There should be more restrictions on what poor people can buy with food stamps.

I’m not in Congress. I have no role in writing new legislation.
You said you support stripping the voting rights of welfare recipients. I'm just trying to figure out what you meant, how you imagine that would work.
don't believe you. But then, I don't believe you really give a shit about nutrition either. This is about punishing the freeloaders.

Punishing them? Okay, we are going to give you this card that allows you to buy over 100 items of your choice. That's punishment?
You said you support stripping the voting rights of welfare recipients. I'm just trying to figure out what you meant, how you imagine that would work.
Well, as long as we are having this hypothetical discussion, I say let’s give leeway. If a person hasn’t contributed a cent to federal income taxes in five years or more, AND at the same time has gotten food stamps, Medicaid, subsidized housing, free transportation (we give free tokens to poor people where I live), etc., then they can no longer vote until such time that they are no longer on the government dole.

We will simply not survive as a country if people who have no skin in the game can vote to continue to be the beneficiaries of other people’s hard-earned money.
Punishing them? Okay, we are going to give you this card that allows you to buy over 100 items of your choice. That's punishment?
You aren't giving them anything. That's a conceit you tell yourself to justify lording it over others.
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We will simply not survive as a country if people who have no skin in the game can vote to continue to be the beneficiaries of other people’s hard-earned money.
Agreed. But the solution is to end, or minimize, the welfare state. Not scapegoat those who are ensnared by it.

In particular, I'm worried about the radical expansion of state power as liberal socialize more and more vital services. I don't know if you followed our discussion of health care, but I started another thread, rather than derail this one: State health care and individual rights.
Nah. Just people who want to use government largess as an excuse to expand state power. Like you.
The government, without asking, takes money from successful people for public projects and then squanders it. What should I do from my position? What should my opinion be?
The government, without asking, takes money from successful people for public projects and then squanders it. What should I do from my position? What should my opinion be?
Target the government stooges doing the taking. If someone robbed you, would you go after them? Or follow them around town and nag everyone they did business with?
Target the government stooges doing the taking. If someone robbed you, would you go after them? Or follow them around town and nag everyone they did business with?
They make good arguments though. Maybe I do owe something to poor people.
And you are free to give it to them. Then you will have the right to tell them how to use it!
But they're still taking what they think I owe. They're not giving me the option to be in control of my charity.
But they're still taking what they think I owe. They're not giving me the option to be in control of my charity.
It's not your charity.

If someone stole your money, and then gave some of it to someone else - would you consider that "charity"? Would you go after the person they gave money to and tell them how they can spend it?
The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

Individuals would have more incentive to be market friendly with equal protection of at-will employment laws for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States. It is about the economic efficiency gain from that form of full employment of (capital) resources in our market based economy.

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