There should be more restrictions on what poor people can buy with food stamps.

So the other folks in your insurance pool have a say in what treatment you can get?
You're trying to undermine logic that works in this context by putting it into a context that would make it absurd. That's not actually advancing your position at all.
I can't go to bed because you failed to change the sheets after your last bodily fluid exchange with the sperm receiver of the night.

Oh excuse me, I thought rams were males!

Never mind. You are confused,

No, I am just better educated.
1. an uncastrated male sheep.
2. short for battering ram.
3. the falling weight of a pile-driving machine.
4. a hydraulic water-raising or lifting machine.
5. random access memory
and in my case:
6. the name of an ancestor's ship...

Although, I could pile drive your stupid insult up your ass if you'd like...
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But what the OP wants to do is use the welfare delivery as an excuse to pursue extraneous social-engineering goals - ie making people eat the way we think they ought to.

You always bloat what's being discussed. Government can't tell you what you can eat, they can only tell you what they are willing to pay for. If you want that large bag of mini-Reese's cups, then buy it with your own money and get fat as a hog. Nobody cares.
The fact is, nobody cares what you think, nor do you have the right to tell other people what to do. If they minded their own business? What the hell does that mean? How about, "If decent-paying jobs were available..." How's THAT for a starting point. Until greedy employers pay a decent wage, everyone can shut the hell up about EBT.
You retarded filthy fucks think you can ‘fix’ wages by recruiting millions of desperate, illiterate wetbacks. STFU!
Pull your head from your ass and help fix this shit at its core.
It gives calories though, just like soda. Is soda food too? Where do we draw the line here? Is a bag of lollipops food?
Soda isn't a mind altering drug and as far as I know they already can't buy alcohol with food stamps.
Soda isn't a mind altering drug and as far as I know they already can't buy alcohol with food stamps.
Sugar is creating a public health crisis. Addiction to food and particularly sugar is extremely problematic. It's a reasonable proposal.
A lot of military families are on welfare. So that's double the number of asses.

About 23,000 military families rely on food stamps, according to Census figures.
That is so wrong on so many levels. This plays into the problem:
“Because the Department of Agriculture counts the Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) as income, many military families aren’t eligible for assistance under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as food stamps). This enduring problem for young military families has been intensified by reduced child care availability that drove up spouse unemployment Young Military Families Frequent Food Banks. Enough Is Enough

More evidence of a group of idiots making decisions, like we need anymore evidence. Now, before a left-leaning partisan ad-libs to my words, I am not saying this is a new problem, whatsoever.

How come congressional committees don’t question these types of baffling decisions? Too focused on “more important” measures like nailing Trump in the mix? Oh yes, congressional committee time is a precious commodity; let’s not place our military men and women in the front of the line or anything who DESERVE all help needed!
I dont' live in some fantasy world where I believe that the poors are taking more than the old people

Social security is a much much much bigger drain than welfare. Welfare is just a tiny blip on our national budget as currently constituted

Nothing relative to social security and medicare.

Makes much more sense to go to the local nursing home and seethe. But you're too poor and stupid for that, eh? lol]

I know this because i'm competent, pay taxes, and have actual skin in the game. I don't just get pissed on by my betters then look to piss on the people beneath me. Like you. If I didn't like my station in life I'd do something more productive than worry about small budget programs to help poors

You give yourself away the moment you start fixating on welfare beyond it's cultural implications. Maybe it's bad for culture. The budget? Irrelevant
Well... you got one thing going for you.... hyperbole
Jesus Dude.... :D
When republicans realize basically every senior citizen is a taker they're going to freak the fuck out, lol

Taking from programs you paid into your entire life and taking from programs you didn't contribute a dime to are two different things.
When republicans realize basically every senior citizen is a taker they're going to freak the fuck out, lol
I think Republicans take pride in caring for those who put their 30 years in.
Filthy LefTards take pride in caring for wetbacks with no time in and with other peoples money….See how this shit works?
I think Republicans take pride in caring for those who put their 30 years in.
Filthy LefTards take pride in caring for wetbacks with no time in and with other peoples money….See how this shit works?
YOU care about nobody, because your entire miserable, pointless life is ruled by your spineless fear.

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