There should be more restrictions on what poor people can buy with food stamps.

Don't be so dramatic. I've followed somebody who used an EBT card and when I got outside, I found them heading to the bus stop. And the only way I knew they used an EBT card is because it came up on the checkout screen after they swiped their card.

Maybe what we need to crack down on letting somebody on EBT go shopping for somebody else on EBT. You've probably been behind them, where they have three or four piles of groceries, and have them rung up one at a time. First on one card, then on another card, then with cash.

There are people who shop for seniors who are infirm and on food stamps.. I have done it for elderly neighbors from time to time.
maybe you should shut the fuck up and go back and read the stream where admiral dumbass started it but making shit up I didnt say and start calling me names,,,

until you do that bugger the fuck off,,
never said he wasn't screaming.

But YOU said people need to stop derailing the convo and you've done it in 3 replies to me.

like I said, you demand of others what you refuse to do. kinda our cultures problem these days.

rules for others but I'm really mad so I get a pass.
progressive hunter said:
of course we can depend on you to say something stupid to disrupt the discussion,,
ask anyone else you will find out that moonturd is the forum troll and guaranteed to disrupt a thread with off topic or stupid shit,,,

now its time for you to get in the bathroom and work out your frustrations with yourself and leave me the fuck alone,,
Stop projecting retard

"boo hoo the welfare recipients lives are too good"

lol the fuck?

Who is triggered here? Hahahahahah

Life has to trigger you to give a shit what welfare recipients do with their time as a random citizen.
Spoken like a true person who has no skin in the game, always generous with other peoples money.
Someday, you MIGHT get a good job. You might see just how much money you give to the government every paycheck, then you might realize you pay another 7% in sales taxes, then excises taxes/property taxes/capital gains taxes etc. etc.
At that point, you can have an honest opinion on the matter. Until then... you are nothing more than a tin can falling down a stairwell.
never said he wasn't screaming.

But YOU said people need to stop derailing the convo and you've done it in 3 replies to me.

like I said, you demand of others what you refuse to do. kinda our cultures problem these days.

rules for others but I'm really mad so I get a pass.
What am I supposed to do about it, pull out my gun and shoot them? One of them tried to pull that stunt on me and I told him to get a fucken job, and when I get up to the cashier, I'm going to have her alert the manager and have him thrown out of the store. I can't do much more than that.

Did you call the police? If the store does nothing, they are complicit in the fraud. Let me guess! You just didn't want to get involved.
ask anyone else you will find out that moonturd is the forum troll and guaranteed to disrupt a thread with off topic or stupid shit,,,

now its time for you to get in the bathroom and work out your frustrations with yourself and leave me the fuck alone,,
and I bitch at him for it too.

all this forum is bitching at each other as if you can fix anyone else's but your own posting style.
Ray, why is is so hard to realize that people have income other than SNAP they worked hard and earned?

You would think with over 20,000 military families on food stamps, they would consider the military to be a JOB that doesn't pay very well in the lower ranks.
I have no problem with short temporary and limited aid coming from a local source,,

Except if an area is hit by high unemployment, such as a coal mining town, then there are no longer any local sources. All the taxpayers are unemployed.
I believe my very first thread I made here was on an incident at the supermarket.
I was in line behind a woman and her child. The child's hair looked like she just walked out of a sandstorm. Obviously unwashed, and messy as hell. Her clothes were stained an unkempt.
The mother had 3 or 4 cheap tattos, skinny as a rail... probably a methhead.
Anyway... in her cart was all shit food. Little Debbie cakes, chips, giant cheesepuffball container... all junk food.
She pays with an EBT card, then places a Goddamn carton of cigarettes on the counter and pays cash for that.

And - THAT - sums up my thoughts on the entire EBT system. As taxpayers we pay for their food, so they can afford to smoke and drink.
That's a fact.
1) How did you know it is an EBT card?

2) How do you know it wasn't funds from child support?

3) Do you enjoy making judgements about people with none of the facts?
I think you're exaggerating my position because you have no other way to oppose it.

I don't think you can monitor how much Coca Cola or bread a family eats. How often can they have a steak or fish sticks or porkchops?
I don't think you can monitor how much Coca Cola or bread a family eats. How often can they have a steak or fish sticks or porkchops?
I want you to summarize what you think I've suggested in this thread. I'd just like to compare that to my own perception of what I've said or tried to say.
Uh huh I'm sure you're a great capitalist as you sit there monitoring the buying habits of the welfare recipients around you

Shut the fuck up you pathetic ****

I think their purchases should be monitored. Like have the store send a copy of each receipt, or better yet, a computer file, so the welfare office can analyze what they're buying on an individual basis, and not make some new rule that effects everybody on food stamps.
although I said all subsides stop,, at least the corps are supplying billions of jobs and producing products for everyone,, cant say that for people on welfare not working,,

what is it you commies call them?? eaters? takers?
Corporations do not “give” jobs out of charity
They make a hefty profit off of each job

Much of that “welfare” you complain about goes to workers needing the taxpayer to help pay for housing, food and healthcare because those corporations pay so little to their workers

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