There Is No Such Thing As White Privilege



Do liberals ever realize that it is not 1950?

Do conservatives understand that 350 years of being the oppressor does not get one generation off the hook?

1. White people have not been oppressors. A few of them maybe have, and they have oppressed poor whites as much as anybody else.

2. Whites have been oppressed from Affirmative Action for 50 years. That's a lot more than a generation.

Black people were oppressed for 350 years officially. You had all that time to get your self a job, legacy (both financially and academically), and land. Thats multiple generations. Stop your whining, shutup, and work hard. You already have a headstart. What more do you need?

Do liberals ever realize that it is not 1950?

Do conservatives understand that 350 years of being the oppressor does not get one generation off the hook?

1. White people have not been oppressors. A few of them maybe have, and they have oppressed poor whites as much as anybody else.

2. Whites have been oppressed from Affirmative Action for 50 years. That's a lot more than a generation.

Dont make me laugh. 50 years? There were still Jim Crow laws in effect in 1975.
I've shot that stupid idea down 100 times in this forum. For every White woman helped by affirimative action, there are hundreds of white women wives, daughters, mothers, etc.of discriminated against White men, who are harmed by AA. Ho hum. Where have you been ?

As for the White women who got AA, they don't get it because they're White, they got it because they're women. And their numbers are a tiny fraction of the hundreds of millions of White men discriminated against by AA, over the past half century.

Where have I been? Certainly not frittering my life away in a state of perpetual rage.

You can justify whatever you wish as YOUR reality, if you repeat to yourself enough times that you are a victim, so present your case and refute the facts outlined by the author.

I did not write the article, however there is undisputable evidence that there is no so called "Black Privelege" except in the minds of some demoralized white males that believe the ubiquitous "black bogeyman" is to blame for their personal failures.
Clear cut case of denial, either by pathological mental imbalance, or baldface (silly) lying.

In response to an abundantly clear case of outright "poor me" whining. If you have the time to be a victim, you also have the time available to improve yourself.

It's your life, and no one can ruin it except YOU.
Nice dodge. But it doesn't wash away 50 years of malicious racist discrimination against whites, and YOU KNOW it, and you ought to be ashamed of yourself for supporting that malicious racism, you malicious racist.
I've shot that stupid idea down 100 times in this forum. For every White woman helped by affirimative action, there are hundreds of white women wives, daughters, mothers, etc.of discriminated against White men, who are harmed by AA. Ho hum. Where have you been ?

As for the White women who got AA, they don't get it because they're White, they got it because they're women. And their numbers are a tiny fraction of the hundreds of millions of White men discriminated against by AA, over the past half century.

Where have I been? Certainly not frittering my life away in a state of perpetual rage.

You can justify whatever you wish as YOUR reality, if you repeat to yourself enough times that you are a victim, so present your case and refute the facts outlined by the author.

I did not write the article, however there is undisputable evidence that there is no so called "Black Privelege" except in the minds of some demoralized white males that believe the ubiquitous "black bogeyman" is to blame for their personal failures.
Clear cut case of denial, either by pathological mental imbalance, or baldface (silly) lying.

In response to an abundantly clear case of outright "poor me" whining. If you have the time to be a victim, you also have the time available to improve yourself.

It's your life, and no one can ruin it except YOU.
Nice dodge. But it doesn't wash away 50 years of malicious racist discrimination against whites, and YOU KNOW it, and you ought to be ashamed of yourself for supporting that malicious racism, you malicious racist.

There is no "dodging"anything here. You just don't read well, and that is not my problem, you bitter old fool. Where did I make the statement that I "support" it?
What I did was post an article that makes a case for white females being the demographic that has been the most rewarded by AA.

You on the other hand in your victim rant stated that black people are unfairly rewarded at the expense of white males. It is obvious that you do not understand affirmative action and how it works and who has actually benefitted from it the most.
How it works is that Blacks, regardless of qualification, are racistly chosen for such things as college admissions, college financial aid, job hiring, job promotions, et al, over Whites, simply on the basis of race. Pure, unadulterated, malicious, racial discrimination.

So what are you are going to do now. Come up with some rationalizing, wacko definition of AA, which looks innocent, and then pretend it to be that ?

And your post about white females does not connect with the OP, or what I've been saying, so why are you bringing it up at all. I see no related point to it, Of course, black people are unfairly rewarded at the expense of white males. And you are either a liar or a fool, if you think that is not the case.

Do liberals ever realize that it is not 1950?

Do conservatives understand that 350 years of being the oppressor does not get one generation off the hook?

1. White people have not been oppressors. A few of them maybe have, and they have oppressed poor whites as much as anybody else.

2. Whites have been oppressed from Affirmative Action for 50 years. That's a lot more than a generation.

Black people were oppressed for 350 years officially. You had all that time to get your self a job, legacy (both financially and academically), and land. Thats multiple generations. Stop your whining, shutup, and work hard. You already have a headstart. What more do you need?

NO, I have not had 350 years to do ANYTHING. I've only been in the workforce starting in 1964. And most Whites, less time than that. And i won't work hard because my work life is over, I;m retired now. And I have had NO headstart of any kind, I've had just the opposite > a place in line at the BACK of the line.
So YOU shut up, and stop talking like a fool or a liar. And the only thing more that I, and all whites in America, need is equality, which, you being the racist pig that you are, refuse to allow. You ought to be ashamed of yourself, for advocating racial discrimination,and don't tell me you're not doing that. You know damn well you are. YOU KNOW.

Do liberals ever realize that it is not 1950?

Do conservatives understand that 350 years of being the oppressor does not get one generation off the hook?

1. White people have not been oppressors. A few of them maybe have, and they have oppressed poor whites as much as anybody else.

2. Whites have been oppressed from Affirmative Action for 50 years. That's a lot more than a generation.

Dont make me laugh. 50 years? There were still Jim Crow laws in effect in 1975.

YOU heard right > 50 YEARS. Affirmative Action RACISM, since 1964.
Where have I been? Certainly not frittering my life away in a state of perpetual rage.

You can justify whatever you wish as YOUR reality, if you repeat to yourself enough times that you are a victim, so present your case and refute the facts outlined by the author.

I did not write the article, however there is undisputable evidence that there is no so called "Black Privelege" except in the minds of some demoralized white males that believe the ubiquitous "black bogeyman" is to blame for their personal failures.
Clear cut case of denial, either by pathological mental imbalance, or baldface (silly) lying.

In response to an abundantly clear case of outright "poor me" whining. If you have the time to be a victim, you also have the time available to improve yourself.

It's your life, and no one can ruin it except YOU.
Nice dodge. But it doesn't wash away 50 years of malicious racist discrimination against whites, and YOU KNOW it, and you ought to be ashamed of yourself for supporting that malicious racism, you malicious racist.
Where have I been? Certainly not frittering my life away in a state of perpetual rage.

You can justify whatever you wish as YOUR reality, if you repeat to yourself enough times that you are a victim, so present your case and refute the facts outlined by the author.

I did not write the article, however there is undisputable evidence that there is no so called "Black Privelege" except in the minds of some demoralized white males that believe the ubiquitous "black bogeyman" is to blame for their personal failures.
Clear cut case of denial, either by pathological mental imbalance, or baldface (silly) lying.

In response to an abundantly clear case of outright "poor me" whining. If you have the time to be a victim, you also have the time available to improve yourself.

It's your life, and no one can ruin it except YOU.
Nice dodge. But it doesn't wash away 50 years of malicious racist discrimination against whites, and YOU KNOW it, and you ought to be ashamed of yourself for supporting that malicious racism, you malicious racist.

There is no "dodging"anything here. You just don't read well, and that is not my problem, you bitter old fool. Where did I make the statement that I "support" it?
What I did was post an article that makes a case for white females being the demographic that has been the most rewarded by AA.

You on the other hand in your victim rant stated that black people are unfairly rewarded at the expense of white males. It is obvious that you do not understand affirmative action and how it works and who has actually benefitted from it the most.
How it works is that Blacks, regardless of qualification, are racistly chosen for such things as college admissions, college financial aid, job hiring, job promotions, et al, over Whites, simply on the basis of race. Pure, unadulterated, malicious, racial discrimination.

So what are you are going to do now. Come up with some rationalizing, wacko definition of AA, which looks innocent, and then pretend it to be that ?

And your post about white females does not connect with the OP, or what I've been saying, so why are you bringing it up at all. I see no related point to it, Of course, black people are unfairly rewarded at the expense of white males. And you are either a liar or a fool, if you think that is not the case.

If you have to ask "why" it was brought up, then you are beyond foolish, bordering on being an outright idiot. Which explains why you have failed.

One can only discuss AA honestly by pointing ALL who have benefitted from it. And you are the one who brought up being "victimize" AA. So yes white females having benefitted from AA is absolutely relevant.

This is a public forum, and if you are too immature to accept that you dont get to dictate who posts what.

Your pathetic whining about how white males are being wronged in abundance does not add up, considering that white males in spite of AA still as a majority occupy the majority of managerial and executive positions in the workforce as well as the being the majority on most college campuses. Why? Because there are more of them. It is a VERY small percentage of blacks who have benefitted at the expense of white males. You being a failure is YOUR problem.

Quit blaming others who were probably just better qualified.
Clear cut case of denial, either by pathological mental imbalance, or baldface (silly) lying.

In response to an abundantly clear case of outright "poor me" whining. If you have the time to be a victim, you also have the time available to improve yourself.

It's your life, and no one can ruin it except YOU.
Nice dodge. But it doesn't wash away 50 years of malicious racist discrimination against whites, and YOU KNOW it, and you ought to be ashamed of yourself for supporting that malicious racism, you malicious racist.
Clear cut case of denial, either by pathological mental imbalance, or baldface (silly) lying.

In response to an abundantly clear case of outright "poor me" whining. If you have the time to be a victim, you also have the time available to improve yourself.

It's your life, and no one can ruin it except YOU.
Nice dodge. But it doesn't wash away 50 years of malicious racist discrimination against whites, and YOU KNOW it, and you ought to be ashamed of yourself for supporting that malicious racism, you malicious racist.

There is no "dodging"anything here. You just don't read well, and that is not my problem, you bitter old fool. Where did I make the statement that I "support" it?
What I did was post an article that makes a case for white females being the demographic that has been the most rewarded by AA.

You on the other hand in your victim rant stated that black people are unfairly rewarded at the expense of white males. It is obvious that you do not understand affirmative action and how it works and who has actually benefitted from it the most.
How it works is that Blacks, regardless of qualification, are racistly chosen for such things as college admissions, college financial aid, job hiring, job promotions, et al, over Whites, simply on the basis of race. Pure, unadulterated, malicious, racial discrimination.

So what are you are going to do now. Come up with some rationalizing, wacko definition of AA, which looks innocent, and then pretend it to be that ?

And your post about white females does not connect with the OP, or what I've been saying, so why are you bringing it up at all. I see no related point to it, Of course, black people are unfairly rewarded at the expense of white males. And you are either a liar or a fool, if you think that is not the case.

If you have to ask "why" it was brought up, then you are beyond foolish, bordering on being an outright idiot. Which explains why you have failed.

One can only discuss AA honestly by pointing ALL who have benefitted from it. And you are the one who brought up being "victimize" AA. So yes white females having benefitted from AA is absolutely relevant.

This is a public forum, and if you are too immature to accept that you dont get to dictate who posts what.

Your pathetic whining about how white males are being wronged in abundance does not add up, considering that white males in spite of AA still as a majority occupy the majority of managerial and executive positions in the workforce as well as the being the majority on most college campuses. Why? Because there are more of them. It is a VERY small percentage of blacks who have benefitted at the expense of white males. You being a failure is YOUR problem.

Quit blaming others who were probably just better qualified.
What you interpreted as a question, was not a question, which is why it had no question mark. It was a statement.
No, I don't have to ask why you changed the subject from Whites being discriminated against, to white women being given AA preference. I know exactly why you did that.

You did it to DODGE what I was saying about there being Black privilege and White victimization. And like I said, it is irrelevant to the that subject. And as I already posted here, the number of white women who have benefitted from AA are a tiny minority, compared to the number of White wives, daughters, mothers, etc of White males who have been discriminated against, and, as such, are also victims of racist AA.

And it is obvious to me that you don't know very much about AA. You seem to think that any White women who applies for something is going to get it, and not be discriminated against because of the color of her skin.

EARTH TO KATSTEVE: White women are discriminated against all the time by AA, where in many AA situations, ONLY BLACKS are given preference and ALL others are discriminated against (Hispanics, Asians, Indians, Arabs, and Whites of both sexes). I have seen this dozens of times over the past 5 decades.

No charge for the lesson.
In response to an abundantly clear case of outright "poor me" whining. If you have the time to be a victim, you also have the time available to improve yourself.

It's your life, and no one can ruin it except YOU.
Nice dodge. But it doesn't wash away 50 years of malicious racist discrimination against whites, and YOU KNOW it, and you ought to be ashamed of yourself for supporting that malicious racism, you malicious racist.
In response to an abundantly clear case of outright "poor me" whining. If you have the time to be a victim, you also have the time available to imAnd'le yourself.

It's your life, and no one can ruin it except YOU.
Nice dodge. But it doesn't wash away 50 years of malicious racist discrimination against whites, and YOU KNOW it, and you ought to be ashamed of yourself for supporting that malicious racism, you malicious racist.

There is no "dodging"anything here. You just don't read well, and that is not my problem, you bitter old fool. Where did I make the statement that I "support" it?
What I did was post an article that makes a case for white females being the demographic that has been the most rewarded by AA.

You on the other hand in your victim rant stated that black people are unfairly rewarded at the expense of white males. It is obvious that you do not understand affirmative action and how it works and who has actually benefitted from it the most.
How it works is that Blacks, regardless of qualification, are racistly chosen for such things as college admissions, college financial aid, job hiring, job promotions, et al, over Whites, simply on the basis of race. Pure, unadulterated, malicious, racial discrimination.

So what are you are going to do now. Come up with some rationalizing, wacko definition of AA, which looks innocent, and then pretend it to be that ?

And your post about white females does not connect with the OP, or what I've been saying, so why are you bringing it up at all. I see no related point to it, Of course, black people are unfairly rewarded at the expense of white males. And you are either a liar or a fool, if you think that is not the case.

If you have to ask "why" it was brought up, then you are beyond foolish, bordering on being an outright idiot. Which explains why you have failed.

One can only discuss AA honestly by pointing ALL who have benefitted from it. And you are the one who brought up being "victimize" AA. So yes white females having benefitted from AA is absolutely relevant.

This is a public forum, and if you are too immature to accept that you dont get to dictate who posts what.

Your pathetic whining about how white males are being wronged in abundance does not add up, considering that white males in spite of AA still as a majority occupy the majority of managerial and executive positions in the workforce as well as the being the majority on most college campuses. Why? Because there are more of them. It is a VERY small percentage of blacks who have benefitted at the expense of white males. You being a failure is YOUR problem.

Quit blaming others who were probably just better qualified.
What you interpreted as a question, was not a question, which is why it had no question mark. It was a statement.
No, I don't have to ask why you changed the subject from Whites being discriminated against, to white women being given AA preference. I know exactly why you did that.

You did it to DODGE what I was saying about there being Black privilege and White victimization. And like I said, it is irrelevant to the that subject. And as I already posted here, the number of white women who have benefitted from AA are a tiny minority, compared to the number of White wives, daughters, mothers, etc of White males who have been discriminated against, and, as such, are also victims of racist AA.

And it is obvious to me that you don't know very much about AA. You seem to think that any White women who applies for something is going to get it, and not be discriminated against because of the color of her skin.

EARTH TO KATSTEVE: White women are discriminated against all the time by AA, where in many AA situations, ONLY BLACKS are given preference and ALL others are discriminated against (Hispanics, Asians, Indians, Arabs, and Whites of both sexes). I have seen this dozens of times over the past 5 decades.

No charge for the lesson.


White females are a protected class especially if they are over 40. You wacko. And where did I state that EVERY white woman benefits from AA? They have benefitted a b abundantly.....but not EVERY one of them. So stop rewording what I write to support your whinefest.

If you charge for anything it should be for laughs...pushing your broken buttons is so easy its hysterical.
Nice dodge. But it doesn't wash away 50 years of malicious racist discrimination against whites, and YOU KNOW it, and you ought to be ashamed of yourself for supporting that malicious racism, you malicious racist.
Nice dodge. But it doesn't wash away 50 years of malicious racist discrimination against whites, and YOU KNOW it, and you ought to be ashamed of yourself for supporting that malicious racism, you malicious racist.

There is no "dodging"anything here. You just don't read well, and that is not my problem, you bitter old fool. Where did I make the statement that I "support" it?
What I did was post an article that makes a case for white females being the demographic that has been the most rewarded by AA.

You on the other hand in your victim rant stated that black people are unfairly rewarded at the expense of white males. It is obvious that you do not understand affirmative action and how it works and who has actually benefitted from it the most.
How it works is that Blacks, regardless of qualification, are racistly chosen for such things as college admissions, college financial aid, job hiring, job promotions, et al, over Whites, simply on the basis of race. Pure, unadulterated, malicious, racial discrimination.

So what are you are going to do now. Come up with some rationalizing, wacko definition of AA, which looks innocent, and then pretend it to be that ?

And your post about white females does not connect with the OP, or what I've been saying, so why are you bringing it up at all. I see no related point to it, Of course, black people are unfairly rewarded at the expense of white males. And you are either a liar or a fool, if you think that is not the case.

If you have to ask "why" it was brought up, then you are beyond foolish, bordering on being an outright idiot. Which explains why you have failed.

One can only discuss AA honestly by pointing ALL who have benefitted from it. And you are the one who brought up being "victimize" AA. So yes white females having benefitted from AA is absolutely relevant.

This is a public forum, and if you are too immature to accept that you dont get to dictate who posts what.

Your pathetic whining about how white males are being wronged in abundance does not add up, considering that white males in spite of AA still as a majority occupy the majority of managerial and executive positions in the workforce as well as the being the majority on most college campuses. Why? Because there are more of them. It is a VERY small percentage of blacks who have benefitted at the expense of white males. You being a failure is YOUR problem.

Quit blaming others who were probably just better qualified.
What you interpreted as a question, was not a question, which is why it had no question mark. It was a statement.
No, I don't have to ask why you changed the subject from Whites being discriminated against, to white women being given AA preference. I know exactly why you did that.

You did it to DODGE what I was saying about there being Black privilege and White victimization. And like I said, it is irrelevant to the that subject. And as I already posted here, the number of white women who have benefitted from AA are a tiny minority, compared to the number of White wives, daughters, mothers, etc of White males who have been discriminated against, and, as such, are also victims of racist AA.

And it is obvious to me that you don't know very much about AA. You seem to think that any White women who applies for something is going to get it, and not be discriminated against because of the color of her skin.

EARTH TO KATSTEVE: White women are discriminated against all the time by AA, where in many AA situations, ONLY BLACKS are given preference and ALL others are discriminated against (Hispanics, Asians, Indians, Arabs, and Whites of both sexes). I have seen this dozens of times over the past 5 decades.

No charge for the lesson.


White females are a protected class especially if they are over 40. You wacko. And where did I state that EVERY white woman benefits from AA? They have benefitted a b abundantly.....but not EVERY one of them. So stop rewording what I write to support your whinefest.

If you charge for anything it should be for laughs...pushing your broken buttons is so easy its hysterical.
You don't win a debate by pretending that the other person's words are laughable. Likewise, you don't win debates by name-calling. What really is laughable, is your inability to keep on top of this debate, in which you are having your ass handed to you.

You need not have even mentioned White women. You just did that as a distraction from the basic issue here, and failed to accomplish that distraction.In addition what you said about managerial positions is FALSE, wherein %wise, Blacks have been getting those at a higher rate than Whites, often due to Blacks getting promoted through AA, and then hiring and promoting only more Blacks. This can easily be seen with the naked eye, in govt offices all over America, which are rampant AA employers. What else is new ? :rolleyes-41:

Your side of the debate has deteriorated into a plethora of simplistic tools to hide yourself from the issue. All I can say is > Not My Problem.
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There is no "dodging"anything here. You just don't read well, and that is not my problem, you bitter old fool. Where did I make the statement that I "support" it?
What I did was post an article that makes a case for white females being the demographic that has been the most rewarded by AA.

You on the other hand in your victim rant stated that black people are unfairly rewarded at the expense of white males. It is obvious that you do not understand affirmative action and how it works and who has actually benefitted from it the most.
How it works is that Blacks, regardless of qualification, are racistly chosen for such things as college admissions, college financial aid, job hiring, job promotions, et al, over Whites, simply on the basis of race. Pure, unadulterated, malicious, racial discrimination.

So what are you are going to do now. Come up with some rationalizing, wacko definition of AA, which looks innocent, and then pretend it to be that ?

And your post about white females does not connect with the OP, or what I've been saying, so why are you bringing it up at all. I see no related point to it, Of course, black people are unfairly rewarded at the expense of white males. And you are either a liar or a fool, if you think that is not the case.

If you have to ask "why" it was brought up, then you are beyond foolish, bordering on being an outright idiot. Which explains why you have failed.

One can only discuss AA honestly by pointing ALL who have benefitted from it. And you are the one who brought up being "victimize" AA. So yes white females having benefitted from AA is absolutely relevant.

This is a public forum, and if you are too immature to accept that you dont get to dictate who posts what.

Your pathetic whining about how white males are being wronged in abundance does not add up, considering that white males in spite of AA still as a majority occupy the majority of managerial and executive positions in the workforce as well as the being the majority on most college campuses. Why? Because there are more of them. It is a VERY small percentage of blacks who have benefitted at the expense of white males. You being a failure is YOUR problem.

Quit blaming others who were probably just better qualified.
What you interpreted as a question, was not a question, which is why it had no question mark. It was a statement.
No, I don't have to ask why you changed the subject from Whites being discriminated against, to white women being given AA preference. I know exactly why you did that.

You did it to DODGE what I was saying about there being Black privilege and White victimization. And like I said, it is irrelevant to the that subject. And as I already posted here, the number of white women who have benefitted from AA are a tiny minority, compared to the number of White wives, daughters, mothers, etc of White males who have been discriminated against, and, as such, are also victims of racist AA.

And it is obvious to me that you don't know very much about AA. You seem to think that any White women who applies for something is going to get it, and not be discriminated against because of the color of her skin.

EARTH TO KATSTEVE: White women are discriminated against all the time by AA, where in many AA situations, ONLY BLACKS are given preference and ALL others are discriminated against (Hispanics, Asians, Indians, Arabs, and Whites of both sexes). I have seen this dozens of times over the past 5 decades.

No charge for the lesson.


White females are a protected class especially if they are over 40. You wacko. And where did I state that EVERY white woman benefits from AA? They have benefitted a b abundantly.....but not EVERY one of them. So stop rewording what I write to support your whinefest.

If you charge for anything it should be for laughs...pushing your broken buttons is so easy its hysterical.
You don't win a debate by pretending that the other person's words are laughable. Likewise, you don't win debates by name-calling. What really is laughable, is your inability to keep on top of this debate, in which you are having your ass handed to you.
You need not have even mentioned White women. You just did that as a distraction from the basic issue here, and failed to accomplish that distraction.
Your side of the debate has deteriorated into a plethora of simplistic tools to hide yourself from the issue. All I can say is > Not My Problem.

You brought up AA in the first post of this thread. And being a fact that white females have benefitted from AA makes it relevant. to this thread. You're welcome to remain in thick headed denial if you wish but it does not change that fact. So post something credible besides this sissy rant to prove otherwise. Or stop making a fool of yourself.
How it works is that Blacks, regardless of qualification, are racistly chosen for such things as college admissions, college financial aid, job hiring, job promotions, et al, over Whites, simply on the basis of race. Pure, unadulterated, malicious, racial discrimination.

So what are you are going to do now. Come up with some rationalizing, wacko definition of AA, which looks innocent, and then pretend it to be that ?

And your post about white females does not connect with the OP, or what I've been saying, so why are you bringing it up at all. I see no related point to it, Of course, black people are unfairly rewarded at the expense of white males. And you are either a liar or a fool, if you think that is not the case.

If you have to ask "why" it was brought up, then you are beyond foolish, bordering on being an outright idiot. Which explains why you have failed.

One can only discuss AA honestly by pointing ALL who have benefitted from it. And you are the one who brought up being "victimize" AA. So yes white females having benefitted from AA is absolutely relevant.

This is a public forum, and if you are too immature to accept that you dont get to dictate who posts what.

Your pathetic whining about how white males are being wronged in abundance does not add up, considering that white males in spite of AA still as a majority occupy the majority of managerial and executive positions in the workforce as well as the being the majority on most college campuses. Why? Because there are more of them. It is a VERY small percentage of blacks who have benefitted at the expense of white males. You being a failure is YOUR problem.

Quit blaming others who were probably just better qualified.
What you interpreted as a question, was not a question, which is why it had no question mark. It was a statement.
No, I don't have to ask why you changed the subject from Whites being discriminated against, to white women being given AA preference. I know exactly why you did that.

You did it to DODGE what I was saying about there being Black privilege and White victimization. And like I said, it is irrelevant to the that subject. And as I already posted here, the number of white women who have benefitted from AA are a tiny minority, compared to the number of White wives, daughters, mothers, etc of White males who have been discriminated against, and, as such, are also victims of racist AA.

And it is obvious to me that you don't know very much about AA. You seem to think that any White women who applies for something is going to get it, and not be discriminated against because of the color of her skin.

EARTH TO KATSTEVE: White women are discriminated against all the time by AA, where in many AA situations, ONLY BLACKS are given preference and ALL others are discriminated against (Hispanics, Asians, Indians, Arabs, and Whites of both sexes). I have seen this dozens of times over the past 5 decades.

No charge for the lesson.


White females are a protected class especially if they are over 40. You wacko. And where did I state that EVERY white woman benefits from AA? They have benefitted a b abundantly.....but not EVERY one of them. So stop rewording what I write to support your whinefest.

If you charge for anything it should be for laughs...pushing your broken buttons is so easy its hysterical.
You don't win a debate by pretending that the other person's words are laughable. Likewise, you don't win debates by name-calling. What really is laughable, is your inability to keep on top of this debate, in which you are having your ass handed to you.
You need not have even mentioned White women. You just did that as a distraction from the basic issue here, and failed to accomplish that distraction.
Your side of the debate has deteriorated into a plethora of simplistic tools to hide yourself from the issue. All I can say is > Not My Problem.

You brought up AA in the first post of this thread. And being a fact that white females have benefitted from AA makes it relevant. to this thread. You're welcome to remain in thick headed denial if you wish but it does not change that fact. So post something credible besides this sissy rant to prove otherwise. Or stop making a fool of yourself.
The sure sign of a (sore) loser of a debate is when he continues to yammer on about what he's already been refuted on. Your silly White women distraction went nowhere.

Ho hum!
Yawn. *********
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Do liberals ever realize that it is not 1950?

Do conservatives understand that 350 years of being the oppressor does not get one generation off the hook?

1. White people have not been oppressors. A few of them maybe have, and they have oppressed poor whites as much as anybody else.

2. Whites have been oppressed from Affirmative Action for 50 years. That's a lot more than a generation.

Black people were oppressed for 350 years officially. You had all that time to get your self a job, legacy (both financially and academically), and land. Thats multiple generations. Stop your whining, shutup, and work hard. You already have a headstart. What more do you need?

NO, I have not had 350 years to do ANYTHING. I've only been in the workforce starting in 1964. And most Whites, less time than that. And i won't work hard because my work life is over, I;m retired now. And I have had NO headstart of any kind, I've had just the opposite > a place in line at the BACK of the line.
So YOU shut up, and stop talking like a fool or a liar. And the only thing more that I, and all whites in America, need is equality, which, you being the racist pig that you are, refuse to allow. You ought to be ashamed of yourself, for advocating racial discrimination,and don't tell me you're not doing that. You know damn well you are. YOU KNOW.

Your idiotic assertion is amusing. You got exactly what you deserved. If you had of worked hard and excelled you would not have been at the back of line. Only whites that work hard dont have to worry about AA. Black people were at the back of the line for 350 plus years no matter how hard they worked in the white job market. Stop your pathetic whining. You are giving me a headache.
Do liberals ever realize that it is not 1950?
Do conservatives understand that 350 years of being the oppressor does not get one generation off the hook?
1. White people have not been oppressors. A few of them maybe have, and they have oppressed poor whites as much as anybody else.

2. Whites have been oppressed from Affirmative Action for 50 years. That's a lot more than a generation.
Black people were oppressed for 350 years officially. You had all that time to get your self a job, legacy (both financially and academically), and land. Thats multiple generations. Stop your whining, shutup, and work hard. You already have a headstart. What more do you need?
NO, I have not had 350 years to do ANYTHING. I've only been in the workforce starting in 1964. And most Whites, less time than that. And i won't work hard because my work life is over, I;m retired now. And I have had NO headstart of any kind, I've had just the opposite > a place in line at the BACK of the line.
So YOU shut up, and stop talking like a fool or a liar. And the only thing more that I, and all whites in America, need is equality, which, you being the racist pig that you are, refuse to allow. You ought to be ashamed of yourself, for advocating racial discrimination,and don't tell me you're not doing that. You know damn well you are. YOU KNOW.
Your idiotic assertion is amusing. You got exactly what you deserved. If you had of worked hard and excelled you would not have been at the back of line. Only whites that work hard dont have to worry about AA. Black people were at the back of the line for 350 plus years no matter how hard they worked in the white job market. Stop your pathetic whining. You are giving me a headache.

Your posts are too dumb to be amusing.

1. Whites are at the back of the line due to AA. That's how it's structured - has nothing to do with working hard.

2. 350 years before AA has NOTHING to do with 50 years after the start of AA.

3. You're just as pathetic as the other stupe. Like him, using words like "whining", "idiotic". "amusing", only show off your inablity to debate the issue on its merits.

4. You're giving YOURSELF a headache.
Do conservatives understand that 350 years of being the oppressor does not get one generation off the hook?
Your posts are very amusing. You are an idiot and they make me laugh.

1. White people have not been oppressors. A few of them maybe have, and they have oppressed poor whites as much as anybody else.

2. Whites have been oppressed from Affirmative Action for 50 years. That's a lot more than a generation.
Black people were oppressed for 350 years officially. You had all that time to get your self a job, legacy (both financially and academically), and land. Thats multiple generations. Stop your whining, shutup, and work hard. You already have a headstart. What more do you need?
NO, I have not had 350 years to do ANYTHING. I've only been in the workforce starting in 1964. And most Whites, less time than that. And i won't work hard because my work life is over, I;m retired now. And I have had NO headstart of any kind, I've had just the opposite > a place in line at the BACK of the line.
So YOU shut up, and stop talking like a fool or a liar. And the only thing more that I, and all whites in America, need is equality, which, you being the racist pig that you are, refuse to allow. You ought to be ashamed of yourself, for advocating racial discrimination,and don't tell me you're not doing that. You know damn well you are. YOU KNOW.
Your idiotic assertion is amusing. You got exactly what you deserved. If you had of worked hard and excelled you would not have been at the back of line. Only whites that work hard dont have to worry about AA. Black people were at the back of the line for 350 plus years no matter how hard they worked in the white job market. Stop your pathetic whining. You are giving me a headache.

Your posts are too dumb to be amusing.

1. Whites are at the back of the line due to AA. That's how it's structured - has nothing to do with working hard.

2. 350 years before AA has NOTHING to do with 50 years after the start of AA.

3. You're just as pathetic as the other stupe. Like him, using words like "whining", "idiotic". "amusing", only show off your inablity to debate the issue on its merits.

4. You're giving YOURSELF a headache.

Your posts are very amusing but pathetic. You are an idiot so they make me laugh.

Whites are not at the back of the line. They own the line dummy.

White male AA has been around for 350 years officially. The AA for everyone not a white male just started 50 years ago.

I cant debate merits with an idiot that doesnt even know what the AA policy is.

You are giving me a headache with your pitiful whining. Get off your ass and make something of yourself instead of leaching off the system. I hate people that beg for handouts.
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Your posts are very amusing. You are an idiot and they make me laugh.

1. White people have not been oppressors. A few of them maybe have, and they have oppressed poor whites as much as anybody else.

2. Whites have been oppressed from Affirmative Action for 50 years. That's a lot more than a generation.
Black people were oppressed for 350 years officially. You had all that time to get your self a job, legacy (both financially and academically), and land. Thats multiple generations. Stop your whining, shutup, and work hard. You already have a headstart. What more do you need?
NO, I have not had 350 years to do ANYTHING. I've only been in the workforce starting in 1964. And most Whites, less time than that. And i won't work hard because my work life is over, I;m retired now. And I have had NO headstart of any kind, I've had just the opposite > a place in line at the BACK of the line.
So YOU shut up, and stop talking like a fool or a liar. And the only thing more that I, and all whites in America, need is equality, which, you being the racist pig that you are, refuse to allow. You ought to be ashamed of yourself, for advocating racial discrimination,and don't tell me you're not doing that. You know damn well you are. YOU KNOW.
Your idiotic assertion is amusing. You got exactly what you deserved. If you had of worked hard and excelled you would not have been at the back of line. Only whites that work hard dont have to worry about AA. Black people were at the back of the line for 350 plus years no matter how hard they worked in the white job market. Stop your pathetic whining. You are giving me a headache.

Your posts are too dumb to be amusing.

1. Whites are at the back of the line due to AA. That's how it's structured - has nothing to do with working hard.

2. 350 years before AA has NOTHING to do with 50 years after the start of AA.

3. You're just as pathetic as the other stupe. Like him, using words like "whining", "idiotic". "amusing", only show off your inablity to debate the issue on its merits.

4. You're giving YOURSELF a headache.
White are not at the back of the line. They own the line dummy.

White AA has been around 350 years. The AA for everyone not a white male just started 50 years agao.

I cant debate merits with an idiot that doesnt even know what the AA policy is.

You are giving me a headache with your pitiful whining. Get off your ass and make something of yourself instead of leaching off the system. I hate people that beg for handouts.
NO they don't own the line you moron. Millions of govt jobs are hired through AA.

Yes, the AA for everyone not a white male just started 50 years ago. Which happens to be the ONLY time that is relevant to this discussion. It is the only time that 99% of white males alive today, have been in the workforce. You're not giving me a headache with your moronic use of :lame2: dodge words like "whining" (long worn out - :laugh:), but I might be getting sick to my stomach. And where HA HA, do you get off talking about ME leaching off the system and begging for handouts ? That's what YOU and YOUR AA zeros do. And you hate them ? That's what you said.
Black people were oppressed for 350 years officially. You had all that time to get your self a job, legacy (both financially and academically), and land. Thats multiple generations. Stop your whining, shutup, and work hard. You already have a headstart. What more do you need?
NO, I have not had 350 years to do ANYTHING. I've only been in the workforce starting in 1964. And most Whites, less time than that. And i won't work hard because my work life is over, I;m retired now. And I have had NO headstart of any kind, I've had just the opposite > a place in line at the BACK of the line.
So YOU shut up, and stop talking like a fool or a liar. And the only thing more that I, and all whites in America, need is equality, which, you being the racist pig that you are, refuse to allow. You ought to be ashamed of yourself, for advocating racial discrimination,and don't tell me you're not doing that. You know damn well you are. YOU KNOW.
Your idiotic assertion is amusing. You got exactly what you deserved. If you had of worked hard and excelled you would not have been at the back of line. Only whites that work hard dont have to worry about AA. Black people were at the back of the line for 350 plus years no matter how hard they worked in the white job market. Stop your pathetic whining. You are giving me a headache.

Your posts are too dumb to be amusing.

1. Whites are at the back of the line due to AA. That's how it's structured - has nothing to do with working hard.

2. 350 years before AA has NOTHING to do with 50 years after the start of AA.

3. You're just as pathetic as the other stupe. Like him, using words like "whining", "idiotic". "amusing", only show off your inablity to debate the issue on its merits.

4. You're giving YOURSELF a headache.
White are not at the back of the line. They own the line dummy.

White AA has been around 350 years. The AA for everyone not a white male just started 50 years agao.

I cant debate merits with an idiot that doesnt even know what the AA policy is.

You are giving me a headache with your pitiful whining. Get off your ass and make something of yourself instead of leaching off the system. I hate people that beg for handouts.
NO they don't own the line you moron. Millions of govt jobs are hired through AA.

Yes, the AA for everyone not a white male just started 50 years ago. Which happens to be the ONLY time that is relevant to this discussion. It is the only time that 99% of white males alive today, have been in the workforce. You're not giving me a headache with your moronic use of :lame2: dodge words like "whining" (long worn out - :laugh:), but I might be getting sick to my stomach. And where HA HA, do you get off talking about ME leaching off the system and begging for handouts ? That's what YOU and YOUR AA zeros do. And you hate them ? That's what you said.
Yes whites do own the line. Stop whining to me and get one of your white friends to get you a job you are not qualified for. Nepotism was invented by whites so they could get unqualified scrubs like you a job over more qualified Black guys. You must suck big time in order to not have any white person that will do this for you. You dont run anything so you cant tell me what is relevant boy. I said whites males had AA for 350 years and I dont care if that hurts you. You should have encouraged your people to make hay while the sun was up since you obviously knew you were going to turn out to be a waste of sperm and a egg. That way they would have left you a trust fund or something.

No I only hate whiny white boys like you that cant take working hard. I made it by working hard and I am Black. Your sorry ass is taking up oxygen from someone else that is infinitely more worthy.
NO, I have not had 350 years to do ANYTHING. I've only been in the workforce starting in 1964. And most Whites, less time than that. And i won't work hard because my work life is over, I;m retired now. And I have had NO headstart of any kind, I've had just the opposite > a place in line at the BACK of the line.
So YOU shut up, and stop talking like a fool or a liar. And the only thing more that I, and all whites in America, need is equality, which, you being the racist pig that you are, refuse to allow. You ought to be ashamed of yourself, for advocating racial discrimination,and don't tell me you're not doing that. You know damn well you are. YOU KNOW.
Your idiotic assertion is amusing. You got exactly what you deserved. If you had of worked hard and excelled you would not have been at the back of line. Only whites that work hard dont have to worry about AA. Black people were at the back of the line for 350 plus years no matter how hard they worked in the white job market. Stop your pathetic whining. You are giving me a headache.

Your posts are too dumb to be amusing.

1. Whites are at the back of the line due to AA. That's how it's structured - has nothing to do with working hard.

2. 350 years before AA has NOTHING to do with 50 years after the start of AA.

3. You're just as pathetic as the other stupe. Like him, using words like "whining", "idiotic". "amusing", only show off your inablity to debate the issue on its merits.

4. You're giving YOURSELF a headache.
White are not at the back of the line. They own the line dummy.

White AA has been around 350 years. The AA for everyone not a white male just started 50 years agao.

I cant debate merits with an idiot that doesnt even know what the AA policy is.

You are giving me a headache with your pitiful whining. Get off your ass and make something of yourself instead of leaching off the system. I hate people that beg for handouts.
NO they don't own the line you moron. Millions of govt jobs are hired through AA.

Yes, the AA for everyone not a white male just started 50 years ago. Which happens to be the ONLY time that is relevant to this discussion. It is the only time that 99% of white males alive today, have been in the workforce. You're not giving me a headache with your moronic use of :lame2: dodge words like "whining" (long worn out - :laugh:), but I might be getting sick to my stomach. And where HA HA, do you get off talking about ME leaching off the system and begging for handouts ? That's what YOU and YOUR AA zeros do. And you hate them ? That's what you said.
Yes whites do own the line. Stop whining to me and get one of your white friends to get you a job you are not qualified for. Nepotism was invented by whites so they could get unqualified scrubs like you a job over more qualified Black guys. You must suck big time in order to not have any white person that will do this for you. You dont run anything so you cant tell me what is relevant boy. I said whites males had AA for 350 years and I dont care if that hurts you. You should have encouraged your people to make hay while the sun was up since you obviously knew you were going to turn out to be a waste of sperm and a egg. That way they would have left you a trust fund or something.

No I only hate whiny white boys like you that cant take working hard. I made it by working hard and I am Black. Your sorry ass is taking up oxygen from someone else that is infinitely more worthy.

No such thing as a "more qualified Black guy", except in your deranged mind.

HA HA HA. You poor little putz. Here you post RAGE, RAGE, and more RAGE. HA HA. You're really pissed aren't you ? I can't even see your pathetic words. All I can see is your unrestrained ANGER. You're just pissed that you're Black, and like that racist loon on HLN, Miss Ali, always says: "Eva Black person wanna be White" Yeah, and you're one of them. HA HA. Hey, you still have a chance. Get a nose job, and that skin whitening stuff. If Michael Jackson can get away with it , why not you too, right, BOY ?

You made it !! Made it to where ? The front sink, washing dishes ? (after cleaning out the grease pit for 20 years) ?

Let me tell you something, dustball. I have a collection of over 100 art drawings & paintings that I've done, you could only dream about. I have another 100 songs & poems (some of them published right here in this forum), that you can pathetically read, and wish you only could have wrote those words.

And I play 5 musical instruments, all on a professional level, and played in bands in nightclubs, back in the 80s. Something you could only dream about.
Sometime, I'll put some videos of me playing my violin/fiddle, mandolin, guitars and harmonica, and you can than go to sleep at night, dreaming that it was YOU that was playing all that cool music. Hey, when you can't do it, you can always dream....BOY.

You will NEVER be able to write quality poetry like this, because you're just too much of a bonehead simian cretin.

Protectionist Poem 5

CLOUD'S PUFFS by Protectionist

The first cloud had its full form intact
Its whites, grays, blues, all matter-of-fact
Steady its course, ready to react
With all atmospheric bodies abstract
Or solid, moving, spinning, still
Hunchbacked, cracked, compact
Set and posed to interact
And draw a figure cold but alive
And reach down for my insomniaced
Visions loose but exact.

The second cloud, large and moving around
Still, but in motion, a sky merry-go-round
Up high above its lightning greyhound
To race through the air, to clouds or ground
To open bays, river, or sound.

And little puffs up here and there
Trap my eyes to full minute stare
Surrounded by blue, strange nothingness
Seeming to say "something's amiss"
Broken apart from their parent cloud
And hanging remote, aloof, enshroud, high-browed, proud.
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Asclepias said >> "You play 5 instruments, claim to be an accomplished poet, as well as artist?
With all of that imagined talent, you should not even be concerned over AA, and should have been able to turn those "skills" into an opportunity for yourself,

I meant to add previously when you included Hisoanics in your growing list of AA victims....that this is yet another BIG MISS on your part. Your last post more than proves that you are just a bitter old racist fool with delusions of granduer who life has passed by."

Not "claim"...AM! And you just saw one of the poems of it.

Not "imagined".......KNOW. YOU KNOW.

Not "should have"......DID! In upscale night clubs and colleges, for 8 years.

And I happen to BE Hispanic (50%), oh ignorant one.

You should have quit when you were far behind in this debate, Now you're FAAAAR, FAR behind. But that's what USMB readers would expect, when reading one of your posts. Right Asclepias ? Right ? Right ?
Yes. That is right. As we all know.
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Today, as many other days, I heard somebody on one of the cable news shows using the term "White Privilege". Today it was Sunny Hostin, but it could just as easily have been any one of 100 different people.
They say these words as if every TV viewer fully accepted the term as meaning what it clearly states.

Only problem with the term is that it does not exist. And it has not existed for half a century now, ever since whatever White Privilege did exist previously, has been obliterated and replaced by Black Privilege, by way of Affirmative Action. How in the world anyone could believe there is White Privilege in America, when hundreds of millions of White Americans have been deprived of education and careers due to this insidious, treacherous, anti-White discrimination.

Being deprived of college admission, college financial aid, jobs, job promotions, etc. has been SOP for Whites long enough for some people to have had it eradicate their entire worklife from starting out rookie, clear through to retirement at age 65.

It's time now for the term "White Privilege" to be retired (50 years too late). And why don't we hear the correct term Black Privilege more often ? Or should I say "at all ?"

Of course there is such a thing as white privilege. Why would you deny this?

The thing is though, we've earned it.

White people have earned the "privilege" of people not assuming we are stupid, or criminals.

White people have earned the "privilege" of people assuming we take care of our responsibilities

White people have earned the "privilege" of people thinking theirs a good chance we'd make a good employee.

Etc , etc.

Why would anyone deny that?
The auto industry for one,mainly because whites do sloppy work,thats why there is so many recalls for unsafe cars.Also before I forget how about all these bridges eroding because of cheap materials.How would you like to be traveling across a bridge that all of a sudden started falling to pieces.whites do shoddy work if they work at all.They come to work to complain about the work of the Black employees. That's all they do is complain complain and complain. Especially if their boss is Black, they don't want to take orders from a Black supervisor. Damn when is this country going to open its eyes.
Your idiotic assertion is amusing. You got exactly what you deserved. If you had of worked hard and excelled you would not have been at the back of line. Only whites that work hard dont have to worry about AA. Black people were at the back of the line for 350 plus years no matter how hard they worked in the white job market. Stop your pathetic whining. You are giving me a headache.

Your posts are too dumb to be amusing.

1. Whites are at the back of the line due to AA. That's how it's structured - has nothing to do with working hard.

2. 350 years before AA has NOTHING to do with 50 years after the start of AA.

3. You're just as pathetic as the other stupe. Like him, using words like "whining", "idiotic". "amusing", only show off your inablity to debate the issue on its merits.

4. You're giving YOURSELF a headache.
White are not at the back of the line. They own the line dummy.

White AA has been around 350 years. The AA for everyone not a white male just started 50 years agao.

I cant debate merits with an idiot that doesnt even know what the AA policy is.

You are giving me a headache with your pitiful whining. Get off your ass and make something of yourself instead of leaching off the system. I hate people that beg for handouts.
NO they don't own the line you moron. Millions of govt jobs are hired through AA.

Yes, the AA for everyone not a white male just started 50 years ago. Which happens to be the ONLY time that is relevant to this discussion. It is the only time that 99% of white males alive today, have been in the workforce. You're not giving me a headache with your moronic use of :lame2: dodge words like "whining" (long worn out - :laugh:), but I might be getting sick to my stomach. And where HA HA, do you get off talking about ME leaching off the system and begging for handouts ? That's what YOU and YOUR AA zeros do. And you hate them ? That's what you said.
Yes whites do own the line. Stop whining to me and get one of your white friends to get you a job you are not qualified for. Nepotism was invented by whites so they could get unqualified scrubs like you a job over more qualified Black guys. You must suck big time in order to not have any white person that will do this for you. You dont run anything so you cant tell me what is relevant boy. I said whites males had AA for 350 years and I dont care if that hurts you. You should have encouraged your people to make hay while the sun was up since you obviously knew you were going to turn out to be a waste of sperm and a egg. That way they would have left you a trust fund or something.

No I only hate whiny white boys like you that cant take working hard. I made it by working hard and I am Black. Your sorry ass is taking up oxygen from someone else that is infinitely more worthy.

No such thing as a "more qualified Black guy", except in your deranged mind.

HA HA HA. You poor little putz. Here you post RAGE, RAGE, and more RAGE. HA HA. You're really pissed aren't you ? I can't even see your pathetic words. All I can see is your unrestrained ANGER. You're just pissed that you're Black, and like that racist loon on HLN, Miss Ali, always says: "Eva Black person wanna be White" Yeah, and you're one of them. HA HA. Hey, you still have a chance. Get a nose job, and that skin whitening stuff. If Michael Jackson can get away with it , why not you too, right, BOY ?

You made it !! Made it to where ? The front sink, washing dishes ? (after cleaning out the grease pit for 20 years) ?

Let me tell you something, dustball. I have a collection of over 100 art drawings & paintings that I've done, you could only dream about. I have another 100 songs & poems (some of them published right here in this forum), that you can pathetically read, and wish you only could have wrote those words.

And I play 5 musical instruments, all on a professional level, and played in bands in nightclubs, back in the 80s. Something you could only dream about.
Sometime, I'll put some videos of me playing my violin/fiddle, mandolin, guitars and harmonica, and you can than go to sleep at night, dreaming that it was YOU that was playing all that cool music. Hey, when you can't do it, you can always dream....BOY.

You will NEVER be able to write quality poetry like this, because you're just too much of a bonehead simian cretin.

Protectionist Poem 5

CLOUD'S PUFFS by Protectionist

The first cloud had its full form intact
Its whites, grays, blues, all matter-of-fact
Steady its course, ready to react
With all atmospheric bodies abstract
Or solid, moving, spinning, still
Hunchbacked, cracked, compact
Set and posed to interact
And draw a figure cold but alive
And reach down for my insomniaced
Visions loose but exact.

The second cloud, large and moving around
Still, but in motion, a sky merry-go-round
Up high above its lightning greyhound
To race through the air, to clouds or ground
To open bays, river, or sound.

And little puffs up here and there
Trap my eyes to full minute stare
Surrounded by blue, strange nothingness
Seeming to say "something's amiss"
Broken apart from their parent cloud
And hanging remote, aloof, enshroud, high-browed, proud.

Anyone in a lucid state of mind can clearly see that you are the one who is insecure, enraged, and clearly in a state of having no self esteem.

You play 5 instruments, claim to be an accomplished poet, as well as artist?
With all of that imagined talent, you should not even be concerned over AA, and should have been able to turn those "skills" into an opportunity for yourself,

I meant to add previously when you included Hispanics in your growing list of AA victims....that this is yet another figment of your fertile imaginatiin.on your part. Your last post more than proves that you are just a bitter old racist fool with delusions of granduer who life has passed by.
Asclepias said >> "You play 5 instruments, claim to be an accomplished poet, as well as artist?
With all of that imagined talent, you should not even be concerned over AA, and should have been able to turn those "skills" into an opportunity for yourself,

I meant to add previously when you included Hisoanics in your growing list of AA victims....that this is yet another BIG MISS on your part. Your last post more than proves that you are just a bitter old racist fool with delusions of granduer who life has passed by."

Not "claim"...AM! And you just saw one of the poems of it.

Not "imagined".......KNOW. YOU KNOW.

Not "should have"......DID! In upscale night clubs and colleges, for 8 years.

And I happen to BE Hispanic (50%), oh ignorant one.

You should have quit when you were far behind in this debate, Now you're FAAAAR, FAR behind. But that's what USMB readers would expect, when reading one of your posts. Right Asclepias ? Right ? Right ?
Yes. That is right. As we all know.

"This is no debate, and that is a fact, I am not, as you know, Asclepias. Your blather and bluster so false and misplaced, what you post as your truth, is obviously fake.

You rant and you rave like a madman, indeed, overlooking the facts in an ignorant screed.

So dwell in the dark and refuse to learn, I am finished throwing pearls to a swine who is unlearned"

I am not a poet at all, but it took me exactly 1 minute to sum up how the above applies to you.

Goodnight. And watch out for that "black bogeyman" who obviously has complete control over you and is the catalyst for your psychosis.
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