There should be more restrictions on what poor people can buy with food stamps.

I don't think it's going too far at all. You and I are paying to feed this family and they are using their money to feed their two dogs and four cats. I think that is something the government should know about. A carton of cigarettes here is nearly $80.00. We both know how much food you can buy for 80 bucks.

You are going down a slippery slope. Next you'll want to monitor the bulk of everybodies food purchases, even if they get just $16 in food stamps.
Then make it a public health thing and outlaw soda. Why single out people who are struggling?
Outlawing soda is a horrible idea. People should have the right to sell and buy soda with their own money. I am singling out people who have identified themselves as needing help and who are getting help that is funded by the public.
Without the EBT program and school lunches we'd have a lot of hungry children in this country. The system created this situation, it is not the fault of the victims, contrary to the way RepubliQans "think".
1. the system did not create the situation--dumbass idiots did - you are a babbler of crap
2. it's the PARENTS' responsibility to feed the kids--not the US tax payer
a. you ENABLE more stupidity/etc by giving out free shit
Outlawing soda is a horrible idea. People should have the right to sell and buy soda with their own money. I am singling out people who have identified themselves as needing help and who are getting help that is funded by the public.
So "for their own good".

That's a slippery slope right there.
When republicans realize basically every senior citizen is a taker they're going to freak the fuck out, lol

What do they 'take', exactly? They pay up to $80K in Medicare premiums before they ever start to qualfiy for it, and then they still pay premiums and 20% after they're on it; nothing 'free' there. As for Social Security, same thing, most aren't getting close to what they should be getting already. So, they're 'taking' nothing, and in fact, a lot of younger people are mooching off of them and they money they paid in that gets used for other crap over the years, like the interstate highway system all those trucks use to deliver your Prozac and diapers and Skittles.
You obviously know nothing about this issue. There are many areas where people are underfed, and often the only food they have easy access to is of the "empty calorie" sort, which of course leads to obesity.

In my home state of WV there are large areas with no decent source of food anywhere nearby. And I'm also familiar with South-Central L.A. where despite being urban also has a shortage of food sources. That's the way it is in this country.

It's tedious hearing people who know nothing about poor communities pontificate about what poor people should do. Mind your own damned business.
let them die - I don't care --just like criminals-they community is better off without them
So "for their own good".

That's a slippery slope right there.
They don't have to accept help. We don't allow moms on WIC to buy bags of candy with the money. This money should be used efficiently.
You always bloat what's being discussed. Government can't tell you what you can eat, they can only tell you what they are willing to pay for. If you want that large bag of mini-Reese's cups, then buy it with your own money and get fat as a hog. Nobody cares.
You care. You wanted stores to also report cash purchases to the food stamp office.

Please be consistent.
Taking from programs you paid into your entire life and taking from programs you didn't contribute a dime to are two different things.

They're a ponzi scheme tho

It's not a savings account

It's a literal ponzi scheme because we didn't have it change with rising life expectancy. It was designed as more neutral than it is. But still a ponzi scheme

Medicare is more tolerable but still basically a ponzi scheme. The young pay for what the old can't afford on the assumption our young will pay for us....But we don't have babies so that's not going to happen.
You care. You wanted stores to also report cash purchases to the food stamp office.

Please be consistent.

Yes but candy is at least food. If you are on welfare quit smoking, drinking, and get rid of those two huge dogs and three cats your feeding instead of feeding yourself.
What do they 'take', exactly? They pay up to $80K in Medicare premiums before they ever start to qualfiy for it, and then they still pay premiums and 20% after they're on it; nothing 'free' there. As for Social Security, same thing, most aren't getting close to what they should be getting already. So, they're 'taking' nothing, and in fact, a lot of younger people are mooching off of them and they money they paid in that gets used for other crap over the years, like the interstate highway system all those trucks use to deliver your Prozac and diapers and Skittles.

Vast majroity of our budget outside military is spent on old poor people who didn't plan their retirement properly or at all
They don't have to accept help. We don't allow moms on WIC to buy bags of candy with the money. This money should be used efficiently.
my niece had not 1, not 2, NOT 3 but FOUR kids--and with all deadbeat dads!!!!!!!!!!!! ....she can get help from the family--NOT the US taxpayer ...she just got $7000 from the last stimulus !!!
fk that shit ..she gets WIC and now $600 taxpayer $$ per month for being IRRESPONSIBLE--FOUR times
Vast majroity of our budget outside military is spent on old poor people who didn't plan their retirement properly or at all

lol sure thing, bud. Next you'll be telling us 'investing in the stock market n stuff' is what they should have been doing, right? lol

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