There should be more restrictions on what poor people can buy with food stamps.

Says the working man who will never retire.

Stop projecting pleb
Whatever kid.
I will actually be better off retired than now. Between pension, SS, 401k, Simple IRA, investments - I will make more retired.
I designed it that way.
7 more years and I reach the finish line. And I earned every fucking penny of it.
You're overreacting. I think you probably know I don't believe any of that.

I do my best to be very respectful of all poor people in public. On the contrary I find it to be the other poor people that treat grocery store workers like shit for example. I go out of my way to be very kind and generous to poor people. I have never in my life passed a homeless person and not offered them money or food unless it was somehow inconvenient.
So you re an enabler?
The restriction should be NO food stamps.

Welfare is wrong on many levels.

The only reason we have the damn program is because LBJ wanted to buy the "Neggra" vote for the next 150 years. That is what he said.
The restriction should be NO food stamps.

Welfare is wrong on many levels.

The only reason we have the damn program is because LBJ wanted to buy the "Neggra" vote for the next 150 years. That is what he said.
Not at all. It is a poor substitute for equal protection of the laws in our at-will employment States.
Whatever kid.
I will actually be better off retired than now. Between pension, SS, 401k, Simple IRA, investments - I will make more retired.
I designed it that way.
7 more years and I reach the finish line. And I earned every fucking penny of it.

Uh huh I'm sure you're a great capitalist as you sit there monitoring the buying habits of the welfare recipients around you

Shut the fuck up you pathetic ****
Maybe you should concern yourself with yourself and stop trying to tell everyone else how to live?
Good point. The irony is that Liberal Democrats are the ones always telling US how to live. Look at the attacks on soda, fast food, etc that usually come out in the form of taxes. Yet when people speak out that that they don’t want their taxes going to support bad choices already sited by liberals, it’s the liberals that start crying about being told how to live.
Get triggered much?

Stop projecting retard

"boo hoo the welfare recipients lives are too good"

lol the fuck?

Who is triggered here? Hahahahahah

Life has to trigger you to give a shit what welfare recipients do with their benefits and time as a random citizen.
The people who are so resistant to all this are people who never experienced these SNAP's people in their stores. Either that or they don't pay attention. But we do pay attention. We see the scams, we see what they buy, we see them purchasing lottery tickets, huge bags of dog food, cat litter. And if it's the person in front of you and you only have a few items, you actually follow them out of the store to their late model SUV that I could never afford.

Don't be so dramatic. I've followed somebody who used an EBT card and when I got outside, I found them heading to the bus stop. And the only way I knew they used an EBT card is because it came up on the checkout screen after they swiped their card.

Maybe what we need to crack down on letting somebody on EBT go shopping for somebody else on EBT. You've probably been behind them, where they have three or four piles of groceries, and have them rung up one at a time. First on one card, then on another card, then with cash.

I believe our addiction to sugar is a serious public health issue. If you compare how much sugar people eat today to how much they ate 100 years ago the difference is actually staggering.

Who are you to decide about whether people eat a bag of chips between meals or have a handful of chips with a sandwich?
I made it.

didn't think you'd catch it and apply what you demand of others to yourself.
maybe you should shut the fuck up and go back and read the stream where admiral dumbass started it but making shit up I didnt say and start calling me names,,,

until you do that bugger the fuck off,,
Ray, why is is so hard to realize that people have income other than SNAP they worked hard and earned?

Yes, I know all about it.

When I was working, several of our customers only hired through temp agencies. It not only gave them the ability to fluctuate their staff with consumer demands, but more importantly gave them the ability to try people out first before offering a job.

In many cases when things got busy and the supervisor asked the temps if they could work overtime, they refused. If they made more than X amount of money per month, the government deducted it from their EBT allowance.

Not only did they give up the opportunity to make some good money, but it destroyed their chances at the company ever offering them a full-time job. Is this what we want?

Bottom line is that when Democrats are in charge, they want to make these programs more inviting to get and stay on. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters. Republicans would like to see the opposite, and that is to discourage them from living off these programs.

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