There should be more restrictions on what poor people can buy with food stamps.

...I will shut you up, boy. You will wish you'd learned some manners from whichever dysfunctional creeps raised you to be an anti-social ass.
Aren't you 71 years old? Maybe it's time to move on from the "Me tough!" nonsense.
If I'm going to be buying dinner for the poor I think I should have a say in what's acceptable to buy and what's not. I'm not saying they shouldn't be able to buy steak or anything nice, but I do think they shouldn't be able to buy a bunch of chips, soda and candy. There's an obesity epidemic in the country, particularly among the poor, and I don't want my money to make it worse. With my taxed income I want people to be buying healthy foods that help facilitate healthy lifestyles. If people are really in such rough shape that they need that kind of help they should be more than happy to just buy the things they actually need with it.
Able bodied Americans like danielpalos who refuse to pull their own weight should be issued a taxpayer funded sleeping bag, tent and fishing pole followed by a bus ride to a resource rich forest.
They should have to live like early settlers did.
Crepitus- you’ve actually hit hit on something here. The public does not consider a soda that contains, let’s say, 33 grams of sugar to be comparable (in causing long-term effects) to tobacco addiction and alcohol overconsumption.
A can of pepsi has 41 grams of sugar.
Telling people they should invest in the stock market, is like telling them they should have bought Amazon, or Bitcoin 10 years ago.

But of course your stock market investment must be diversified, and measured in decades minimum. Someone investing in bitcoin now, might make money, or lose everything. Remember when the price dropped in half?

They're supposed to have all these vast savings from low wages n stuff, and they're supposed to guess which of these corporations aren't run by crooks and will tank any time, which is most of them. He knows squat about 'free markets', it's just some dumbass narrative he read somewhere, is all.
Telling people they should invest in the stock market, is like telling them they should have bought Amazon, or Bitcoin 10 years ago.

But of course your stock market investment must be diversified, and measured in decades minimum. Someone investing in bitcoin now, might make money, or lose everything. Remember when the price dropped in half?

lol as some one who has a lot of his portfolio in crypto some years yes, that has happened more than once. But no one has ever lsot money holding BTC for 4 years.

If it goes down 50% do not fucking sell. Wait

People who are old now saw growth we can only see in crypto. But the vast majority of them fucked that up and are poor and need hand outs
You do realize everyone get old, right?

Yea and the sooner they die the better for society for all sorts of reasons

Makes no sense for a nation like us to be propping up our least useful demographic. When we refuse to do it with any other group

And it certainly makes no sense to be whining about welfare recipients with social security recipients running around.
Most don't, which is why it's a ponzi scheme. Social security and medicare* were designed at a time with a much lower life expectancy. So those problems have just been magnified many times over as the age you get benefits remains the same. But the duration you get paid out on average increased by a factor of two

It's welfare for old people

That simple
Link us to the data that proves that OVERALL old people are a net loss for taxpayers. Remember to consider all they contributed over their lifetimes. We’ll be standing by.
I don't think I owe other people candy. I don't owe them any indulgence. People on food assistance are stating that they need help to eat and survive. The prevention of starvation is the goal here. I'm all about helping other people survive. That's what people are supposed to do. It's how we got this far. We also need to be intelligent about how we do these things though.
This isn't about "owing" anyone anything.

"Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness", remember? Basic human rights as laid out in the preamble to the Constitution.

Everyone deserves a piece of candy every now and then.
That's interesting. I know that you can get Papa Murphy's take and bake pizza, salads, cookie dough etc with EBT.
In general, you can buy food that you take home. In general you can't use food stamps to buy items you consume in the grocery store. But some states do have restaurant exceptions on a state by state basis.
Link us to the data that proves that OVERALL old people are a net loss for taxpayers. Remember to consider all they contributed over their lifetimes. We’ll be standing by.

WHy would I need to do that?

I just would need to link you the bottom half of seniors who are just a giant money pit

Why would i let you buoy the takers with the rich? Obviously SS caps out. So if you capped it out you don't count.

That's the only way you pay more in tho. You die early or cap out. Otherwise sooner or later whatever benefits you gave will be clawed back. And even some people who cap out probably end up as takers if the survive long enough
Everyone deserves a piece of candy every now and then.
You think candy should be a basic human right, and that successful people should have to help supply it to the poor in the midst of an obesity epidemic?

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