There should be more restrictions on what poor people can buy with food stamps.

1) How did you know it is an EBT card?

2) How do you know it wasn't funds from child support?

3) Do you enjoy making judgements about people with none of the facts?
This was 10 years ago before they looked just like debit cards... it was very obvious then.

I had all of the facts, it is you who are making a judgement without the facts
Corporations do not “give” jobs out of charity
They make a hefty profit off of each job

Much of that “welfare” you complain about goes to workers needing the taxpayer to help pay for housing, food and healthcare because those corporations pay so little to their workers
I've never seen a corp pay very little,, they always pay plenty and the greedy worker always want more,,
Don't be so dramatic. I've followed somebody who used an EBT card and when I got outside, I found them heading to the bus stop. And the only way I knew they used an EBT card is because it came up on the checkout screen after they swiped their card.

Yes there are people like that as well. But there are still plenty of people openly abusing the system and that's what people are complaining about here.
Like with anything, all it take is for one person to abuse the system, and they ruin it for everybody.

Yes there are methheads who are on food stamps, and who wouldn't know a healthy meal from a Twinkie. But that doesn't mean going after everybody on food stamps.

I have a solution. Have the grocery store print out two copies of the receipt for people paying by EBT, and send one copy to the SNAP office. So they can fix the problem on an individual basis.
That information is already available.
Corporations do not “give” jobs out of charity
They make a hefty profit off of each job

yeah... no they don't.
Especially privately owned businesses. Many-many-many-many companies make razor thin profits. We're talking 5% or even less.
This notion that all businesses have money falling out of the sky is silly and sophomoric.
Much of that “welfare” you complain about goes to workers needing the taxpayer to help pay for housing, food and healthcare because those corporations pay so little to their workers

Right, because getting a trade or career that pays well so you don't need anything from government is totally out of the question.
I think their purchases should be monitored. Like have the store send a copy of each receipt, or better yet, a computer file, so the welfare office can analyze what they're buying on an individual basis, and not make some new rule that effects everybody on food stamps.

Well as an academic or administrative matter...Sure

Some one should have that data.

Private citizens building up anecdotal evidence at the check out line, while maybe not inaccurate, has no real use
I think their purchases should be monitored. Like have the store send a copy of each receipt, or better yet, a computer file, so the welfare office can analyze what they're buying on an individual basis, and not make some new rule that effects everybody on food stamps.

Great idea, and they should also include what their cash purchases are as well. Then they'd get the entire picture.
Spoken like a true person who has no skin in the game, always generous with other peoples money.
Someday, you MIGHT get a good job. You might see just how much money you give to the government every paycheck, then you might realize you pay another 7% in sales taxes, then excises taxes/property taxes/capital gains taxes etc. etc.
At that point, you can have an honest opinion on the matter. Until then... you are nothing more than a tin can falling down a stairwell.

I dont' live in some fantasy world where I believe that the poors are taking more than the old people

Social security is a much much much bigger drain than welfare. Welfare is just a tiny blip on our national budget as currently constituted

Nothing relative to social security and medicare.

Makes much more sense to go to the local nursing home and seethe. But you're too poor and stupid for that, eh? lol]

I know this because i'm competent, pay taxes, and have actual skin in the game. I don't just get pissed on by my betters then look to piss on the people beneath me. Like you. If I didn't like my station in life I'd do something more productive than worry about small budget programs to help poors

You give yourself away the moment you start fixating on welfare beyond it's cultural implications. Maybe it's bad for culture. The budget? Irrelevant
Yes there are people like that as well. But there are still plenty of people openly abusing the system and that's what people are complaining about here.

Then my suggestion is to have the stores send a copy of the receipt to the food stamp office. They can then catch the abusers, and leave everybody else alone.

We don't need new laws, we need to enforce the rules better.
Then my suggestion is to have the stores send a copy of the receipt to the food stamp office. They can then catch the abusers, and leave everybody else alone.

We don't need new laws, we need to enforce the rules better.
Who's gonna pay for that?

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