There's no question Trump should plead guilty.

But...but... Deep State!

LOL Tell that to Kari Lake. Just like you, she was all guts and glory before the election and then when she lost, she was back on the whine wagon screaming election fraud!!

Trumptards... you guys are so predictable that it is fun to see you idiots have a meltdown. :itsok:
Kari Lake has exposed Maricopa county as ballot stuffers... I bet they won't be able to try that ever again....
Kari Lake has exposed Maricopa county as ballot stuffers... I bet they won't be able to try that ever again....
In other words... guts and glory till you lose and then it's all whining all the time? Yeah, my point exactly. :itsok:
In other words... guts and glory till you lose and then it's all whining all the time? Yeah, my point exactly. :itsok:
These little pussies will be crying about election fraud after every election loss from now on.

Republicans are the weak of America, they cry over everything.
Kari Lake has exposed Maricopa county as ballot stuffers... I bet they won't be able to try that ever again....
How'd her BS law suit go?
Oh yea fail.
Just like all of Trump's fake election fraud lawsuits.

You trash are the only people that lose all court cases and still can't accept reality
How'd her BS law suit go?
Oh yea fail.
Just like all of Trump's fake election fraud lawsuits.

You trash are the only people that lose all court cases and still can't accept reality
New news broke today... you may want to google it....
These little pussies will be crying about election fraud after every election loss from now on.

Republicans are the weak of America, they cry over everything.
Oh yeah. That's all they know. Talk tough before the election and then whine till the next one. They follow their orange fuhrer, bless their little hearts.
Since Clinton there has been a buildup of nastiness and personality quirks of every candidate. Character flaws are magnified a hundred-fold. There were whispers of Reagan married twice. Psychological issues if known meant the candidate was removed. joe is obviously a man who has psychological issues just on that. Trump is the result of our move over the last 50 years to a wide open anything goes nation. And is lambasted for it.
Evidently, that's a "no Mac, I don't care if he broke the law".

I know.
The issue is mishandling classified material. I don't know anything about Pence, and if Trump is guilty he should face the consequences. The left is jumping through hoops to excuse and or ignore Biden's case and makes this shit look like political persecution.

You are confused.

"The left" or "the right" does not determine the justice process.

Biden was assigned a special investigator just like Trump, the difference is Biden is not fucking nuts enough to try to hide documents and obstruct investigations.
You are confused.

"The left" or "the right" does not determine the justice process.

Biden was assigned a special investigator just like Trump, the difference is Biden is not fucking nuts enough to try to hide documents and obstruct investigations.
No he just kept unsecured classified material for over a decade. I'm not making excuses for Trump if he mishandled classified documents he should be prosecuted but you loons are jumping through hoops for Biden it's the same shit the left did for Clinton. Biden had documents for more than 10 years years and wasn't asked for them Trump had been out of office for 2 years and he was raided by the FBI you can not say this shit isn't partisan politics.

I've worked with classified assets during my time in the Army if I had did the shit that Biden or Clinton has done I would have been in prison.
I'm not making excuses for Trump if he mishandled classified documents he should be prosecuted but you loons are jumping through hoops for Biden

Again wtf do 'loons' have to do with the justice process?

Did it matter how hard someone was jumping for Trump? Nope, indictment full of details against Trump dropped and that's what we are discussing.

The only reason why you are talking about Biden is because your mind needs deflection and equivalence when faced with indefensible Trump behavior.

But there is no equivalence, if Trump simply cooperated from the start with Archives and returned documents like Pence and Biden has then he would not be facing serious criminal charges now. He fucked himself yet again with his self absorbed, brazen, illicit scheming.
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Again wtf do 'loons' have to do with the justice process?

Did it matter how hard someone was jumping for Trump? Nope, indictment full of details against Trump dropped and that's what we are discussing.

The only reason why you are talking about Biden is because your mind needs deflection and equivalence when faced with indefensible Trump behavior.

But there is no equivalence, if Trump simply cooperated from the start with Archives and returned documents like Pence and Biden has then he would not be facing serious criminal charges now. He fucked himself yet again with his self absorbed, brazen, illicit scheming.
As you literally deflect and ignore that I stated if Trump mishandled classified material he should be prosecuted I haven't said anything different the entire time this shits been going on. Biden had documents for over a decade and some were stored in his garage as a Senator and VP he should not have had some of that material. The loons are people like you who have decided that Trump is guilty and Biden is not.
banker they are all is the law.....

U.S. Code § 1924 - Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material​

Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.

so unless they... trump,biden,pence and any others who have done this had permission to take the stuff ....then they all broke the law.....
“Knowingly “

“With intent”

Those things require proof.

In Trump’s case he himself provided that proof
As you literally deflect and ignore that I stated if Trump mishandled classified material he should be prosecuted I haven't said anything different the entire time this shits been going on. Biden had documents for over a decade and some were stored in his garage as a Senator and VP he should not have had some of that material. The loons are people like you who have decided that Trump is guilty and Biden is not.
Biden is Prez. We learned during the Trump “Presidency” that a sitting President can not be prosecuted.

Get back to us when he is no longer.

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