there is nothing wrong or racist about being proud of being white !

Haven't you heard? According to the liberal dumb ass Democrats you are racist JUST for being white. And if you mention anything about anything that just proves it.
yeah, just ask members of black lives matter, Nation of Islam, NAACP, Urban League, any group celebrating their culture you white mf's rip it apart and call them unAmerican. Anybody proclaiming love for their race who isn't bastards go after them and attack. So shut the fuck up and join the party, beyatches!!
After years of enslaving blacks, democrats are now telling blacks democrats are their friends.
Some blacks are buying it. lol
If you look at liberal'd find their contributions to the life we have in this country to be quite impressive. From a 40 hour work week to clean air for breathing...the list is endless and your too stupid to continue
Trump has done more for the black community than Obama did.
Haven't you heard? According to the liberal dumb ass Democrats you are racist JUST for being white. And if you mention anything about anything that just proves it.
yeah, just ask members of black lives matter, Nation of Islam, NAACP, Urban League, any group celebrating their culture you white mf's rip it apart and call them unAmerican. Anybody proclaiming love for their race who isn't bastards go after them and attack. So shut the fuck up and join the party, beyatches!!
any whites that celebrate their culture you libbs call racist !
If you look at liberal'd find their contributions to the life we have in this country to be quite impressive. From a 40 hour work week to clean air for breathing...the list is endless and your too stupid to continue
And your (you're) too stupid to spell simple words correctly. Liberals were very useful in their day but they long ago exceeded their expiration date.
And the democrat party was absorbed by radical socialist factions beginning officially at the 1968 Democrat presidential convention. It was a political coup.

Little by little over time reasonable and moderate democrat voices have been eliminated and excluded until today we have a party that is anti American and has anti democratic values.

John Kennedy or Henry Jackson would be considered fascist neo cons. The last survivor, Joe Lieberman, was run out of the party by Ned Lamont and the leftist Daily Kos frothing rabble.

I was a democrat at one time, as was my father. Because they were the party of workers. Republicans were the party of the boss. That's the only political advice my parents ever gave me.

Don't talk about all the great things old timey liberals gave us. It only underlines the sick shell of a party the democrats are today.
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all we here from the left is how evil and cruel the white race is ........race shaming against whites has gone into overdrive ......while is see no problem with black or Latino or asians being proud of who they are it is somehow against the rules to have pride in white accomplishments .... so in this thread i will be posting things that make me proud of white my race has accomplished ....i encourage other Caucasians to post what they are proud of .
There yall go again, always blaming people of the fuck is it our fault, Trump and his supporters who are hated by half the fuckin planet, happen to be creamy white vomit eaters?
If you look at liberal'd find their contributions to the life we have in this country to be quite impressive. From a 40 hour work week to clean air for breathing...the list is endless and your too stupid to continue
And your (you're) too stupid to spell simple words correctly. Liberals were very useful in their day but they long ago exceeded their expiration date.
And the democrat party was absorbed by radical socialist factions beginning officially at the 1968 Democrat presidential convention. It was a political coup.

Little by little over time reasonable and moderate democrat voices have been eliminated and excluded until today we have a party that is anti American and has anti democratic values.

John Kennedy or Henry Jackson would be considered fascist neo cons. The last survivor, Joe Lieberman, was run out of the party by Ned Lamont and the leftist Daily Kos frothing rabble.

I was a democrat at one time, as was my father. Because they were the party of workers. Republicans were the party of the boss. That's the only political advice my parents ever gave me.

Don't talk about all the great things old timey liberals gave us. It only underlines the sick shell of a party the democrats are today.
Listen, up until Trump made bitches out of party members, all you idiots use to do was talk about Reagan. Talk about old timey shit, you mf's reeeekkked of it then and you reeeekkkk of it today. Does bring back coal mines ring a fuckin bell? I challenge you to name one thing Trump has done for this nation, other than raising twitter stock that has helped anybody but the rich. You do know that Hillary won the popular vote for a reason, yes? I agree with you on some levels, democrats are lost. Their umbrella of ideas are either too extreme or not aggressive enough. But the one thing about our party prouds itself on, we don't have a one voice bss, we are not bitches and slave to a clown, idiot corrupt leader who could give a fuck about us or this country. Trillion dollar plus deficit looming, soy bean farmers will never recoup China's business again and the rich are getting richer and the poor still poor. If Trump is helping your bottom line, stay with the clown, the circus is closed down
Haven't you heard? According to the liberal dumb ass Democrats you are racist JUST for being white. And if you mention anything about anything that just proves it.
yeah, just ask members of black lives matter, Nation of Islam, NAACP, Urban League, any group celebrating their culture you white mf's rip it apart and call them unAmerican. Anybody proclaiming love for their race who isn't bastards go after them and attack. So shut the fuck up and join the party, beyatches!!
any whites that celebrate their culture you libbs call racist !

Boo fuck hoo, if white people never utter another fuckin word, nobody would miss ya
all we here from the left is how evil and cruel the white race is ........race shaming against whites has gone into overdrive ......while is see no problem with black or Latino or asians being proud of who they are it is somehow against the rules to have pride in white accomplishments .... so in this thread i will be posting things that make me proud of white my race has accomplished ....i encourage other Caucasians to post what they are proud of .
There yall go again, always blaming people of the fuck is it our fault, Trump and his supporters who are hated by half the fuckin planet, happen to be creamy white vomit eaters?

Lol....s0n....every post you've ever made screams, "It sucks not being white!'

You are correct but I just mentioned the most blatant one.

This is a war between barbarians and civilization. And whites represent civilization. It isnt because of slavery...all peoples held slaves. But not all peoples developed higher civilization.
And in this spiritual battle the left is enthralled with evil and dedicated to attacking civilization and created order. They set wives against husbands, mothers to murdering their children, men marrying men, citizens killing cops, nations opening borders and surrendering, quickie divorces and a hatred for the people who gave them the right to freely express their hatred.
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According to Liberals in general and Democrats in particular Whites are evil because hundreds of years ago they enslaved Neggras, that are now the core voting block of the filthy Democrat Party.

Whites are also evil because they want to keep Central America and Mexico from exporting their poverty to the US, which also provides voters for the filthy Democrat Party.
All the white people I know have never enslaved any neggras. To my knowledge, none of my ancestors enslaved any neggras. Therein lies the fallacy pedaled by liberals and dems that all white people today should be castigated for something done hundreds of years ago by a very few people. Don't even mention that some slave owners were neggras themselves, or that many indentured servants enslaved by their contracts were white.
So why did he screw her over when he went away to do his "important" work and left her to manage the farm? He failed his life partner, his love partner, and his bed partner instead of looking out for her interests. Any suggestions?
Yes. Read the unbiased citation of history I posted before you go around making John Adams out to be Drew Peterson. Grow up.

You are disgusting to bring up my family. My father was a prime example of loyalty and commitment to marriage and family. It was an honor for me to care for him in his old age, and see that he was buried with his wedding ring firmly on his finger, as he would carry me back to bed after a nightmare brought me to sleep between my parents and taught me to be skepical. Don't believe all that you hear, mean what you say, question, doubt, read, learn, seek for yourself, whatever house of worship you want to visit, I will drive you. I was raised by a GIANT of a man.
Oh, you don't like someone smearing someone else's character based on sheer suspicion or the scantest of evidence?
The way you attacked John Adams I thought you did. Now you know how it feels.
I'm sure your father was great just as I am sure of John Adams. Do some research like I did.
Why did Adams abandon his partner rather than representing her interests?
You apparently cannot understand that he was representing her interests by doing the job he did.
Historical illiteracy and block-headed presentism can lead to unfortunate displays of ignorance. John Adams was one of the most fawning, romantic presidents in US history.
But he didn't get American women the voting franchise in 1797, which I am
guessing is why he was considered a failure and a bum by certain people who live in a bubble of unreality and absurd expectations. He's considered a disappointing failure because he could not move the entire nation 123 years into the future and gain women the right to if it was all up to him alone on his say.

What "entire nation"? The population has always been approximately half and half. What speech did he make on behalf of the political rights of the female half of the population? Did any man stand up for the rights of their mothers, wives, daughters? Men have always claimed to represent the women in their families but did nothing in reality. For years in the U.S., a man was allowed to steal his wife's property. There's nothing like a little theft among lovers.
Misandrist much?
Being white is quite an accomplishment.

Being white seems to lead to accomplishments.

Could you imagine this country without whites? Place would be Batswana of that for a moment.:113:

You dont need to imagine countries without whites. They exist in reality.

Says the ignorant racist. Your (sic) monstrously stupid and ignorant. Try living a single day without white science, technology, medicine, etc.

I never get into these threads where white advancements are held up as mark of superiority but you make it impossible not to. Go hack a Hutu tribesman to death with your machete. Go cure yourself of malaria, diarrhea, TB, measles, syphilis or any of the common diseases that wrack Africa.

Try drinking your filthy water. You wouldn't be here without the evil white man tapping away at your little keyboard spreading your hate around. You are a malignant cancer.
I'm trying to say that it is a two-way street. If you were caring for your own children, it's not "babysitting." It's called "parenting."
I'm saying when mommy is out screwing her boy friend, who she married and then divorced less than a year later, it's called baby sitting.
Did this wife of yours "babysit" your children? There are plenty of men, who are husbands and fathers, go off playing around socially and in bedrooms and their wives are left to "babysit." What does the word "babysit" mean? Parents must raise their children. Anyone who strays from the nest and leaves the other parent alone to look after the children that the two of them have produced together through the act of sexual intercourse is scum.
Did this wife of yours "babysit" your children? There are plenty of men, who are husbands and fathers, go off playing around socially and in bedrooms and their wives are left to "babysit." What does the word "babysit" mean? Parents must raise their children.
You have much misplaced anger.
Surely you have something better to do than to fixate and obsess over my choice of words.
Yes, plenty of men who are out with bedroom partners while their wives are home "babysitting". I don't condone it or approve in the least.

Anyone who strays from the nest and leaves the other parent alone to look after the children that the two of them have produced together through the act of sexual intercourse is scum.
We're in clear agreement there, at least.
According to Liberals in general and Democrats in particular Whites are evil because hundreds of years ago they enslaved Neggras, that are now the core voting block of the filthy Democrat Party.

Whites are also evil because they want to keep Central America and Mexico from exporting their poverty to the US, which also provides voters for the filthy Democrat Party.
All the white people I know have never enslaved any neggras. To my knowledge, none of my ancestors enslaved any neggras. Therein lies the fallacy pedaled by liberals and dems that all white people today should be castigated for something done hundreds of years ago by a very few people. Don't even mention that some slave owners were neggras themselves, or that many indentured servants enslaved by their contracts were white.
What are "neggras"? Is this like "white" or "Polish"? Explain please.

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