There is no way Hillary won the second debate!

To win a debate one has to answer the questions and discuss the topics.

All Trump did was spew debunked rightwing gossip about Hillary.
Oh, and he likes the Russians. A lot.

He won if this was a Zinger Contest but if this was a debate. He lost
The head of the RNC didn't like that Trump said a bad word.

Why wasn't the head of the DNC concerned that Hillary lied to Congress and was extremely careless in handling classified information?

Why was the head of the DNC, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, forced to resign?

Because she has a "D" before her name, is the short answer.
It seemed to me that she did what she needed to do in the first 10 mins. Maybe not to win the debate but to figuratively kick Trumpster in the nuts.

Something annalogus to "People can judge if the man on the stage is the "real" Donald Trump. Obviously given the LOooooooooooooooooooooNG list of foibles in this election season mixed with the revelations from the past, you know that if you think the worst about Donald, you're not far off.
This is true
CNN polls reveal 57% believe Clinton won debate, 37% Trump, 6% unsure - read more

"Hillary Clinton came out on top over Donald Trump in their second presidential debate, according to a CNN instant poll Sunday night.

Poll respondents favored Clinton 57% to 37%, according to CNN."

Even the most biased person would know that Trump clearly won.

The part where Trump brought up BJ's rape victims, and the woman who was raped when she was twelve, was the best. He destroyed her with that, all she could do was laugh it off and say "he's lying!" when the women were right there. That photo of BJ and Chelsea are fucking priceless. Her only response was Michelle O's quote of "when they go low, you go High!" Really? Hillary goes low by attacking Trumps 11 year old comments, then suddenly she is above it. What a fucking c*nt.

That, and Obama's disastrous foreign policy that Clinton still can't defend.

The crowd cheered.

No, he didn't. He preached to the fringe right, saying everything they wanted to hear. Alas, he catered to the wrong audience. As it was the independents, moderates and undecided voters he needed to convince that Trump was a changed man, a man with the proper temperament to be president.

And he failed *utterly*. His debate performance couldn't have been more perfectly suited to make Hillary President if he'd been prepped by the DNC.

Its over, fellas. Trump just pissed away his very, very last chance to turn his campaign around.
You've been posting that Trump had blown his "very very last chance" for months asshole!

Then quote me saying so....months ago.

Trump kicked fat-ass corrupt Hillary all over the stage last night.
Watch who Trump brings to a third debate,
Does the name 'Monica' ring a bell?
That's right Monica will be sitting in the audience. She'll be wearing a nice bright blue dress., he won't. He'll do what he always does: preach to his alt-right base, ignore everyone else, and demonstrate why he's utterly unsuited to be president.

There's a reason why Trump's polling numbers fall off a cliff when he's given a national stage. The more the electorate knows about this train wreck, the less they want him.

Seriously - Which is of greater concern when attaining the position as a Commander in Chief ?

1) Trumps remarks of women, which Hillary endorses as she tried to ruin the reputation of every woman accuser against her husband going back to when he was governor.

2) Not knowing enough how to recognize classified information content as it's brought to your attention in an email. Which anyone having experience in the military has even the "basic knowledge" on how to interpret what content the general public doesn't need to know about.
Trump did what he had to do. Clinton is a corrupt evil person. Now let the chips fall where they may.
CNN polls reveal 57% believe Clinton won debate, 37% Trump, 6% unsure - read more

"Hillary Clinton came out on top over Donald Trump in their second presidential debate, according to a CNN instant poll Sunday night.

Poll respondents favored Clinton 57% to 37%, according to CNN."

Even the most biased person would know that Trump clearly won.
He WAS pretty grumpy. He did a LOT better than the first debate, though. If he had a few more debates to practice, he might be proficient and likable at the same time.
Laughing......even the former chairman of the RNC was forced to admit that the Trump campaign is over.

And you poor fringe right fools are so enchanted by being told exactly what you wanted to hear.....that you're cheering as his campaign leaves a brown stain on the bowl. Its like watching deckhands on the Titanic trying to form a conga line.

Well if you know so much then go bet on it in England or on line. Go make easy money.

The fact is you won't bet. Because the fact is you are full of B.S. and you have no idea who will win.

But why so scared? What does this election have to do with how you will be judged? (Just trying to help.)
CNN polls reveal 57% believe Clinton won debate, 37% Trump, 6% unsure - read more

"Hillary Clinton came out on top over Donald Trump in their second presidential debate, according to a CNN instant poll Sunday night.

Poll respondents favored Clinton 57% to 37%, according to CNN."

Even the most biased person would know that Trump clearly won.

The part where Trump brought up BJ's rape victims, and the woman who was raped when she was twelve, was the best. He destroyed her with that, all she could do was laugh it off and say "he's lying!" when the women were right there. That photo of BJ and Chelsea are fucking priceless. Her only response was Michelle O's quote of "when they go low, you go High!" Really? Hillary goes low by attacking Trumps 11 year old comments, then suddenly she is above it. What a fucking c*nt.

That, and Obama's disastrous foreign policy that Clinton still can't defend.

The crowd cheered.

No, he didn't. He preached to the fringe right, saying everything they wanted to hear. Alas, he catered to the wrong audience. As it was the independents, moderates and undecided voters he needed to convince that Trump was a changed man, a man with the proper temperament to be president.

And he failed *utterly*. His debate performance couldn't have been more perfectly suited to make Hillary President if he'd been prepped by the DNC.

Its over, fellas. Trump just pissed away his very, very last chance to turn his campaign around.
You've been posting that Trump had blown his "very very last chance" for months asshole!

Then quote me saying so....months ago.

Trump kicked fat-ass corrupt Hillary all over the stage last night.
Watch who Trump brings to a third debate,
Does the name 'Monica' ring a bell?
That's right Monica will be sitting in the audience. She'll be wearing a nice bright blue dress., he won't. He'll do what he always does: preach to his alt-right base, ignore everyone else, and demonstrate why he's utterly unsuited to be president.

There's a reason why Trump's polling numbers fall off a cliff when he's given a national stage. The more the electorate knows about this train wreck, the less they want him.

Seriously - Which is of greater concern when attaining the position as a Commander in Chief ?

1) Trumps remarks of women, which Hillary endorses as she tried to ruin the reputation of every woman accuser against her husband going back to when he was governor.

2) Not knowing enough how to recognize classified information content as it's brought to your attention in an email. Which anyone having experience in the military has even the "basic knowledge" on how to interpret what content the general public doesn't need to know about.

Trumps remarks about women…quite easily. A much bigger concern. He devalues 1/2 the nation’s population in every way imaginable.
I liked Hillary's defense of Bill Clinton BLASTING Obamacare.

She said, "He clarified his statement."

AND THAT WAS IT....and COOPER NEVER FOLLOWED UP. It was such biased bullshit.

here is a follow up, "How did he clarify his statement and what exactly did he mean when he said, "Obama is the craziest thing in the world"?
The part where Trump brought up BJ's rape victims, and the woman who was raped when she was twelve, was the best. He destroyed her with that, all she could do was laugh it off and say "he's lying!" when the women were right there. That photo of BJ and Chelsea are fucking priceless. Her only response was Michelle O's quote of "when they go low, you go High!" Really? Hillary goes low by attacking Trumps 11 year old comments, then suddenly she is above it. What a fucking c*nt.

That, and Obama's disastrous foreign policy that Clinton still can't defend.

The crowd cheered.

No, he didn't. He preached to the fringe right, saying everything they wanted to hear. Alas, he catered to the wrong audience. As it was the independents, moderates and undecided voters he needed to convince that Trump was a changed man, a man with the proper temperament to be president.

And he failed *utterly*. His debate performance couldn't have been more perfectly suited to make Hillary President if he'd been prepped by the DNC.

Its over, fellas. Trump just pissed away his very, very last chance to turn his campaign around.
You've been posting that Trump had blown his "very very last chance" for months asshole!

Then quote me saying so....months ago.

Trump kicked fat-ass corrupt Hillary all over the stage last night.
Watch who Trump brings to a third debate,
Does the name 'Monica' ring a bell?
That's right Monica will be sitting in the audience. She'll be wearing a nice bright blue dress., he won't. He'll do what he always does: preach to his alt-right base, ignore everyone else, and demonstrate why he's utterly unsuited to be president.

There's a reason why Trump's polling numbers fall off a cliff when he's given a national stage. The more the electorate knows about this train wreck, the less they want him.

Seriously - Which is of greater concern when attaining the position as a Commander in Chief ?

1) Trumps remarks of women, which Hillary endorses as she tried to ruin the reputation of every woman accuser against her husband going back to when he was governor.

2) Not knowing enough how to recognize classified information content as it's brought to your attention in an email. Which anyone having experience in the military has even the "basic knowledge" on how to interpret what content the general public doesn't need to know about.

Trumps remarks about women…quite easily. A much bigger concern. He devalues 1/2 the nation’s population in every way imaginable.

Spoken like a dumb woman that doesn't understand national security.
The part where Trump brought up BJ's rape victims, and the woman who was raped when she was twelve, was the best. He destroyed her with that, all she could do was laugh it off and say "he's lying!" when the women were right there. That photo of BJ and Chelsea are fucking priceless. Her only response was Michelle O's quote of "when they go low, you go High!" Really? Hillary goes low by attacking Trumps 11 year old comments, then suddenly she is above it. What a fucking c*nt.

That, and Obama's disastrous foreign policy that Clinton still can't defend.

The crowd cheered.

No, he didn't. He preached to the fringe right, saying everything they wanted to hear. Alas, he catered to the wrong audience. As it was the independents, moderates and undecided voters he needed to convince that Trump was a changed man, a man with the proper temperament to be president.

And he failed *utterly*. His debate performance couldn't have been more perfectly suited to make Hillary President if he'd been prepped by the DNC.

Its over, fellas. Trump just pissed away his very, very last chance to turn his campaign around.
You've been posting that Trump had blown his "very very last chance" for months asshole!

Then quote me saying so....months ago.

Trump kicked fat-ass corrupt Hillary all over the stage last night.
Watch who Trump brings to a third debate,
Does the name 'Monica' ring a bell?
That's right Monica will be sitting in the audience. She'll be wearing a nice bright blue dress., he won't. He'll do what he always does: preach to his alt-right base, ignore everyone else, and demonstrate why he's utterly unsuited to be president.

There's a reason why Trump's polling numbers fall off a cliff when he's given a national stage. The more the electorate knows about this train wreck, the less they want him.

Seriously - Which is of greater concern when attaining the position as a Commander in Chief ?

1) Trumps remarks of women, which Hillary endorses as she tried to ruin the reputation of every woman accuser against her husband going back to when he was governor.

2) Not knowing enough how to recognize classified information content as it's brought to your attention in an email. Which anyone having experience in the military has even the "basic knowledge" on how to interpret what content the general public doesn't need to know about.

Trumps remarks about women…quite easily. A much bigger concern. He devalues 1/2 the nation’s population in every way imaginable.

Yet you're voting for an evil corrupt witch and a serial rapist. Go figure? Y'all craaazy. :cuckoo:
No, he didn't. He preached to the fringe right, saying everything they wanted to hear. Alas, he catered to the wrong audience. As it was the independents, moderates and undecided voters he needed to convince that Trump was a changed man, a man with the proper temperament to be president.

And he failed *utterly*. His debate performance couldn't have been more perfectly suited to make Hillary President if he'd been prepped by the DNC.

Its over, fellas. Trump just pissed away his very, very last chance to turn his campaign around.
You've been posting that Trump had blown his "very very last chance" for months asshole!

Then quote me saying so....months ago.

Trump kicked fat-ass corrupt Hillary all over the stage last night.
Watch who Trump brings to a third debate,
Does the name 'Monica' ring a bell?
That's right Monica will be sitting in the audience. She'll be wearing a nice bright blue dress., he won't. He'll do what he always does: preach to his alt-right base, ignore everyone else, and demonstrate why he's utterly unsuited to be president.

There's a reason why Trump's polling numbers fall off a cliff when he's given a national stage. The more the electorate knows about this train wreck, the less they want him.

Seriously - Which is of greater concern when attaining the position as a Commander in Chief ?

1) Trumps remarks of women, which Hillary endorses as she tried to ruin the reputation of every woman accuser against her husband going back to when he was governor.

2) Not knowing enough how to recognize classified information content as it's brought to your attention in an email. Which anyone having experience in the military has even the "basic knowledge" on how to interpret what content the general public doesn't need to know about.

Trumps remarks about women…quite easily. A much bigger concern. He devalues 1/2 the nation’s population in every way imaginable.

Spoken like a dumb woman that doesn't understand national security.

Your opinion is noted, laughed at, and dismissed.
No, he didn't. He preached to the fringe right, saying everything they wanted to hear. Alas, he catered to the wrong audience. As it was the independents, moderates and undecided voters he needed to convince that Trump was a changed man, a man with the proper temperament to be president.

And he failed *utterly*. His debate performance couldn't have been more perfectly suited to make Hillary President if he'd been prepped by the DNC.

Its over, fellas. Trump just pissed away his very, very last chance to turn his campaign around.
You've been posting that Trump had blown his "very very last chance" for months asshole!

Then quote me saying so....months ago.

Trump kicked fat-ass corrupt Hillary all over the stage last night.
Watch who Trump brings to a third debate,
Does the name 'Monica' ring a bell?
That's right Monica will be sitting in the audience. She'll be wearing a nice bright blue dress., he won't. He'll do what he always does: preach to his alt-right base, ignore everyone else, and demonstrate why he's utterly unsuited to be president.

There's a reason why Trump's polling numbers fall off a cliff when he's given a national stage. The more the electorate knows about this train wreck, the less they want him.

Seriously - Which is of greater concern when attaining the position as a Commander in Chief ?

1) Trumps remarks of women, which Hillary endorses as she tried to ruin the reputation of every woman accuser against her husband going back to when he was governor.

2) Not knowing enough how to recognize classified information content as it's brought to your attention in an email. Which anyone having experience in the military has even the "basic knowledge" on how to interpret what content the general public doesn't need to know about.

Trumps remarks about women…quite easily. A much bigger concern. He devalues 1/2 the nation’s population in every way imaginable.

Yet you're voting for an evil corrupt witch and a serial rapist. Go figure? Y'all craaazy. :cuckoo:

Actually, I’m not voting for Trump. But thanks.
The part where Trump brought up BJ's rape victims, and the woman who was raped when she was twelve, was the best. He destroyed her with that, all she could do was laugh it off and say "he's lying!" when the women were right there. That photo of BJ and Chelsea are fucking priceless. Her only response was Michelle O's quote of "when they go low, you go High!" Really? Hillary goes low by attacking Trumps 11 year old comments, then suddenly she is above it. What a fucking c*nt.

That, and Obama's disastrous foreign policy that Clinton still can't defend.

The crowd cheered.

No, he didn't. He preached to the fringe right, saying everything they wanted to hear. Alas, he catered to the wrong audience. As it was the independents, moderates and undecided voters he needed to convince that Trump was a changed man, a man with the proper temperament to be president.

And he failed *utterly*. His debate performance couldn't have been more perfectly suited to make Hillary President if he'd been prepped by the DNC.

Its over, fellas. Trump just pissed away his very, very last chance to turn his campaign around.
You've been posting that Trump had blown his "very very last chance" for months asshole!

Then quote me saying so....months ago.

Trump kicked fat-ass corrupt Hillary all over the stage last night.
Watch who Trump brings to a third debate,
Does the name 'Monica' ring a bell?
That's right Monica will be sitting in the audience. She'll be wearing a nice bright blue dress., he won't. He'll do what he always does: preach to his alt-right base, ignore everyone else, and demonstrate why he's utterly unsuited to be president.

There's a reason why Trump's polling numbers fall off a cliff when he's given a national stage. The more the electorate knows about this train wreck, the less they want him.

Seriously - Which is of greater concern when attaining the position as a Commander in Chief ?

1) Trumps remarks of women, which Hillary endorses as she tried to ruin the reputation of every woman accuser against her husband going back to when he was governor.

2) Not knowing enough how to recognize classified information content as it's brought to your attention in an email. Which anyone having experience in the military has even the "basic knowledge" on how to interpret what content the general public doesn't need to know about.

Trumps remarks about women…quite easily. A much bigger concern. He devalues 1/2 the nation’s population in every way imaginable.

Did you think Bill's womanizing and rapes compromised his ability to lead? Wasn't that his "PRIVATE LIFE" when he ejaculated onto Monica Lewinsky's dress and then lied about it under oath and was disbarred and impeached?
You've been posting that Trump had blown his "very very last chance" for months asshole!

Then quote me saying so....months ago.

Trump kicked fat-ass corrupt Hillary all over the stage last night.
Watch who Trump brings to a third debate,
Does the name 'Monica' ring a bell?
That's right Monica will be sitting in the audience. She'll be wearing a nice bright blue dress., he won't. He'll do what he always does: preach to his alt-right base, ignore everyone else, and demonstrate why he's utterly unsuited to be president.

There's a reason why Trump's polling numbers fall off a cliff when he's given a national stage. The more the electorate knows about this train wreck, the less they want him.

Seriously - Which is of greater concern when attaining the position as a Commander in Chief ?

1) Trumps remarks of women, which Hillary endorses as she tried to ruin the reputation of every woman accuser against her husband going back to when he was governor.

2) Not knowing enough how to recognize classified information content as it's brought to your attention in an email. Which anyone having experience in the military has even the "basic knowledge" on how to interpret what content the general public doesn't need to know about.

Trumps remarks about women…quite easily. A much bigger concern. He devalues 1/2 the nation’s population in every way imaginable.

Yet you're voting for an evil corrupt witch and a serial rapist. Go figure? Y'all craaazy. :cuckoo:

Actually, I’m not voting for Trump. But thanks.

Nah, you're voting for the evil corrupt witch and her rapist husband. You're an ugly disingenuous hypocrite. Nuff said. Movin on...
No, he didn't. He preached to the fringe right, saying everything they wanted to hear. Alas, he catered to the wrong audience. As it was the independents, moderates and undecided voters he needed to convince that Trump was a changed man, a man with the proper temperament to be president.

And he failed *utterly*. His debate performance couldn't have been more perfectly suited to make Hillary President if he'd been prepped by the DNC.

Its over, fellas. Trump just pissed away his very, very last chance to turn his campaign around.
You've been posting that Trump had blown his "very very last chance" for months asshole!

Then quote me saying so....months ago.

Trump kicked fat-ass corrupt Hillary all over the stage last night.
Watch who Trump brings to a third debate,
Does the name 'Monica' ring a bell?
That's right Monica will be sitting in the audience. She'll be wearing a nice bright blue dress., he won't. He'll do what he always does: preach to his alt-right base, ignore everyone else, and demonstrate why he's utterly unsuited to be president.

There's a reason why Trump's polling numbers fall off a cliff when he's given a national stage. The more the electorate knows about this train wreck, the less they want him.

Seriously - Which is of greater concern when attaining the position as a Commander in Chief ?

1) Trumps remarks of women, which Hillary endorses as she tried to ruin the reputation of every woman accuser against her husband going back to when he was governor.

2) Not knowing enough how to recognize classified information content as it's brought to your attention in an email. Which anyone having experience in the military has even the "basic knowledge" on how to interpret what content the general public doesn't need to know about.

Trumps remarks about women…quite easily. A much bigger concern. He devalues 1/2 the nation’s population in every way imaginable.

Did you think Bill's womanizing and rapes compromised his ability to lead? Wasn't that his "PRIVATE LIFE" when he ejaculated onto Monica Lewinsky's dress and then lied about it under oath and was disbarred and impeached?

Then quote me saying so....months ago., he won't. He'll do what he always does: preach to his alt-right base, ignore everyone else, and demonstrate why he's utterly unsuited to be president.

There's a reason why Trump's polling numbers fall off a cliff when he's given a national stage. The more the electorate knows about this train wreck, the less they want him.

Seriously - Which is of greater concern when attaining the position as a Commander in Chief ?

1) Trumps remarks of women, which Hillary endorses as she tried to ruin the reputation of every woman accuser against her husband going back to when he was governor.

2) Not knowing enough how to recognize classified information content as it's brought to your attention in an email. Which anyone having experience in the military has even the "basic knowledge" on how to interpret what content the general public doesn't need to know about.

Trumps remarks about women…quite easily. A much bigger concern. He devalues 1/2 the nation’s population in every way imaginable.

Yet you're voting for an evil corrupt witch and a serial rapist. Go figure? Y'all craaazy. :cuckoo:

Actually, I’m not voting for Trump. But thanks.

Nah, you're voting for the evil corrupt witch and her rapist husband. You're an ugly disingenuous hypocrite. Nuff said. Movin on...

Her positives far outweigh any negatives you can dream up. But keep dreaming.
The part where Trump brought up BJ's rape victims, and the woman who was raped when she was twelve, was the best. He destroyed her with that, all she could do was laugh it off and say "he's lying!" when the women were right there. That photo of BJ and Chelsea are fucking priceless. Her only response was Michelle O's quote of "when they go low, you go High!" Really? Hillary goes low by attacking Trumps 11 year old comments, then suddenly she is above it. What a fucking c*nt.

That, and Obama's disastrous foreign policy that Clinton still can't defend.

The crowd cheered.

No, he didn't. He preached to the fringe right, saying everything they wanted to hear. Alas, he catered to the wrong audience. As it was the independents, moderates and undecided voters he needed to convince that Trump was a changed man, a man with the proper temperament to be president.

And he failed *utterly*. His debate performance couldn't have been more perfectly suited to make Hillary President if he'd been prepped by the DNC.

Its over, fellas. Trump just pissed away his very, very last chance to turn his campaign around.
You've been posting that Trump had blown his "very very last chance" for months asshole!

Then quote me saying so....months ago.

Trump kicked fat-ass corrupt Hillary all over the stage last night.
Watch who Trump brings to a third debate,
Does the name 'Monica' ring a bell?
That's right Monica will be sitting in the audience. She'll be wearing a nice bright blue dress., he won't. He'll do what he always does: preach to his alt-right base, ignore everyone else, and demonstrate why he's utterly unsuited to be president.

There's a reason why Trump's polling numbers fall off a cliff when he's given a national stage. The more the electorate knows about this train wreck, the less they want him.

Seriously - Which is of greater concern when attaining the position as a Commander in Chief ?

1) Trumps remarks of women, which Hillary endorses as she tried to ruin the reputation of every woman accuser against her husband going back to when he was governor.

2) Not knowing enough how to recognize classified information content as it's brought to your attention in an email. Which anyone having experience in the military has even the "basic knowledge" on how to interpret what content the general public doesn't need to know about.

Trumps remarks about women…quite easily. A much bigger concern. He devalues 1/2 the nation’s population in every way imaginable.

You realize Hillary defended such action through her husband, and Mrs Clinton opposed women who spoke out against men who use their position of power to mistreat and demean women through their actions. You can't deny the truth of which side of women Hillary chose to be on for those men who use power in such a way.
Seriously - Which is of greater concern when attaining the position as a Commander in Chief ?

1) Trumps remarks of women, which Hillary endorses as she tried to ruin the reputation of every woman accuser against her husband going back to when he was governor.

2) Not knowing enough how to recognize classified information content as it's brought to your attention in an email. Which anyone having experience in the military has even the "basic knowledge" on how to interpret what content the general public doesn't need to know about.

Trumps remarks about women…quite easily. A much bigger concern. He devalues 1/2 the nation’s population in every way imaginable.

Yet you're voting for an evil corrupt witch and a serial rapist. Go figure? Y'all craaazy. :cuckoo:

Actually, I’m not voting for Trump. But thanks.

Nah, you're voting for the evil corrupt witch and her rapist husband. You're an ugly disingenuous hypocrite. Nuff said. Movin on...

Her positives far outweigh any negatives you can dream up. But keep dreaming.

Wondering what "positives" you have been able to dream up

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