Zone1 There's No Such Thing As Being Pro-Black AND Being Pro-Trump

He isn't.

Trump Goes on Deranged Rant About Anti-White Racism in Dead of Night​

Very early Thursday morning, Donald Trump was posting feverishly on his Truth Social account, with one “Truth” being an article from the National Review titled “Yes, Fight Anti-White Racism.”


In a recent interview with Time magazine, Trump railed against anti-white bias, saying “But if you look right now, there’s absolutely a bias against white and that’s a problem.”

Marc is right. You can't be pro black and vote for Trump. Like Biden said 4 years ago, if you are confused about the difference between him and Trump, you ain't black. And the only people who made a real stink about Biden saying that are disingenuous racist Republlican whites hoping they can fool 20 percent of the black voters to vote republican so they can get their white supermacist agenda implemented.
What a totally stupid thing to say OP so stupid and ridiculous!

There's No Such Thing As Being Pro-Black AND Being Pro-Trump​

Nothing stupid about it. It's 100 percent accurate. I'm sure white MAGAs have our best interest in mind. Not!
Because Trump isn't Pro-Black, he's Pro-white, from his own words and actions.

But don't take my words for it, this top-notch lawyer and Pastor breaks it down perfectly...

I am neither pro or anti black

So I guess there is nothing for me to add to this topic
wait a minute one post you said....I'm scared of uneducated white voters the most. People like i am as dark as a charcoal brickett?....i am Siclian Bobo in the summer time i can get pretty brown....i am never mistaken for a white guy...
Never said afraid of them the most. Did I? Well, they are the ones who want to tear the system down. They are the anarchists. I’m doing well in this system
Sealybobo is an idiot. Young black men don't like Trump.

“He’s a gangsta,” said one participant in the conversation with host Wilmore. Another seems pretty confident that Donald Trump “is not going to make you a slave.”

They went out and interviewed a bunch of brothers. Were they kidding?

Saw I in ebony. I’m blacker than you. Lol. I read ebony. Lol
If he saw all citizens as Americans and not races, as you're suggesting, then why is he running around the county screaming that whites are being persecuted?
He isn't.
Being “pro-black” just means you vote for Democrats like you are told. Taking orders from an old white career politician with a “D“ after their name is what being “pro black” is.

Being “pro-black“ means accepting that you don’t even know what a computer is and can’t get a photo ID.

Being “pro-black” means stepping and fetching it to the polls at the crack of the Democrat whip. They have you slaving away today just like you were 200 years ago.

Thats “pro-black”.
Trump 2018 First Step Act: On December 21, 2018, President Trump signed into law the First Step Act (FSA) of 2018 (P.L. 115- 391). The act was the culmination of a bi-partisan effort to improve criminal justice outcomes, as well as to reduce the size of the federal prison population while also creating mechanisms to maintain public safety.

Biden 1994 Crime Bill: The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, commonly known as the crime bill, was sponsored by Joe Biden 26 years ago. It is often blamed for extending tough-on-crime policies that overly criminalized Black Americans.

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