There's Good News Tonight

No, you can't. But I neglected to mention that I also use a web-based RSS feed that gives me news stories as they happen. The feeds I'm getting are from UPI, AP, RT, Jerusalem Post, CBS, FOX, NBC, ABC, CNN, New York Times, and BBC...

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I wouldn’t waste my time with those slanted establishment controlled sources.
No, you can't. But I neglected to mention that I also use a web-based RSS feed that gives me news stories as they happen. The feeds I'm getting are from UPI, AP, RT, Jerusalem Post, CBS, FOX, NBC, ABC, CNN, New York Times, and BBC...

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I would modify that too say you cannot be informed by ONLY watching TV. You learn things, but don't believe anyone without verifying it independently. Fox is the best and they don't lie, but they do spin. We are not like the left at all. We don't like lies while they make a living off them, literally the welfare whores
my 401k is very happy! :banana: :banana:
Not everyone has a 401K.

This is the problem with Democrat voters.
They only think of themselves.
Never about what is bad for everyone else.
Somebody else gets murdered or burned out of their homes and you could give a darn because for now, everything seems to be great with you.
All of the chaos Biden's adm is causing doesn't even phase you.
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Your New Year's resolution should be to stop believing the nonsense spoon fed to you by RWM and instead apply some critical thinking. Seek out sources of info that do not confirm your bias and you'll have a 2024 that is more enlightened, less brainwashed.
Not too sure which part you're having issue with. Millions of illegals didn't cross the border? There was resistance? They didn't get phones? Or didn't The View tell you these things?
Not everyone has a 401K.

This is the problem with Democrat voters.
They only think of themselves.
Never about what is bad for everyone else.
Somebody else gets murdered or burned out of their homes and you could give a darn because for now, everything seems to be great with you.
All of the chaos Biden's adm is causing doesn't even phase you.

63% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Grocery prices drive them under and the market rise helps them not at all. Guess who has most of the loans Democrats want to forgive? I am sure you already know.

I'm a have, grocery prices for example don't have any influence on my spending, but the Democrats again sob for the poor then do nothing for them while they line the pockets of the millionaires and billionaires funding them
Not too sure which part you're having issue with. Millions of illegals didn't cross the border? There was resistance? They didn't get phones? Or didn't The View tell you these things?

berg80 saw the Bat Signal the Democrats sent to circle the wagons around Pedo Joe. It's going to be like this until Trump is re-elected next year because only the hard left like bergy are responding to it, the rest can't pay their bills and want Trump back
I wouldn’t waste my time with those slanted establishment controlled sources.

Well it's nice to know that non-slanted un-establishment news sources have reporters on the scene.

Do you just make up your own news stories or something> :laughing0301:
Well it's nice to know that non-slanted un-establishment news sources have reporters on the scene.

Do you just make up your own news stories or something> :laughing0301:

Gipper wants to help Democrats win to prove how libertarian he is. You can't argue with stupid
So why don't you start donating to charity for your left wing wacko causes instead of whining that people who don't support them are not paying your share

I have never said anyone is not paying their share.

are you still drunk from last night?
Sorta depends on where you are on the economic food chain. There are millions of poor Americans that think 2023 was the worst ever.
Then let's help them.

Minimum basic income, single payer health insurance, daycare, College.


Yeah, that's what I thought.

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