There really is no IRS scandal

What's your point????? Once again.. you asked the lame question how a 501C maintains exempt status but be politically involved/ motivated/ have influence.. Again, the NAACP influenced a Republican primary in Mississippi..They have a 501c3 status.. So one more time, what's your point????

Republicans went after the NAACP specifically in 2004, singling them out for scrutiny going into that election.

IRS Ends 2-Year Probe Of NAACP's Tax Status

Did you bitch about that?
Listen up lame brain- you're the one spamming a meltdown all over this forum throwing out nothing but a STRAW-MAN and when you've been handed your ass you come back with some other BS completely unrelated to the issue at hand. YOU ASKED HOW A 501C3 can influence politics trying to act as though Conservative 501C3s were the only ones who did it.. so go play your stupid liberal tricks with someone dumb enough to digest the horse shit falling out of your ass.

So you have no problem with Republicans singling out the NAACP for a TWO YEAR investigation of its tax status,

but the IRS doing routine screening for 501c3's, while a Democrat is president, that's the crime of the century?

lol good one.
Again folks, how sick is it to see your fellow citizens take the side of a government agency over YOU their fellow country men and women?

It's like taking the side of Hitler over people he deemed unworthy.

sick and damn scary too

Yes, I see your point. Objecting to political groups posing as social welfare groups and gaming the system to allow corporations and the extremely rich to claim their donations as business expenses is just like taking the side of Hitler.[/QUOTE]

So you admit the Democrats have gone a little too far with their personal schemes to get-their-families-rich like Pelosi and Reid with the Green Companies given every doggie biscuit in their arsenal so they can afford to hire their kids and relatives for the big bucks, hm. And ACORN.... Oh, ya, right!:rolleyes:
What's your point????? Once again.. you asked the lame question how a 501C maintains exempt status but be politically involved/ motivated/ have influence.. Again, the NAACP influenced a Republican primary in Mississippi..They have a 501c3 status.. So one more time, what's your point????

Republicans went after the NAACP specifically in 2004, singling them out for scrutiny going into that election.

IRS Ends 2-Year Probe Of NAACP's Tax Status

Did you bitch about that?

Did you?

I found out about it approximately 20 minutes ago.

Imagine if the current IRS, hounded by Democrats, were to conduct years of investigations on prominent groups of a conservative nature who held tax exempt status.

Imagine the rightwing reaction. Oh wait, we don't have to imagine, we have the FAR less intrusive and targeted actions of IRS that the rightwing has been hysterical over for a couple years now.

Who are you people trying to kid?
2004, from the article previously cited:

After filing four freedom-of-information requests, NAACP lawyers discovered that far more than two members of Congress called for an investigation and that all were Republicans.

Republican Sens. Lamar Alexander (Tenn.) and Susan Collins (Maine) called for the investigation.

Others included Rep. Jo Ann S. Davis (R-Va.) and then-Rep. Larry Combest (R-Tex.). Former GOP representatives Joe Scarborough of Florida, who now hosts a talk show, and Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., currently governor of Maryland, also requested a probe.

Hmmm...a PURELY partisan attack on the tax exempt status of an organization considered a political opponent of the attackers,

and using the IRS to make that attack.

lolol, funnier by the minute.
Republicans went after the NAACP specifically in 2004, singling them out for scrutiny going into that election.

IRS Ends 2-Year Probe Of NAACP's Tax Status

Did you bitch about that?
Listen up lame brain- you're the one spamming a meltdown all over this forum throwing out nothing but a STRAW-MAN and when you've been handed your ass you come back with some other BS completely unrelated to the issue at hand. YOU ASKED HOW A 501C3 can influence politics trying to act as though Conservative 501C3s were the only ones who did it.. so go play your stupid liberal tricks with someone dumb enough to digest the horse shit falling out of your ass.

So you have no problem with Republicans singling out the NAACP for a TWO YEAR investigation of its tax status,

but the IRS doing routine screening for 501c3's, while a Democrat is president, that's the crime of the century?

lol good one.

you seem to be grossly misinformed.

Routine screening was not the complaint. Routine screening is to be expected.

Delays of up to 3 years for an answer was the complaint. The IRS has a 3 month standard for answers of yes or no. They gave answers to all progressive groups within 3 months. Conservative groups, however, would follow the rules and answer all questions...and when months would go by without a response, they would inquire and receive MORE questions. And then MORE questions....and so on.

If you want to debate the topic, know what the complaint is all about first.

Or do as you do. Act naïve and say shit that has no credibility.
There is no scandal.

They broke the law absolutely and with out question by not keeping records of the emails.

I know to liberals breaking the law isn't worthy of the title of scandal, but nonetheless in the real world breaking the law is scandalous.

Again, Richard Nixon was ousted because he lied about INFORMATION about the break in at the Watergate.

I can't help but wonder what these Nazis would be screaming if the shoe were on the other foot.....


Nixon resigned when it became apparent that his party abandoned him because of what was reveled to the public on the tapes. He knew he would be impeached, convicted and removed from office.

If evidence ever comes to light that President Obama directed Lerner to target these groups then there is a case, and I'll bet enough Democrats will turn on this president too.

Keep digging, maybe you can catch somebody lying about something.
Republicans went after the NAACP specifically in 2004, singling them out for scrutiny going into that election.

IRS Ends 2-Year Probe Of NAACP's Tax Status

Did you bitch about that?

Did you?

I found out about it approximately 20 minutes ago.

Imagine if the current IRS, hounded by Democrats, were to conduct years of investigations on prominent groups of a conservative nature who held tax exempt status.

Imagine the rightwing reaction. Oh wait, we don't have to imagine, we have the FAR less intrusive and targeted actions of IRS that the rightwing has been hysterical over for a couple years now.

Who are you people trying to kid?

Uh....wait a minute....

Congress ALWAYS suggests such investigations.

We have democratic congresspeople who admittedly asked for such investigations of tea party groups.

We expect congress to do that.

No one is complaining that democratic congresspeople asked that the status of certain tea party groups be verified.

Do you have any freaking idea what the whole "investigation" is about?

Jeez. I give up.

You act "in the know" but your posts prove otherwise.
Again folks, how sick is it to see your fellow citizens take the side of a government agency over YOU their fellow country men and women?

It's like taking the side of Hitler over people he deemed unworthy.

sick and damn scary too

Yes, I see your point. Objecting to political groups posing as social welfare groups and gaming the system to allow corporations and the extremely rich to claim their donations as business expenses is just like taking the side of Hitler.[/QUOTE]

So you admit the Democrats have gone a little too far with their personal schemes to get-their-families-rich like Pelosi and Reid with the Green Companies given every doggie biscuit in their arsenal so they can afford to hire their kids and relatives for the big bucks, hm. And ACORN.... Oh, ya, right!:rolleyes:

No, that is not what I said or meant. Sorry you get confused so easily. My post was a sarcastic why of pointing out how over the top ridiculous some people are to actually compare other people to Hitler for having a different viewpoint and disagreeing with them. Like disagreeing with them is just like murdering double digit numbers of millions of innocent people.
Here's a list of Progressive 501Cs.. I defy one stupid liberal to tell me none of them influences political parties..

List of progressive organizations - SourceWatch

thats not the question... you accused democrats of having the IRS look at conservative or tea baggers 501 4(C) that was your accusation ... the facts don't support your accusation ... now you want to say well the liberals were doing it ??? we aren't denying liberals were doing it ...what we are saying here is that democrats went after the IRS ... they said to the IRS you need to check into these groups to see if thy are using the tax exempt for political gain ... we didn't say just conservative gain, or liberal gain or tea bagger gain ... they clearly said political gain ... and now with your "OMG" like you've be wronged or something... it makes me laugh just like I laughed ant paul Ryan republicans are losing in the polls they know it so they need to do something and that would be make up shit that doesn't exist ...

Hey asshole, What part of "the IRS admitted that they targeted right wing groups" did you miss moron?

How fucked up are you?

Here from the Washington Post. That media bastion of liberal thought.

Check it out whacko. Lerner at this point was trying to maintain that it wasn't partisan but since this major first admission we have certainly learned differently.

IRS admits targeting conservatives for tax scrutiny in 2012 election

By Zachary A. Goldfarb and Karen Tumulty May 10, 2013

The Internal Revenue Service on Friday apologized for targeting groups with “tea party” or “patriot” in their names, confirming long-standing accusations by some conservatives that their applications for tax-exempt status were being improperly delayed and scrutinized.

Lois G. Lerner, the IRS official who oversees tax-exempt groups, said the “absolutely inappropriate” actions by “front-line people” were not driven by partisan motives.

Rather, Lerner said, they were a misguided effort to come up with an efficient means of dealing with a flood of applications from organizations seeking *tax-exempt status between 2010 and 2012.

During that period, about 75 groups were selected for extra inquiry — including burdensome questionnaires and, in some cases, improper requests for the names of their donors — simply because of the words in their names, she said in a conference call with reporters.

IRS admits targeting conservatives for tax scrutiny in 2012 election - The Washington Post
The crybaby Squad melted down over 8 US attorneys being fired by Boooooooooooosh, when Bubba fired all 96 and that was a scandal.. Now those US Attorneys serve at the President's pleasure meaning he can fire any or all of them.. He doesn't need the Kook leftist's permission and yet that was a scandal cooked up in which their media cohorts immediately hopped on board.. BUT the most powerful government agency that can destroy lives targets Conservatives, makes their lives hell for years- directly influenced the Presidential election, received emails from Al Franken and Chucky Schumer ORDERING them to target Conservative 501Cs, then loses and DESTROYS emails regarding the investigation and the leftist paid shills would have you believe there is no scandal.. THIS IS LEFTIST AMERIKKKA.. Lies, propaganda..

Did President Clinton fire them in mid term for political reasons? Nope that is SOP for incoming presidents. Not the same as what Bush did.
They broke the law absolutely and with out question by not keeping records of the emails.

I know to liberals breaking the law isn't worthy of the title of scandal, but nonetheless in the real world breaking the law is scandalous.

Again, Richard Nixon was ousted because he lied about INFORMATION about the break in at the Watergate.

I can't help but wonder what these Nazis would be screaming if the shoe were on the other foot.....


Nixon resigned when it became apparent that his party abandoned him because of what was reveled to the public on the tapes. He knew he would be impeached, convicted and removed from office.

If evidence ever comes to light that President Obama directed Lerner to target these groups then there is a case, and I'll bet enough Democrats will turn on this president too.

Keep digging, maybe you can catch somebody lying about something.

We already did.

The IG AND the president.

The IG said there was absolutely no criminal activity. The President said there was not a smidgen of corruption.

Meanwhile, it was found in a court of Law that the IRS ILLEGALLY released the confidential information of the COM to one of its opposite side opponents and the IRS was fined 50K that was given to the COM....


It seems that the law was broken by the IRS when they did not report to the NA when the emails were lost as the law states they MUST.

How much did we pay that IG? How did she not know that there were 2 years of missing emails? How did the President not know before he said "not a smidgen"?
Listen up lame brain- you're the one spamming a meltdown all over this forum throwing out nothing but a STRAW-MAN and when you've been handed your ass you come back with some other BS completely unrelated to the issue at hand. YOU ASKED HOW A 501C3 can influence politics trying to act as though Conservative 501C3s were the only ones who did it.. so go play your stupid liberal tricks with someone dumb enough to digest the horse shit falling out of your ass.

So you have no problem with Republicans singling out the NAACP for a TWO YEAR investigation of its tax status,

but the IRS doing routine screening for 501c3's, while a Democrat is president, that's the crime of the century?

lol good one.

you seem to be grossly misinformed.

Routine screening was not the complaint. Routine screening is to be expected.

Delays of up to 3 years for an answer was the complaint. The IRS has a 3 month standard for answers of yes or no. They gave answers to all progressive groups within 3 months. Conservative groups, however, would follow the rules and answer all questions...and when months would go by without a response, they would inquire and receive MORE questions. And then MORE questions....and so on.

If you want to debate the topic, know what the complaint is all about first.

Or do as you do. Act naïve and say shit that has no credibility.


"Routine" screening?


They were under investigation for 2 years.

That takes time, money and resources.

None of these Tea Party groups had to face that.

And they all got their status.

By the way the NAACP and the Tea Party groups are breaking the law.
Here's a list of Progressive 501Cs.. I defy one stupid liberal to tell me none of them influences political parties..

List of progressive organizations - SourceWatch

thats not the question... you accused democrats of having the IRS look at conservative or tea baggers 501 4(C) that was your accusation ... the facts don't support your accusation ... now you want to say well the liberals were doing it ??? we aren't denying liberals were doing it ...what we are saying here is that democrats went after the IRS ... they said to the IRS you need to check into these groups to see if thy are using the tax exempt for political gain ... we didn't say just conservative gain, or liberal gain or tea bagger gain ... they clearly said political gain ... and now with your "OMG" like you've be wronged or something... it makes me laugh just like I laughed ant paul Ryan republicans are losing in the polls they know it so they need to do something and that would be make up shit that doesn't exist ...

Hey asshole, What part of "the IRS admitted that they targeted right wing groups" did you miss moron?

How fucked up are you?

Here from the Washington Post. That media bastion of liberal thought.

Check it out whacko. Lerner at this point was trying to maintain that it wasn't partisan but since this major first admission we have certainly learned differently.

IRS admits targeting conservatives for tax scrutiny in 2012 election

By Zachary A. Goldfarb and Karen Tumulty May 10, 2013

The Internal Revenue Service on Friday apologized for targeting groups with “tea party” or “patriot” in their names, confirming long-standing accusations by some conservatives that their applications for tax-exempt status were being improperly delayed and scrutinized.

Lois G. Lerner, the IRS official who oversees tax-exempt groups, said the “absolutely inappropriate” actions by “front-line people” were not driven by partisan motives.

Rather, Lerner said, they were a misguided effort to come up with an efficient means of dealing with a flood of applications from organizations seeking *tax-exempt status between 2010 and 2012.

During that period, about 75 groups were selected for extra inquiry — including burdensome questionnaires and, in some cases, improper requests for the names of their donors — simply because of the words in their names, she said in a conference call with reporters.

IRS admits targeting conservatives for tax scrutiny in 2012 election - The Washington Post

And now we all know what happens when the IRS has the names of donors...

Council on Marriage ( a group I disagree with) was a victim of illegal doing at the IRS.
So you have no problem with Republicans singling out the NAACP for a TWO YEAR investigation of its tax status,

but the IRS doing routine screening for 501c3's, while a Democrat is president, that's the crime of the century?

lol good one.

you seem to be grossly misinformed.

Routine screening was not the complaint. Routine screening is to be expected.

Delays of up to 3 years for an answer was the complaint. The IRS has a 3 month standard for answers of yes or no. They gave answers to all progressive groups within 3 months. Conservative groups, however, would follow the rules and answer all questions...and when months would go by without a response, they would inquire and receive MORE questions. And then MORE questions....and so on.

If you want to debate the topic, know what the complaint is all about first.

Or do as you do. Act naïve and say shit that has no credibility.


"Routine" screening?


They were under investigation for 2 years.

That takes time, money and resources.

None of these Tea Party groups had to face that.

And they all got their status.

By the way the NAACP and the Tea Party groups are breaking the law.

Saying lies like that only makes you feel better.

But it makes you look like an idiot.

Read up on the truth.

Then get back to me.
The crybaby Squad melted down over 8 US attorneys being fired by Boooooooooooosh, when Bubba fired all 96 and that was a scandal.. Now those US Attorneys serve at the President's pleasure meaning he can fire any or all of them.. He doesn't need the Kook leftist's permission and yet that was a scandal cooked up in which their media cohorts immediately hopped on board.. BUT the most powerful government agency that can destroy lives targets Conservatives, makes their lives hell for years- directly influenced the Presidential election, received emails from Al Franken and Chucky Schumer ORDERING them to target Conservative 501Cs, then loses and DESTROYS emails regarding the investigation and the leftist paid shills would have you believe there is no scandal.. THIS IS LEFTIST AMERIKKKA.. Lies, propaganda..

The difference between Clinton "firing" attorneys and Bush firing attorneys is enormous.

The Bush administration ordered the attorneys to file cases against political enemies. When the attorneys refused, they were fired.

Do you get that?

The IRS was ordered by your two Democrat Senators to review and hold up Conservative 501Cs.. NOW WHAT BIG MOUTH?

Here's one of the letters. Looks like he was doing his job.

The only organizations he specifically mentioned had already been exposed by the press. But it is a general call for the IRS to look into the matter. And rightly so. The donor lists should be public.
Despite what the GOP says... Tea Party groups were denied tax exempt status...(they all should have been)
But you cant name one. e-mails from any time during the last presidential campaign were lost..
..all have been turned over to the GOP...and they know it

....No one asked that political groups be investigated when they asked for tax exempt status because you don't have to ask for tax exempt status. You simply claim it. there isn't (and cant be) an IRS scandal about tax exempt status.

Its all an election year..clown show

Actually..there is a scandal.

A VERY big scandal.

All political action committees granted 501 (4) status?


And NO ONE in congress wants to do anything about it.

Just so the conservatards know what you're talking about, please quote the specific sections of the law they are breaking.
Despite what the GOP says... Tea Party groups were denied tax exempt status...(they all should have been)
But you cant name one. e-mails from any time during the last presidential campaign were lost..
..all have been turned over to the GOP...and they know it

....No one asked that political groups be investigated when they asked for tax exempt status because you don't have to ask for tax exempt status. You simply claim it. there isn't (and cant be) an IRS scandal about tax exempt status.

Its all an election year..clown show

Actually..there is a scandal.

A VERY big scandal.

All political action committees granted 501 (4) status?


And NO ONE in congress wants to do anything about it.

Just so the conservatards know what you're talking about, please quote the specific sections of the law they are breaking.

The IRS already admitted they broke the law. Several of them, actually.
What was your point, again?
Despite what the GOP says... Tea Party groups were denied tax exempt status...(they all should have been)
But you cant name one. e-mails from any time during the last presidential campaign were lost..
..all have been turned over to the GOP...and they know it

....No one asked that political groups be investigated when they asked for tax exempt status because you don't have to ask for tax exempt status. You simply claim it. there isn't (and cant be) an IRS scandal about tax exempt status.

Its all an election year..clown show

Denial is not the river in Egypt.

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