There was no slaughter of R's in 1996. R's gained 2 Senate seats

Look like the OP is someone who listens to Rush Limbaugh...

The 1995 shutdowns did affect the Republicans in a very negative way.

Previous to the shutdowns Dole was trailing Clinton by 6%...after the shutdowns Dole was trailing Clinton almost 16%.

The shutdowns were so terrible for Republicans that they were forced into concession after concession with Clinton up to the 1996 election because they saw how terrible the election was going to turn out for them otherwise. Welfare Reform in 96? The Crime Bills in 96? All a result of the shutdown. Gingrich as speaker was greatly weakened also.

What's probably most telling is almost any Republican that's in office right now that was also in office in 95-96 is NOT supportive of the shutdown the same way the classes of 2008-2012 Tea members are.

Yes the Shutdown was certainly a bad thing for the GOP, they just had a somewhat good recovery "after" the shutdown to smooth the pain.

What's HUGELY different this time around is Obama isn't up for re-election and this shutdown is tied to a health reform bill that has potential to be successful. I would honestly say this has much more potential to harm the GOP then it did in 95.
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What's with all the wringing of hands and nashing of teeth? I was in a thread where another lib is spreading the lie that Republicans got killed in 1996.

That's a flat out lie.

Two Senate seats were gained. Majority maintained.

Only three seats were lost in Congress. Majority maintained.

But they lost the presidency by a huge margin... so there's that.

Oh give me a break.

The only person that believed Bob would win was Elizabeth for crying out loud. And you know it's true.

I agree completely that the analysis of the consequences of the 95-96 shutdowns are way over blown and exagerrated by the media. The facts are that the Republicans kept control of the Hopuse anyway. Clinton got reelected in a time of pretty strong prosperity so to say the he won because of the shut down is nonsense. No one was going to beat him. Incumbents usually win and he did,

The big loser in the shutdown for the GOP was Gingrich on a personal level. Unlike boehner now he was the force behind the shut down and he did lose support in his causcus and ultimately his speakership as a result. Sure he was a dope and lost support within his caucus (a lesson clearly not lost on Boehner tooday) but it was Gingrich, not the party as a whole that really paid a price.

BTW CNN poll out today puts only slightly more blame on Republicans that Democrats for the shutdow. The numbers will have to get way lopsided for anyone to be concerned about this becoming a major voting isse. It wont be
What's with all the wringing of hands and nashing of teeth? I was in a thread where another lib is spreading the lie that Republicans got killed in 1996.

That's a flat out lie.

Two Senate seats were gained. Majority maintained.

Only three seats were lost in Congress. Majority maintained.

But they lost the presidency by a huge margin... so there's that.

Oh give me a break.

The only person that believed Bob would win was Elizabeth for crying out loud. And you know it's true.

I voted for Bob Dole.

Frankly, he's the kind of Republican I admire, one who understands the role of government and served his country bravely.

And to this day, he blames Newt and the other radicals for his loss, as he should.
Bill Clinton ended 1994 with 40% approval rating. By the time election came around in 1996,
his approval was well over 50%.

Incumbents don't get re-elected to the presidency with 40% approval ratings.

That's where Republicans got killed, losing a good chance to beat Clinton.

Yet, he DID NOT get 50% of the vote! More people voted AGAINST him than FOR him!
What's with all the wringing of hands and nashing of teeth? I was in a thread where another lib is spreading the lie that Republicans got killed in 1996.
That's a flat out lie.

Bob Dole wasn’t a republican?

Unsurprisingly you’re either too ignorant or too much of a partisan hack to understand the disaster that was the 1995/96 GOP government shutdown.

Clinton was on his way to being a one-term president – until the republicans miscalculated with their ill-advised temper-tantrum; thanks to the shutdown Clinton was elected to a second term.

Clearly republicans are just as stupid today as they were then, that they’ve failed to learn from history is proof of that.

Ross Perot and Bob Dole (a wishy-washy moderate) handed Slick Willie another term. Anyone claiming otherwise is utterly ignorant off reality or too stupid to be permitted to breed.
What's with all the wringing of hands and nashing of teeth? I was in a thread where another lib is spreading the lie that Republicans got killed in 1996.

That's a flat out lie.

Two Senate seats were gained. Majority maintained.

Only three seats were lost in Congress. Majority maintained.

But they lost the presidency by a huge margin... so there's that.

Oh give me a break.

The only person that believed Bob would win was Elizabeth for crying out loud. And you know it's true.


I suspect even Bob knew Bob couldn't win. I wonder if he wanted to retire and this was his way of going out on top.
But they lost the presidency by a huge margin... so there's that.

Oh give me a break.

The only person that believed Bob would win was Elizabeth for crying out loud. And you know it's true.

I voted for Bob Dole.

Frankly, he's the kind of Republican I admire, one who understands the role of government and served his country bravely.

And to this day, he blames Newt and the other radicals for his loss, as he should.

Your "kind of Republican" is a wishy-washy moderate? Well, no shock there. I suspect you LOVED McCain, then!
Oh give me a break.

The only person that believed Bob would win was Elizabeth for crying out loud. And you know it's true.

I voted for Bob Dole.

Frankly, he's the kind of Republican I admire, one who understands the role of government and served his country bravely.

And to this day, he blames Newt and the other radicals for his loss, as he should.

Your "kind of Republican" is a wishy-washy moderate? Well, no shock there. I suspect you LOVED McCain, then!

You mean the one who spent 5 years in a Vietnamese POW camp? That McCain.

The McCain whose breifcase you aren't worthy to carry.
The McCain who, being a wishy-washy moderate with no core beliefs, sponsored the single most anti-Constitutional legislation in my lifetime, and cosponsored (with murdering drunkard Ted Kennedy) a bill that amounted to a suicide pact. The McCain who I suspect is quickly approaching (or has reached) non compos mentis.
The McCain who, being a wishy-washy moderate with no core beliefs, sponsored the single most anti-Constitutional legislation in my lifetime, and cosponsored (with murdering drunkard Ted Kennedy) a bill that amounted to a suicide pact. The McCain who I suspect is quickly approaching (or has reached) non compos mentis.

I'm just curious why McCain-Kennedy was a "suicide pact".

I'm guessing you probably don't know many Hispanics. Many of them fight and die for this country, something you couldn't be bothered to do.
I'm MARRIED to one, you stupid shit! Do you EVER get tired of being wrong?

I tried to enlist in high school but was found medically unfit due to knee & back problems.

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