There should be more restrictions on what poor people can buy with food stamps.

You are a real piece of shit, did you know that? You use third grade name-calling because that is the limit of your intellect. You can't even show you even know what EBT is!

Really pathetic, you loser!
it would help if you showed my mistake instead of being a dumbass,,

I thought you were a teacher?? thats not teaching,,
Because I'm sacrificing something to make the situation better, which means I'm invested in it and I don't want my sacrifice to be wasted. I want to help feed the poor. I don't want to help make them fat and unhealthy.
Did you call the police? If the store does nothing, they are complicit in the fraud. Let me guess! You just didn't want to get involved.

Police enforce laws, not get involved in government bureaucracy. The only law the guy might have broken is if he refused to leave the store which would be trespassing, and since he's not trespassing on my property, only the store can make the complaint.
Great idea, and they should also include what their cash purchases are as well. Then they'd get the entire picture.
Will you people please grow up and get with the fact that it is the 21st century and we are already more than one-fifth of the way through this century? All of that information is readily available, but like most people, it goes unused because of sheer laziness.
Some one should have that data.

Private citizens building up anecdotal evidence at the check out line, while maybe not inaccurate, has no real use

The admiral said the same thing. But if the food stamp office has that data. And i'm talking about on an individual basis, why aren't they enforcing the rules?
Welfare concerns the federal tax paying citizens that fund it. I'm not against welfare. I just think it should be done intelligently.
So, you're ok with government telling folks what to eat, how do you feel about what to wear and what shots you should get?
If there's not non SNAP items on the conveyor belt then they're not using a SNAP card to pay for them because the system won't allow it.

That's been my experience; the people using the cards also hand over some cash or swipe a debit card as well. And, most of them do have jobs, despite the claims to the contrary. But most of the same whiners over welfare here think people should work for free or keep the minimum wage at $7.50 an hour or something, but of course also think their day trading and businesses are entitled to 6,000% profits tax free every year, too, and of course they all take advantage of every subsidy they can get for themselves.
So, you're ok with government telling folks what to eat
With the money that was provided to them by the public because they filled out paperwork that claimed that they were in need. Their decision is being funded by other people. That's an important distinction when compared to your other two examples. I'm not telling people what I think they should do with their own money.
Police enforce laws, not get involved in government bureaucracy. The only law the guy might have broken is if he refused to leave the store which would be trespassing, and since he's not trespassing on my property, only the store can make the complaint.
Once again, you demonstrate that you and other have no concept that fraud is a crime. Maybe the worst thing that will happen is their EBT card is cancelled, but that will prevent future abuse.
The admiral said the same thing. But if the food stamp office has that data. And i'm talking about on an individual basis, why aren't they enforcing the rules?

Well they 100% see it like a bank transaction

So idk if they can see what you bought. But they can certainly see how much. Whether they do anything with that info is another question

The rest you would have to reach out to retailers and get that information. Like what exactly they bought...Or just do what seemed to be a representative study. Which is probably how they do things and why we don't have this data
So, you're ok with government telling folks what to eat, how do you feel about what to wear and what shots you should get?

Why not? Government is now forcing people to take medication they don't want. What's wrong with government telling people what kind of food they can and can't eat when we're paying for it?
Great idea, and they should also include what their cash purchases are as well. Then they'd get the entire picture.
That's going too far, since the majority of people on food stamps are supplemental. They have somebody in the family working for a living. So what they spend their own money on isn't the governments business.

I just want the government spending to be monitored, and the food stamp office enforce the rules. Like if a person buys mostly junk food, to put limits on that persons junk food purchases.
You may be typing in sarcasm. When the Welfare system ramped up with all of the programs, there was corruption. My mom never said any words about racial issues. She was and is an adamant Church goer and volunteered her time to help others when she retired. However, when after working a long day and then going to the Supermarket in our neighborhood she would constantly see African American women in good clothes and nice cars at that market. and they used Food Stamps and whatever else could be used. There were African Americans who actually parked at the No Park Zones in front of the market. Our neighborhood abutted their neighborhood which had no market because of all the crime. Inconvenience can be for all people.

So everybody in your town on food stamp all drove caddies and Lincolns? Fascinating.
Well they 100% see it like a bank transaction

So idk if they can see what you bought. But they can certainly see how much. Whether they do anything with that info is another question

The rest you would have to reach out to retailers and get that information. Like what exactly they bought...Or just do what seemed to be a representative study. Which is probably how they do things and why we don't have this data

A duplicate receipt is all they need. Everything I buy at the grocery store is listed on that receipt.
The records already exist....It's 2021

I doubt it would cost much at all

Some one just needs to compile it, anonymize it, and release it
A whole new team of programmers, agents, and managers, not to mention whoever the stores hire to handle their end. You're talking about millions of dollars and a government agency.

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