There may have been a time where the naive believed anti-racism would lead to an egalitarian society, or a united and prosperous America ...


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
And it was all a fantasy constructed by American Marxists bent on the destruction of the Republic and spoon-fed to generations of Americans.

Once these deadbeat 'radicals' get their nice govt. funded jobs in academia they never never leave until they die, and University admins don't care what damage these Stuck In The 60's sociopaths do or what terrorism they encourage.
I agree in part, but this is somethings very strong to consider. If one is a Christian, then it is our duty to help fellow Christians from Africa from South America, and many of these people are great people they would benefit our country. Many of them oppose abortion, and want to work very hard.

The biggest thing is standing up to the brainwashing from BLM. And any black or white American who agrees with BLM platforms is either brainwashed or financially motivated to give those BLM talking points.

We were way better off in the 1950s everyone was doing better thanks to a strong Democrat party that cared about working class people back then. But even some Republicans today have been brainwashed to believe that the Democratic Party used to be this racist evil party. They’ve been brainwashed to believe that Democrats were bad for the working class…. even though we had the greatest economy in world history in the post World War II economic boom. Again thanks to democrat leader ship.

It’s like a two-way losing street here in America in 2023 the Democrats hate America and Republicans make these ridiculous talking points about how bad and evil the American past was “due to Democrats” . I’ve even seen them insult the World War II leader ship.

Guys like Mark Levin and Sean Hannity propagate this anti-Americanism the idea that “Republicans were the saviors in the 1800s and Democrats were the bad guys”. That’s an insult to the Great Democrats like Andrew Jackson.

I love America, and I respect the Republicans and Democrats of our history that stood for Christian moral values.
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