There’s good reason Norwegians don’t immigrate here

Marc Lamont Hill: "If You Voted For Donald Trump You Are Complicit In The Racism We're Seeing Today"
There’s never been a truer statement.
Holy fuck, you're a moron shill. I need to call you out more on your bullshit, because you annoy everyone and spew lies constantly.
Name one lie. Now run away.

This thread, turdboy.

A liar and an Idiot
You’re weak sauce girlieman Maid Marian.
Quote the lie.

I'm not digging into your faggotry, bitch.

You got nothing on me, boy, Keep talking your bullshit and I'll post 10 lies from ya and make it frontpage OP ,k?

Fuck with me if you wanna. You will lose, dogshit.
The US sucks in comparison.
This country could learn a thing or two.
Obama had 8 years to narrow the gap between the U.S. and Norway.

What happened?? .... :dunno:
Your Republican Congress obstructed him every step of the way. Convenient amnesia?
You aren't cutting Trump any slack because Dims are obstructing everything he's trying to do.
He has both houses. He’s hasn’t accomplished anything legislatively because he lacks the ability to do so.
EVERY President has uttered swear words in the Oval Office. Only one President that I know of received oral sex in the Oval Office. Just some perspective.
There’s never been a truer statement.
Holy fuck, you're a moron shill. I need to call you out more on your bullshit, because you annoy everyone and spew lies constantly.
Name one lie. Now run away.

This thread, turdboy.

A liar and an Idiot
You’re weak sauce girlieman Maid Marian.
Quote the lie.

I'm not digging into your faggotry, bitch.

You got nothing on me, boy, Keep talking your bullshit and I'll post 10 lies from ya and make it frontpage OP ,k?

Fuck with me if you wanna. You will lose, dogshit.
I asked the maid for one quote and all he has is threats.
Girlieman indeed.
There’s never been a truer statement.
Holy fuck, you're a moron shill. I need to call you out more on your bullshit, because you annoy everyone and spew lies constantly.
Name one lie. Now run away.

This thread, turdboy.

A liar and an Idiot
You’re weak sauce girlieman Maid Marian.
Quote the lie.

I'm not digging into your faggotry, bitch.

You got nothing on me, boy, Keep talking your bullshit and I'll post 10 lies from ya and make it frontpage OP ,k?

Fuck with me if you wanna. You will lose, dogshit.
Quote me bitch. Quote one lie. My “ faggotry?”
when Reagan called the U.S.S.R. an "evil empire" was he saying the PEOPLE were evil? Can't we please leaven our outrage w/some context & perspective?
Norwegians have it made in their own country. That makes for zero desire to emigrate to the US.

Economy good, Home life good. Everything is just fine where they are.
View attachment 171345
•Named Happiest Country
•Named Best Country To Live In by UN
•Named Most Prosperous Country
•Free colleges/universities

Norwegians, reading today's news from the States:
"Why in the world would we want to go to that #shithole country?"

Did you read this post from UN-reasonable? He pointed out everything they have. Isn't he kind!

Another poster in this thread, put down the tax rates they pay, etc.

So let me translate for ya what In-Reasonable is actually saying.........and I can do this easily, because I used to be Democrat.

TRANSLATION---------------> See all this great stuff, I want it, and I want YOU to pay for it, because I am a lazy ass, and don't want to pay for it myself.

There ya have it folks, a Leftist translation from a former Democrat. Accurate to a fault, and 100% reliable-)
Norway is one of the most beautiful places on earth and due to studies, the happiest people.
I never said I wanted to live there you win today’s faceplant award.

If you have no interest in it, why worry about it?

You are implying they are happy because of all the stuff. How do you know they are not happy because they are always drunk, lol!
Norway is beautiful. When you visit make sure you take the ferry out to the Viking Museum. Those boats were really small.
View attachment 171345
•Named Happiest Country
•Named Best Country To Live In by UN
•Named Most Prosperous Country
•Free colleges/universities

Norwegians, reading today's news from the States:
"Why in the world would we want to go to that #shithole country?"

Did you read this post from UN-reasonable? He pointed out everything they have. Isn't he kind!

Another poster in this thread, put down the tax rates they pay, etc.

So let me translate for ya what In-Reasonable is actually saying.........and I can do this easily, because I used to be Democrat.

TRANSLATION---------------> See all this great stuff, I want it, and I want YOU to pay for it, because I am a lazy ass, and don't want to pay for it myself.

There ya have it folks, a Leftist translation from a former Democrat. Accurate to a fault, and 100% reliable-)
Norway is one of the most beautiful places on earth and due to studies, the happiest people.
I never said I wanted to live there you win today’s faceplant award.

If you have no interest in it, why worry about it?

You are implying they are happy because of all the stuff. How do you know they are not happy because they are always drunk, lol!
Nobody in Norway can afford to get drunk.
Minnesota is full of Nowegians. They didn't just pop up there. Guess where they came from?

They came from Norway back in the 1800's. Things have changed a bit since then.

No you are just embarrassing your self sissy manicure fingers ...

Let me guess, you have never opened a history book since you left school in the 2nd grade

Sent from my iPhone using
Where would he even get a history book to read?
What are the units of happiness? How is it measured?

Again, moron, no one claimed Norway is a shithole. So what are you trying to prove?
Do your own research you lazy SOB. I’m tired of always having to educate your dumb ass.

I've already done the research, dumbass. Only fools believe you can measure happiness.
Provide your research. No one in their right mind would believe a word you say.

Do your own homework, moron. No research is need. There is no unit of happiness. It can't be measured. End of story.
you just said “ I did my research”
Well what are you waiting for. It can’t ALWAYS me educating your dumb ass.

Consult a book on logic, moron. I don't need to do any research. You're the moron claiming Norway is the happiest country in the world. You're the imbecile claiming happiness can be measured.

Those making extraordinary claims need to prove them.

Skeptics don't need to do jack.

That's how logic works, but I realize you wouldn't know about that.
I proved many of Obama’s first term accomplishments. Do you have trouble reading, birther?
Accomplishments?? LOL....You mean disasters. .... :cuckoo:

Like his "shovel ready jobs"??

8 years later and the Obama shovel's were still hanging in the tool shed unused. .... :lol: :lol:
Holy fuck, you're a moron shill. I need to call you out more on your bullshit, because you annoy everyone and spew lies constantly.
Name one lie. Now run away.

This thread, turdboy.

A liar and an Idiot
You’re weak sauce girlieman Maid Marian.
Quote the lie.

I'm not digging into your faggotry, bitch.

You got nothing on me, boy, Keep talking your bullshit and I'll post 10 lies from ya and make it frontpage OP ,k?

Fuck with me if you wanna. You will lose, dogshit.
Quote me bitch. Quote one lie. My “ faggotry?”

You're all about faggotry, faggot.

President Trump fires council advising on HIV/AIDS

Several members slammed Trump's planned American Health Care Act (AHCA), saying it would leave many of the 1.1 million Americans with HIV/AIDS without access to proper treatment. AHCA failed to pass in Congress this year, despite several attempts.

Trump has sought to make $150 million in cuts to HIV/AIDS programs in the 2018 fiscal year budget, as well as deep cuts to global projects to fight AIDS and other diseases, Newsweek reported.

The health agency estimates that some 162,500 people (15% of all those living with the condition) are unaware that they are HIV positive.
Republicans have wanted those Americans to die for a long time. They must be really excited.

Pastors Praise Anti-Gay Massacre in Orlando, Prompting Outrage

For the gays who voted for Donald Trump, you are so fuked. Hope it was worth it. You had to know it was coming. After all, he's Donald Trump and leads the Republican Party.
The one good thing Bush did was allocate money for AIDS.
The only thing.
We're all still waiting for this piece of shit president to do one single good thing.
There’s never been a truer statement.
Holy fuck, you're a moron shill. I need to call you out more on your bullshit, because you annoy everyone and spew lies constantly.
Name one lie. Now run away.

This thread, turdboy.

A liar and an Idiot
You’re weak sauce girlieman Maid Marian.
Quote the lie.

I'm not digging into your faggotry, bitch.

You got nothing on me, boy, Keep talking your bullshit and I'll post 10 lies from ya and make it frontpage OP ,k?

Fuck with me if you wanna. You will lose, dogshit.

I am trying to figure out who reasonable is, at first I thought he was a real Dave sock because they post similar but then I get Real Dave post more like an adult.. reasonable post like a 32 year old liberal woman, or a 22 year old college kid at Berkeley or my other therory is a hot Pocket kid...


I so enjoy figuring out liberal posters real identity..:)
What are the units of happiness? How is it measured?

Again, moron, no one claimed Norway is a shithole. So what are you trying to prove?
Do your own research you lazy SOB. I’m tired of always having to educate your dumb ass.

I've already done the research, dumbass. Only fools believe you can measure happiness.
Provide your research. No one in their right mind would believe a word you say.

Do your own homework, moron. No research is need. There is no unit of happiness. It can't be measured. End of story.
you just said “ I did my research”
Well what are you waiting for. It can’t ALWAYS me educating your dumb ass.

I looked up the unit of measurement for happiness and found none. Reasearch done.

The fact that you believe you're educating me has me rolling on the floor.

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