There would be no trump if there was no Obama…

I believe the facts are that there would be no Trump of there was no Clinton
It's true. A black center-left Illinois senator really whipped the right into a frenzy. The whole Republican base moved into the fringe.
The facts baby...

So now you're blaming your stupidity on Obama--

Obama did not choose Trump for you, you did that.

It's true. A black center-left Illinois senator really whipped the right into a frenzy. The whole Republican base moved into the fringe.

It started before that if Bill would of done the honorable thing like Nixon and resign..

We wouldn't of had the three Jack asses that followed:

Bush jr


Or Trump
It's true. A black center-left Illinois senator really whipped the right into a frenzy. The whole Republican base moved into the fringe.

It started before that if Bill would of done the honorable thing like Nixon and resign..

We wouldn't of had the three Jack asses that followed:

Bush jr


Or Trump

You can't blame other people for your own ignorance. No one choose Trump for you--you did that. Your first mistake was making this ass clown the poster boy of the Republican party, your second mistake was not voting for Hillary Clinton to keep the ass clown out of the Oval office.

Now you're going to pay for your decision. If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a grasp of what that Emoluments clause in the Constitution means.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

It's true. A black center-left Illinois senator really whipped the right into a frenzy. The whole Republican base moved into the fringe.

It started before that if Bill would of done the honorable thing like Nixon and resign..

We wouldn't of had the three Jack asses that followed:

Bush jr


Or Trump

Hey Bear. Actually I didn't mind Bush Jr nor do I mind Trump. Obama promised NOTHING; hope and change? Dashed hopes and change for the worse.

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It's true. A black center-left Illinois senator really whipped the right into a frenzy. The whole Republican base moved into the fringe.

It started before that if Bill would of done the honorable thing like Nixon and resign..

We wouldn't of had the three Jack asses that followed:

Bush jr


Or Trump

You can't blame other people for your own ignorance. No one choose Trump for you--you did that. Your first mistake was making this ass clown the poster boy of the Republican party, your second mistake was not voting for Hillary Clinton to keep the ass clown out of the Oval office.

Now you're going to pay for your decision. If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a grasp of what that Emoluments clause in the Constitution means.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

It's called lowering the bar, tit for tat...

And we have lowered it way to much since the Clarence Thomas hearings.

It's true. A black center-left Illinois senator really whipped the right into a frenzy. The whole Republican base moved into the fringe.

It started before that if Bill would of done the honorable thing like Nixon and resign..

We wouldn't of had the three Jack asses that followed:

Bush jr


Or Trump

Hey Berar. Actually I didn't mind Bush Jr nor do I mind Trump. Obama promised NOTHING; hope and change? Dashed hopes and change for the worse.


It's just the point the op and I am trying to make is we keep going lower and lower. God knows Hillary and Trump were the worse two nominees in the history of the United States..when we had so much better from both parties

  • Thanks
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It's true. A black center-left Illinois senator really whipped the right into a frenzy. The whole Republican base moved into the fringe.

It started before that if Bill would of done the honorable thing like Nixon and resign..

We wouldn't of had the three Jack asses that followed:

Bush jr


Or Trump

Hey Bear. Actually I didn't mind Bush Jr nor do I mind Trump. Obama promised NOTHING; hope and change? Dashed hopes and change for the worse.


It's just the point the op and I am trying to make is we keep going lower and lower. God knows Hillary and Trump were the worse two nominees in the history of the United States..when we had so much better from both parties


I really couldn't care less about the personalities. Trump's policies resonated where it mattered. None of the others ran with what he believed the voters wanted to have done. True; of the 17 or so Republicans any of them would have been fine with me. I said a long time ago that the Pubby Nominee would win and not the Dems. Now for the Republican Party? I want to see them fight for every inch of what the people voted for. Trump is well on the way to delivering. Republicans need to get on with it.

No "W", no catastrophic diplomatic, military and economic situation.
I want to thank oreo for not posting that video of homosexual Shep Smith that he often posts!
We've had 8 years of socialism and it failed miserably (as it always does). Now it's time for a president who believes in the system that made the U.S. great.....Capitalism.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama…

Agreed. Just as Carter brought us Reagan, Obama brought us Trump. Both Jimmah and Barry gave us horrible economies.

And at least Trump isn't a Progressive-Republican like 43. Also I don't believe he is a hard-core Globalist like 44.
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It's true. A black center-left Illinois senator really whipped the right into a frenzy. The whole Republican base moved into the fringe.

It started before that if Bill would of done the honorable thing like Nixon and resign..

We wouldn't of had the three Jack asses that followed:

Bush jr


Or Trump

You can't blame other people for your own ignorance. No one choose Trump for you--you did that. Your first mistake was making this ass clown the poster boy of the Republican party, your second mistake was not voting for Hillary Clinton to keep the ass clown out of the Oval office.

Now you're going to pay for your decision. If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a grasp of what that Emoluments clause in the Constitution means.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

your second mistake was not voting for Hillary Clinton to keep the ass clown out of the Oval office.
How many voted for Trump to keep assclown Clinton out of the Oval Office?

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