There should be more restrictions on what poor people can buy with food stamps.

We need to cut government fraud at all levels. But lets start at the top, and not at the bottom. It doesn't make sense to have a $100 an hour investigator catch somebody illegally buying $20 worth of stuff on an EBT card.
how about we start with the unconstitutional spending before we go to the constitutional,,

welfare is unconstitutional,,
And that's all people are complaining about here. But because some would like to see further restrictions, they are hinting at dictatorship, controlling the lives of the poor, picking on the least fortunate among us and so on.

We already have SNAP's restrictions and always have. It's not being Hitleresque by saying perhaps we need more.

"if you take me money i might as well go full hitler"

These stupid fuckers lol
My kids love baby carrots. One of my daughters loves red and green peppers. She eats them like other people eat apples.
Peppers are packed with nutrients- def the red ones and carrots with vitamin A. A neighbor of mine grows their own vegetables and in the summer, you’ll see their kids eating whole tomatoes (like your daughter does with peppers) like other people eat apples. They’ll continue these good habits!

One trick with little ones (especially picky eaters) it’s all about making it fun with snacks. It doesn’t matter what it is even if you can trick them into eating it and trying it lol For instance, kids who won’t eat oatmeal plain might try it if there’s a smiley face on top made from blueberries. A “snack party” can be as simple as carrots and veggie dip, celery w/peanut butter, or a boiled egg they unpeel (simple things like that can be a fun for a little one) and could add salt pepper to taste… so many things that cost nothing extra. One thing I didn’t do with my daughter when she was young and I should have done id involve her more in the “cooking”. Engaging them with small things they can do while they’re around 3-5 and mixing in healthy stuff goes a long way.
That woman is using a product that should cost her nothing...She's an American

She should be able to buy a pack of smokes for 75 cents.

It wouldn't be a problem if the state wasn't pissing on the poor who can't afford a carton of smokes...

Wondering why she's so poor as you point out one of the most regressive tax schemes in America. lol
Troll much?
Get out of your parents basement.
You wonder why they don't have time to do quality shopping, and cook a healthy meal. They have to look for a job, which means even more paperwork they have to fill out.

What year are you living in? Looking for a job? Sitting behind a computer screen for a half-hour a day? Looking for a job in the 60's and 70's meant dressing up, taking your paper with you and applying in person at anyplace that had an opening you could get.

The people who are so resistant to all this are people who never experienced these SNAP's people in their stores. Either that or they don't pay attention. But we do pay attention. We see the scams, we see what they buy, we see them purchasing lottery tickets, huge bags of dog food, cat litter. And if it's the person in front of you and you only have a few items, you actually follow them out of the store to their late model SUV that I could never afford.

It's wrong for people who are paying for their food to complain when they are eating better than those who are providing?
And that's all people are complaining about here. But because some would like to see further restrictions, they are hinting at dictatorship, controlling the lives of the poor, picking on the least fortunate among us and so on.

We already have SNAP's restrictions and always have. It's not being Hitleresque by saying perhaps we need more.

Like with anything, all it take is for one person to abuse the system, and they ruin it for everybody.

Yes there are methheads who are on food stamps, and who wouldn't know a healthy meal from a Twinkie. But that doesn't mean going after everybody on food stamps.

I have a solution. Have the grocery store print out two copies of the receipt for people paying by EBT, and send one copy to the SNAP office. So they can fix the problem on an individual basis.
The candy and pop kind of thing doesn't bug me so much as it does what they buy with cash. After the SNAP's stuff is paid for they get a bill for well over a hundred bucks for dog food, alcohol, cigarettes and so forth. I would like to see a law where you can only use SNAP or cash. If you use SNAP, then all items have to be SNAP items. If you want to buy all that other junk, go shopping again and get it.

We make it so convenient for them, as if they're exhausted from their jobs or something.
Yeah, that toothpaste and toilet paper is no nutritious!

Why is it all the critics of these programs support fraud have ridiculous ideas of how people should live and spend their funds, which often have nothing to do with SNAP?

Is it because I had to financially support my two grandsons because their worthless father fled the state and the other wonderful states where he infested simply refused to force him to pay the child support ordered by my state?

I recently learned this human waste had reproduced with another female and is living in yet another state, yet he still pays no child support because they cannot "find" him to garnish his wages. Yet, the federal government knows exactly where he is because he works for the US Department of Energy.

Bitter? Yeah, that's me.
And that's all people are complaining about here. But because some would like to see further restrictions, they are hinting at dictatorship, controlling the lives of the poor, picking on the least fortunate among us and so on.

We already have SNAP's restrictions and always have. It's not being Hitleresque by saying perhaps we need more.
No one wants to see children starve.
But clear thinking, responsible people also don't want to see derelict parents supporting their smoking/drinking/drug habits with other people's money.
If you hand someone $100 to buy groceries and you see them buying a carton of cigarettes and a 24 pk of beer... you are going to be pissed off. But that is what happens all across America every single day. And the only reason they can afford the beer and cigarettes is other peoples money.
It's 20 cents a pot, after you spend $150 for the pot.
And how many pots of coffee will it make, how many years will it make coffee, how many cups per pot? Then ask your self is it economically justified to purchase the pot, spend the time to brew? One must be taught to adjust their standard of living when economically warranted and cease from depending on others to provide ones life style. Buy a thermos, brew a pot, save some money.
Troll much?
Get out of your parents basement.

Says the working man who will never retire.

Stop projecting pleb, remember your fucking place

clearly it's low

How do you know some one is poor? They care too much about what their fellow poors are doing
Doctor Benjamin Spock put out the handbook on pregnancy and motherhood when I was having babies. When it was revealed that Dr. Spock was a "liberal", he was summarily vilified by the religious right for opposing spanking, or any physical punishment of children, and blamed for the spoilt rotten Baby Boomers and their horrifically over indulged children.
I would like to apologize for replying to your post yesterday in a rude way. This is an excuse but I was a little fired up in the moment with Mean Gene and ventilated in response to your relatively neutral observation. I’m still blaming MG totally for my actions- ha!
What year are you living in? Looking for a job? Sitting behind a computer screen for a half-hour a day? Looking for a job in the 60's and 70's meant dressing up, taking your paper with you and applying in person at anyplace that had an opening you could get.

The people who are so resistant to all this are people who never experienced these SNAP's people in their stores. Either that or they don't pay attention. But we do pay attention. We see the scams, we see what they buy, we see them purchasing lottery tickets, huge bags of dog food, cat litter. And if it's the person in front of you and you only have a few items, you actually follow them out of the store to their late model SUV that I could never afford.

It's wrong for people who are paying for their food to complain when they are eating better than those who are providing?
Ray, why is is so hard to realize that people have income other than SNAP they worked hard and earned?
Really? Then why does the Constitution say it's for the general welfare
how is it general welfare when it taking from one and giving to another,,

you hurting me to help them is stealing not welfare,,

not to mention it hurts them in the long run when it ends up being generational,,

I have no problem with short temporary and limited aid coming from a local source,,

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