There will be no unity until Trump's seditionists are no more.

You get "mobs" when people feel like they've been screwed! If you REALLY want unity in this country then it's time to bring confidence back to our electoral process. We're in this situation because literally millions of Americans think the other side "stole" an election. If you REALLY want to fix what's wrong it's not difficult. We need to go back to secure elections...where people vote in person with a valid ID or they vote with an absentee ballot that they've requested be mailed to a valid address. If you want "mail out" ballots because you think they give your side an advantage in elections...then you deserve it when mobs coming knocking at your door! Just saying...
Better yet, let’s get back to a time when an orange Prez didn’t spend 4 years spewing phoney allegations to mindless worshipper.
Who spent four years spewing phony allegations, MadDog? Actually, make that four and a half years because liberals in this country were spewing phony allegations about Trump before he even took office! Russian collusion? Talk about a crock!
20,000 plus confirmed lies by Trump. What phony allegations are you talking about?
Russian Collusion? Duh? You assholes made that up! You PAID foreign nationals to pretend it was real! Your liberal media pushed a story that was totally fabricated! Liberal politicians like Adam Schiff declared they had proof it happened and then provided NOTHING! Entrenched swamp creatures like Clapper, Brennan and Comey took part in one lie after another to our courts! What allegations am I talking about? You've got to be kidding!

I am not at all a Trump supporter, but I agree that whole Russian collusion story was totally fake.
All of Trumps intelligence agencies concluded Russia helped Trump get elected. Where is your evidence it is totally fake?
Mueller concluded there was no collusion...that is, if you overlook Barry's administration with the Russian Intel Service & foreign ex-spies...
The Center For American Progress is a Soros funded propaganda center. Anything from there is sure to be disinformation.
Our economy declined because of Trumps failures to address covid
Our economy declined because blue state governors put 4he country on lockdown, putting 370,000 small businesses OUT of business, putting MILLIONS on the unemployment lines. UNTIL Trump was illegally removed from office. Now all of a sudden, blue state governors and mayors want business back up and running
The lockdown was a result of Trump's denial and lies over covid. Had he gone a different way, people would have been more prepared. They weren't and they died.

Actually presidents have ZERO authority or jurisdiction over health care matter.
And ACTUALLY, although I dislike Trump, he was right about covid-19.
Fauci first claimed it had a lethality of 10%, then 1.8%, and later we found out it was 0.15% only. which put is about the same as seasonal flu.
So then why did 300,000 die?
It as because Fauci goofed and tried to "flatten the curve".
That has never ever ended any epidemic, and fact it prevents the early spike, which is what normally end all epidemics.
So Fauci forced the epidemic to keep going, not stop, and last forever.
Which is why to many died.
If instead we had let it spike in March, then herd immunity would have ended the epidemic in March, saving 260,000 lives.
Out of all the lying, ignorant posts I have read on here, yours is at the top of the list.

Trump had intel going all the way back to January 2020 and called it the new Democrat hoax, comparing it to the Russia hoax. That's fact number one. Fact number two, he had an interview with Bob Woodward telling Bob that the Coronavirus was five times worse than the flu. And he never told us until the audio came out.

Now, here's where your post really gets into some stupid territory. OMG! I can't believe I read that.
So then why did 300,000 die?
It as because Fauci goofed and tried to "flatten the curve".
You fucking idiot. Do you realize how stupid that is? In your previous sentence you said it was "about the same as the seasonal flu." "It's because Fauci goofed and tried to flatten the curve, that has never ended a pandemic. "Which is why too many died". You idiot, you just admitted it wasn't like the flu, and on top of that, Trump said it was five times worse than the flu. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:Get your shit right. WHY DO WE HAVE SO MANY FUCKING STUPID PEOPLE?

You have proven you can't do simple math.
Seasonal flu kills about 30,000 people a month.
If you prevent it from ending, and make it last 10 months, that is 10 times 30,000.
Guess what?
That is 300,000.
It's not 300,000. Get a fucking clue; This Is How Many People Die From the Flu Each Year

Overall, the CDC estimates that 12,000 and 61,000 deaths annually since 2010 can be blamed on the flu. The higher number reflects the particularly harsh 2017-2018 flu season. Most years, the US death toll from the flu is closer to 34,000 to 43,000. Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the flu kills 290,000 to 650,000 people per year.

That is very ignorant because if you wear masks and social distance to "flatten the curve" with flu as well, you can prevent the spike and force to stick around FOREVER.
The reason we do not normally have annual flu for more than a month is that herd immunity kills it off after it spikes. If you prevent the spike by flattening the curve, then it will NOT go away. It will stay FOREVER!
Most people get a flu shot to keep it from spiking. People who don't are unprotected. Many viruses never go away. HIV is still here.

Flu can live in humans.
It is endemic to humans.
We can never get rid of it.
No vaccine is very effective.
Most people do not get a flu vaccine, and the ones who do can still spread it.

But covid-19 is zoonotic, and can only live permanently in bats.
It can not live in humans.
It is not endemic to humans.

But if we keep "flattening the curve", and keep covid-19 around long enough, then we will breed a variant strain that can live in humans.
It is a matter of time.
So we can not afford to keep "flattening the curve".
We have to end it and get rid of it QUICKLY.
If everyone had a flu vaccine, spreading would automatically be irrelevant. That's why vaccines are so important. Are you okay? You know, common sense okay?

No one has an effective flu vaccine.
It changes too quickly.
Vaccines are great, but always too late to end an epidemic in progress.
Look at the 1948 Polio epidemic.
We did not get access to the Salk vaccine until 1957, way too late and it was already over by herd immunity by then.
Vaccines prevent future epidemics, not end existing ones.
Yes, flu vaccines work. No we did not have polio herd immunity before the Salk and Sabin vaccines

If most people did not already have inherent immunity to Polio, then it would have spread through out the whole human population quickly.
In fact, the Polio epidemic was essentially OVER before the Salk vaccine became available in 1957.
I was there.
I remember VERY WELL what happened.

But not all vaccines work.
For example, flu changes too quickly, so flu vaccines essentially do NOT work.
They only make the symptoms less so that you feel good enough to go out and spread it more.

And we do not know if the covid-19 vaccine works.
Since it is not the virus but immune reaction to that is fatal, the vaccine might well trigger the same fatal response?
It was also manufactured with gene splicing instead of being cultured, so has other greater risks.
It also had almost no testing.
each Approved drug had clinical tris of 30,000 to 45,000.. and testing is continuing.

Not even close to being sufficient, because it is a gene-spliced and totally new protein chain. If only 1 in a million has a fatal allergic reaction, that is still hundreds of unnecessary deaths.
The host for covid-19 is bats, not humans.
Once gone, its never coming back.
The flu vaccines have essentially no effect on how many cases there are.
They only reduce the symptoms.
I only had the flu once in the last 40 years, and I never had a flu vaccine.
There is essentially no difference between an epidemic and a pandemic, since with a pandemic, each country it is in sees it only as an epidemic.
Pandemics are just a factor of modern travel, and has nothing to do with the pathogen really.
well there you have it. Blatant fabrication. According to the CDC, for 2019-20, flu vaccine was 40-60 effective, and prevented 7.5 million illnesses. Now two COVID vaccines have 95% efficaciousness. To put it another, vaccines have a failure rate that is 8 - 12 times the failure rate of COVID vaccines.

Injection or infection? I’ll take injection.

there have been about 3000 instances of likely serious adverse reactions. Care to compare that with the number of adverse reactions to COVID.

And now that I think of it, what do the flu and polio have to do with it.

There is no evidence that any flu vaccine ever prevented infection serious enough to still spread it.
That means you just felt better, not that you were not a carrier.
The point is that if we had allowed covid-19 to spike in March, then herd immunity would have wiped it out then, not only would there be no need for a vaccine now, but 270,000 lives would have been saved.

Flu and polio show that in the past, herd immunity is what ended all epidemics, not vaccines or flattening the curve.
Our economy declined because of Trumps failures to address covid
Our economy declined because blue state governors put 4he country on lockdown, putting 370,000 small businesses OUT of business, putting MILLIONS on the unemployment lines. UNTIL Trump was illegally removed from office. Now all of a sudden, blue state governors and mayors want business back up and running
The lockdown was a result of Trump's denial and lies over covid. Had he gone a different way, people would have been more prepared. They weren't and they died.

Actually presidents have ZERO authority or jurisdiction over health care matter.
And ACTUALLY, although I dislike Trump, he was right about covid-19.
Fauci first claimed it had a lethality of 10%, then 1.8%, and later we found out it was 0.15% only. which put is about the same as seasonal flu.
So then why did 300,000 die?
It as because Fauci goofed and tried to "flatten the curve".
That has never ever ended any epidemic, and fact it prevents the early spike, which is what normally end all epidemics.
So Fauci forced the epidemic to keep going, not stop, and last forever.
Which is why to many died.
If instead we had let it spike in March, then herd immunity would have ended the epidemic in March, saving 260,000 lives.
Out of all the lying, ignorant posts I have read on here, yours is at the top of the list.

Trump had intel going all the way back to January 2020 and called it the new Democrat hoax, comparing it to the Russia hoax. That's fact number one. Fact number two, he had an interview with Bob Woodward telling Bob that the Coronavirus was five times worse than the flu. And he never told us until the audio came out.

Now, here's where your post really gets into some stupid territory. OMG! I can't believe I read that.
So then why did 300,000 die?
It as because Fauci goofed and tried to "flatten the curve".
You fucking idiot. Do you realize how stupid that is? In your previous sentence you said it was "about the same as the seasonal flu." "It's because Fauci goofed and tried to flatten the curve, that has never ended a pandemic. "Which is why too many died". You idiot, you just admitted it wasn't like the flu, and on top of that, Trump said it was five times worse than the flu. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:Get your shit right. WHY DO WE HAVE SO MANY FUCKING STUPID PEOPLE?

You have proven you can't do simple math.
Seasonal flu kills about 30,000 people a month.
If you prevent it from ending, and make it last 10 months, that is 10 times 30,000.
Guess what?
That is 300,000.
It's not 300,000. Get a fucking clue; This Is How Many People Die From the Flu Each Year

Overall, the CDC estimates that 12,000 and 61,000 deaths annually since 2010 can be blamed on the flu. The higher number reflects the particularly harsh 2017-2018 flu season. Most years, the US death toll from the flu is closer to 34,000 to 43,000. Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the flu kills 290,000 to 650,000 people per year.

That is very ignorant because if you wear masks and social distance to "flatten the curve" with flu as well, you can prevent the spike and force to stick around FOREVER.
The reason we do not normally have annual flu for more than a month is that herd immunity kills it off after it spikes. If you prevent the spike by flattening the curve, then it will NOT go away. It will stay FOREVER!
Most people get a flu shot to keep it from spiking. People who don't are unprotected. Many viruses never go away. HIV is still here.

Flu can live in humans.
It is endemic to humans.
We can never get rid of it.
No vaccine is very effective.
Most people do not get a flu vaccine, and the ones who do can still spread it.

But covid-19 is zoonotic, and can only live permanently in bats.
It can not live in humans.
It is not endemic to humans.

But if we keep "flattening the curve", and keep covid-19 around long enough, then we will breed a variant strain that can live in humans.
It is a matter of time.
So we can not afford to keep "flattening the curve".
We have to end it and get rid of it QUICKLY.
If everyone had a flu vaccine, spreading would automatically be irrelevant. That's why vaccines are so important. Are you okay? You know, common sense okay?

No one has an effective flu vaccine.
It changes too quickly.
Vaccines are great, but always too late to end an epidemic in progress.
Look at the 1948 Polio epidemic.
We did not get access to the Salk vaccine until 1957, way too late and it was already over by herd immunity by then.
Vaccines prevent future epidemics, not end existing ones.
Yes, flu vaccines work. No we did not have polio herd immunity before the Salk and Sabin vaccines

If most people did not already have inherent immunity to Polio, then it would have spread through out the whole human population quickly.
In fact, the Polio epidemic was essentially OVER before the Salk vaccine became available in 1957.
I was there.
I remember VERY WELL what happened.

But not all vaccines work.
For example, flu changes too quickly, so flu vaccines essentially do NOT work.
They only make the symptoms less so that you feel good enough to go out and spread it more.

And we do not know if the covid-19 vaccine works.
Since it is not the virus but immune reaction to that is fatal, the vaccine might well trigger the same fatal response?
It was also manufactured with gene splicing instead of being cultured, so has other greater risks.
It also had almost no testing.
each Approved drug had clinical tris of 30,000 to 45,000.. and testing is continuing.

Not even close to being sufficient, because it is a gene-spliced and totally new protein chain. If only 1 in a million has a fatal allergic reaction, that is still hundreds of unnecessary deaths.
The host for covid-19 is bats, not humans.
Once gone, its never coming back.
If you know anything about clinical trials and statistics, then you that number is absolutely sufficient to establish both safety and efficacy. And, as I said, data is still be collected.

as you as you should know from statistics, even doubling the sample size would no improve the degree of certainty of the analysis.

we know the vaccines provide the immunity. We know the potential risk you face from the vaccine is far less than you Risk you face if you CONTRACT COVID. All you’re doing is discouraging people from getting a vaccination that will absolutely save lives. And in my mind, that makes you guilty of negligent homicide.
Spoken as only a true fascist can speak.
The communists were the ones who eliminated "enemies of the people" on ideological grounds.
Communists are they only ones to have purges?
You people do realize that communism, socialism and fascism are all variations of the same mindset. They all require tyranny to survive and all seek to enslave all but the very few.

Totally wrong.
There is very little similarity between communism and socialism, and fascism is the exact opposite.
Communism is what all families, religious orders, and small tribes use.
Socialism is an attempt to provide a safety net in a high tech environment.
But fascism is where the wealthy elite form a coalition in order to maintain a dictatorship.
" But fascism is where the wealthy elite form a coalition in order to maintain a dictatorship. "

Wrong. Completely wrong. It's actually the opposite of what you say. Under fascism, the State is supreme and the State exists for the benefit of the nation--not for any particular group within the nation. That's why, under Hitler, Germany, and Italy under Mussolini, achieved such astounding economic successes (Hitler was Time Magazine's Man of the Year). It is under communism wherein ALWAYS a tiny group is extremely rich and powerful and everyone else is poor and with no human rights.
The flu vaccines have essentially no effect on how many cases there are.
They only reduce the symptoms.
I only had the flu once in the last 40 years, and I never had a flu vaccine.
There is essentially no difference between an epidemic and a pandemic, since with a pandemic, each country it is in sees it only as an epidemic.
Pandemics are just a factor of modern travel, and has nothing to do with the pathogen really.
well there you have it. Blatant fabrication. According to the CDC, for 2019-20, flu vaccine was 40-60 effective, and prevented 7.5 million illnesses. Now two COVID vaccines have 95% efficaciousness. To put it another, vaccines have a failure rate that is 8 - 12 times the failure rate of COVID vaccines.

Injection or infection? I’ll take injection.

there have been about 3000 instances of likely serious adverse reactions. Care to compare that with the number of adverse reactions to COVID.

And now that I think of it, what do the flu and polio have to do with it.

There is no evidence that any flu vaccine ever prevented infection serious enough to still spread it.
That means you just felt better, not that you were not a carrier.
The point is that if we had allowed covid-19 to spike in March, then herd immunity would have wiped it out then, not only would there be no need for a vaccine now, but 270,000 lives would have been saved.

Flu and polio show that in the past, herd immunity is what ended all epidemics, not vaccines or flattening the curve.
There is plenty of evidence from the CDC that vaccines have reduced the number of influenza illnesses. Through some convoluted logic, you seem to think that preventing an illness won’t prevent the illness.
The flu vaccines have essentially no effect on how many cases there are.
They only reduce the symptoms.
I only had the flu once in the last 40 years, and I never had a flu vaccine.
There is essentially no difference between an epidemic and a pandemic, since with a pandemic, each country it is in sees it only as an epidemic.
Pandemics are just a factor of modern travel, and has nothing to do with the pathogen really.
well there you have it. Blatant fabrication. According to the CDC, for 2019-20, flu vaccine was 40-60 effective, and prevented 7.5 million illnesses. Now two COVID vaccines have 95% efficaciousness. To put it another, vaccines have a failure rate that is 8 - 12 times the failure rate of COVID vaccines.

Injection or infection? I’ll take injection.

there have been about 3000 instances of likely serious adverse reactions. Care to compare that with the number of adverse reactions to COVID.

And now that I think of it, what do the flu and polio have to do with it.

There is no evidence that any flu vaccine ever prevented infection serious enough to still spread it.
That means you just felt better, not that you were not a carrier.
The point is that if we had allowed covid-19 to spike in March, then herd immunity would have wiped it out then, not only would there be no need for a vaccine now, but 270,000 lives would have been saved.

Flu and polio show that in the past, herd immunity is what ended all epidemics, not vaccines or flattening the curve.

It will take years to achieve herd immunity and cost millions of lives to get there.

Please stop posting bullshit.
UNDER Marxism, owner of the means of production belongs to and is shared by the people.
Which is how I knew by the time I was in the 9th grade that the USSR would eventually collapse. If you've ever had any dealings with humans, you'll see immediately that Marx's idea was ludicrous.
Steve Schmidt said it so eloquently. There will be no unity with seditionists.

After their terrorist attack on the country, unity is only possible with accountability. That's the only way moving forward. Not only is accountability imperative, it is necessary if we are to hold onto this Democracy. If the Right thinks this country is simply going to sweep this terrorist attack under the rug, think again.

Tell that bald headed fag boi to come and get me.....

Do not say "come get me" while on the internet. You are spineless. If you are such a tough guy face those you egg on in person. If you are not going to a place you can do what you say or someone else can do what you request shut the f**k up. Do not be a spineless chicken hawk spouting off tough guy tal on the internet. Go where you or someone else can do something about it.

When everything with real radicals is in your face, we get people like you. The amount of people needed to clean up the shit we produce while accusing people who do not agree with it of all names possible is sickening. We do it by our own agendas and programs. We promote it. Taxes keep going up through inflation or stagnant wages. Either way, the police state you deny is coming on strong and it will be fun to watch when the resources are adjusted downward as our economy continues its decline.

Our economy declined because of Trumps failures to address covid. The upswing for ten years of the economy was all Obama with his ten year recovery package.

The agents of the new world order made sure of it. You will lament the loss of all liberty.

They made sure the economy would recover, while Trump took credit. He said we had the best economy ever under his administration. Obama was responsible for that economy. But, Obama didn't create the best economy, which Trump took credit. Obama created a great recovery for which Trump took credit. Trump doesn't have a clue about economies.

Trump doesn't have a clue about economies.

Neither do you if you think the US president makes the economy.
(btw, Trump is a billionaire and you are not)
Steve Schmidt said it so eloquently. There will be no unity with seditionists.

After their terrorist attack on the country, unity is only possible with accountability. That's the only way moving forward. Not only is accountability imperative, it is necessary if we are to hold onto this Democracy. If the Right thinks this country is simply going to sweep this terrorist attack under the rug, think again.

You really are fucking stupid and I will also throw in "gutless coward" as if you would have the sac to participate in eliminating those that stand against you commie fucks. I don't vote, I corrected my legal standing a decade ago thus no longer a de-facto employee of USA.INC, but with that being said? I would slit the throat of a leftard long before I would ever side or "unite" with them. Frankly, the very thought makes me want to blow chunks. You lying, disgusting commie fucks are the lowest form of life on this planet.
After their terrorist attack on the country, unity is only possible with accountability.
Hear! Hear! Let's start with the attack on the White House by Antifa when they burned down St John's Episcopalian
Steve Schmidt said it so eloquently. There will be no unity with seditionists.

After their terrorist attack on the country, unity is only possible with accountability. That's the only way moving forward. Not only is accountability imperative, it is necessary if we are to hold onto this Democracy. If the Right thinks this country is simply going to sweep this terrorist attack under the rug, think again.

The only thing I see is the extremists run the parties and as long as they continue to do so, there is no unity. What happened January 6th was as sad of a day we have seen in a long time, however there are underlying reasons of why and how this happened and if we don’t fix the problem it, it will go back underground for decades and then it will be back.

America isn’t listening to its people, it is listening to the rich because the system is geared toward the rich. It doesn’t listen to the working class, the poor, the people of color, it listens and responds to the rich, that has to change or the divide will continue and grow.

There is no leadership in either party, they don’t give a damn about the people they were elected to serve, they believe they are better than the average American, know more than the average American and above everything, they believe the party’s interest is more important than the country’s best interest.

Most of what you say I agree with.

I will say though, yes, it will go back underground and come back as you say, but that has been going on since our earliest civilizations. It goes back all the way to the Roman Empire. And we as a population still haven't learned the lesson. "Give the people bread and circus" which is a failure of the citizenry has been repeated here in this country and in others. We just don't get it. Not sure the majority of the citizenry ever will. It's why the 1% do not want to see the masses become educated. Hence, let's defund the public schools. It's been a simple, yet effective tool in keeping the majority of populations in check.

The 1% backed Biden. Do you live under a floorboard?

80 million is more than 1%. Just sayin

All the corporations, media moguls, bankers, oligarchs, international financiers, hedge funds, have backed Biden.
Are you fucking blind???
The proletariat have backed Trump. 100%
Trump is their voice.

Not my fault they picked an incompetent fuckup to be their voice. I dont care that they dont like the results of the election. Tough shit. Better luck next time.

I don't think there is evidence of the election being rigged, but obviously the primaries are, or else we would have better choices than Trump or Biden.
There is way too much influence by the wealthy elite who control the media.
We have hit a very low period.
Any impossible to point fingers since so many are to blame.

I agree that money has control but this election is totally different. You have a wealthy con artist posing as the peoples choice simply because he wants to make money off them. Its like Dumpsters are retarded or something. They are directly to blame for the state of affairs.

I am far left, progressive, liberal, so I would never fall for Trump's line.
However, that does not change the fact the democrats in congress are also lying crooks who have been selling us all down the river since the Clinton administration repealed Glass -Steagall, and pass the 1994 federal crime bill. The War on Drugs, 3 strikes, gun control, etc., is all totally illegal and corrupt.

Congress should not just have been occupied, but burned to the ground.

Congress gets burned to the ground then we wind up with a dictator like Dump. We need that check and we need to vote these slow moving crooks in congress out.

Well I do not like Trump and do not agree the election was stolen, even though I think the primaries were rigged.
So I prefer the slow and safe approach as well.
But people calling the misguided Trump supporters as terrorist and shooting them like the police did, is totally and completely wrong.
If those protestors are abused, then I quit.
That is it for this whole government.

If you forcibly try to overthrow an election wouldn't you be a terrorist? Sorry but thats the term in the dictionary. They got shot because they attempted to kidnap and kill members of congress along with the VP all to support some orange grifter.

The election was overthrown on November the Third 2020.

Prove it in court and I may believe you.

Give me one day in court with 12 members of the public and I will prove it.

What are you waiting for? Don't let Dumps 60+ losses in court cause you to stall.

Trump did not have one day in court.

That tends to happen when you get laughed out of court 60 times due to lack of evidence.

Yet it never entered court.
Explain that.
Why did Dems fear an audit and block the permission of audits in court?

I just did explain it. There was no evidence.

The vote was audited in all 50 states. Some states 3 times. Were not going to allow some idiots to slow the process by calling for a special one to find the same thing just because their feelings are hurt.

They won't be satisfied even if we did another audit.

They demanded recounts. They got them. trump still lost.

They demanded a hand recount. They got it. trump still lost.

They demanded an audit in one state. They got their audit. trump still lost.

Now they want ANOTHER audit. If they got it and when trump still loses they will demand something else.

They won't stop with demands.

No honest outcome will ever satisfy these crazy people. They will still insist trump won and demand more.

I notice they never say what trump's vote total is. They claim he won but they don't say what his total was, what states he won and how many electoral votes he won.

They are liars who can't stand that they lost and won't stop until they are forced to.

Wow, what a crock of crap.... It all goes back to election day, and into that evening where all the crazy began, but no, no Democrat's want to hear that do they ???

Now they somehow pulled it off in the dead of night, but how did they pull it off when Trump was winning big ???? The irregularities are huge, but nothing to see here folks right ????
You get "mobs" when people feel like they've been screwed! If you REALLY want unity in this country then it's time to bring confidence back to our electoral process. We're in this situation because literally millions of Americans think the other side "stole" an election. If you REALLY want to fix what's wrong it's not difficult. We need to go back to secure elections...where people vote in person with a valid ID or they vote with an absentee ballot that they've requested be mailed to a valid address. If you want "mail out" ballots because you think they give your side an advantage in elections...then you deserve it when mobs coming knocking at your door! Just saying...
Better yet, let’s get back to a time when an orange Prez didn’t spend 4 years spewing phoney allegations to mindless worshipper.
Who spent four years spewing phony allegations, MadDog? Actually, make that four and a half years because liberals in this country were spewing phony allegations about Trump before he even took office! Russian collusion? Talk about a crock!
20,000 plus confirmed lies by Trump. What phony allegations are you talking about?
Russian Collusion? Duh? You assholes made that up! You PAID foreign nationals to pretend it was real! Your liberal media pushed a story that was totally fabricated! Liberal politicians like Adam Schiff declared they had proof it happened and then provided NOTHING! Entrenched swamp creatures like Clapper, Brennan and Comey took part in one lie after another to our courts! What allegations am I talking about? You've got to be kidding!

I am not at all a Trump supporter, but I agree that whole Russian collusion story was totally fake.
All of Trumps intelligence agencies concluded Russia helped Trump get elected. Where is your evidence it is totally fake?

None of the US intelligence agencies ever suggested how Russia could have influenced the election.
All they did was show evidence that Trump people met with Russians.
That does not mean the Russians then did anything of any consequence.
Any claim that any intelligence agency showed evidence that Russia actually effected votes is just lying.
There is no evidence of that.
But nice try to switch wording around trying to get me to prove a negative, which everyone knows can't be done.
Better luck next time.
Boy howdy, did you pick the wrong one to debate that; Senate committee backs intelligence agencies' findings that Russia meddled in 2016 election

What they did of consequence was to set the stage for corruption by Trump, the likes this country had never seen before.

Trump's people met Russians to get dirt on Clinton. They were colluding with a foreign adversary.

And by the way I said this; All of Trumps intelligence agencies concluded Russia helped Trump get elected. Where is your evidence it is totally fake? I never said anything about votes. You planted that lie. Nice try. Better luck next time.

If you want to lock horns with me about Russia or the election, you're going to lose. Next?
Oh, bullshit! Those intelligence agencies concluded that Russia tried to interfere in our elections just as they've done for DECADES! It's what they DO! Show me one iota of proof that any of those attempts to interfere resulted in one vote being changed! Trump's people met with Russians to get "dirt" on Clinton? Bullshit again! Clinton's people set up a meeting with Trump's people so they could ACCUSE the Trump campaign of collusion! That was another one of Glenn Simpson's political dirty tricks...paid for by the Clinton campaign and the DNC! That meeting in Trump Tower lasted only a few moments before it became obvious the whole thing was a set up. The only REAL collusion that took place in that election was between the Clinton Campaign and the likes of Glenn Simpson, Richard Steele and Natalia Veselnitskaya! Glenn Simpson met with Veselnitskaya the day before that Trump Tower meeting and the day after and the Obama State Department got Veselnitskaya a special visa so she could enter the country! THAT is collusion! What you claim is collusion is bullshit that scum in the Clinton camp and the main stream media used to smear a political candidate!
Steve Schmidt said it so eloquently. There will be no unity with seditionists.

After their terrorist attack on the country, unity is only possible with accountability. That's the only way moving forward. Not only is accountability imperative, it is necessary if we are to hold onto this Democracy. If the Right thinks this country is simply going to sweep this terrorist attack under the rug, think again.

While I'm sure you will do everything in your power to ensure there will never again be unity in the United States, it's really up to Quid Pro to show that he can tone down the extremists in his party that are out for blood and will stop at nothing until every trace of opposition is eliminated from the minds of the populace (until they get shellacked in the mid-terms). It's up to him to stop people from turning in their family and neighbors to the authorities for harboring pro-Republican thoughts and attitudes. It's up to him to call on the nation's largest companies to stop bullying customers in an attempt to stop them from expressing their thoughts freely. It's up to him now to stop the looming civil war that will only leave the country decimated. Yes, Quid Pro has a big task ahead of him, and he'd better figure out a way to either do it before 10 am or make his day last longer.

Just like Woodstock, in a few years the democrats will have identified and attempted to destroy 10x the number of people who were actually at the capitol building.
Steve Schmidt said it so eloquently. There will be no unity with seditionists.

After their terrorist attack on the country, unity is only possible with accountability. That's the only way moving forward. Not only is accountability imperative, it is necessary if we are to hold onto this Democracy. If the Right thinks this country is simply going to sweep this terrorist attack under the rug, think again.

While I'm sure you will do everything in your power to ensure there will never again be unity in the United States, it's really up to Quid Pro to show that he can tone down the extremists in his party that are out for blood and will stop at nothing until every trace of opposition is eliminated from the minds of the populace (until they get shellacked in the mid-terms). It's up to him to stop people from turning in their family and neighbors to the authorities for harboring pro-Republican thoughts and attitudes. It's up to him to call on the nation's largest companies to stop bullying customers in an attempt to stop them from expressing their thoughts freely. It's up to him now to stop the looming civil war that will only leave the country decimated. Yes, Quid Pro has a big task ahead of him, and he'd better figure out a way to either do it before 10 am or make his day last longer.

Just like Woodstock, in a few years the democrats will have identified and attempted to destroy 10x the number of people who were actually at the capitol building.

The information age has become the disinformation age unfortunately. Having platforms that are ok with the unification of devilish people that want to do devilish deeds has become a problem. But the biggest problem that has evolved is the devilish people are masquerading as good, and all in order to hide their evilness in hopes that the joyride will continue unabated.

Someone said long ago that a constitution and it's rules or laws should have been created and enforced strictly for the internet, because it has been proven now that it is just to powerful a thing to be operated in an unregulated environment.

Now those who contest this sort of thinking are doing so why ??? If we all get together and agree on such things, then wouldn't it be better to close the door on evilness wherever it tries to raise it's ugly head ??

As long as we have evilness with us, we must have rules and things to live by. Freedom shouldn't be without responsibility, and it shouldn't be without the rebuking of evilness to be found therefore within the rules that are put forth by good people in hopes to keep evilness at bay.
Steve Schmidt said it so eloquently. There will be no unity with seditionists.

After their terrorist attack on the country, unity is only possible with accountability. That's the only way moving forward. Not only is accountability imperative, it is necessary if we are to hold onto this Democracy. If the Right thinks this country is simply going to sweep this terrorist attack under the rug, think again.

Oh please, you people don't want "unity" you want capitulation and control.

Lol! Like the Right is interested in what we want right? For references, watch what happened on January 6th, and tell us what you want.

You don't want "unity". You want capitulation, you want censorship and you want complete control.

Right, nothing like capitulation and control of a legal election and turning it over to an authoritarian. Which is what you are really talking about. Ain't going to happen. Time for your boy to pack his shit and go;

You don't want "unity". You want capitulation, you want censorship and you want complete control.
Spoken as only a true fascist can speak.
The communists were the ones who eliminated "enemies of the people" on ideological grounds.
Communists are they only ones to have purges?
You people do realize that communism, socialism and fascism are all variations of the same mindset. They all require tyranny to survive and all seek to enslave all but the very few.
You people do realize that communism, socialism and fascism are all variations of the same mindset. They all require tyranny to survive and all seek to enslave all but the very few.

No, that is not what fascism is. The word is Italian in origin. (Start halfway down the page)

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You state their so called intentions I state the reality of their executions. Which by the way were in the millions.

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