. What's the matter with you ?
You must be a AA stigma dum-dum. You just begged me to accept an inferior status. Why would I do something like that? Monkeys like you stay upset because AA keeps you from always getting to the front of the line. Deal with it monkey. This is the end of your privilege as you know it.
Wow. Can't you ever get anything right ? I'd never let you work on my car, that's for sure.
You have an inferior status. You have an AA stigma.That's YOUR problem. NOT MY PROBLEM.
And I'm not limited now from AA, because I'm no longer in the workforce. Yeah, you really do have a reading comprehension problem. See ? That's what happens when you get AA , instead of having to accomplish things. Now quit crabbing about those 350 years that you didn't even live through.
You only ripped your hymen monkey. You dont have the intelligence to even remain rational. We are laughing at you as you whine about screwed up your life is. Stop being a lazy ass and get a better job. You cant clean toilets all your life and expect the finer things to be just given to you.
So memory is also part of that inferiority you live with, huh ? I told you before my worklife is past, and that I am RETIRED, oh dense one. And I've never cleaned toilets. That's for the inferior folks. You know, like you. HA HA HA. And you can laugh all you please. Ever see teenagers on motorcycles laughing at older people driving cars with lots of safety features ?
You don't get points for laughing, when your laughing is DUMB. :laugh2:
Stop lying monkey. You arent retired and you are a part time toilet cleaner. Work harder, shave and delouse yourself and I am sure someone will get you a better gig.
Oh, no doubt. This is how AA stigma dum-dums cope with their load. They project low standards on others, which they know are absurd, but still it helps them to live with the AA disgrace they have heaped on themselves. Well, most I can say about it is, NOT MY PROBLEM. Hey! That's a sink, for hand washing. Not a toilet for pissing into. What's the matter with you ?
You must be a AA stigma dum-dum. You just begged me to accept an inferior status. Why would I do something like that? Monkeys like you stay upset because AA keeps you from always getting to the front of the line. Deal with it monkey. This is the end of your privilege as you know it.
Wow. Can't you ever get anything right ? I'd never let you work on my car, that's for sure.
You have an inferior status. You have an AA stigma.That's YOUR problem. NOT MY PROBLEM.
And I'm not liited now from AA, because I'm no longer in the workforce. Yeah, you really do have a reading comprehension problem. See ? That's what happens when you get AA , instead of having to accomplish things. Now quit crabbing about those 350 years that you doidn't even live through.
I already told you that I dont believe you are retired. You are a toilet cleaner. Deal with that. The next time I see you i will throw a 5 out the window so you can have multiple income streams cleaning my windows monkey.
Today, as many other days, I heard somebody on one of the cable news shows using the term "White Privilege". Today it was Sunny Hostin, but it could just as easily have been any one of 100 different people.
They say these words as if every TV viewer fully accepted the term as meaning what it clearly states.

Only problem with the term is that it does not exist. And it has not existed for half a century now, ever since whatever White Privilege did exist previously, has been obliterated and replaced by Black Privilege, by way of Affirmative Action. How in the world anyone could believe there is White Privilege in America, when hundreds of millions of White Americans have been deprived of education and careers due to this insidious, treacherous, anti-White discrimination.

Being deprived of college admission, college financial aid, jobs, job promotions, etc. has been SOP for Whites long enough for some people to have had it eradicate their entire worklife from starting out rookie, clear through to retirement at age 65.

It's time now for the term "White Privilege" to be retired (50 years too late). And why don't we hear the correct term Black Privilege more often ? Or should I say "at all ?"

You are way off mark suggesting whites don't have exclusive privileges.

Whites have the privilege of being called racist bigots and accused of discrimination regardless of whether or not it applies.

Whites have the privilege of living in a society that holds them accountable for the actions of their forefathers ... And where other races are seldom held accountable for their own actions, much less their forefathers'.

Whites have the privilege of living in a multicultural society that keeps them around for the added revenue stream ... Damn, someone has to pay the bill.

I am sure I could think of more privileges, but you get the point ... You are just looking at it wrong.

Gosh. Silly me!
So memory is also part of that inferiority you live with, huh ? I told you before my worklife is past, and that I am RETIRED, oh dense one. And I've never cleaned toilets. That's for the inferior folks. You know, like you. HA HA HA. And you can laugh all you please. Ever see teenagers on motorcycles laughing at older people driving cars with lots of safety features ?
You don't get points for laughing, when your laughing is DUMB. :laugh2:
Stop lying monkey. You arent retired and you are a part time toilet cleaner. Work harder, shave and delouse yourself and I am sure someone will get you a better gig.
Oh, no doubt. This is how AA stigma dum-dums cope with their load. They project low standards on others, which they know are absurd, but still it helps them to live with the AA disgrace they have heaped on themselves. Well, most I can say about it is, NOT MY PROBLEM. Hey! That's a sink, for hand washing. Not a toilet for pissing into. What's the matter with you ?
You must be a AA stigma dum-dum. You just begged me to accept an inferior status. Why would I do something like that? Monkeys like you stay upset because AA keeps you from always getting to the front of the line. Deal with it monkey. This is the end of your privilege as you know it.
Wow. Can't you ever get anything right ? I'd never let you work on my car, that's for sure.
You have an inferior status. You have an AA stigma.That's YOUR problem. NOT MY PROBLEM.
And I'm not liited now from AA, because I'm no longer in the workforce. Yeah, you really do have a reading comprehension problem. See ? That's what happens when you get AA , instead of having to accomplish things. Now quit crabbing about those 350 years that you doidn't even live through.
I already told you that I dont believe you are retired. You are a toilet cleaner. Deal with that. The next time I see you i will throw a 5 out the window so you can have multiple income streams cleaning my windows monkey.
As the Rock of WWE fame would say > "IT DOESN'T MATTER" what you told. You'r an AA glunk. Nothing you do or say means anything. I told YOU that. And unlike you, I don't have the stigma of AA, so what I say MEANS SOMETHING.
I'm tired of wasting my time here talking to AA deficients. I have other threads to attend to. Talking to real people.

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