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There's only one way to prevent a Trump presidency

The election was about winning the electoral college. Period. Full-stop.

It wasn't about winning the popular vote.

Everyone knew that going in.

If people don't like it, then they can change the rules.

But Trump won by the rules set forth prior the election.

Any attempt to change the results after the election undermines our democracy.

Let's say, tomorrow morning, hypothetically, that they found a bunch of dead hookers buried under Trump Tower, and evidence Donald had strangled them.

Would you STILL say that the electoral college and congress should make him President. Because to do otherwise would 'Undermine democracy" (although I say that when 54% of the population votes against a candidate,and you make him president anyway, that ALREADY undermines democracy).

If you appoint electors to make this decision, and said electors make their own decisions based on their own judgment, then those are also "the rules".

Now, I think it's unlikely the electors will do what the founders expected them to do, actually be a check on the mistakes of the people. (Although, again the PEOPLE GOT THIS RIGHT!)

But they should. Especially with the pretty clear evidence Trump was in cahoots with the Russians. I think that's actually a little more serious than Dead Hookers.

Dead bodies have been turning up in the wake of the Klintoon Krime Cartel for 40 years and your sort stillwants her to be Prez.

As to the original question-

"Let's say, tomorrow morning, hypothetically, that they found a bunch of dead hookers buried under Trump Tower, and evidence Donald had strangled them. "

Immediate assumption would have to be a Black Op by barry's CIA/FBI as they have a record of this sort of corrupt stasi thing going back to 'Mississippi Burning', Operation Gladio, Admiral Forrestal, Marilyn Monroe and well before.

BTW, it's just a hoot watching hardcore Leftist's squealing how we must Trust the CIA/FBI and check under every bed for secret symps for the evil Russians presumably out to contaminate our vital fluids.......................
Assuming the Russians hacked the DNC & dumped hrc's shit and piss stained unmentionables in Wikileaks..........and that is a big assumption based on the unsworn 'testimony' of agencies know for their NWO leaning politically motivated lies...........just how is bringing truth forward a 'bad thing' for the American People.?

Well, what truths were those, exactly? Because what I saw were a lot of things taken out of context, that really weren't a big deal.

I would ask WHY the Russians would want Trump to win the election. This strikes me as kind of worrisome that they want Benedict Donald to win, especially since we don't know know far into debt he is to them because he never released his financials.

Really what you are saying is that a modest number of people either learning enough truth about hrc's criminality to flip their vote or maybe just to move them from a sideline status to going to the polls is somehow stealing HER and YOUR election! Yet you IGNORE the MILLIONS of non-citizens openly encouraged by the Mex government to vote hrc. You IGNORE the millions in campaign cash to hrc from Saudi. Hell, you even ignore the huge payoff the Klintoon Krime Kartel received from RUSSIA!!! for misusing her federal office influence to allow them to acquire 20% of USA uranium reserves.

Yeah, when things aren't true, I tend to ignore them.

BTW, Fool your sort already own the biggest traitor to the USA in 240 in the form of bho. Of course one might say that bho could not ever be a Traitor because unlike Mr Arnold barry never was an American or loyal to America's Cause. He was simply an enemy of America from childhood and an effective enemy. We are all but destroyed.

Guy, you are getting a little desperate here.

Look, the best thing that could happen is for your electors to pick someone like Mitt Romney and hope Congress takes the hint. Because the more that comes bout about Benedict Donald and his pals in Russia, the worse it's going to look for you.

OK so you yourself claim that the hrc lies & criminality revealed were to you just trivia. Soooooo, sport how can just trivia have done in the 'most qualified' candidate ever? Could it be perhaps that she is 'qualified' only in the empty heads of koolaid drinking golems such as yourself in Cali/NYC and that the rest of the Country The Real America was on to her long before her shit &piss stained unmentionables were exposed in wikileaks. The Real America recognise the stink of your walking dead 'goddess'
Who the voters voted for, doesn't matter....REMEMBER, CLINTON WON the popular vote, Clinton won the vote of the citizen, by millions more votes, THAT'S what those Trump supporters have been saying, the popular vote means crap, the electoral college vote is who counts....?

Now electors are getting ready to vote their conscience as they were required to do in the founder's day, and you want to stop them claiming the popular vote should count and force them to go with the popular vote!!!

HOLY SMOKES! Make up your minds! :rofl:

It shouldn't be this difficult for most intelligent people.

We have a representative State republic.

The voters of each state, vote for who they want their electoral votes to go to.

This is so high population states can not steam roll over all the lesser populated states.

Trump got the majority of the electoral state votes. He won fair and square.

Hillary didn't get 50% of the vote anyway. You want to talk about 50% of the vote?

Hillary got 66 Million votes, in a country of 310 Million. The popular vote was not in favor of Clinton or Trump.

More votes than Trump, but don't even attempt to say the majority of the public was in favor of Clinton. Not even close.
NOPE.....you got it all wrong, the electors vote in the State representing each congressional district casts their votes for their congressional district, so each candidate gets their own electors, and the State winner of electors gets the additional 2 electors given to their state that represent US Senators......That is how the founders created it.

This winner in the state takes ALL congressional allocated electors was NEVER our founders intent and and that's a fact!!!
Okay, there's two but I'm advocating for the legal strategy.

The electors who plan to go rogue need to rally the other silent electors and from there choose a new republican president. From there, the House of Representatives would approve the new republican president.

I suppose it's too late for such organization to take place but maybe we can hope it is being done in secret.

All avenues must be explored to prevent the Orange Dumpster from taking office.
Violent revolution is always an option. Don't forget. The founders left a loophole in the constitution for that. Go arm yourself.

So people who cried after an election will suddenly develop the fortitude to rise up?

Do you seriously believe Donald Trump could (not would) be better?

I'm willing to give him a chance. This country is doomed if the political class is allowed to continue on their merry way. The Founders understood this which is why they set our government up as an adversarial system. They didn't WANT the two sides to come together.
Confusing the parties (GOP/DNC) with ideologies is as dumb as confusing Trump for a man who cares about anyone and anything but himself

No it isn't. They are both pushing us along towards socialism. The Dems at 100 mph, and the GOP at 75 mph. But the political class has the same goal. That's why we always have a choice between the lesser of two evils. WE don't get to choose the candidates. They are trotted out by the two party's and the political class honestly doesn't care who wins because ultimately both candidates are in the the pocket of the ruling elite. The trumpster broke that mold. The question is will he be able to survive the experience. I expect to see a LOT of attempts to kill him by the ruling elites. Either through corrupted legal means, or by violence.

I hope his security detail is top notch.

Funny how you make such comments when you supported Bernie Sanders!

Yes. Sanders began his campaign as anti corporatist. Then, when he sold his soul to the shrilary I voted for the trumpster.

Trump won the election fairly.

Any other result would undermine our democracy.

If we were going by "Democracy", then we'd be putting Hillary into office in January.

If you accept that the electoral college is a valid way to pick a president, then if they decide to not support Trump, or toss it into congress as proscribed by the constitution, then those are the results.

We're not a democracy silly boy.
If you left wingers didn't want Trump as President maybe you shouldn't have nominated the only Democrat he could have beaten.
Okay, there's two but I'm advocating for the legal strategy.

The electors who plan to go rogue need to rally the other silent electors into choosing a new republican president. From there, the House of Representatives would approve the new republican president.

I suppose it's too late for such organization to take place but maybe we can hope it is being done in secret.

All avenues must be explored to prevent the Orange Dumpster from taking office.
So Liberals are arguing how the Electoral College is 'unfair', although the legal system used to select Presidents, and you are advocating something even LESS 'fair', which is for individuals holding a more 'honorary' position than not - responsible for representing the will of the people and the outcome of the legal process - should hijack the process and cast their votes for Hillary, thereby screwing Trump, the American people, the legal election process, and the nation, just to appease sore-loser, sour-grapes, butt-hurt snowflakes?!

Yeah, that's not insane at all.


In the midst of their mental breakdown liberals continue to attempt to argue for / turn this nation into a '3rd-world Banana Republic'.
Okay, there's two but I'm advocating for the legal strategy.

The electors who plan to go rogue need to rally the other silent electors into choosing a new republican president. From there, the House of Representatives would approve the new republican president.

I suppose it's too late for such organization to take place but maybe we can hope it is being done in secret.

All avenues must be explored to prevent the Orange Dumpster from taking office.

No, no no. Let him be prez. While I'll feel sorry for normal Americans, those who voted for him get what they deserve...

The normal Americans did vote for him hence the electorial map..

Ya know we are the ones who WORK for a living

NOPE.....you got it all wrong, the electors vote in the State representing each congressional district casts their votes for their congressional district, so each candidate gets their own electors, and the State winner of electors gets the additional 2 electors given to their state that represent US Senators......That is how the founders created it.

This winner in the state takes ALL congressional allocated electors was NEVER our founders intent and and that's a fact!!!

I think the founders intended to leave it entirely up to each state to determine how its electors were chosen. Over the years, all but a few states have evolved to a “winner-takes-all” arrangement, according to a statewide popular vote aming its voting residents.
Dead bodies have been turning up in the wake of the Klintoon Krime Cartel for 40 years and your sort stillwants her to be Prez.

Not really. but you keep telling yourself that.

Immediate assumption would have to be a Black Op by barry's CIA/FBI as they have a record of this sort of corrupt stasi thing going back to 'Mississippi Burning', Operation Gladio, Admiral Forrestal, Marilyn Monroe and well before.

BTW, it's just a hoot watching hardcore Leftist's squealing how we must Trust the CIA/FBI and check under every bed for secret symps for the evil Russians presumably out to contaminate our vital fluids

It's a hoot watching you paranoid loons squeal because you think Trumpenfuhrer is one of yours.

OK so you yourself claim that the hrc lies & criminality revealed were to you just trivia. Soooooo, sport how can just trivia have done in the 'most qualified' candidate ever? Could it be perhaps that she is 'qualified' only in the empty heads of koolaid drinking golems such as yourself in Cali/NYC and that the rest of the Country The Real America was on to her long before her shit &piss stained unmentionables were exposed in wikileaks. The Real America recognise the stink of your walking dead 'goddess'

Guy, besides your obvious misogyny (seriously, when was the last time you were with a woman?) the fact is, Hillary got more votes. and now there is clear evidence the Russians tampered with the election to help Trump.

Real America is a bunch of drooling idiots who watch Reality TV and think it's virtue. Trump was your candidate because Honey Boo-Boo was too young to run.

That's nothing to be proud of.
So Liberals are arguing how the Electoral College is 'unfair', although the legal system used to select Presidents, and you are advocating something even LESS 'fair', which is for individuals holding a more 'honorary' position than not - responsible for representing the will of the people and the outcome of the legal process - should hijack the process and cast their votes for Hillary, thereby screwing Trump, the American people, the legal election process, and the nation, just to appease sore-loser, sour-grapes, butt-hurt snowflakes?!

Yeah, that's not insane at all.

Guy, you can't argue it both ways. YOu can't argue "The Electors choose the President despite what the people vote for!" and then argue "The Electors are bound to do what their state demanded they do, even though there is clear evidence of Foreign interference in the election."

Incidently, I don't expect the electors to cast their votes for Hillary, even though she won the popular vote. I suspect the best remedy at this point would be for enough of them to realize Trump is to indebted to a foreign power to be president and cast their votes for a reasonable Republican Alternative. If that person can't get to 250, then it should go to Congress and Congress should pick that reasonable Republican alternative.

You guys will still get a conservative Republican who will still do 99% of what you want.

Which would be a lot better than a guy who is clearly tainted by foreign influence.
Guy, you can't argue it both ways. YOu can't argue "The Electors choose the President despite what the people vote for!" and then argue "The Electors are bound to do what their state demanded they do, even though there is clear evidence of Foreign interference in the election."
Why not - that's how it should be. If we are going to start having 'Rogue Electors' then we might as well stop having elections . Just appoint 1 rep from ever y state - like USSC Members - and have them choose a President?!
Guy, besides your obvious misogyny (seriously, when was the last time you were with a woman?) the fact is, Hillary got more votes.

Someone who staunchly supports the candidate who was a willing and knowing accessory to several known instances of violent rape and sexual abuse of women, is accusing others of misogyny.

Okay, there's two but I'm advocating for the legal strategy.

The electors who plan to go rogue need to rally the other silent electors into choosing a new republican president. From there, the House of Representatives would approve the new republican president.

I suppose it's too late for such organization to take place but maybe we can hope it is being done in secret.

All avenues must be explored to prevent the Orange Dumpster from taking office.

In other words, butt hurt, butt hurt, butt hurt ...
Who the voters voted for, doesn't matter....REMEMBER, CLINTON WON the popular vote, Clinton won the vote of the citizen, by millions more votes, THAT'S what those Trump supporters have been saying, the popular vote means crap, the electoral college vote is who counts....?

Now electors are getting ready to vote their conscience as they were required to do in the founder's day, and you want to stop them claiming the popular vote should count and force them to go with the popular vote!!!

HOLY SMOKES! Make up your minds! :rofl:

:lmao: Still the dumb ass who thinks the candidates ran for the popular vote! Classic.

Tell me again how in your view that Russia can effect the outcome of the vote, but the candidates and their campaign strategies can't??? You're seriously not very smart, my dear. I hope you found a great partner to take care of you ...
You know, I live in Oklahoma. And all 77 counties of Oklahoma went for Donald Trump. Love his cabinet picks including the one for Secretary of State. Another thing I love? The liberals absolutely losing their collective minds. Talk to those on the street and even those that weren't crazy about Donald Trump a month ago, are just loving what he's doing. Here, his approval ratings are sky rocketing.

It's not about the fact that Barry drove this country into the ground for the last 8 years? Oh no! It's not about a complete and utter rejection of Democratic talking-points? Well, no, of course not! Or the fact that 72% of Americans said that this country was going in the wrong direction? No, no. It's the RUSSIANS!

Good God, sweet Jesus in heaven. You just can't make this stuff up. You really can't. I've known about the Electoral College since I was in High School and I understand why it is in place. It will not be replaced by a bunch of whiny, classless sore losers. God this is sweet.
Who the voters voted for, doesn't matter....REMEMBER, CLINTON WON the popular vote, Clinton won the vote of the citizen, by millions more votes, THAT'S what those Trump supporters have been saying, the popular vote means crap, the electoral college vote is who counts....?

Now electors are getting ready to vote their conscience as they were required to do in the founder's day, and you want to stop them claiming the popular vote should count and force them to go with the popular vote!!!

HOLY SMOKES! Make up your minds! :rofl:

Trump won by the rules in place for this election and every presidential election since the EC was established.
Why not - that's how it should be. If we are going to start having 'Rogue Electors' then we might as well stop having elections . Just appoint 1 rep from ever y state - like USSC Members - and have them choose a President?!

Or we can just elect the president by popular vote, like any other office in the country.

But once you've said, "We have this thing called the Electoral College", and they pick the president, you are kind of held hostage to their whims.

Although I would say that evidence the guy who got the most electoral votes MIGHT be an agent of a hostile foreign government, oh, yeah, and a Crazy Nazi... is pretty much WHY you'd want an electoral college to call an audible.

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