There is only 1 patriot in the trump family and it ain't dumb donald

Almost a million sales of Mary Trump's assessment of her uncle's Cajones-Free, Cheating as a way of life--book portrayal. The contents, like Bolton's book--are likely reflected in the 15% poll drops, of the "Morning Business" Agenda, of the Trump Family Zingers. "UnMasked--The RNC Creates 'Blue Wave 2020'--All The Way DownTicket Nationwide" will likely create a cluster of opinion-wrenching commentaries going forward! The response will possibly be 1000 Republicans clustered beneath a beach umbrella in Jacksonville, FL--getting ticketed and arrested at the acceptance speech of Donald John Trump!

Helping with "The poop, the whole poop, and nothing but the poop," so help us mythology: Trump Administration.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred"
(A Look at Matt 25: 14-30 helping to explain why Amendment 2 comes right after Amendment One!)
The fact that people have the time and money to buy and read garbage like this is proof of how great this country Trump has created is.
Lol innuendo and bullshit like Bolton's and Mary's will always sell big to suckers like Democrats. Hope they all bought the hardbacks and got charged $100 each for them.
All these butt hurt losers trying to make a quick buck off TDS...

The fact that people have the time and money to buy and read garbage like this is proof of how great this country Trump has created is.

So you think nobody read books before Trump's presidency? You know that is pathetically stupid, don't you?
All the copies pre-sold to The Committee to Elect Joe Biden for President.
You’re confusing parties. It was the Pubs who bought the last Trump book with campaign funds.
So you think nobody read books before Trump's presidency? You know that is pathetically stupid, don't you?

The ONLY people who might read this book are already losers and haters.

Meh....if anything, it will increase the number of voters for trump in November. Americans are sick of the left's lies and love of hatred.
The ONLY people who might read this book are already losers and haters.

Meh....if anything, it will increase the number of voters for trump in November. Americans are sick of the left's lies and love of hatred.

Is that what they are saying in the Trump bubble now?
To be fair, a book never changes the minds of most people.

For example, the books that have criticized President Obama have not dented the love that many people have for him.

So a book that criticizes President Trump will not have one iota of electoral influence.

For example, I have just read headlines that the author accused the Donald of using the N-word.

1. He might well have done so.
2. Lots of people, including so-called "liberals," have done so.
3. Lots of people, who would usually never use that word, have done so in a fit of anger.

Chances are that this book will go the way of the Bolton book: straight to the counter for remainders.
I don't see any Marxists. What I do see is a fascist president supported by other fascists. What trump represents is unamerican. A vote for trump is a vote against America.

Trump does not have Brownshirt organizations in the streets ripping people out of their cars and looting businesses. Your side owns that. Using fascist tactics saying you are “anti-faschist”.
Mary Trump is a true patriot.

Mary Trump says the U.S. has devolved into a version of her ‘incredibly dysfunctional family’

Mary Trump says the U.S. has devolved into a version of her ‘incredibly dysfunctional family’
Mary Trump says the U.S. has devolved into a version of her ‘incredibly dysfunctional family’
Mary L. Trump, President’s Trump’s niece, said that watching the country’s leadership devolve into “a macro version of my incredibly dysfunctional family” was one of the factors that compelled her to write her book, “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man.”
In an interview Wednesday with The Washington Post, Mary Trump said she blames “almost 100 percent” her grandfather, Fred Trump — the family patriarch whom she describes as a “sociopath” in her 214-page memoir of sorts — for creating the conditions that led to Trump’s rise and, ultimately, what she views as his dangerous presidency.

Since we are to believe family members with a grudge, we should all assume obama is a kenyan?
Trump Administration credibility is near zero, and cratering, So people are paying much attention to any tweets.

Sixty percent of Americans disapprove of President Trump’s handling of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic as COVID-19 cases continue to spike across the country, according to a new Post-ABC News poll.

The survey released Friday found that 38 percent of Americans approve of the president’s handling of the pandemic, down from 46 percent who said the same in May and 51 percent of respondents in March.

The president’s disapproval rating on his handling of the pandemic is up from 53 percent in May and 45 percent in March.

Over half of survey respondents, 52 percent, disapprove “strongly” of the president’s leadership amid the outbreak, marking an increase from 36 percent in March.

The poll also found that Trump’s ratings on his management of the pandemic have dipped among groups that have been his strongest supporters.

Among white evangelical protestants, 68 percent approved of Trump’s handling of the pandemic, a 16-point drop, according to The Washington Post.
Fifty-six percent of white men without college degrees agreed, in addition to 48 percent of rural residents.

Among political independents, 39 percent approve of the president’s handling of the outbreak. Just 4 percent of Democrat’s said they approve, and 79 percent of Republicans agreed.

The majority of survey respondents also said that they do not trust what Trump says publicly about the outbreak. Over 6 in 10 said that they do not trust what the president says, which includes 2 in 3 political independents and approximately 3 in 10 Republicans.

More people would likely buy a used car from Richard Nixon, who is even dead(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many might wonder if Jews buy cars from one another--per Deut 23: 19-20. Per Bank of Israel and Bank of Dubai--only if there is reasonable profit from loans(?). So they have options(?)!)
I don't see any Marxists. What I do see is a fascist president supported by other fascists. What trump represents is unamerican. A vote for trump is a vote against America.
You see what you want to. When empowered fully, the Prog Socialists are going to kill a lot of people. Guess who will be on that list?

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