There is still 14 investigation and dozen's of Pumpkin man charges that are still in progress


Gold Member
Aug 2, 2016
So how many do you think he will be found guilty of. I say half and probably some will be consolidated. My guess is his son and son in-law will go down also. I would hope they get to his family before they get to him, it will be a gas watching his family give up their father for lower sentences.
So how many do you think he will be found guilty of. I say half and probably some will be consolidated. My guess is his son and son in-law will go down also. I would hope they get to his family before they get to him, it will be a gas watching his family give up their father for lower sentences.
Tell me, did the Congress feel it wasn't necessary to subpoena Obama's associates like Rev. Wright, Bill Aryes, or Edward Siad? Would that have been a witch hunt?

Indeed. I hope they waste all of 2019 with their ridiculous investigations.

Mueller report found Trump innocent of collusion and the left just isn't man or woman enough to accept the report.

Voters are watching and 2020 is right around the corner. Go ahead and waste all of 2019 with investigations.
Have any of the liberal loons thought about going into Trump's
past and see if he ever jaywalked? I think that would be the low hanging
fruit that might bring down the president....hard. They've set their
goals lofty and doesn't have to be that.
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Lets just look at one of them,The scum bag foundation, it was put together for him to contribute to the needy. Taking money from Profits from the Art of the deal which the real writer and publisher are total embarrassed over but they did tell us that scumbag didn't write any part of the book and that it was endless lies. He himself bought tens of thousand of his own book to hump up the sales to be on the best seller list. The person who looked into the scum bag foundation is the one who put everything on the table. By the way he won a Pulitzer in writing the truth about scum Bag. The court shut the foundation down and Kept 1.5 million dollars that was still in the fund. Scum bag couldn't get it back. By the way scum bag crawled away from this con as quietly as he could. Fact new York can't wait for the day scum bag is out of office, he goes directly to the New York courts and has no way of getting out of this theft by swindle. He was in total charge of the Scum Bag foundation. No one else can be had it was all Scum bag Add in the other New York charges and before the other 10 courts will bring him in ,New York wants him in jail there. , they hate him as all good American should and want to bury this criminal as all good Americans should. Him and his Nazi wannabees are toast.
Lets just look at one of them,The scum bag foundation, it was put together for him to contribute to the needy. Taking money from Profits from the Art of the deal which the real writer and publisher are total embarrassed over but they did tell us that scumbag didn't write any part of the book and that it was endless lies. He himself bought tens of thousand of his own book to hump up the sales to be on the best seller list. The person who looked into the scum bag foundation is the one who put everything on the table. By the way he won a Pulitzer in writing the truth about scum Bag. The court shut the foundation down and Kept 1.5 million dollars that was still in the fund. Scum bag couldn't get it back. By the way scum bag crawled away from this con as quietly as he could. Fact new York can't wait for the day scum bag is out of office, he goes directly to the New York courts and has no way of getting out of this theft by swindle. He was in total charge of the Scum Bag foundation. No one else can be had it was all Scum bag Add in the other New York charges and before the other 10 courts will bring him in ,New York wants him in jail there. , they hate him as all good American should and want to bury this criminal as all good Americans should. Him and his Nazi wannabees are toast.

Oh boy, you're on the right track here. That foundation gave less than 10% of the hundreds of millions they have been given over the years.........

Oh...wait....that was the CLINTON FOUNDATION!

So how many do you think he will be found guilty of. I say half and probably some will be consolidated. My guess is his son and son in-law will go down also. I would hope they get to his family before they get to him, it will be a gas watching his family give up their father for lower sentences.

Get a grip moron
Have any of the liberal loons thought about going into Trump's
past and see if he ever jaywalked? I think that would be the low hanging
fruit that might bring down the president....hard. They've set their
goals lofty and doesn't have to be that.

Un-named sources tell me that Trump once stayed up late past his bedtime OMG :aargh: IMPEACH!!!
Lets just look at one of them,The scum bag foundation, it was put together for him to contribute to the needy. Taking money from Profits from the Art of the deal which the real writer and publisher are total embarrassed over but they did tell us that scumbag didn't write any part of the book and that it was endless lies. He himself bought tens of thousand of his own book to hump up the sales to be on the best seller list. The person who looked into the scum bag foundation is the one who put everything on the table. By the way he won a Pulitzer in writing the truth about scum Bag. The court shut the foundation down and Kept 1.5 million dollars that was still in the fund. Scum bag couldn't get it back. By the way scum bag crawled away from this con as quietly as he could. Fact new York can't wait for the day scum bag is out of office, he goes directly to the New York courts and has no way of getting out of this theft by swindle. He was in total charge of the Scum Bag foundation. No one else can be had it was all Scum bag Add in the other New York charges and before the other 10 courts will bring him in ,New York wants him in jail there. , they hate him as all good American should and want to bury this criminal as all good Americans should. Him and his Nazi wannabees are toast.

Oh boy, you're on the right track here. That foundation gave less than 10% of the hundreds of millions they have been given over the years.........

Oh...wait....that was the CLINTON FOUNDATION!


So how many do you think he will be found guilty of. I say half and probably some will be consolidated. My guess is his son and son in-law will go down also. I would hope they get to his family before they get to him, it will be a gas watching his family give up their father for lower sentences.


DO IT...what are you waiting for, cowards????
So how many do you think he will be found guilty of. I say half and probably some will be consolidated. My guess is his son and son in-law will go down also. I would hope they get to his family before they get to him, it will be a gas watching his family give up their father for lower sentences.

You sure are a blockhead.

More investigations? How many do you need before you finally realize you are pissing up a rope.

Trump was cleared by the Mueller report. Get over it. He'll be re-elected in 2020 and you will have four more years to bitch, moan and complain. Enjoy.

Hope you enjoy the golden shower as well.
So how many do you think he will be found guilty of. I say half and probably some will be consolidated. My guess is his son and son in-law will go down also. I would hope they get to his family before they get to him, it will be a gas watching his family give up their father for lower sentences.
Democrats stop lynching republicans.. you will keep losing this war, the good peope always defeat you.
Have any of the liberal loons thought about going into Trump's
past and see if he ever jaywalked? I think that would be the low hanging
fruit that might bring down the president....hard. They've set their
goals lofty and doesn't have to be that.

Don't have to go too far.
So how many do you think he will be found guilty of. I say half and probably some will be consolidated. My guess is his son and son in-law will go down also. I would hope they get to his family before they get to him, it will be a gas watching his family give up their father for lower sentences.

It doesn’t matter. No Republican/Conservative votes will be changed for the 2020 election. Nor will the Right-leaning independent groups be persuaded to vote for a Progressive candidate because of any of this.
Have any of the liberal loons thought about going into Trump's
past and see if he ever jaywalked? I think that would be the low hanging
fruit that might bring down the president....hard. They've set their
goals lofty and doesn't have to be that.

Don't have to go too far.
View attachment 258593
What was the outcome in court??

You don't know? What you should know is that it's an ongoing matter.

Trump Foundation Will Dissolve, Accused of ‘Shocking Pattern of Illegality’

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