There is something seriously warped about this Duggar statement

Only a damned fool would think that someone in that type of position wouldn't go along with the President....especially if they want to keep their job. CIA officials have admitted that they were coerced.

You're the bigger fool, wanting to believe there was no lie when everyone with a brain knows there was because the liars have admitted it. It appears that you are lacking in the "history" department....that nobody has rewritten, the Bush Administration just finally came clean. Educate yourself.

The Bush administration exerted significant pressure on the intelligence community to provide justification for the Iraq War. According to John Brennan, who was Deputy Director of the CIA at the time, “we were being asked to do things and to make sure that that justification was out there.”

“At the time there were a lot of concerns that it was being politicized by certain individuals within the administration that wanted to get that intelligence base that would justify going forward with the war,” Brennan told PBS. When asked who was exerting this pressure, Brennan said “Some of the neocons” in the administration “were determined to make sure that the intelligence was going to support the ultimate decision.”

And Paul Pillar, the CIA officer who led the hurried effort to provide Congress with a National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq’s WMD programs – an estimate that ultimately contained falsities that the administration retroactively used to justify their incorrect assessments – said,
“The atmosphere in which they were working, in which a policy decision clearly had already been made, in which intelligence was being looked to to support that decision rather to inform decisions yet to be made, was a very important part of the atmosphere.”

The Lie That Got Us In The Bush Administration Knew There Were No WMDs in Iraq Blog

Is that the same John Brennan that sucked up to Obama to get appointed as the CIA Dired
Well, TT, in your post 963, you are SURE that they got counseling. In my post 964, I GUESSED that they got little or none.

Which of us is exaggerating the most?

Since I said they got counseling IF they needed it, I was not guessing. You were.

Ok, You are SURE that they got counseling if they needed it. Please document a source as to whether they needed it or not. If they did, with whom, and when did they get it?

Link please.

I am sure you are not a Christian and have no idea what the power of faith can do. Some times professional counseling is needed, but fellow Christians are a lot more help during a crisis than a non-believing shrink. I strongly suspect that if the parents decided their girls needed to get so-called professional help they certainly could afford it. So why don't you can just take your Christian hatred and shove it!
Doesn't it even occur to you that there are psychiatrists and psychologists who are Christians? How limited you must be.

There are preachers that offer counseling that is much better than any shrink.

Possibly, but what problem do you have with someone who is a professional, with a degree in psychiatry or counseling, and who is also a Christian?

Also, you should not assume that anyone who is not a practicing Christian now wasn't born and raised a Christian. I'm baptized and went to Sunday school and church services until I was 14 and decided for myself to no longer be involved in organized religion. So, whatever assumptions you make about people because they are not practicing Christians, you are most likely wrong. Many people who are not Christians have intimate knowledge of Christianity.
Is that the same John Brennan that sucked up to Obama to get appointed as the CIA Dired
Since I said they got counseling IF they needed it, I was not guessing. You were.

Ok, You are SURE that they got counseling if they needed it. Please document a source as to whether they needed it or not. If they did, with whom, and when did they get it?

Link please.

I am sure you are not a Christian and have no idea what the power of faith can do. Some times professional counseling is needed, but fellow Christians are a lot more help during a crisis than a non-believing shrink. I strongly suspect that if the parents decided their girls needed to get so-called professional help they certainly could afford it. So why don't you can just take your Christian hatred and shove it!
Doesn't it even occur to you that there are psychiatrists and psychologists who are Christians? How limited you must be.

There are preachers that offer counseling that is much better than any shrink.

Possibly, but what problem do you have with someone who is a professional, with a degree in psychiatry or counseling, and who is also a Christian?

Also, you should not assume that anyone who is not a practicing Christian now wasn't born and raised a Christian. I'm baptized and went to Sunday school and church services until I was 14 and decided for myself to no longer be involved in organized religion. So, whatever assumptions you make about people because they are not practicing Christians, you are most likely wrong. Many people who are not Christians have intimate knowledge of Christianity.

I can't argue with that and wouldn't even try. I also quit attending Church for many years after I got out of the military. Then I remembered how my Christian beliefs got me through the military and other crisis situations and decided to go back to Church. It is very rewarding for me to participate with my time and money in the food bank for the indigent and donations to other worthwhile charitable causes.
If the parents kept it a secret for over a year before they reported it......I'm sure that anyone with a brain can figure out they didn't want their son punished....the parents didn't even give any consideration that the girls may suffer some psychological trauma in their lives later....did they go to counseling?

Not everyone suffers psychological trauma or needs counseling. I am sure if they needed it they got it

Right, because we know the parents do the right thing every time.....why they waited a year to do something about it after Josh told them what he had done...:eek:

The right thing according to you may not be the right thing according to the Duggars. Some parents actually discipline their own kids. I know that is difficult for some to understand.
Yes, lying about his lack of counseling is just a fine, Christian way to grow him up, what?


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You and others have made your point as far as I am concerned. If they threw the Duggars into the lions den, all of you would be cheering for the lions.
Uhm, no. I am simply still waiting for Josh Duggar to be a real man and take real responsibility for his actions.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Not everyone suffers psychological trauma or needs counseling. I am sure if they needed it they got it

Right, because we know the parents do the right thing every time.....why they waited a year to do something about it after Josh told them what he had done...:eek:

The right thing according to you may not be the right thing according to the Duggars. Some parents actually discipline their own kids. I know that is difficult for some to understand.
Yes, lying about his lack of counseling is just a fine, Christian way to grow him up, what?


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You and others have made your point as far as I am concerned. If they threw the Duggars into the lions den, all of you would be cheering for the lions.
Uhm, no. I am simply still waiting for Josh Duggar to be a real man and take real responsibility for his actions.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Just exactly what do you suggest that he should do?
Right, because we know the parents do the right thing every time.....why they waited a year to do something about it after Josh told them what he had done...:eek:

The right thing according to you may not be the right thing according to the Duggars. Some parents actually discipline their own kids. I know that is difficult for some to understand.
Yes, lying about his lack of counseling is just a fine, Christian way to grow him up, what?


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You and others have made your point as far as I am concerned. If they threw the Duggars into the lions den, all of you would be cheering for the lions.
Uhm, no. I am simply still waiting for Josh Duggar to be a real man and take real responsibility for his actions.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Just exactly what do you suggest that he should do?
Come out and admit that he sexually molested at least 5 victims, 1 of which was 5 years old at the time of the abuse. He should also list the number of times he abused each victim, since the police report indicates multiple attacks. And he should return his complete salary from TLC, if any. He should go into an adult counseling program and be removed from his kids until a specialist certifies that he is no danger, sexual or otherwise, to them.

That's what a real man would do.

But Josh Duggar is not a real man. He's a pussy, an out and out pussy who is hiding behind his mama's apron and his papa's checkbook.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Only a damned fool would think that someone in that type of position wouldn't go along with the President....especially if they want to keep their job. CIA officials have admitted that they were coerced.

You're the bigger fool, wanting to believe there was no lie when everyone with a brain knows there was because the liars have admitted it. It appears that you are lacking in the "history" department....that nobody has rewritten, the Bush Administration just finally came clean. Educate yourself.

The Bush administration exerted significant pressure on the intelligence community to provide justification for the Iraq War. According to John Brennan, who was Deputy Director of the CIA at the time, “we were being asked to do things and to make sure that that justification was out there.”

“At the time there were a lot of concerns that it was being politicized by certain individuals within the administration that wanted to get that intelligence base that would justify going forward with the war,” Brennan told PBS. When asked who was exerting this pressure, Brennan said “Some of the neocons” in the administration “were determined to make sure that the intelligence was going to support the ultimate decision.”

And Paul Pillar, the CIA officer who led the hurried effort to provide Congress with a National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq’s WMD programs – an estimate that ultimately contained falsities that the administration retroactively used to justify their incorrect assessments – said,
“The atmosphere in which they were working, in which a policy decision clearly had already been made, in which intelligence was being looked to to support that decision rather to inform decisions yet to be made, was a very important part of the atmosphere.”

The Lie That Got Us In The Bush Administration Knew There Were No WMDs in Iraq Blog

Is that the same John Brennan that sucked up to Obama to get appointed as the CIA Dired
Well, TT, in your post 963, you are SURE that they got counseling. In my post 964, I GUESSED that they got little or none.

Which of us is exaggerating the most?

Since I said they got counseling IF they needed it, I was not guessing. You were.

Ok, You are SURE that they got counseling if they needed it. Please document a source as to whether they needed it or not. If they did, with whom, and when did they get it?

Link please.

I am sure you are not a Christian and have no idea what the power of faith can do. Some times professional counseling is needed, but fellow Christians are a lot more help during a crisis than a non-believing shrink. I strongly suspect that if the parents decided their girls needed to get so-called professional help they certainly could afford it. So why don't you can just take your Christian hatred and shove it!

Now, TT, that is a downright unChristian thing to say to me. I am very disappointed in you!

You aren't nearly as disappointed in me as I am in you. A tabloid rag makes a lot of accusations, guesses and made up crap to destroy a Christian family and fake Christians jump on the bandwagon along with atheists, agnostics and just plain Christian haters. Shame on you

I talked to god about you, TT. He told me that he is aware of your self righteousness, but that I should give you some gratis because he is working with you on that....
The right thing according to you may not be the right thing according to the Duggars. Some parents actually discipline their own kids. I know that is difficult for some to understand.
Yes, lying about his lack of counseling is just a fine, Christian way to grow him up, what?


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You and others have made your point as far as I am concerned. If they threw the Duggars into the lions den, all of you would be cheering for the lions.
Uhm, no. I am simply still waiting for Josh Duggar to be a real man and take real responsibility for his actions.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Just exactly what do you suggest that he should do?
Come out and admit that he sexually molested at least 5 victims, 1 of which was 5 years old at the time of the abuse. He should also list the number of times he abused each victim, since the police report indicates multiple attacks. And he should return his complete salary from TLC, if any. He should go into an adult counseling program and be removed from his kids until a specialist certifies that he is no danger, sexual or otherwise, to them.

That's what a real man would do.

But Josh Duggar is not a real man. He's a pussy, an out and out pussy who is hiding behind his mama's apron and his papa's checkbook.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

What you said is what a pussy would do. He is married, has three children and no one has accused him of any sexual abuse in 12 years. I suspect you would also want him to say he is in favor of same-sex marriage.
Yes, lying about his lack of counseling is just a fine, Christian way to grow him up, what?


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You and others have made your point as far as I am concerned. If they threw the Duggars into the lions den, all of you would be cheering for the lions.
Uhm, no. I am simply still waiting for Josh Duggar to be a real man and take real responsibility for his actions.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Just exactly what do you suggest that he should do?
Come out and admit that he sexually molested at least 5 victims, 1 of which was 5 years old at the time of the abuse. He should also list the number of times he abused each victim, since the police report indicates multiple attacks. And he should return his complete salary from TLC, if any. He should go into an adult counseling program and be removed from his kids until a specialist certifies that he is no danger, sexual or otherwise, to them.

That's what a real man would do.

But Josh Duggar is not a real man. He's a pussy, an out and out pussy who is hiding behind his mama's apron and his papa's checkbook.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

What you said is what a pussy would do. He is married, has three children and no one has accused him of any sexual abuse in 12 years. I suspect you would also want him to say he is in favor of same-sex marriage.
Only in your weird imagination.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
You know......................running out the statute of limitations on your crimes isn't being found innocent.

That is true so what is your point?

The point is that Duggar actually DID do those actions (otherwise why would his parents have sent him to counseling), and the only reason he's not being held accountable for them is because the statute of limitations on his crime has run out.
You know......................running out the statute of limitations on your crimes isn't being found innocent.

That is true so what is your point?

The point is that Duggar actually DID do those actions (otherwise why would his parents have sent him to counseling), and the only reason he's not being held accountable for them is because the statute of limitations on his crime has run out.

Thank you for a civil answer and that is correct. Nothing can be done legally to Duggar. Why was he not arrested before the statute of limitations expired? Was a criminal complaint filed by anyone?

I am not defending Josh Duggar as many of the Christian haters want to believe, only the fact that nothing will come of this crap from a tabloid rag but to humiliate and embarrass the girls who are now teenagers.

That is a damned shame that they want to punish the victims when the only reason this is known is because of a loophole a scumbag lawyer found allowing the release of a police report. The intent of the state law is to protect minors and these filthy scumbags found a way around it.
Actually, they're not protecting the girls, they are actually protecting the perpetrator known as Duggart.

Since there is nothing legally that can be done to Duggar, what is the point of sensationalizing what happened 12 years ago? What do you think these girls are going through as teenagers being reminded day after day what they had no control over? You don't suppose they are being ridiculed and taunted by their peers do you? I remember being a teenager and your schoolmates can be brutal.
You know......................running out the statute of limitations on your crimes isn't being found innocent.

That is true so what is your point?

The point is that Duggar actually DID do those actions (otherwise why would his parents have sent him to counseling), and the only reason he's not being held accountable for them is because the statute of limitations on his crime has run out.

Thank you for a civil answer and that is correct. Nothing can be done legally to Duggar. Why was he not arrested before the statute of limitations expired? Was a criminal complaint filed by anyone?

I am not defending Josh Duggar as many of the Christian haters want to believe, only the fact that nothing will come of this crap from a tabloid rag but to humiliate and embarrass the girls who are now teenagers.

That is a damned shame that they want to punish the victims when the only reason this is known is because of a loophole a scumbag lawyer found allowing the release of a police report. The intent of the state law is to protect minors and these filthy scumbags found a way around it.

Actually that is not true. The babysitter just filed a suit and I read that the statute of limitations "starts" when the victim first realizes trauma/difficulties based on the, if the babysitter just now is experiencing the reaction to his attack, then she's within the time. We'll know eventually one way or the other.

Nobody wants to punish the victims....actually most of us that want an investigation want to make sure there are no more victims. If you want to give him a pass that is your right, but most people that commit such actions as he did, don't get a pass and some of us don't think he should either.

Legal experts told In Touch that this victim still has the right to sue under Arkansas Code Annotated Section 16-56-130, which allows for a civil suit when a sexual abuse victim begins to feel the effects of her violation several years later.

Jim Bob and Michelle may also face some trouble as they will be forced to answer questions about how long it took for them to come forward after they found out their son abused the girls.

"All the church elders who knew about this will have to be named," the source told In Touch.

This new lawsuit makes it that much more unlikely that TLC will bring back "19 Kids and Counting."

19 Kids And Counting Josh Duggar Lawsuit From His Non Family Member Molestation Victim Entertainment Design Trend
You know......................running out the statute of limitations on your crimes isn't being found innocent.

That is true so what is your point?

The point is that Duggar actually DID do those actions (otherwise why would his parents have sent him to counseling), and the only reason he's not being held accountable for them is because the statute of limitations on his crime has run out.

Thank you for a civil answer and that is correct. Nothing can be done legally to Duggar. Why was he not arrested before the statute of limitations expired? Was a criminal complaint filed by anyone?

I am not defending Josh Duggar as many of the Christian haters want to believe, only the fact that nothing will come of this crap from a tabloid rag but to humiliate and embarrass the girls who are now teenagers.

That is a damned shame that they want to punish the victims when the only reason this is known is because of a loophole a scumbag lawyer found allowing the release of a police report. The intent of the state law is to protect minors and these filthy scumbags found a way around it.

Actually that is not true. The babysitter just filed a suit and I read that the statute of limitations "starts" when the victim first realizes trauma/difficulties based on the, if the babysitter just now is experiencing the reaction to his attack, then she's within the time. We'll know eventually one way or the other.

Nobody wants to punish the victims....actually most of us that want an investigation want to make sure there are no more victims. If you want to give him a pass that is your right, but most people that commit such actions as he did, don't get a pass and some of us don't think he should either.

Legal experts told In Touch that this victim still has the right to sue under Arkansas Code Annotated Section 16-56-130, which allows for a civil suit when a sexual abuse victim begins to feel the effects of her violation several years later.

Jim Bob and Michelle may also face some trouble as they will be forced to answer questions about how long it took for them to come forward after they found out their son abused the girls.

"All the church elders who knew about this will have to be named," the source told In Touch.

This new lawsuit makes it that much more unlikely that TLC will bring back "19 Kids and Counting."

19 Kids And Counting Josh Duggar Lawsuit From His Non Family Member Molestation Victim Entertainment Design Trend

I will believe that when the law suit is actually filed.

"the only victim who was not part of Josh's immediate family is planning on filing a civil suit against the former "19 Kids and Counting" star."

This is about making lawyers money and bashing Christians.
You know......................running out the statute of limitations on your crimes isn't being found innocent.

That is true so what is your point?

The point is that Duggar actually DID do those actions (otherwise why would his parents have sent him to counseling), and the only reason he's not being held accountable for them is because the statute of limitations on his crime has run out.

Thank you for a civil answer and that is correct. Nothing can be done legally to Duggar. Why was he not arrested before the statute of limitations expired? Was a criminal complaint filed by anyone?

I am not defending Josh Duggar as many of the Christian haters want to believe, only the fact that nothing will come of this crap from a tabloid rag but to humiliate and embarrass the girls who are now teenagers.

That is a damned shame that they want to punish the victims when the only reason this is known is because of a loophole a scumbag lawyer found allowing the release of a police report. The intent of the state law is to protect minors and these filthy scumbags found a way around it.

Actually that is not true. The babysitter just filed a suit and I read that the statute of limitations "starts" when the victim first realizes trauma/difficulties based on the, if the babysitter just now is experiencing the reaction to his attack, then she's within the time. We'll know eventually one way or the other.

Nobody wants to punish the victims....actually most of us that want an investigation want to make sure there are no more victims. If you want to give him a pass that is your right, but most people that commit such actions as he did, don't get a pass and some of us don't think he should either.

Legal experts told In Touch that this victim still has the right to sue under Arkansas Code Annotated Section 16-56-130, which allows for a civil suit when a sexual abuse victim begins to feel the effects of her violation several years later.

Jim Bob and Michelle may also face some trouble as they will be forced to answer questions about how long it took for them to come forward after they found out their son abused the girls.

"All the church elders who knew about this will have to be named," the source told In Touch.

This new lawsuit makes it that much more unlikely that TLC will bring back "19 Kids and Counting."

19 Kids And Counting Josh Duggar Lawsuit From His Non Family Member Molestation Victim Entertainment Design Trend

I will believe that when the law suit is actually filed.

"the only victim who was not part of Josh's immediate family is planning on filing a civil suit against the former "19 Kids and Counting" star."

This is about making lawyers money and bashing Christians.

Maybe the Duggars and their supporters will round up enough money to entice the victim to keep her mouth shut, in the mean time, Josh Duggar gets away with a crime. Why do you think this is about bashing Christians? It doesn't matter whether Josh is a Christian or not.....this isn't something that can be glossed over by going to the priest and confessing, this is about making sure there are no more victims. As a Christian, I am concerned that there be no other victims, not saving face of perpetrator. You should too, if you are a Christian.
Yes, lying about his lack of counseling is just a fine, Christian way to grow him up, what?


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You and others have made your point as far as I am concerned. If they threw the Duggars into the lions den, all of you would be cheering for the lions.
Uhm, no. I am simply still waiting for Josh Duggar to be a real man and take real responsibility for his actions.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Just exactly what do you suggest that he should do?
Come out and admit that he sexually molested at least 5 victims, 1 of which was 5 years old at the time of the abuse. He should also list the number of times he abused each victim, since the police report indicates multiple attacks. And he should return his complete salary from TLC, if any. He should go into an adult counseling program and be removed from his kids until a specialist certifies that he is no danger, sexual or otherwise, to them.

That's what a real man would do.

But Josh Duggar is not a real man. He's a pussy, an out and out pussy who is hiding behind his mama's apron and his papa's checkbook.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

What you said is what a pussy would do. He is married, has three children and no one has accused him of any sexual abuse in 12 years. I suspect you would also want him to say he is in favor of same-sex marriage.
Would you want him living next to you if you have small daughters? Would you let your daughters go to sleepovers at his house?
That is true so what is your point?

The point is that Duggar actually DID do those actions (otherwise why would his parents have sent him to counseling), and the only reason he's not being held accountable for them is because the statute of limitations on his crime has run out.

Thank you for a civil answer and that is correct. Nothing can be done legally to Duggar. Why was he not arrested before the statute of limitations expired? Was a criminal complaint filed by anyone?

I am not defending Josh Duggar as many of the Christian haters want to believe, only the fact that nothing will come of this crap from a tabloid rag but to humiliate and embarrass the girls who are now teenagers.

That is a damned shame that they want to punish the victims when the only reason this is known is because of a loophole a scumbag lawyer found allowing the release of a police report. The intent of the state law is to protect minors and these filthy scumbags found a way around it.

Actually that is not true. The babysitter just filed a suit and I read that the statute of limitations "starts" when the victim first realizes trauma/difficulties based on the, if the babysitter just now is experiencing the reaction to his attack, then she's within the time. We'll know eventually one way or the other.

Nobody wants to punish the victims....actually most of us that want an investigation want to make sure there are no more victims. If you want to give him a pass that is your right, but most people that commit such actions as he did, don't get a pass and some of us don't think he should either.

Legal experts told In Touch that this victim still has the right to sue under Arkansas Code Annotated Section 16-56-130, which allows for a civil suit when a sexual abuse victim begins to feel the effects of her violation several years later.

Jim Bob and Michelle may also face some trouble as they will be forced to answer questions about how long it took for them to come forward after they found out their son abused the girls.

"All the church elders who knew about this will have to be named," the source told In Touch.

This new lawsuit makes it that much more unlikely that TLC will bring back "19 Kids and Counting."

19 Kids And Counting Josh Duggar Lawsuit From His Non Family Member Molestation Victim Entertainment Design Trend

I will believe that when the law suit is actually filed.

"the only victim who was not part of Josh's immediate family is planning on filing a civil suit against the former "19 Kids and Counting" star."

This is about making lawyers money and bashing Christians.

Maybe the Duggars and their supporters will round up enough money to entice the victim to keep her mouth shut, in the mean time, Josh Duggar gets away with a crime. Why do you think this is about bashing Christians? It doesn't matter whether Josh is a Christian or not.....this isn't something that can be glossed over by going to the priest and confessing, this is about making sure there are no more victims. As a Christian, I am concerned that there be no other victims, not saving face of perpetrator. You should too, if you are a Christian.

Do you really thing that Josh Duggar hasn't been watched over the last 12 years? If there had been a hint of any other victims I would be equally concerned. If the families of those murdered in the AME Church in South Carolina can forgive the killer of their family members, it seems a Christian would be capable of forgiving Josh who has lived a Christian life since he made a serious mistake when he was a teenager.
You and others have made your point as far as I am concerned. If they threw the Duggars into the lions den, all of you would be cheering for the lions.
Uhm, no. I am simply still waiting for Josh Duggar to be a real man and take real responsibility for his actions.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Just exactly what do you suggest that he should do?
Come out and admit that he sexually molested at least 5 victims, 1 of which was 5 years old at the time of the abuse. He should also list the number of times he abused each victim, since the police report indicates multiple attacks. And he should return his complete salary from TLC, if any. He should go into an adult counseling program and be removed from his kids until a specialist certifies that he is no danger, sexual or otherwise, to them.

That's what a real man would do.

But Josh Duggar is not a real man. He's a pussy, an out and out pussy who is hiding behind his mama's apron and his papa's checkbook.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

What you said is what a pussy would do. He is married, has three children and no one has accused him of any sexual abuse in 12 years. I suspect you would also want him to say he is in favor of same-sex marriage.
Would you want him living next to you if you have small daughters? Would you let your daughters go to sleepovers at his house?

I raised three daughters and two sons and I would certainly let them go to a sleepover at the Duggar house. He isn't a sexually curios teenager anymore.

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