There were thousands of extremists who made death threats against President Trump.

What?? Are you that insane?? I asked for a list of those who made threats against Trump. Stop with your idiotic games

When you search "people who made threats on Trump" Google, it give you all the "threats" made by Trump and everyone else EXCEPT for any threats made toward Trump

Fucking hacks
But all those thugs will be spared by the Gestapo of this rotten Administration.

There were thousands of extremists who made death threats against President Trump​

But all those thugs will be spared by the Gestapo of this rotten Administration.

There were thousands of extremists who made death threats against President Trump​

Yep , Young strong Crazed SSRI addled Vets like the Nutjob who killed Chris Kyle who had more ability to act on it than a 75 year old obese unhealthy Midget who could barely walk unassisted .
When you search "people who made threats on Trump" Google, it give you all the "threats" made by Trump and everyone else EXCEPT for any threats made toward Trump

Fucking hacks

Remember that trip to Paris for the WW1 memorial, that he didn't show up for???

At the time, I had seen something about it being because of death threats......but of course that was bleached soon after
But all those thugs will be spared by the Gestapo of this rotten Administration.

There were thousands of extremists who made death threats against President Trump​

And they are taken seriously. Most you never hear about.
A Utah man fatally shot by the FBI on Wednesday was armed when FBI agents confronted him at his home, a senior law enforcement official told NBC News. Authorities said he pointed his weapon at agents and did not respond to their commands.


When a Black guy gets shot by police for resisting arrest, the argument here is that he should have complied. If anyone points a gun at a police officer, they’ve committed suicide.

When it comes to the POTUS, their security is taken very seriously, whether he is popular or unpopular, whether he is right or left, it makes no difference. From what I understand, what they do depends on several factors including credibility and whether the person has the means. Kathy Griffith doing an unfunny comedy sketch with Trump’s severed head does not constitute a credible threat beyond pearl clutching. The guy who planned to kill Kavanaugh was credible but he put his guns down out of reach, called 911 and complied with orders. He did not get shot. This Utah man aimed a gun at the officer.

Even an armed 75 yr old obese midget is dangerous.

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