There is something seriously warped about this Duggar statement

Yes, I am ignorant of that fact. Could you name a few out of the millions.

Me. I work 2 days per week for free, volunteering to help people in my community. In fact, I go to work in 45 minutes for the rest of the day. I have been doing this for over 4 years. I am an atheist.

How many of your fellow atheists join you?

I'm an atheist and I go to church. I haven't gone lately because of work, but I do attend. Our children participate in a "Coming of Age" program, and part of that program is doing xyz hours of community service. We do "Hot Dogs for the Homeless" every other week.

That is commendable. Are you raising your children to be atheists if I may ask?

I'm raised them to think for themselves. My son, the oldest, considers himself to be Christian. However, my daughter I believe is agnostic. I believe in a free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
Millions of people who are not religious or Christians do volunteer work. Where on earth did you get the idea this is just something Christians do? What amazing ignorance you show.

Yes, I am ignorant of that fact. Could you name a few out of the millions.

Me. I work 2 days per week for free, volunteering to help people in my community. In fact, I go to work in 45 minutes for the rest of the day. I have been doing this for over 4 years. I am an atheist.

How many of your fellow atheists join you?

I'm an atheist and I go to church. I haven't gone lately because of work, but I do attend. Our children participate in a "Coming of Age" program, and part of that program is doing xyz hours of community service. We do "Hot Dogs for the Homeless" every other week.
One thing I do know is that many public schools have organizations in which the students do volunteer and charity work--this includes public elementary, middle and high schools as well as community colleges and universities. As well, countless non-religious, non-profit organizations are centered around charity and volunteer programs, exist for such purposes only.

One program that is in international high schools, the IB program, has as part of its curriculum a service program in which students to do charity and volunteer work. These public and private, non-religious, schools instill the idea of public service in young people, and those young people continue to do such volunteer work throughout their lives--completely unrelated to religion and religious entities.

The idea that public service, charity and volunteer work is restricted to religious entities is highly, highly ludicrous.

You are the dork that keeps restricting volunteer work to religious entities, not me. At least you finally named a program. May I ask where the public schools get the funding for this admirable program?
Yes, I am ignorant of that fact. Could you name a few out of the millions.

Me. I work 2 days per week for free, volunteering to help people in my community. In fact, I go to work in 45 minutes for the rest of the day. I have been doing this for over 4 years. I am an atheist.

How many of your fellow atheists join you?

I'm an atheist and I go to church. I haven't gone lately because of work, but I do attend. Our children participate in a "Coming of Age" program, and part of that program is doing xyz hours of community service. We do "Hot Dogs for the Homeless" every other week.

That is commendable. Are you raising your children to be atheists if I may ask?

I'm raised them to think for themselves. My son, the oldest, considers himself to be Christian. However, my daughter I believe is agnostic. I believe in a free and responsible search for truth and meaning;

When I was growing up the only time my Mom and Dad went to Church was on Christmas and Easter. Mom woke all three of us up every Sunday morning and asked it we wanted to go to Church. We almost always did.
We walked about 6 blocks to this huge Catholic Church where my oldest sister went, one more block and my baby sister went to this huge Lutheran Church and I had to walk two more blocks to a very small Methodist Church.
I did the same with my kids, although I attended more frequently, and two of them still attend Church and two of them are not members of any Church, but do attend on occasion.
I gave them a choice and they chose wisely IMO.
Me. I work 2 days per week for free, volunteering to help people in my community. In fact, I go to work in 45 minutes for the rest of the day. I have been doing this for over 4 years. I am an atheist.

How many of your fellow atheists join you?

I'm an atheist and I go to church. I haven't gone lately because of work, but I do attend. Our children participate in a "Coming of Age" program, and part of that program is doing xyz hours of community service. We do "Hot Dogs for the Homeless" every other week.

That is commendable. Are you raising your children to be atheists if I may ask?

I'm raised them to think for themselves. My son, the oldest, considers himself to be Christian. However, my daughter I believe is agnostic. I believe in a free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
Yes, I am ignorant of that fact. Could you name a few out of the millions.

Me. I work 2 days per week for free, volunteering to help people in my community. In fact, I go to work in 45 minutes for the rest of the day. I have been doing this for over 4 years. I am an atheist.

How many of your fellow atheists join you?

I'm an atheist and I go to church. I haven't gone lately because of work, but I do attend. Our children participate in a "Coming of Age" program, and part of that program is doing xyz hours of community service. We do "Hot Dogs for the Homeless" every other week.
One thing I do know is that many public schools have organizations in which the students do volunteer and charity work--this includes public elementary, middle and high schools as well as community colleges and universities. As well, countless non-religious, non-profit organizations are centered around charity and volunteer programs, exist for such purposes only.

One program that is in international high schools, the IB program, has as part of its curriculum a service program in which students to do charity and volunteer work. These public and private, non-religious, schools instill the idea of public service in young people, and those young people continue to do such volunteer work throughout their lives--completely unrelated to religion and religious entities.

The idea that public service, charity and volunteer work is restricted to religious entities is highly, highly ludicrous.

You are the dork that keeps restricting volunteer work to religious entities, not me. At least you finally named a program. May I ask where the public schools get the funding for this admirable program?

Obviously, you are quoting the wrong person.
How many of your fellow atheists join you?

I'm an atheist and I go to church. I haven't gone lately because of work, but I do attend. Our children participate in a "Coming of Age" program, and part of that program is doing xyz hours of community service. We do "Hot Dogs for the Homeless" every other week.

That is commendable. Are you raising your children to be atheists if I may ask?

I'm raised them to think for themselves. My son, the oldest, considers himself to be Christian. However, my daughter I believe is agnostic. I believe in a free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
Me. I work 2 days per week for free, volunteering to help people in my community. In fact, I go to work in 45 minutes for the rest of the day. I have been doing this for over 4 years. I am an atheist.

How many of your fellow atheists join you?

I'm an atheist and I go to church. I haven't gone lately because of work, but I do attend. Our children participate in a "Coming of Age" program, and part of that program is doing xyz hours of community service. We do "Hot Dogs for the Homeless" every other week.
One thing I do know is that many public schools have organizations in which the students do volunteer and charity work--this includes public elementary, middle and high schools as well as community colleges and universities. As well, countless non-religious, non-profit organizations are centered around charity and volunteer programs, exist for such purposes only.

One program that is in international high schools, the IB program, has as part of its curriculum a service program in which students to do charity and volunteer work. These public and private, non-religious, schools instill the idea of public service in young people, and those young people continue to do such volunteer work throughout their lives--completely unrelated to religion and religious entities.

The idea that public service, charity and volunteer work is restricted to religious entities is highly, highly ludicrous.

You are the dork that keeps restricting volunteer work to religious entities, not me. At least you finally named a program. May I ask where the public schools get the funding for this admirable program?

Obviously, you are quoting the wrong person.

Sorry, that was intended for Esmaralda
I think the fact that Christians are claiming charity and volunteer work as something that is essentially and primarily their province is very telling: they are indeed extremely hypocritical and self righteous: it's really sickening and the antithesis of the true ideals and tenants of real Christianity.
Me. I work 2 days per week for free, volunteering to help people in my community. In fact, I go to work in 45 minutes for the rest of the day. I have been doing this for over 4 years. I am an atheist.

How many of your fellow atheists join you?
How completely ridiculous your thinking is. Is really possible for someone to imagine that the only people who do volunteer work are Christians or religious people? You are really beyond belief. If we had such statistics, I am sure that the number of people who work to help those in need are by far more people who are not Christians than those who are. You are living in a fantasy world if you think it is only Christiand or religious people wh
Me. I work 2 days per week for free, volunteering to help people in my community. In fact, I go to work in 45 minutes for the rest of the day. I have been doing this for over 4 years. I am an atheist.

How many of your fellow atheists join you?
Man, you are really pathetic. Talk about self righteous Christians. There are probably more people on this earth who are not Christians and not religious who do volunteer work thant those who are. Is this what your church tells you, this lie, that only Christians do volunteer work? That only Christians have strong values and morals? That one needs organized religion to be a good, decent person? Wow. What total ignorance.

So far ONE atheist said he did volunteer work. There are THOUSANDS of Churches that have food banks and give financial aid to the poor. I asked for an organized group that does this and you can't even name one. Try harder.
There are multitudes of groups and individuals you do charity work who are not connected with a religious entity. That you don't know that, and that you demand a list of names is ludicrous, completely ludicrous and indicates that something is very, very wrong with you, with your head and your knowledge of the world. You're contention that only religious organizations do charity work is absurd, patently absurd. You are intensely ignorant. Everywhere you turn, there are people who are doing volunteer work and charity work who are not attached to any church for this work. The food banks are not all, no by any means, attached to churches. The one in my area is not. You are really crazy.

You don't know the difference between ask and demand do you? I didn't say charity was restricted to religious organizations, merely that they are the overwhelming majority.

Everywhere I turn there are Churches that do charity work. Here are just a few of them"

Catholic Charities Homepage Catholic Charities USA

Catholic Relief Services

Lutheran World Relief nonprofit in Baltimore MD Volunteer Read Reviews Donate GreatNonprofits

Crisis Disaster Response
They are not the overwhelming majority. That is a myth they tell themselves and you tell yourself. You are pathetic.

You perverts are STILL slandering and libeling Duggar.

Your desperation at being saddled with Hillary is causing you to spin out of orbit....

I had an aunt who was born again in the Church of Christ, when she was in the 8th grade. She spent the rest of her life making judgments about everyone else's morality. She did charity work, for people she never met, sewing clothes, and things like that, but she could not get along with anyone she knew. When she died, only her son and two friends came to her funeral. Her son, my cousin, tells me that the damage that she did to his life in irreparable. Even her own sister refused to have anything to do with her. She wrote off our entire branch of the family 30 years before she died, and never spoke to us again. To the very end, she believed that she was one of the few who would spend eternity in heaven.

It was quite sad, really.
Uhm, no. I am simply still waiting for Josh Duggar to be a real man and take real responsibility for his actions.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Just exactly what do you suggest that he should do?
Come out and admit that he sexually molested at least 5 victims, 1 of which was 5 years old at the time of the abuse. He should also list the number of times he abused each victim, since the police report indicates multiple attacks. And he should return his complete salary from TLC, if any. He should go into an adult counseling program and be removed from his kids until a specialist certifies that he is no danger, sexual or otherwise, to them.

That's what a real man would do.

But Josh Duggar is not a real man. He's a pussy, an out and out pussy who is hiding behind his mama's apron and his papa's checkbook.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

What you said is what a pussy would do. He is married, has three children and no one has accused him of any sexual abuse in 12 years. I suspect you would also want him to say he is in favor of same-sex marriage.
Would you want him living next to you if you have small daughters? Would you let your daughters go to sleepovers at his house?

I raised three daughters and two sons and I would certainly let them go to a sleepover at the Duggar house. He isn't a sexually curios teenager anymore.

Nope, he's a clever adult who may have figured out how to keep his victims quiet and his own mouth shut.
I had an aunt who was born again in the Church of Christ, when she was in the 8th grade. She spent the rest of her life making judgments about everyone else's morality. She did charity work, for people she never met, sewing clothes, and things like that, but she could not get along with anyone she knew. When she died, only her son and two friends came to her funeral. Her son, my cousin, tells me that the damage that she did to his life in irreparable. Even her own sister refused to have anything to do with her. She wrote off our entire branch of the family 30 years before she died, and never spoke to us again. To the very end, she believed that she was one of the few who would spend eternity in heaven.

It was quite sad, really.
I am generally tolerant, initially, if someone says they are religious, Christian, etc. I give them the benefit of the doubt because I know there are good Christians, that is they are just as good as any good person and, as Christians, do their best to adhere to the true tenets of their religion.

In the job I'm in now, in my first year, I worked with two women who said they were Christians, who spoke of being religious and of going to church. I believed they were good people as that is the way they presented themselves. I was very friendly with them because I believed they were good people. Both of them totally fucked me over during that year, worse than most people in my entire life have, one of them after I had spent a couple of hours the day before on my computer doing research for her to help her in her job: she was new that year too. The other one was downright cruel to me for no reason and completely betrayed what I thought was a friendship. Sad to say, far more often than not, so called Christians are the most self centered, dishonest, vicious people going. That was the last time I have given any religious person the benefit of the doubt. From now on, they need to prove without doubt they are good people or I don't believe them.

This forum shows over and over again that many of those who claim to be Christians or godly people are nothing of the kind.
I had an aunt who was born again in the Church of Christ, when she was in the 8th grade. She spent the rest of her life making judgments about everyone else's morality. She did charity work, for people she never met, sewing clothes, and things like that, but she could not get along with anyone she knew. When she died, only her son and two friends came to her funeral. Her son, my cousin, tells me that the damage that she did to his life in irreparable. Even her own sister refused to have anything to do with her. She wrote off our entire branch of the family 30 years before she died, and never spoke to us again. To the very end, she believed that she was one of the few who would spend eternity in heaven.

It was quite sad, really.

I was raised in the Church of Christ, until my teens, up until my mother divorced dad. Different members of the church came over every night for a week, and would make my mother cry. Then the church ousted her from the church she was raised in. There are some very good people who attend that church, however, I would say they are stuffy and judgmental, overall. They believe they are the only ones going to heaven. There is only one book, and only one way to interpret the book.

At one point, I went on a mission to find the church for me. I started reading the Bible, instead of just carrying it with me to church. I had no idea I was beginning the journey to becoming an atheist. :D I'll never step foot in an arrogant, self righteous, fundamentalist church again. Just the thought of it makes me sick to my stomach.
I had an aunt who was born again in the Church of Christ, when she was in the 8th grade. She spent the rest of her life making judgments about everyone else's morality. She did charity work, for people she never met, sewing clothes, and things like that, but she could not get along with anyone she knew. When she died, only her son and two friends came to her funeral. Her son, my cousin, tells me that the damage that she did to his life in irreparable. Even her own sister refused to have anything to do with her. She wrote off our entire branch of the family 30 years before she died, and never spoke to us again. To the very end, she believed that she was one of the few who would spend eternity in heaven.

It was quite sad, really.
I am generally tolerant, initially, if someone says they are religious, Christian, etc. I give them the benefit of the doubt because I know there are good Christians, that is they are just as good as any good person and, as Christians, do their best to adhere to the true tenets of their religion.

In the job I'm in now, in my first year, I worked with two women who said they were Christians, who spoke of being religious and of going to church. I believed they were good people as that is the way they presented themselves. I was very friendly with them because I believed they were good people. Both of them totally fucked me over during that year, worse than most people in my entire life have, one of them after I had spent a couple of hours the day before on my computer doing research for her to help her in her job: she was new that year too. The other one was downright cruel to me for no reason and completely betrayed what I thought was a friendship. Sad to say, far more often than not, so called Christians are the most self centered, dishonest, vicious people going. That was the last time I have given any religious person the benefit of the doubt. From now on, they need to prove without doubt they are good people or I don't believe them.

This forum shows over and over again that many of those who claim to be Christians or godly people are nothing of the kind.
Have you ever though it was you? Your contempt for Christians was obvious from the first post you sent to me writing things that I did not post and questioning my intelligence with insults.
Just exactly what do you suggest that he should do?
Come out and admit that he sexually molested at least 5 victims, 1 of which was 5 years old at the time of the abuse. He should also list the number of times he abused each victim, since the police report indicates multiple attacks. And he should return his complete salary from TLC, if any. He should go into an adult counseling program and be removed from his kids until a specialist certifies that he is no danger, sexual or otherwise, to them.

That's what a real man would do.

But Josh Duggar is not a real man. He's a pussy, an out and out pussy who is hiding behind his mama's apron and his papa's checkbook.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

What you said is what a pussy would do. He is married, has three children and no one has accused him of any sexual abuse in 12 years. I suspect you would also want him to say he is in favor of same-sex marriage.
Would you want him living next to you if you have small daughters? Would you let your daughters go to sleepovers at his house?

I raised three daughters and two sons and I would certainly let them go to a sleepover at the Duggar house. He isn't a sexually curios teenager anymore.

Nope, he's a clever adult who may have figured out how to keep his victims quiet and his own mouth shut.

There are fools that think Josh Duggar hasn't been under close and constant monitoring for the last 12 years and you are one of those.
Come out and admit that he sexually molested at least 5 victims, 1 of which was 5 years old at the time of the abuse. He should also list the number of times he abused each victim, since the police report indicates multiple attacks. And he should return his complete salary from TLC, if any. He should go into an adult counseling program and be removed from his kids until a specialist certifies that he is no danger, sexual or otherwise, to them.

That's what a real man would do.

But Josh Duggar is not a real man. He's a pussy, an out and out pussy who is hiding behind his mama's apron and his papa's checkbook.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

What you said is what a pussy would do. He is married, has three children and no one has accused him of any sexual abuse in 12 years. I suspect you would also want him to say he is in favor of same-sex marriage.
Would you want him living next to you if you have small daughters? Would you let your daughters go to sleepovers at his house?

I raised three daughters and two sons and I would certainly let them go to a sleepover at the Duggar house. He isn't a sexually curios teenager anymore.

Nope, he's a clever adult who may have figured out how to keep his victims quiet and his own mouth shut.

There are fools that think Josh Duggar hasn't been under close and constant monitoring for the last 12 years and you are one of those.

Why would he need to be under constant monitoring?
I had an aunt who was born again in the Church of Christ, when she was in the 8th grade. She spent the rest of her life making judgments about everyone else's morality. She did charity work, for people she never met, sewing clothes, and things like that, but she could not get along with anyone she knew. When she died, only her son and two friends came to her funeral. Her son, my cousin, tells me that the damage that she did to his life in irreparable. Even her own sister refused to have anything to do with her. She wrote off our entire branch of the family 30 years before she died, and never spoke to us again. To the very end, she believed that she was one of the few who would spend eternity in heaven.

It was quite sad, really.
I am generally tolerant, initially, if someone says they are religious, Christian, etc. I give them the benefit of the doubt because I know there are good Christians, that is they are just as good as any good person and, as Christians, do their best to adhere to the true tenets of their religion.

In the job I'm in now, in my first year, I worked with two women who said they were Christians, who spoke of being religious and of going to church. I believed they were good people as that is the way they presented themselves. I was very friendly with them because I believed they were good people. Both of them totally fucked me over during that year, worse than most people in my entire life have, one of them after I had spent a couple of hours the day before on my computer doing research for her to help her in her job: she was new that year too. The other one was downright cruel to me for no reason and completely betrayed what I thought was a friendship. Sad to say, far more often than not, so called Christians are the most self centered, dishonest, vicious people going. That was the last time I have given any religious person the benefit of the doubt. From now on, they need to prove without doubt they are good people or I don't believe them.

This forum shows over and over again that many of those who claim to be Christians or godly people are nothing of the kind.
Have you ever though it was you? Your contempt for Christians was obvious from the first post you sent to me writing things that I did not post and questioning my intelligence with insults.

I could be wrong, but I think that contempt is directed specifically at you.
What you said is what a pussy would do. He is married, has three children and no one has accused him of any sexual abuse in 12 years. I suspect you would also want him to say he is in favor of same-sex marriage.
Would you want him living next to you if you have small daughters? Would you let your daughters go to sleepovers at his house?

I raised three daughters and two sons and I would certainly let them go to a sleepover at the Duggar house. He isn't a sexually curios teenager anymore.

Nope, he's a clever adult who may have figured out how to keep his victims quiet and his own mouth shut.

There are fools that think Josh Duggar hasn't been under close and constant monitoring for the last 12 years and you are one of those.

Why would he need to be under constant monitoring?

Because of his disgusting actions with his sisters 12 years ago.
Would you want him living next to you if you have small daughters? Would you let your daughters go to sleepovers at his house?

I raised three daughters and two sons and I would certainly let them go to a sleepover at the Duggar house. He isn't a sexually curios teenager anymore.

Nope, he's a clever adult who may have figured out how to keep his victims quiet and his own mouth shut.

There are fools that think Josh Duggar hasn't been under close and constant monitoring for the last 12 years and you are one of those.

Why would he need to be under constant monitoring?

Because of his disgusting actions with his sisters 12 years ago.

And this is the man you said you'd feel fine leaving your children with? Wowza!
I had an aunt who was born again in the Church of Christ, when she was in the 8th grade. She spent the rest of her life making judgments about everyone else's morality. She did charity work, for people she never met, sewing clothes, and things like that, but she could not get along with anyone she knew. When she died, only her son and two friends came to her funeral. Her son, my cousin, tells me that the damage that she did to his life in irreparable. Even her own sister refused to have anything to do with her. She wrote off our entire branch of the family 30 years before she died, and never spoke to us again. To the very end, she believed that she was one of the few who would spend eternity in heaven.

It was quite sad, really.
I am generally tolerant, initially, if someone says they are religious, Christian, etc. I give them the benefit of the doubt because I know there are good Christians, that is they are just as good as any good person and, as Christians, do their best to adhere to the true tenets of their religion.

In the job I'm in now, in my first year, I worked with two women who said they were Christians, who spoke of being religious and of going to church. I believed they were good people as that is the way they presented themselves. I was very friendly with them because I believed they were good people. Both of them totally fucked me over during that year, worse than most people in my entire life have, one of them after I had spent a couple of hours the day before on my computer doing research for her to help her in her job: she was new that year too. The other one was downright cruel to me for no reason and completely betrayed what I thought was a friendship. Sad to say, far more often than not, so called Christians are the most self centered, dishonest, vicious people going. That was the last time I have given any religious person the benefit of the doubt. From now on, they need to prove without doubt they are good people or I don't believe them.

This forum shows over and over again that many of those who claim to be Christians or godly people are nothing of the kind.
Have you ever though it was you? Your contempt for Christians was obvious from the first post you sent to me writing things that I did not post and questioning my intelligence with insults.

I could be wrong, but I think that contempt is directed specifically at you.

You are probably correct, although my experience with Christians is the polar opposite of hers and yours. I pity both of you rather than hold you in contempt.

There are a helluva lot more hypocrites sitting at home watching the Sunday morning TV shows than there are in Church. There are a few hypocrites in Church on Sunday, but most of them know they are sinners and are looking for repentance and a way to overcome their sins through Christ.
Some succeed, some don't. It is that simple.
Come out and admit that he sexually molested at least 5 victims, 1 of which was 5 years old at the time of the abuse. He should also list the number of times he abused each victim, since the police report indicates multiple attacks. And he should return his complete salary from TLC, if any. He should go into an adult counseling program and be removed from his kids until a specialist certifies that he is no danger, sexual or otherwise, to them.

That's what a real man would do.

But Josh Duggar is not a real man. He's a pussy, an out and out pussy who is hiding behind his mama's apron and his papa's checkbook.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

What you said is what a pussy would do. He is married, has three children and no one has accused him of any sexual abuse in 12 years. I suspect you would also want him to say he is in favor of same-sex marriage.
Would you want him living next to you if you have small daughters? Would you let your daughters go to sleepovers at his house?

I raised three daughters and two sons and I would certainly let them go to a sleepover at the Duggar house. He isn't a sexually curios teenager anymore.

Nope, he's a clever adult who may have figured out how to keep his victims quiet and his own mouth shut.

There are fools that think Josh Duggar hasn't been under close and constant monitoring for the last 12 years and you are one of those.

By who? The same people that are covering up for him? That's great monitoring.....I'd rather have a court investigation.
I raised three daughters and two sons and I would certainly let them go to a sleepover at the Duggar house. He isn't a sexually curios teenager anymore.

Nope, he's a clever adult who may have figured out how to keep his victims quiet and his own mouth shut.

There are fools that think Josh Duggar hasn't been under close and constant monitoring for the last 12 years and you are one of those.

Why would he need to be under constant monitoring?

Because of his disgusting actions with his sisters 12 years ago.

And this is the man you said you'd feel fine leaving your children with? Wowza!

That man is married and has three children. He has lived an exemplary life under a microscope for 12 years. The answer is still yes, and I would feel a lot more comfortable with him than some others I know.

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