There's no question Trump should plead guilty.

You agree he isn't and Biden is? Also Biden is a pedophile? Your dem friends wont appreciate it but I like your honesty.
Agree to what, retard? Are you feeling ok? Did we catch you on a bad day or are you always this stupid? :itsok:
So, there is more MAGA meltdown on the way? Thanks for letting us know.
Not a meltdown a payback on election day... do you think the dems can do this and not bring out a historic republican vote count?....
He was not charged for taking without permission, he was charged with refusing to return and showing them off to people so he could look cool
hey im just going by what the law says....they all broke the permission....unauthorized location.....dont we have a couple of sevice guys in prison for doing the same thing?....
hey im just going by what the law says....they all broke the permission....unauthorized location.....dont we have a couple of sevice guys in prison for doing the same thing?....

I would be very happy to see them all in prison.
MAGA land is going crazy over this indictment, trigger beyond belief, flailing as the evidence against Trump is overwhelming !

The republicans have over-investigated every Bullshit fabricated lie for the past 30 years, and now they are getting a taste of their own medicine and they can't take it at all.

This is just the beginning and it will continue to get worse for these people as more and more Trump crimes and indictments get released.

MAGAs don't meltdown nearly as much as you do 4-5 times a day
banker they are all is the law.....

U.S. Code § 1924 - Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material​

Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.

so unless they... trump,biden,pence and any others who have done this had permission to take the stuff ....then they all broke the law.....
Pence and Biden took documents home as part of their job, during the time they were Vice President.

Trump took the documents, boxes and boxes of them, out of the WH AFTER his job was done at the WH and he left on January 20, 2021.

Pence and Biden misplaced documents.

Trump purposefully took documents out of the WH, which were meant to go directly to NARA, put them in unsafe places all over MAR A Lago, moved them around, showed some to people in FL and Bedminster. Took Nuclear documents.

Pence and Biden returned found documents right away, Trump played around after the first returned 15 boxes in order to get donations from supporters and make himself a martyr.

Poor Trump. Always victimized. By his own decisions and actions.

And in the end, Indicted for obstruction and other reasons, which would not have happened at all, had he returned ALL the documents which belonged to NARA when they asked for them.
Bleach Bit/ Hammer Time....but still NEVER President!
Pence and Biden took documents home as part of their job, during the time they were Vice President.

Trump took the documents, boxes and boxes of them, out of the WH AFTER his job was done at the WH and he left on January 20, 2021.

Pence and Biden misplaced documents.

Trump purposefully took documents out of the WH, which were meant to go directly to NARA, put them in unsafe places all over MAR A Lago, moved them around, showed some to people in FL and Bedminster. Took Nuclear documents.

Pence and Biden returned found documents right away, Trump played around after the first returned 15 boxes in order to get donations from supporters and make himself a martyr.

Poor Trump. Always victimized. By his own decisions and actions.

And in the end, Indicted for obstruction and other reasons, which would not have happened at all, had he returned ALL the documents which belonged to NARA when they asked for them.
biden took them home as part of his job and then left them in the garage for 4 years?...yea i bet he got permission to do that......trump pence and biden and who knows who else.....are all guilty according to that law for taking them without permission to an unapproved location....

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