There is something seriously warped about this Duggar statement

The CIA director was appointed by Bill Clinton and only a damned fool thinks that he was coerced by Bush. You probably think Bush coerced the UN into passing resolution 1441. Again, you are piss poor at rewriting history.

Only a damned fool would think that someone in that type of position wouldn't go along with the President....especially if they want to keep their job. CIA officials have admitted that they were coerced.

You're the bigger fool, wanting to believe there was no lie when everyone with a brain knows there was because the liars have admitted it. It appears that you are lacking in the "history" department....that nobody has rewritten, the Bush Administration just finally came clean. Educate yourself.

The Bush administration exerted significant pressure on the intelligence community to provide justification for the Iraq War. According to John Brennan, who was Deputy Director of the CIA at the time, “we were being asked to do things and to make sure that that justification was out there.”

“At the time there were a lot of concerns that it was being politicized by certain individuals within the administration that wanted to get that intelligence base that would justify going forward with the war,” Brennan told PBS. When asked who was exerting this pressure, Brennan said “Some of the neocons” in the administration “were determined to make sure that the intelligence was going to support the ultimate decision.”

And Paul Pillar, the CIA officer who led the hurried effort to provide Congress with a National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq’s WMD programs – an estimate that ultimately contained falsities that the administration retroactively used to justify their incorrect assessments – said,
“The atmosphere in which they were working, in which a policy decision clearly had already been made, in which intelligence was being looked to to support that decision rather to inform decisions yet to be made, was a very important part of the atmosphere.”

The Lie That Got Us In The Bush Administration Knew There Were No WMDs in Iraq Blog

Is that the same John Brennan that sucked up to Obama to get appointed as the CIA Director? LOL

It's the John Brennan that outed George W Bush's lies........and, is that what Tenet did to get appointed as CIA Director to G W Bush, lol?

Tenet was appointed by Clinton dumbass.[/QUOTE]

You're the dumbass, idiot. Bush didn't have to keep Tenet........

While he may not have been appointed by President Bush, George Tenet still served at the discretion of President George W Bush. In his book, George Tenet describes what it was like to be At the Center of the Storm. He didn't know, or rather, chose not to acknowledge, that he did more than simply join President Bush at the center of the storm. George Tenet helped President George Bush engineer it.

George Tenet, along with President Bush and the rest of his administration, received a great deal of criticism for the "failed intelligence" that many people believe is the root cause of the 9/11 attacks. He can also share responsibility with President George W Bush for the ongoing war in Iraq - and the principle reason President Bush gave for his preemptive strike - because it was George Tenet who insisted on the existence of WMDs.

George Tenet President Bush President George W Bush information.
The CIA director was appointed by Bill Clinton and only a damned fool thinks that he was coerced by Bush. You probably think Bush coerced the UN into passing resolution 1441. Again, you are piss poor at rewriting history.

Only a damned fool would think that someone in that type of position wouldn't go along with the President....especially if they want to keep their job. CIA officials have admitted that they were coerced.

You're the bigger fool, wanting to believe there was no lie when everyone with a brain knows there was because the liars have admitted it. It appears that you are lacking in the "history" department....that nobody has rewritten, the Bush Administration just finally came clean. Educate yourself.

The Bush administration exerted significant pressure on the intelligence community to provide justification for the Iraq War. According to John Brennan, who was Deputy Director of the CIA at the time, “we were being asked to do things and to make sure that that justification was out there.”

“At the time there were a lot of concerns that it was being politicized by certain individuals within the administration that wanted to get that intelligence base that would justify going forward with the war,” Brennan told PBS. When asked who was exerting this pressure, Brennan said “Some of the neocons” in the administration “were determined to make sure that the intelligence was going to support the ultimate decision.”

And Paul Pillar, the CIA officer who led the hurried effort to provide Congress with a National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq’s WMD programs – an estimate that ultimately contained falsities that the administration retroactively used to justify their incorrect assessments – said,
“The atmosphere in which they were working, in which a policy decision clearly had already been made, in which intelligence was being looked to to support that decision rather to inform decisions yet to be made, was a very important part of the atmosphere.”

The Lie That Got Us In The Bush Administration Knew There Were No WMDs in Iraq Blog

Is that the same John Brennan that sucked up to Obama to get appointed as the CIA Director? LOL

It's the John Brennan that outed George W Bush's lies........and, is that what Tenet did to get appointed as CIA Director to G W Bush, lol?

Tenet was appointed by Clinton dumbass.

You're the dumbass, idiot. Bush didn't have to keep Tenet........

While he may not have been appointed by President Bush, George Tenet still served at the discretion of President George W Bush. In his book, George Tenet describes what it was like to be At the Center of the Storm. He didn't know, or rather, chose not to acknowledge, that he did more than simply join President Bush at the center of the storm. George Tenet helped President George Bush engineer it.

George Tenet, along with President Bush and the rest of his administration, received a great deal of criticism for the "failed intelligence" that many people believe is the root cause of the 9/11 attacks. He can also share responsibility with President George W Bush for the ongoing war in Iraq - and the principle reason President Bush gave for his preemptive strike - because it was George Tenet who insisted on the existence of WMDs.

George Tenet President Bush President George W Bush information.[/QUOTE]

But you said Bush appointed him, dumbass. It is common practice for an incoming President to keep some people appointed by the previous President.

The Democrats and Republicans that were getting briefed by the CIA prior to the Bush Administration believed the intel they were getting from Tenet and his deputies. You didn't respond to the UN since they also believed that Saddam was in material breach of the cease fire. They weren't getting their intel from Tenet.
I am sure you are not a Christian and have no idea what the power of faith can do.
Well, that goes to show how much you know. I am a Christian, and I also know there are a lot of people who claim to be Christian that don't know the first thing about Christianity and are more than willing to give advise and counseling when they don't know what is right and what is wrong to begin with. The counseling the parents of Josh Duggar sent him to, was founded by a man that turned out to be a molester apparently, these so-called Christians aren't able to discern right from wrong.

I don't hate Christians, I hate psuedo Christians who don't know the first thing about what Jesus taught and are here trying to tell the rest of us how pious they are supporting an abuser of children. So why don't you take your psuedo Christian opinion and shove it.

Somewhere in the teachings of Christ forgiveness of sins is mentioned. You must have missed that part. No where does it say going to a shrink is the first thing you do.
But you said Bush appointed him, dumbass. It is common practice for an incoming President to keep some people appointed by the previous President.
Bush could have appointed someone else, dumbass, common practice or not.......and my comment was that if you think Brennan sucked up to Obama, then Tenet must have sucked up to Bush, for Bush to keep him.

The Democrats and Republicans that were getting briefed by the CIA prior to the Bush Administration believed the intel they were getting from Tenet and his deputies.
And? I don't think Tenet was lying at the time.

Hussain had been condemned for his use of chemical weapons during the 80's. He had pursued an extensive biological weapons program and a nuclear weapons program though he never built a nuclear bomb. But the UN located and destroyed large quantities of chemical weapons throughout the early 90's, and we now know that Bush had his mind made up to attack Iraq and the WMD issue was his way of convincing Congress and the American citizens that it needed to be done. And we also know now that the CIA claimed that they were pressured by the Bush Administration to go along with whatever the Bush Administration claimed.

And what happened at President Bush's very first National Security Council meeting is one of O'Neill's most startling revelations.

"From the very beginning, there was a conviction, that Saddam Hussein was a bad person and that he needed to go," says O'Neill, who adds that going after Saddam was topic "A" 10 days after the inauguration - eight months before Sept. 11.

"From the very first instance, it was about Iraq. It was about what we can do to change this regime," says Suskind. "Day one, these things were laid and sealed."

As treasury secretary, O'Neill was a permanent member of the National Security Council. He says in the book he was surprised at the meeting that questions such as "Why Saddam?" and "Why now?" were never asked.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying 'Go find me a way to do this,'" says O'Neill. "For me, the notion of pre-emption, that the U.S. has the unilateral right to do whatever we decide to do, is a really huge leap."

And that came up at this first meeting, says O'Neill, who adds that the discussion of Iraq continued at the next National Security Council meeting two days later.

Bush Sought Way To Invade Iraq - CBS News

You didn't respond to the UN since they also believed that Saddam was in material breach of the cease fire. They weren't getting their intel from Tenet.

Your statement doesn't make any sense. "I" didn't respond to the UN?
I am sure you are not a Christian and have no idea what the power of faith can do.
Well, that goes to show how much you know. I am a Christian, and I also know there are a lot of people who claim to be Christian that don't know the first thing about Christianity and are more than willing to give advise and counseling when they don't know what is right and what is wrong to begin with. The counseling the parents of Josh Duggar sent him to, was founded by a man that turned out to be a molester apparently, these so-called Christians aren't able to discern right from wrong.

I don't hate Christians, I hate psuedo Christians who don't know the first thing about what Jesus taught and are here trying to tell the rest of us how pious they are supporting an abuser of children. So why don't you take your psuedo Christian opinion and shove it.

Somewhere in the teachings of Christ forgiveness of sins is mentioned. You must have missed that part. No where does it say going to a shrink is the first thing you do.

Don't be an idiot. Forgiveness doesn't mean that you get a free pass from society's laws. And Jesus never intended that His forgiveness would exempt us from having to pay society for our misdeeds. If that were the case, I'm sure that every criminal in jail/prison would be glad to confess, repent and ask for forgiveness. And by your logic, we should let them all go free.

There is a scripture, Romans 13 that tells Christians they should obey the government, and pay taxes....maybe you Republican Christians missed that part because here you are, wanting child abuser Duggar to get a pardon from society just because he claims he has been forgiven by Jesus and his parents.....and most conservatives sure like to complain about having to pay taxes.

The CIA director was appointed by Bill Clinton and only a damned fool thinks that he was coerced by Bush. You probably think Bush coerced the UN into passing resolution 1441. Again, you are piss poor at rewriting history.

Only a damned fool would think that someone in that type of position wouldn't go along with the President....especially if they want to keep their job. CIA officials have admitted that they were coerced.

You're the bigger fool, wanting to believe there was no lie when everyone with a brain knows there was because the liars have admitted it. It appears that you are lacking in the "history" department....that nobody has rewritten, the Bush Administration just finally came clean. Educate yourself.

The Bush administration exerted significant pressure on the intelligence community to provide justification for the Iraq War. According to John Brennan, who was Deputy Director of the CIA at the time, “we were being asked to do things and to make sure that that justification was out there.”

“At the time there were a lot of concerns that it was being politicized by certain individuals within the administration that wanted to get that intelligence base that would justify going forward with the war,” Brennan told PBS. When asked who was exerting this pressure, Brennan said “Some of the neocons” in the administration “were determined to make sure that the intelligence was going to support the ultimate decision.”

And Paul Pillar, the CIA officer who led the hurried effort to provide Congress with a National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq’s WMD programs – an estimate that ultimately contained falsities that the administration retroactively used to justify their incorrect assessments – said,
“The atmosphere in which they were working, in which a policy decision clearly had already been made, in which intelligence was being looked to to support that decision rather to inform decisions yet to be made, was a very important part of the atmosphere.”

The Lie That Got Us In The Bush Administration Knew There Were No WMDs in Iraq Blog

Is that the same John Brennan that sucked up to Obama to get appointed as the CIA Dired
The Duggars claim that they gave the girls counseling. However, they did not explain what that meant. Based on their definition of "counseling" regarding Josh, my guess is that the told the girls to read the Bible, as counseling.

What else do you guess they did?

Well, TT, in your post 963, you are SURE that they got counseling. In my post 964, I GUESSED that they got little or none.

Which of us is exaggerating the most?

Since I said they got counseling IF they needed it, I was not guessing. You were.

Ok, You are SURE that they got counseling if they needed it. Please document a source as to whether they needed it or not. If they did, with whom, and when did they get it?

Link please.

I am sure you are not a Christian and have no idea what the power of faith can do. Some times professional counseling is needed, but fellow Christians are a lot more help during a crisis than a non-believing shrink. I strongly suspect that if the parents decided their girls needed to get so-called professional help they certainly could afford it. So why don't you can just take your Christian hatred and shove it!
Two hands working can do more than 2 million hands praying
The CIA director was appointed by Bill Clinton and only a damned fool thinks that he was coerced by Bush. You probably think Bush coerced the UN into passing resolution 1441. Again, you are piss poor at rewriting history.

Only a damned fool would think that someone in that type of position wouldn't go along with the President....especially if they want to keep their job. CIA officials have admitted that they were coerced.

You're the bigger fool, wanting to believe there was no lie when everyone with a brain knows there was because the liars have admitted it. It appears that you are lacking in the "history" department....that nobody has rewritten, the Bush Administration just finally came clean. Educate yourself.

The Bush administration exerted significant pressure on the intelligence community to provide justification for the Iraq War. According to John Brennan, who was Deputy Director of the CIA at the time, “we were being asked to do things and to make sure that that justification was out there.”

“At the time there were a lot of concerns that it was being politicized by certain individuals within the administration that wanted to get that intelligence base that would justify going forward with the war,” Brennan told PBS. When asked who was exerting this pressure, Brennan said “Some of the neocons” in the administration “were determined to make sure that the intelligence was going to support the ultimate decision.”

And Paul Pillar, the CIA officer who led the hurried effort to provide Congress with a National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq’s WMD programs – an estimate that ultimately contained falsities that the administration retroactively used to justify their incorrect assessments – said,
“The atmosphere in which they were working, in which a policy decision clearly had already been made, in which intelligence was being looked to to support that decision rather to inform decisions yet to be made, was a very important part of the atmosphere.”

The Lie That Got Us In The Bush Administration Knew There Were No WMDs in Iraq Blog

Is that the same John Brennan that sucked up to Obama to get appointed as the CIA Dired
What else do you guess they did?

Well, TT, in your post 963, you are SURE that they got counseling. In my post 964, I GUESSED that they got little or none.

Which of us is exaggerating the most?

Since I said they got counseling IF they needed it, I was not guessing. You were.

Ok, You are SURE that they got counseling if they needed it. Please document a source as to whether they needed it or not. If they did, with whom, and when did they get it?

Link please.

I am sure you are not a Christian and have no idea what the power of faith can do. Some times professional counseling is needed, but fellow Christians are a lot more help during a crisis than a non-believing shrink. I strongly suspect that if the parents decided their girls needed to get so-called professional help they certainly could afford it. So why don't you can just take your Christian hatred and shove it!
Two hands working can do more than 2 million hands praying

They have no idea what type of counseling was offered, all they know is that they must stand by Josh Duggar because he is a Christian and has asked for forgiveness. I suppose the girls must not be, because they sure don't seem to give a crap about them.

The CIA director was appointed by Bill Clinton and only a damned fool thinks that he was coerced by Bush. You probably think Bush coerced the UN into passing resolution 1441. Again, you are piss poor at rewriting history.

Only a damned fool would think that someone in that type of position wouldn't go along with the President....especially if they want to keep their job. CIA officials have admitted that they were coerced.

You're the bigger fool, wanting to believe there was no lie when everyone with a brain knows there was because the liars have admitted it. It appears that you are lacking in the "history" department....that nobody has rewritten, the Bush Administration just finally came clean. Educate yourself.

The Bush administration exerted significant pressure on the intelligence community to provide justification for the Iraq War. According to John Brennan, who was Deputy Director of the CIA at the time, “we were being asked to do things and to make sure that that justification was out there.”

“At the time there were a lot of concerns that it was being politicized by certain individuals within the administration that wanted to get that intelligence base that would justify going forward with the war,” Brennan told PBS. When asked who was exerting this pressure, Brennan said “Some of the neocons” in the administration “were determined to make sure that the intelligence was going to support the ultimate decision.”

And Paul Pillar, the CIA officer who led the hurried effort to provide Congress with a National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq’s WMD programs – an estimate that ultimately contained falsities that the administration retroactively used to justify their incorrect assessments – said,
“The atmosphere in which they were working, in which a policy decision clearly had already been made, in which intelligence was being looked to to support that decision rather to inform decisions yet to be made, was a very important part of the atmosphere.”

The Lie That Got Us In The Bush Administration Knew There Were No WMDs in Iraq Blog

Is that the same John Brennan that sucked up to Obama to get appointed as the CIA Dired
The Duggars claim that they gave the girls counseling. However, they did not explain what that meant. Based on their definition of "counseling" regarding Josh, my guess is that the told the girls to read the Bible, as counseling.

What else do you guess they did?

Well, TT, in your post 963, you are SURE that they got counseling. In my post 964, I GUESSED that they got little or none.

Which of us is exaggerating the most?

Since I said they got counseling IF they needed it, I was not guessing. You were.

Ok, You are SURE that they got counseling if they needed it. Please document a source as to whether they needed it or not. If they did, with whom, and when did they get it?

Link please.

I am sure you are not a Christian and have no idea what the power of faith can do. Some times professional counseling is needed, but fellow Christians are a lot more help during a crisis than a non-believing shrink. I strongly suspect that if the parents decided their girls needed to get so-called professional help they certainly could afford it. So why don't you can just take your Christian hatred and shove it!
Doesn't it even occur to you that there are psychiatrists and psychologists who are Christians? How limited you must be.
I am sure you are not a Christian and have no idea what the power of faith can do.
Well, that goes to show how much you know. I am a Christian, and I also know there are a lot of people who claim to be Christian that don't know the first thing about Christianity and are more than willing to give advise and counseling when they don't know what is right and what is wrong to begin with. The counseling the parents of Josh Duggar sent him to, was founded by a man that turned out to be a molester apparently, these so-called Christians aren't able to discern right from wrong.

I don't hate Christians, I hate psuedo Christians who don't know the first thing about what Jesus taught and are here trying to tell the rest of us how pious they are supporting an abuser of children. So why don't you take your psuedo Christian opinion and shove it.
Since I said they got counseling IF they needed it, I was not guessing. You were.

Which only proves that you are ready to defend Josh even if you don't know the facts. Who cares about the poor girls, they were asleep anyway, right?
Whether they were asleep or not, they need counseling. Anyone who is molested needs counseling.
i doubt the stories of them being asleep....

The CIA director was appointed by Bill Clinton and only a damned fool thinks that he was coerced by Bush. You probably think Bush coerced the UN into passing resolution 1441. Again, you are piss poor at rewriting history.

Only a damned fool would think that someone in that type of position wouldn't go along with the President....especially if they want to keep their job. CIA officials have admitted that they were coerced.

You're the bigger fool, wanting to believe there was no lie when everyone with a brain knows there was because the liars have admitted it. It appears that you are lacking in the "history" department....that nobody has rewritten, the Bush Administration just finally came clean. Educate yourself.

The Bush administration exerted significant pressure on the intelligence community to provide justification for the Iraq War. According to John Brennan, who was Deputy Director of the CIA at the time, “we were being asked to do things and to make sure that that justification was out there.”

“At the time there were a lot of concerns that it was being politicized by certain individuals within the administration that wanted to get that intelligence base that would justify going forward with the war,” Brennan told PBS. When asked who was exerting this pressure, Brennan said “Some of the neocons” in the administration “were determined to make sure that the intelligence was going to support the ultimate decision.”

And Paul Pillar, the CIA officer who led the hurried effort to provide Congress with a National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq’s WMD programs – an estimate that ultimately contained falsities that the administration retroactively used to justify their incorrect assessments – said,
“The atmosphere in which they were working, in which a policy decision clearly had already been made, in which intelligence was being looked to to support that decision rather to inform decisions yet to be made, was a very important part of the atmosphere.”

The Lie That Got Us In The Bush Administration Knew There Were No WMDs in Iraq Blog

Is that the same John Brennan that sucked up to Obama to get appointed as the CIA Dired
The Duggars claim that they gave the girls counseling. However, they did not explain what that meant. Based on their definition of "counseling" regarding Josh, my guess is that the told the girls to read the Bible, as counseling.

What else do you guess they did?

Well, TT, in your post 963, you are SURE that they got counseling. In my post 964, I GUESSED that they got little or none.

Which of us is exaggerating the most?

Since I said they got counseling IF they needed it, I was not guessing. You were.

Ok, You are SURE that they got counseling if they needed it. Please document a source as to whether they needed it or not. If they did, with whom, and when did they get it?

Link please.

I am sure you are not a Christian and have no idea what the power of faith can do. Some times professional counseling is needed, but fellow Christians are a lot more help during a crisis than a non-believing shrink. I strongly suspect that if the parents decided their girls needed to get so-called professional help they certainly could afford it. So why don't you can just take your Christian hatred and shove it!

Now, TT, that is a downright unChristian thing to say to me. I am very disappointed in you!
I am sure you are not a Christian and have no idea what the power of faith can do.
Well, that goes to show how much you know. I am a Christian, and I also know there are a lot of people who claim to be Christian that don't know the first thing about Christianity and are more than willing to give advise and counseling when they don't know what is right and what is wrong to begin with. The counseling the parents of Josh Duggar sent him to, was founded by a man that turned out to be a molester apparently, these so-called Christians aren't able to discern right from wrong.

I don't hate Christians, I hate psuedo Christians who don't know the first thing about what Jesus taught and are here trying to tell the rest of us how pious they are supporting an abuser of children. So why don't you take your psuedo Christian opinion and shove it.

Somewhere in the teachings of Christ forgiveness of sins is mentioned. You must have missed that part. No where does it say going to a shrink is the first thing you do.

Don't be an idiot. Forgiveness doesn't mean that you get a free pass from society's laws. And Jesus never intended that His forgiveness would exempt us from having to pay society for our misdeeds. If that were the case, I'm sure that every criminal in jail/prison would be glad to confess, repent and ask for forgiveness. And by your logic, we should let them all go free.

There is a scripture, Romans 13 that tells Christians they should obey the government, and pay taxes....maybe you Republican Christians missed that part because here you are, wanting child abuser Duggar to get a pardon from society just because he claims he has been forgiven by Jesus and his parents.....and most conservatives sure like to complain about having to pay taxes.

Duggar was not arrested so he has no debt to pay to society. He has been forgiven by the only people that matter.
Since I said they got counseling IF they needed it, I was not guessing. You were.

Which only proves that you are ready to defend Josh even if you don't know the facts. Who cares about the poor girls, they were asleep anyway, right?
Whether they were asleep or not, they need counseling. Anyone who is molested needs counseling.
i doubt the stories of them being asleep....

Of course you do. What else do you doubt?
The CIA director was appointed by Bill Clinton and only a damned fool thinks that he was coerced by Bush. You probably think Bush coerced the UN into passing resolution 1441. Again, you are piss poor at rewriting history.

Only a damned fool would think that someone in that type of position wouldn't go along with the President....especially if they want to keep their job. CIA officials have admitted that they were coerced.

You're the bigger fool, wanting to believe there was no lie when everyone with a brain knows there was because the liars have admitted it. It appears that you are lacking in the "history" department....that nobody has rewritten, the Bush Administration just finally came clean. Educate yourself.

The Bush administration exerted significant pressure on the intelligence community to provide justification for the Iraq War. According to John Brennan, who was Deputy Director of the CIA at the time, “we were being asked to do things and to make sure that that justification was out there.”

“At the time there were a lot of concerns that it was being politicized by certain individuals within the administration that wanted to get that intelligence base that would justify going forward with the war,” Brennan told PBS. When asked who was exerting this pressure, Brennan said “Some of the neocons” in the administration “were determined to make sure that the intelligence was going to support the ultimate decision.”

And Paul Pillar, the CIA officer who led the hurried effort to provide Congress with a National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq’s WMD programs – an estimate that ultimately contained falsities that the administration retroactively used to justify their incorrect assessments – said,
“The atmosphere in which they were working, in which a policy decision clearly had already been made, in which intelligence was being looked to to support that decision rather to inform decisions yet to be made, was a very important part of the atmosphere.”

The Lie That Got Us In The Bush Administration Knew There Were No WMDs in Iraq Blog

Is that the same John Brennan that sucked up to Obama to get appointed as the CIA Dired
What else do you guess they did?

Well, TT, in your post 963, you are SURE that they got counseling. In my post 964, I GUESSED that they got little or none.

Which of us is exaggerating the most?

Since I said they got counseling IF they needed it, I was not guessing. You were.

Ok, You are SURE that they got counseling if they needed it. Please document a source as to whether they needed it or not. If they did, with whom, and when did they get it?

Link please.

I am sure you are not a Christian and have no idea what the power of faith can do. Some times professional counseling is needed, but fellow Christians are a lot more help during a crisis than a non-believing shrink. I strongly suspect that if the parents decided their girls needed to get so-called professional help they certainly could afford it. So why don't you can just take your Christian hatred and shove it!
Doesn't it even occur to you that there are psychiatrists and psychologists who are Christians? How limited you must be.

There are preachers that offer counseling that is much better than any shrink.
How do you know how the sisters really feel? They have been coerced by the parents to smile and act like it was no big deal.....but you don't really know how they feel. Any female that gets violated like they did could be carrying trauma for the rest of their lives.

Why is it that most conservatives here don't care about innocent children being abused? All they care about if for everyone to leave Josh Duggar alone.

Although some individuals may be resilient to the negative effects of sexual trauma, it does not minimize the observation that for other women sexual victimization is the most devastating event they will experience.

This paper describes current research findings on the effects of childhood and adulthood sexual victimization on women's mental health. Existing data on understudied communities and risk factors for mental health problems are also presented. Childhood and adulthood sexual violence are discussed separately because, contrary to public opinion, sexual violence against children is fairly common and is frequently associated with psychological distress that continues into adulthood.

The Psychological Consequences of Sexual Trauma

I only know what they said on the interview with Megan Kelly. How do you know they were coerced by their parents?

If the parents kept it a secret for over a year before they reported it......I'm sure that anyone with a brain can figure out they didn't want their son punished....the parents didn't even give any consideration that the girls may suffer some psychological trauma in their lives later....did they go to counseling?

Not everyone suffers psychological trauma or needs counseling. I am sure if they needed it they got it

Right, because we know the parents do the right thing every time.....why they waited a year to do something about it after Josh told them what he had done...:eek:

The right thing according to you may not be the right thing according to the Duggars. Some parents actually discipline their own kids. I know that is difficult for some to understand.
Yes, lying about his lack of counseling is just a fine, Christian way to grow him up, what?


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The CIA director was appointed by Bill Clinton and only a damned fool thinks that he was coerced by Bush. You probably think Bush coerced the UN into passing resolution 1441. Again, you are piss poor at rewriting history.

Only a damned fool would think that someone in that type of position wouldn't go along with the President....especially if they want to keep their job. CIA officials have admitted that they were coerced.

You're the bigger fool, wanting to believe there was no lie when everyone with a brain knows there was because the liars have admitted it. It appears that you are lacking in the "history" department....that nobody has rewritten, the Bush Administration just finally came clean. Educate yourself.

The Bush administration exerted significant pressure on the intelligence community to provide justification for the Iraq War. According to John Brennan, who was Deputy Director of the CIA at the time, “we were being asked to do things and to make sure that that justification was out there.”

“At the time there were a lot of concerns that it was being politicized by certain individuals within the administration that wanted to get that intelligence base that would justify going forward with the war,” Brennan told PBS. When asked who was exerting this pressure, Brennan said “Some of the neocons” in the administration “were determined to make sure that the intelligence was going to support the ultimate decision.”

And Paul Pillar, the CIA officer who led the hurried effort to provide Congress with a National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq’s WMD programs – an estimate that ultimately contained falsities that the administration retroactively used to justify their incorrect assessments – said,
“The atmosphere in which they were working, in which a policy decision clearly had already been made, in which intelligence was being looked to to support that decision rather to inform decisions yet to be made, was a very important part of the atmosphere.”

The Lie That Got Us In The Bush Administration Knew There Were No WMDs in Iraq Blog

Is that the same John Brennan that sucked up to Obama to get appointed as the CIA Dired
What else do you guess they did?

Well, TT, in your post 963, you are SURE that they got counseling. In my post 964, I GUESSED that they got little or none.

Which of us is exaggerating the most?

Since I said they got counseling IF they needed it, I was not guessing. You were.

Ok, You are SURE that they got counseling if they needed it. Please document a source as to whether they needed it or not. If they did, with whom, and when did they get it?

Link please.

I am sure you are not a Christian and have no idea what the power of faith can do. Some times professional counseling is needed, but fellow Christians are a lot more help during a crisis than a non-believing shrink. I strongly suspect that if the parents decided their girls needed to get so-called professional help they certainly could afford it. So why don't you can just take your Christian hatred and shove it!

Now, TT, that is a downright unChristian thing to say to me. I am very disappointed in you!

You aren't nearly as disappointed in me as I am in you. A tabloid rag makes a lot of accusations, guesses and made up crap to destroy a Christian family and fake Christians jump on the bandwagon along with atheists, agnostics and just plain Christian haters. Shame on you
Since I said they got counseling IF they needed it, I was not guessing. You were.

Which only proves that you are ready to defend Josh even if you don't know the facts. Who cares about the poor girls, they were asleep anyway, right?
Whether they were asleep or not, they need counseling. Anyone who is molested needs counseling.
i doubt the stories of them being asleep....

Of course you do. What else do you doubt?
That's pretty much it.....
I only know what they said on the interview with Megan Kelly. How do you know they were coerced by their parents?

If the parents kept it a secret for over a year before they reported it......I'm sure that anyone with a brain can figure out they didn't want their son punished....the parents didn't even give any consideration that the girls may suffer some psychological trauma in their lives later....did they go to counseling?

Not everyone suffers psychological trauma or needs counseling. I am sure if they needed it they got it

Right, because we know the parents do the right thing every time.....why they waited a year to do something about it after Josh told them what he had done...:eek:

The right thing according to you may not be the right thing according to the Duggars. Some parents actually discipline their own kids. I know that is difficult for some to understand.
Yes, lying about his lack of counseling is just a fine, Christian way to grow him up, what?


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You and others have made your point as far as I am concerned. If they threw the Duggars into the lions den, all of you would be cheering for the lions.
Only a damned fool would think that someone in that type of position wouldn't go along with the President....especially if they want to keep their job. CIA officials have admitted that they were coerced.

You're the bigger fool, wanting to believe there was no lie when everyone with a brain knows there was because the liars have admitted it. It appears that you are lacking in the "history" department....that nobody has rewritten, the Bush Administration just finally came clean. Educate yourself.

The Bush administration exerted significant pressure on the intelligence community to provide justification for the Iraq War. According to John Brennan, who was Deputy Director of the CIA at the time, “we were being asked to do things and to make sure that that justification was out there.”

“At the time there were a lot of concerns that it was being politicized by certain individuals within the administration that wanted to get that intelligence base that would justify going forward with the war,” Brennan told PBS. When asked who was exerting this pressure, Brennan said “Some of the neocons” in the administration “were determined to make sure that the intelligence was going to support the ultimate decision.”

And Paul Pillar, the CIA officer who led the hurried effort to provide Congress with a National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq’s WMD programs – an estimate that ultimately contained falsities that the administration retroactively used to justify their incorrect assessments – said,
“The atmosphere in which they were working, in which a policy decision clearly had already been made, in which intelligence was being looked to to support that decision rather to inform decisions yet to be made, was a very important part of the atmosphere.”

The Lie That Got Us In The Bush Administration Knew There Were No WMDs in Iraq Blog

Is that the same John Brennan that sucked up to Obama to get appointed as the CIA Dired
Well, TT, in your post 963, you are SURE that they got counseling. In my post 964, I GUESSED that they got little or none.

Which of us is exaggerating the most?

Since I said they got counseling IF they needed it, I was not guessing. You were.

Ok, You are SURE that they got counseling if they needed it. Please document a source as to whether they needed it or not. If they did, with whom, and when did they get it?

Link please.

I am sure you are not a Christian and have no idea what the power of faith can do. Some times professional counseling is needed, but fellow Christians are a lot more help during a crisis than a non-believing shrink. I strongly suspect that if the parents decided their girls needed to get so-called professional help they certainly could afford it. So why don't you can just take your Christian hatred and shove it!

Now, TT, that is a downright unChristian thing to say to me. I am very disappointed in you!

You aren't nearly as disappointed in me as I am in you. A tabloid rag makes a lot of accusations, guesses and made up crap to destroy a Christian family and fake Christians jump on the bandwagon along with atheists, agnostics and just plain Christian haters. Shame on you
The fake Christians, sweetie, are the Duggars. We ALL know that.

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