There is Something Terribly Wrong with Hillary Clinton

Just why is she so desperate to stay out in front? Just why does she want the WhiteHouse so bad that she goes through repeated defeats and failures? She just wont go away. I feel no more threatened by her than any other gun grabbing democrat. Just curious as to why this is so important to her. I think the Democrat party could deliver a more viable candidate than Clinton, but the Clinton machine might not be ready to call it a day, and move on.

Power lust ain't pretty.
Just why is she so desperate to stay out in front? Just why does she want the WhiteHouse so bad that she goes through repeated defeats and failures? She just wont go away. I feel no more threatened by her than any other gun grabbing democrat. Just curious as to why this is so important to her. I think the Democrat party could deliver a more viable candidate than Clinton, but the Clinton machine might not be ready to call it a day, and move on.


She spent her whole life married to a piece of shit, to use him to climb to power.

And just as she was about to be paid off for her lifetime of being a whore,

they gave the job to a less qualified black man.

So, her life has been a waste. A complete and utter waste. Down the toilet.

Naturally she feels bad about that.
Just why is she so desperate to stay out in front? Just why does she want the WhiteHouse so bad that she goes through repeated defeats and failures? She just wont go away. I feel no more threatened by her than any other gun grabbing democrat. Just curious as to why this is so important to her. I think the Democrat party could deliver a more viable candidate than Clinton, but the Clinton machine might not be ready to call it a day, and move on.


Mrs. Clinton is the most humiliated individual in American history. She was first lady and her husband F'ed everything that moved for all those years and she still stood by her man.

She feels she deserves it, for all she went through and staying loyal to Slick Willy for all those years.
Just why is she so desperate to stay out in front? Just why does she want the WhiteHouse so bad that she goes through repeated defeats and failures? She just wont go away. I feel no more threatened by her than any other gun grabbing democrat. Just curious as to why this is so important to her. I think the Democrat party could deliver a more viable candidate than Clinton, but the Clinton machine might not be ready to call it a day, and move on.


I actually agree with you here, she has some issues and needs to just go away.

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Just why is she so desperate to stay out in front? Just why does she want the WhiteHouse so bad that she goes through repeated defeats and failures? She just wont go away. I feel no more threatened by her than any other gun grabbing democrat. Just curious as to why this is so important to her. I think the Democrat party could deliver a more viable candidate than Clinton, but the Clinton machine might not be ready to call it a day, and move on.

You guys have been investigating her for the last 30 years. If you got something, say it, otherwise stop crying.
Just why is she so desperate to stay out in front? Just why does she want the WhiteHouse so bad that she goes through repeated defeats and failures? She just wont go away. I feel no more threatened by her than any other gun grabbing democrat. Just curious as to why this is so important to her. I think the Democrat party could deliver a more viable candidate than Clinton, but the Clinton machine might not be ready to call it a day, and move on.

You guys have been investigating her for the last 30 years. If you got something, say it, otherwise stop crying.

Why? Your deep state agents just "edit" the conclusion of the reports to give her a pass.
Hillary loves trolling Trumpers. Look at you guys losing your rationality over her comments. Stifle yourselves.
No one posted anything irrational about Clinton, liar.
This is the second Hillary thread this morning. Hillary is not running and is free to speak her mind. However no amount of Hillary deflection will save Trump in 2020.
She is campaigning like she is running. That is the only thing that is logical relative to her behavior.

BTW, if not Hillary, who exactly will defeat Trump?

Kamala Harris will chew him up and spit out the pits.
There is Something Terribly Wrong with Hillary Clinton

Just one thing?
Just why is she so desperate to stay out in front? Just why does she want the WhiteHouse so bad that she goes through repeated defeats and failures? She just wont go away. I feel no more threatened by her than any other gun grabbing democrat. Just curious as to why this is so important to her. I think the Democrat party could deliver a more viable candidate than Clinton, but the Clinton machine might not be ready to call it a day, and move on.

They only people who think about Hillary any more are pseudocons.

Stop masturbating about her. She's done. There are sixty million forks sticking out of her. You can let her go now. It's okay.
Who do you think will or should run in the Republican & Democrat primary elections 2020.
Hillary Clinton with VP candidate Ocasio-Cortez versus Donald Trump and new VP Candidate Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson

She is just like most politicians. She is a full-blown narcissist. The White House belongs to her in her sick mind. No one deserves it more than she, in her mind.

She thinks things would have been different and she would have won if only xyz had happened.

In her mind, she is the greatest candidate ever to run. She is so good, she doesn't need to campaign.

I think she needs to run again, win the nomination, and get beat by Trump a second time. Nothing would be more gut-busting hilarious than that bitch losing to Trump twice.

By the time 2020 rolls around, Trump will be so massively unpopular that even Commie Bernie could beat him.

Let's keep in mind that this supposed source hasn't talked to Mrs. Clinton in 10 years.

I think she is a poor candidate and shouldn't run again, and I don't think she really reflects where the Democratic Party is right now.

Sure she does. She is corrupt and entitled.

I can't think of anyone who better represents the DNC more.
Just why is she so desperate to stay out in front? Just why does she want the WhiteHouse so bad that she goes through repeated defeats and failures? She just wont go away. I feel no more threatened by her than any other gun grabbing democrat. Just curious as to why this is so important to her. I think the Democrat party could deliver a more viable candidate than Clinton, but the Clinton machine might not be ready to call it a day, and move on.

I don't know, i think if you didn't have Hillary to hate on, your life would lack meaning.

And you would have to replace her in your spank bank.

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