there is nothing wrong or racist about being proud of being white !

So why did he screw her over when he went away to do his "important" work and left her to manage the farm? He failed his life partner, his love partner, and his bed partner instead of looking out for her interests. Any suggestions?
Yes. Read the unbiased citation of history I posted before you go around making John Adams out to be Drew Peterson. Grow up.

You are disgusting to bring up my family. My father was a prime example of loyalty and commitment to marriage and family. It was an honor for me to care for him in his old age, and see that he was buried with his wedding ring firmly on his finger, as he would carry me back to bed after a nightmare brought me to sleep between my parents and taught me to be skepical. Don't believe all that you hear, mean what you say, question, doubt, read, learn, seek for yourself, whatever house of worship you want to visit, I will drive you. I was raised by a GIANT of a man.
Oh, you don't like someone smearing someone else's character based on sheer suspicion or the scantest of evidence?
The way you attacked John Adams I thought you did. Now you know how it feels.
I'm sure your father was great just as I am sure of John Adams. Do some research like I did.

How did John act at the request of Abigail, his love? Give me one thing that shows that when he traveled to his meetings he championed Abigail and her thoughts. It is obvious that the "founding fathers" turned their backs on their supposed loved ones. History shows that many, and maybe most, men let their women down.

Female Americans were not allowed to vote for their representatives in government until 1920, regardless of the claim that the legitimacy of government depends on the consent of the governed. Britain shares a similar shameful history. Love, Loyalty, Commitment.."I've got your back." "When you go through physical suffering to deliver our baby into the world, I'm there to ease your pain and comfort you."

Historical illiteracy and block-headed presentism can lead to unfortunate displays of ignorance. John Adams was one of the most fawning, romantic presidents in US history.

Could be, but why did he abandon Abigail's interests? Why did he fail her?
You can't "babysit" your own children.If the situation was so bad, you would take YOUR children away to make sure that they were shielded, wouldn't you, being the only parent present. You talk as if these kids were not yours.
I can't explain all the many circumstances and events during the worst time of my life to you nor do you deserve an explanation of why I choose the words I choose.
Usually when one or both parents are off frolicking a babysitter is called in. If you don't like my verbiage that's just too bad. I owe you nothing! Less than nothing, actually.
Historical illiteracy and block-headed presentism can lead to unfortunate displays of ignorance. John Adams was one of the most fawning, romantic presidents in US history.
But he didn't get American women the voting franchise in 1797, which I am
guessing is why he was considered a failure and a bum by certain people who live in a bubble of unreality and absurd expectations. He's considered a disappointing failure because he could not move the entire nation 123 years into the future and gain women the right to if it was all up to him alone on his say.

What "entire nation"? The population has always been approximately half and half. What speech did he make on behalf of the political rights of the female half of the population? Did any man stand up for the rights of their mothers, wives, daughters? Men have always claimed to represent the women in their families but did nothing in reality. For years in the U.S., a man was allowed to steal his wife's property. There's nothing like a little theft among lovers.
all we here from the left is how evil and cruel the white race is ....i encourage other Caucasians to post what they are proud of .

People from India, for example, are definitely of the Caucasian race, although I would not call them "white" on the basis of skin color.

Go back in your family tree to ancient Norse druids, the old Wiccan religion, the ancient runes of the elder futhark, etc., etc.

People can't even be proud of stuff like that without trashing it and hating on a bunch of other people without cause.
What "entire nation"? The population has always been approximately half and half. What speech did he make on behalf of the political rights of the female half of the population? Did any man stand up for the rights of their mothers, wives, daughters? Men have always claimed to represent the women in their families but did nothing in reality. For years in the U.S., a man was allowed to steal his wife's property. There's nothing like a little theft among lovers.
This is an argument I don't want to have, and won't have, but let me say briefly you assume every female in America wanted the vote.Truthfully it was a radical position to many women (just like far from every woman wants access to
unfettered abortions). I'm sure in 1797 the idea was even more radical and on the fringe.
Good day to you, madame.
What "entire nation"? The population has always been approximately half and half. What speech did he make on behalf of the political rights of the female half of the population? Did any man stand up for the rights of their mothers, wives, daughters? Men have always claimed to represent the women in their families but did nothing in reality. For years in the U.S., a man was allowed to steal his wife's property. There's nothing like a little theft among lovers.
This is an argument I don't want to have, and won't have, but let me say briefly you assume every female in America wanted the vote.Truthfully it was a radical position to many women (just like far from every woman wants access to
unfettered abortions). I'm sure in 1797 the idea was even more radical and on the fringe.
Good day to you, madame.
The vote should have been there for every person who wished to exercise the franchise. Women who chose to vote were arrested. As for your comment about abortion (I don't know what an "unfettered abortion" is), the same applies. The concept is that a choice is available, and an individual choses what she wishes to do. One does not have to vote or have an abortion, but all options are open. It's about freedom and democracy.
The vote should have been there for every person who wished to exercise the franchise. Women who chose to vote were arrested. As for your comment about abortion (I don't know what an "unfettered abortion" is), the same applies. The concept is that a choice is available, and an individual choses what she wishes to do. One does not have to vote or have an abortion, but all options are open. It's about freedom and democracy.
Be careful you don't wind up "shoulding" all over yourself. Life doesn't run based on what you think should happen.
My marriage never should have been ruined by the actions of a mentally unstable person. I don't live in that world
where I waste time on what ifs.

And an unfettered abortion is one that isn't bound by any abortion law so if you want to abort thirty minutes before delivery then that's what you do. Once again, good day to you.
So why did he screw her over when he went away to do his "important" work and left her to manage the farm? He failed his life partner, his love partner, and his bed partner instead of looking out for her interests. Any suggestions?
Yes. Read the unbiased citation of history I posted before you go around making John Adams out to be Drew Peterson. Grow up.

You are disgusting to bring up my family. My father was a prime example of loyalty and commitment to marriage and family. It was an honor for me to care for him in his old age, and see that he was buried with his wedding ring firmly on his finger, as he would carry me back to bed after a nightmare brought me to sleep between my parents and taught me to be skepical. Don't believe all that you hear, mean what you say, question, doubt, read, learn, seek for yourself, whatever house of worship you want to visit, I will drive you. I was raised by a GIANT of a man.
Oh, you don't like someone smearing someone else's character based on sheer suspicion or the scantest of evidence?
The way you attacked John Adams I thought you did. Now you know how it feels.
I'm sure your father was great just as I am sure of John Adams. Do some research like I did.

How did John act at the request of Abigail, his love? Give me one thing that shows that when he traveled to his meetings he championed Abigail and her thoughts. It is obvious that the "founding fathers" turned their backs on their supposed loved ones. History shows that many, and maybe most, men let their women down.

Female Americans were not allowed to vote for their representatives in government until 1920, regardless of the claim that the legitimacy of government depends on the consent of the governed. Britain shares a similar shameful history. Love, Loyalty, Commitment.."I've got your back." "When you go through physical suffering to deliver our baby into the world, I'm there to ease your pain and comfort you."

Historical illiteracy and block-headed presentism can lead to unfortunate displays of ignorance. John Adams was one of the most fawning, romantic presidents in US history.

Could be, but why did he abandon Abigail's interests? Why did he fail her?

He didn’t, you idiot.
The vote should have been there for every person who wished to exercise the franchise. Women who chose to vote were arrested. As for your comment about abortion (I don't know what an "unfettered abortion" is), the same applies. The concept is that a choice is available, and an individual choses what she wishes to do. One does not have to vote or have an abortion, but all options are open. It's about freedom and democracy.
Be careful you don't wind up "shoulding" all over yourself. Life doesn't run based on what you think should happen.
My marriage never should have been ruined by the actions of a mentally unstable person. I don't live in that world
where I waste time on what ifs.

And an unfettered abortion is one that isn't bound by any abortion law so if you want to abort thirty minutes before delivery then that's what you do. Once again, good day to you.

Given the ridiculousness of all of these extremist abortion laws, like forcing people to undergo unnecessary and intrusive physical examinations, to attend sectarian religious "counseling," forcing doctors to tell their patients about some politicians' philosophical conclusions as if they were fact, etc.,the woman must remain the ultimate decision-maker, not some know-nothing, wacko politicians. Nobody chooses to abort minutes before delivery. This is an incredible bit of nonsense.
So why did he screw her over when he went away to do his "important" work and left her to manage the farm? He failed his life partner, his love partner, and his bed partner instead of looking out for her interests. Any suggestions?
Yes. Read the unbiased citation of history I posted before you go around making John Adams out to be Drew Peterson. Grow up.

You are disgusting to bring up my family. My father was a prime example of loyalty and commitment to marriage and family. It was an honor for me to care for him in his old age, and see that he was buried with his wedding ring firmly on his finger, as he would carry me back to bed after a nightmare brought me to sleep between my parents and taught me to be skepical. Don't believe all that you hear, mean what you say, question, doubt, read, learn, seek for yourself, whatever house of worship you want to visit, I will drive you. I was raised by a GIANT of a man.
Oh, you don't like someone smearing someone else's character based on sheer suspicion or the scantest of evidence?
The way you attacked John Adams I thought you did. Now you know how it feels.
I'm sure your father was great just as I am sure of John Adams. Do some research like I did.

How did John act at the request of Abigail, his love? Give me one thing that shows that when he traveled to his meetings he championed Abigail and her thoughts. It is obvious that the "founding fathers" turned their backs on their supposed loved ones. History shows that many, and maybe most, men let their women down.

Female Americans were not allowed to vote for their representatives in government until 1920, regardless of the claim that the legitimacy of government depends on the consent of the governed. Britain shares a similar shameful history. Love, Loyalty, Commitment.."I've got your back." "When you go through physical suffering to deliver our baby into the world, I'm there to ease your pain and comfort you."

Historical illiteracy and block-headed presentism can lead to unfortunate displays of ignorance. John Adams was one of the most fawning, romantic presidents in US history.

Could be, but why did he abandon Abigail's interests? Why did he fail her?

He didn’t, you idiot.
If I'm the "idiot" here, point me to any evidence that he brought any matter concerning women and their political rights up to his colleagues and was unsuccessful.
Given the ridiculousness of all of these extremist abortion laws, like forcing people to undergo unnecessary and intrusive physical examinations, to attend sectarian religious "counseling," forcing doctors to tell their patients about some politicians' philosophical conclusions as if they were fact, etc.,the woman must remain the ultimate decision-maker, not some know-nothing, wacko politicians. Nobody chooses to abort minutes before delivery. This is an incredible bit of nonsense.
Not looking for a debate. You asked for an example of unfettered abortion and I gave it to you.
all we here from the left is how evil and cruel the white race is ........race shaming against whites has gone into overdrive ......while is see no problem with black or Latino or asians being proud of who they are it is somehow against the rules to have pride in white accomplishments .... so in this thread i will be posting things that make me proud of white my race has accomplished ....i encourage other Caucasians to post what they are proud of .

The thing about being proud of your skin color...regardless of it is stupid....and dumb. Skin color has nothing to do with intelligence, personality, character, whether you are a hard worker, bad worker, kind, any emphasis on skin color is really F*****g stupid. And this is why the democrat party embraces skin is easy to use to gain power.......
all we here from the left is how evil and cruel the white race is ........race shaming against whites has gone into overdrive ......while is see no problem with black or Latino or asians being proud of who they are it is somehow against the rules to have pride in white accomplishments .... so in this thread i will be posting things that make me proud of white my race has accomplished ....i encourage other Caucasians to post what they are proud of .

The thing about being proud of your skin color...regardless of it is stupid....and dumb. Skin color has nothing to do with intelligence, personality, character, whether you are a hard worker, bad worker, kind, any emphasis on skin color is really F*****g stupid. And this is why the democrat party embraces skin is easy to use to gain power.......
yep !!!! and its even worse when people are held responsible for the sins of the past because of their skin color .
Yes. Read the unbiased citation of history I posted before you go around making John Adams out to be Drew Peterson. Grow up.

Oh, you don't like someone smearing someone else's character based on sheer suspicion or the scantest of evidence?
The way you attacked John Adams I thought you did. Now you know how it feels.
I'm sure your father was great just as I am sure of John Adams. Do some research like I did.

How did John act at the request of Abigail, his love? Give me one thing that shows that when he traveled to his meetings he championed Abigail and her thoughts. It is obvious that the "founding fathers" turned their backs on their supposed loved ones. History shows that many, and maybe most, men let their women down.

Female Americans were not allowed to vote for their representatives in government until 1920, regardless of the claim that the legitimacy of government depends on the consent of the governed. Britain shares a similar shameful history. Love, Loyalty, Commitment.."I've got your back." "When you go through physical suffering to deliver our baby into the world, I'm there to ease your pain and comfort you."

Historical illiteracy and block-headed presentism can lead to unfortunate displays of ignorance. John Adams was one of the most fawning, romantic presidents in US history.

Could be, but why did he abandon Abigail's interests? Why did he fail her?

He didn’t, you idiot.
If I'm the "idiot" here, point me to any evidence that he brought any matter concerning women and their political rights up to his colleagues and was unsuccessful.

You really are the idiot here. Why didn't he invent the airplane, write computer code, or champion gay marriage? You are an imbecile.
all we here from the left is how evil and cruel the white race is ........race shaming against whites has gone into overdrive ......while is see no problem with black or Latino or asians being proud of who they are it is somehow against the rules to have pride in white accomplishments .... so in this thread i will be posting things that make me proud of white my race has accomplished ....i encourage other Caucasians to post what they are proud of .
There is nothing wrong with being racist.

You really are the idiot here. Why didn't he invent the airplane, write computer code, or champion gay marriage? You are an imbecile.
Blaming John Adams because women did not get the vote during his presidency is like blaming Barack Obama because meat eating was not outlawed during his regime.
Or reparations were not made law of the land. It is absolutely insanely unreasonable to think any president could
move an entire nation into a direction it doesn't want to go, or isn't ready to go, decades ahead of it's time.
You white people are beyond pathetic and ridiculous....nobody and I mean nobody gives a rats fuck about you and this need to be proud of your race. You can march, rally, do what ever the fuck is necessary to show yourselves how proud you are to be white...and truth be told, you do have reason to be proud. You've had the red carpet treatment since the beginning of time and have been unstoppable in your pursuit to pat yourselves on the back and be proud......BUT YOU WHAT YOU TEND TO DO WITH THIS PROUDNESS, IS PLACE YOUR FOOT on the necks of others. Your proud Klan rallies, often end with violence and people hurt, your need to be isolated from everyone, often ends in discriminating against other, your need to have financial superiority, excludes others from making a living, your need to own this country, excludes be proud, show your ass, but damit, get your foot off our necks and have at it.
After years of enslaving blacks, democrats are now telling blacks democrats are their friends.
Some blacks are buying it. lol
If you look at liberal'd find their contributions to the life we have in this country to be quite impressive. From a 40 hour work week to clean air for breathing...the list is endless and your too stupid to continue

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