Zone1 There's no rational, reasoned argument for a ban on AR15s (2)

While I believe that the average liberal/Democrat voter is quite ignorant on this topic, I don't believe that many Democrat politicians are. I believe there IS a reason they play this card, and this "card" has been well depicted in the OP. I believe the Dem leaders likely know the real stats. But what do they hope to gain when they know they wouldn't really be doing much to stop gun violence and deaths? Is it just votes from stupid people they are trying to gain? Seems like a lot of time, trouble and monetary expense to go through.

The true goals of liberal democrats seems to be to profit through aligning themselves with globalists and to help globalists achieve THEIR goals while handing them pieces of our economy and resources. How does an AR/AK ban help this agenda? People with "assault type" rifles have not used their weaponry to resist this agenda so why start a war over it? So far it seems video games and junk food are all need to take over this country.
My Hayabusa is a race only motorcycle. My Busa is never operated on the street.

5500 deaths on motorcycles :)

In 2020, the most recent year for which complete data is available, 45,222 people died from gun-related injuries in the U.S.
Over half of those were suicides. Are you saying that the number of fatalities should determine bans? Sixty four million children have been murdered since RvW--so abortion is OK to ban in your mind too? Your position has holes big enough to drive a freight train through. Give it up, you are a loser with a loser position, hypocrite.
AR-15s were not used at Pulse Nightclub, nor was it used at Columbine, nor Sandy Hook, nor Parkland, nor Nashville. It was used in the Las Vegas shooting. Before the liberal buffoons (if you'll pardon the redundancy) go ape-shit with worthless links, "AR-15 style" is a catch word used by the media to describe any scary black gun.
M-16 (you know, don't be silly)
An AR-15 is not an M-16. This gun is legal everywhere. It shoots 5.56mm NATO round--is it an "assault" weapon. STFU, you're ignorant.
One stroke of the pen and Joe Biden crosses all of that out (yes, just like that ^^). It will be in court for years to come. I am all for it. Once again, no civilian needs a battlefield weapon like the AR-15. An AR-15 was designed as a killing machine. No business in a civilians hands.
Joe Biden’s pen will do nothing. Within seconds of his signature, SCOTUS will issue an emergency stay until the solicitor general can attempt to put together a case that shows something clearly unconstitutional is constitutional. When that fails, Biden’s signature disappears as if it never existed, and the impeachment will begin and even the democrats in the Senate will vote to convict him to save their own skins.
You can lie all day but the truth is the truth......the AR-15 is generally a low powered lie about it because you see it as your gateway gun for confiscation and bans......but you are lying......

And you obviously didn't get the menu.....the "q'anon," thing didn't work, so the democrat party has switched to smearing conservatives as "Christian Nationalists...." you need to keep up.

But that's not the point, right? You keep claiming that there's no difference between it and anything else. Nice try.
So? Does nothing to address, much less change the facts...

You have no rational or factual basis for your claim.
636 mass shootings in 2022.
8 involved an "assault rifle".
Almost all of the remainder were handguns.
The AR15 is effectively indistinguishable from any other semi-automatic rifle.

What the video points out is that it's deadlier than some other firearms. Anon expert claims it's no different from any other firearm.
Yes....they actually do choose hand guns over rifles......and you are the twit who thinks the AR-15 is different from other rifles, showing you don't know anything about rifles......

The Excel file with detailed information on the 88 mass public shootings from 1998 through May 15, 2022 is available here. With all the discussion about having another assault weapon ban, only 14% of mass public shootings are done solely with any type of rifle. Twenty-nine percent involve only a rifle or a rifle in combination with a handgun and/or a shotgun. Among the other findings, about 9 in 10 of the attacks are in gun-free zones (though over the longer period from 1950 94% of the attacks are in gun-free zones), half of the shooters are over age 30 and over 80 percent are at least 21 years of age. 97% are male and 55% are white. Still, for many, it might be surprising that such a large percentage of these attackers are minorities and that most are much older than K-12 or college-age shooters. Earlier work that we had done showed that the vast majority of these killers have no religious or political views. 48% of the mass public shooters were seeing mental health care professionals prior to their attacks.

Did they ask mass shooters and ask them what their choice was?

Give it a rest, genius. You already knew earlier on that you were wrong in claiming that it's no different from any handgun.
Are you implying the AR-15 is no different than any other semi-automatic rifle, pistol or shotgun?

That's what he was trying to point out throughout, and even added that anyone who claims otherwise knows nothing about firearms.

Meanwhile, the ones interviewed in the video included firearms experts and even doctors who treated gunshot wounds.

Apparently, the anon forum user is more knowledgeable than any of them.

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