There should be more restrictions on what poor people can buy with food stamps.

lol sure thing, bud. Next you'll be telling us 'investing in the stock market n stuff' is what they should have been doing, right? lol

Uhhh considering the gains over their lifetime? Yea


And you can look it up. Social security is so big they try to pretend it's its own separate budget. It's not....Medicare dwarfs food stamps and all young people welfare too

And oh yea we just shut down our economy over covid to save them....?

And you're worried about the poors buying cartons of smokes? Hahahaha
I know - You should be able to buy a salad with food stamps think?

I wouldn't have a problem with that, nor the sandwiches and 'party plates' with the carrots, celery, dips, etc, A lot of poor people live in their cars and can't cook anything. See Jeff Bezo's employee parking lots for many examples.
They're a ponzi scheme tho

It's not a savings account

It's a literal ponzi scheme because we didn't have it change with rising life expectancy. It was designed as more neutral than it is. But still a ponzi scheme

Medicare is more tolerable but still basically a ponzi scheme. The young pay for what the old can't afford on the assumption our young will pay for us....But we don't have babies so that's not going to happen

It's still two different things. For instance I worked all my life. The government told me I was too ill to work, so I went on disability. I paid into disability all my life through my FICA contributions. Now I'm 61 years old, and the doctors told me if I opt for chemo, I may live another two to three years, meaning I won't even come close to retirement age to collect one dime I contributed towards my SS retirement, and my family won't see a dime of that either.

That's different than my former HUD neighbors. They came from the ghetto and the government paid for them to live in the suburbs. The money to fund this home came from income taxes, not payroll taxes. They never contributed a dime to actual income taxes and never will unless they hit the lottery.
Yes but candy is at least food. If you are on welfare quit smoking, drinking, and get rid of those two huge dogs and three cats your feeding instead of feeding yourself.

Remember most people on welfare are working. If you were a farmer getting food assistance, would you want the government to monitor what you're feeding your pigs and chickens?
Then make it a public health thing and outlaw soda. Why single out people who are struggling?
Crepitus- you’ve actually hit hit on something here. The public does not consider a soda that contains, let’s say, 33 grams of sugar to be comparable (in causing long-term effects) to tobacco addiction and alcohol overconsumption. Most Americans are introduced as toddlers to the “good stuff” and it doesn’t take long to develop a craving.

So, how to modify public awareness in the midst of a majority demanding sugar loaded drinks and even the energy drinks- talk about unhealthy with full on saccharine additive- whoa. I used to drink those things when they first came out, but then they started to make me sick to my stomach after reading the ingredients lol I’ve seen people guzzle those things, one after another. Their choice of course.

There is valid proof that sugar feeds cancer, and it does so much more damage than that as to harm our fine-tuned bodies. I “can’t” drink coffee without French vanilla additive due to the bad habit!

A choice should remain, with double down efforts for consumer awareness (NOT government led) about the outcomes of a constant sugar diet and how many years it takes off your life.
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Uhhh considering the gains over their lifetime? Yea


And you can look it up. Social security is so big they try to pretend it's its own separate budget. It's not....Medicare dwarfs food stamps and all young people welfare too

And oh yea we just shut down our economy over covid to save them....?

And you're worried about the poors buying cartons of smokes? Hahahaha

lol more rubbish. And now the strawmen. Predictable. You got squat.
lol more rubbish. And now the strawmen. Predictable. You got squat.

These are basic budget facts...Go look them up pleb


Anyone who doesn't think we spend most of our welfare budget on old people doesn't undersatnd American government at all. The Americans who matter quite frankly the least from a national perspective.
Old people paid their dues…you’re not really struggling with making the distinction are you?

Most don't, which is why it's a ponzi scheme. Social security and medicare* were designed at a time with a much lower life expectancy. So those problems have just been magnified many times over as the age you get benefits remains the same. But the duration you get paid out on average increased by a factor of two

It's welfare for old people

That simple
Remember most people on welfare are working. If you were a farmer getting food assistance, would you want the government to monitor what you're feeding your pigs and chickens?

A lot of those 'farmers' are just using wlefare to subsidize their 'Country Squire' lifestyles. Poor people can't buy into those types of welfare scams, or the one Elon Musk runs and rich people get $17,500 in subsidies to buy his electric cars. They use them to commute to their private jets when they go to 'Global Warming' cult meetings.
Most don't, which is why it's a ponzi scheme. Social security and medicare* were designed at a time with a much lower life expectancy. So those problems have just been magnified many times over as the age you get benefits remains the same. But the duration you get paid out on average increased by a factor of two

It's welfare for old people

That simple

lol more rubbish. You got squat, and are now getting really desperate.
You don't think everybody deserves a piece of candy occasionally?
I don't think I owe other people candy. I don't owe them any indulgence. People on food assistance are stating that they need help to eat and survive. The prevention of starvation is the goal here. I'm all about helping other people survive. That's what people are supposed to do. It's how we got this far. We also need to be intelligent about how we do these things though.
A lot of those 'farmers' are just using wlefare to subsidize their 'Country Squire' lifestyles. Poor people can't buy into those types of welfare scams, or the one Elon Musk runs and rich people get $17,500 in subsidies to buy his electric cars. They use them to commute to their private jets when they go to 'Global Warming' cult meetings.

Yea having the market dictate how much food we have will be a great idea

Read a history book you dumb fuck

Incentivizing farmers to just follow profit is how nations fall

Comparing it to climate change lol

Remember your place. Food is a strategic resource
Uhhh considering the gains over their lifetime? Yea

Telling people they should invest in the stock market, is like telling them they should have bought Amazon, or Bitcoin 10 years ago.

But of course your stock market investment must be diversified, and measured in decades minimum. Someone investing in bitcoin now, might make money, or lose everything. Remember when the price dropped in half?
I don't think I owe other people candy. I don't owe them any indulgence. People on food assistance are stating that they need help to eat. I'm all about helping other people survive. That's what people are supposed to do. It's how we got this far. We also need to be intelligent about how we do these things though.

Then maybe focus on the huge swathe of our budget that is spent on old people who will be dead soon anyway?

Instead of children who will be around for a long time

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