These are heady times for a certain type of Republican.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017

Peter Navarro: ā€˜This morning I did walk out of a federal prisonā€™

Peter Navarro was invited to speak at the Republican National Convention just after being released from a Miami prison. He completed a four-month sentence for defying a subpoena from the House Jan. 6 committee. He was greeted with a standing ovation and quickly joked that he wished the audience could see the MAGA tattoo he got in prison.

As if they were doing a parody of themselves, "law and order" was a central theme of the RNC convention. But, let's be honest, despite the homage to obeying the law those folks sure do like their convicted criminals. Pete got a standing O just before he launched in to a racist rant about immigrants. A real show stopper.

This woman's folks are in prison for tax evasion but I don't necessarily think that's why she got to speak........if you catch my drift.

Is there really any doubt how the crowd would have reacted if Steve Bannon had been able to be there? Pandemonium. Steve was pardoned by trump in his fraud case but still managed to land in prison for contempt of Congress. That guy never gave up trying to make the list, the very long list......(trump, Bannon, Manafort, Gates, Weisselberg, Stone, Cohen, Navarro, and Rudy on deck. Not to mention the guilty pleas in the GA case and all those fake electors under indictment), of convicts associated with trump. You know, seeing as being a convicted criminal is a badge of honor in the POT. No doubt cuz those grand jury members are all part of the deep state so fuck I right?

Then there's the big dog himself. He's gone above and beyond to show his contempt for the rule of law and thus endeared himself with the minions in a deep and spiritual way. He was found guilty on 34 counts in what could be described as an election interference case (ironic, right?). And who can forget the business fraud case? Perhaps the one that put him over the top in Repub's hearts and minds was being found financially liable for defamation in this case.

Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll

After Donald Trump was found liable for sexually abusing and defaming E. Jean Carroll, his legal team and his defenders lodged a frequent talking point.
Despite Carrollā€™s claims that Trump had raped her, they noted, the jury stopped short of saying he committed that particular offense. Instead, jurors opted for a second option: sexual abuse.

ā€œThis was a rape claim, this was a rape case all along, and the jury rejected that ā€” made other findings,ā€ his lawyer, Joe Tacopina, said outside the courthouse.
A judge has now clarified that this is basically a legal distinction without a real-world difference. He says that what the jury found Trump did was in fact rape, as commonly understood.

How JD got to be the VP choice without a record is beyond me. Though he is a xenophobic, isolationist with an authoritarian bent so there's that. Anyway, my advice to anyone considering a career in POT politics is go see if you can't get yourself locked up. trump and the gang will love you for it.

Peter Navarro: ā€˜This morning I did walk out of a federal prisonā€™

Peter Navarro was invited to speak at the Republican National Convention just after being released from a Miami prison. He completed a four-month sentence for defying a subpoena from the House Jan. 6 committee. He was greeted with a standing ovation and quickly joked that he wished the audience could see the MAGA tattoo he got in prison.

As if they were doing a parody of themselves, "law and order" was a central theme of the RNC convention. But, let's be honest, despite the homage to obeying the law those folks sure do like their convicted criminals. Pete got a standing O just before he launched in to a racist rant about immigrants. A real show stopper.

This woman's folks are in prison for tax evasion but I don't necessarily think that's why she got to speak........if you catch my drift.

Is there really any doubt how the crowd would have reacted if Steve Bannon had been able to be there? Pandemonium. Steve was pardoned by trump in his fraud case but still managed to land in prison for contempt of Congress. That guy never gave up trying to make the list, the very long list......(trump, Bannon, Manafort, Gates, Weisselberg, Stone, Cohen, Navarro, and Rudy on deck. Not to mention the guilty pleas in the GA case and all those fake electors under indictment), of convicts associated with trump. You know, seeing as being a convicted criminal is a badge of honor in the POT. No doubt cuz those grand jury members are all part of the deep state so fuck I right?

Then there's the big dog himself. He's gone above and beyond to show his contempt for the rule of law and thus endeared himself with the minions in a deep and spiritual way. He was found guilty on 34 counts in what could be described as an election interference case (ironic, right?). And who can forget the business fraud case? Perhaps the one that put him over the top in Repub's hearts and minds was being found financially liable for defamation in this case.

Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll

After Donald Trump was found liable for sexually abusing and defaming E. Jean Carroll, his legal team and his defenders lodged a frequent talking point.
Despite Carrollā€™s claims that Trump had raped her, they noted, the jury stopped short of saying he committed that particular offense. Instead, jurors opted for a second option: sexual abuse.

ā€œThis was a rape claim, this was a rape case all along, and the jury rejected that ā€” made other findings,ā€ his lawyer, Joe Tacopina, said outside the courthouse.
A judge has now clarified that this is basically a legal distinction without a real-world difference. He says that what the jury found Trump did was in fact rape, as commonly understood.

How JD got to be the VP choice without a record is beyond me. Though he is a xenophobic, isolationist with an authoritarian bent so there's that. Anyway, my advice to anyone considering a career in POT politics is go see if you can't get yourself locked up. trump and the gang will love you for it.

So why all the panic then over Biden?

Heā€™s already got ā€œ81 millionā€ votes in the bag. Surely President Trump canā€™t get more than that.

Surely people will be horrified over the display of the RNC this week. The political prisoners, the gold star families of service members killed by Biden, the talk of high inflation, high gas prices, high grocery prices. Why canā€™t these people like the fact that their lives are more difficult now under Biden?

I canā€™t wait to see the DNC give their vision of what America should be doing: open borders with millions more refugees to pour in, endless more tax dollars to go to Ukraine, escalation of war all around the world, support for Palestine and condemnation of Israel, more vax mandates, and of course more abortions for everyone.
Anyway, my advice to anyone considering a career in POT politics is go see if you can't get yourself locked up. trump and the gang will love you for it.
GFY Berg. Your hit jobs aren't witty and most Americans are well aware of how corrupt your party is and how polluted they've made our justice system. But your day, it's coming...
So why all the panic then over Biden?

Heā€™s already got ā€œ81 millionā€ votes in the bag. Surely President Trump canā€™t get more than that.

Surely people will be horrified over the display of the RNC this week. The political prisoners, the gold star families of service members killed by Biden, the talk of high inflation, high gas prices, high grocery prices. Why canā€™t these people like the fact that their lives are more difficult now under Biden?

I canā€™t wait to see the DNC give their vision of what America should be doing: open borders with millions more refugees to pour in, endless more tax dollars to go to Ukraine, escalation of war all around the world, support for Palestine and condemnation of Israel, more vax mandates, and of course more abortions for everyone.
I'm pretty sure the Dem nominee, who ever that ends up being, won't be a convicted felon who surrounds him/herself with convicted felons at an event where lawlessness is celebrated.

Peter Navarro: ā€˜This morning I did walk out of a federal prisonā€™

Peter Navarro was invited to speak at the Republican National Convention just after being released from a Miami prison. He completed a four-month sentence for defying a subpoena from the House Jan. 6 committee. He was greeted with a standing ovation and quickly joked that he wished the audience could see the MAGA tattoo he got in prison.

As if they were doing a parody of themselves, "law and order" was a central theme of the RNC convention. But, let's be honest, despite the homage to obeying the law those folks sure do like their convicted criminals. Pete got a standing O just before he launched in to a racist rant about immigrants. A real show stopper.

This woman's folks are in prison for tax evasion but I don't necessarily think that's why she got to speak........if you catch my drift.

Is there really any doubt how the crowd would have reacted if Steve Bannon had been able to be there? Pandemonium. Steve was pardoned by trump in his fraud case but still managed to land in prison for contempt of Congress. That guy never gave up trying to make the list, the very long list......(trump, Bannon, Manafort, Gates, Weisselberg, Stone, Cohen, Navarro, and Rudy on deck. Not to mention the guilty pleas in the GA case and all those fake electors under indictment), of convicts associated with trump. You know, seeing as being a convicted criminal is a badge of honor in the POT. No doubt cuz those grand jury members are all part of the deep state so fuck I right?

Then there's the big dog himself. He's gone above and beyond to show his contempt for the rule of law and thus endeared himself with the minions in a deep and spiritual way. He was found guilty on 34 counts in what could be described as an election interference case (ironic, right?). And who can forget the business fraud case? Perhaps the one that put him over the top in Repub's hearts and minds was being found financially liable for defamation in this case.

Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll

After Donald Trump was found liable for sexually abusing and defaming E. Jean Carroll, his legal team and his defenders lodged a frequent talking point.
Despite Carrollā€™s claims that Trump had raped her, they noted, the jury stopped short of saying he committed that particular offense. Instead, jurors opted for a second option: sexual abuse.

ā€œThis was a rape claim, this was a rape case all along, and the jury rejected that ā€” made other findings,ā€ his lawyer, Joe Tacopina, said outside the courthouse.
A judge has now clarified that this is basically a legal distinction without a real-world difference. He says that what the jury found Trump did was in fact rape, as commonly understood.

How JD got to be the VP choice without a record is beyond me. Though he is a xenophobic, isolationist with an authoritarian bent so there's that. Anyway, my advice to anyone considering a career in POT politics is go see if you can't get yourself locked up. trump and the gang will love you for it.


GFY Berg. Your hit jobs aren't witty and most Americans are well aware of how corrupt your party is and how polluted they've made our justice system. But your day, it's coming...
Ordinarily, I'd laugh off your threat about my day coming. But I take trump seriously when he says people will be persecuted if they oppose him. So maybe he'll send out his goons looking for folks who dare to dissent.
I'm pretty sure the Dem nominee, who ever that ends up being, won't be a convicted felon who surrounds him/herself with convicted felons at an event where lawlessness is celebrated.

Doesn't really matter who the sacrificial lamb is .

The Party has conceded the Presidency to President Trump.
They have shifted resources to the house, Senate and some Governor races.
I'm pretty sure the Dem nominee, who ever that ends up being, won't be a convicted felon who surrounds him/herself with convicted felons at an event where lawlessness is celebrated.
Convictions from lawless Stalinist scumbags mean NOTHING.
I'm pretty sure the Dem nominee, who ever that ends up being, won't be a convicted felon who surrounds him/herself with convicted felons at an event where lawlessness is celebrated.

Because no one is waging lawfare against Democrats?
Ordinarily, I'd laugh off your threat about my day coming. But I take trump seriously when he says people will be persecuted if they oppose him. So maybe he'll send out his goons looking for folks who dare to dissent.


He should have done that in his first term -

But that's just not who he is.
ā€œHereā€™s how it went,ā€ Navarro said in his speech. ā€œHereā€™s how I got in prison. The legislative branch came for me first.

Came for him? They requested his testimony. Then subpoenaed him for it. He could have shown up and pleaded the 5th. But he wanted to be a good little Trumper so he ignored it.
Am I to think the board's Repubs are not as proud of the rampant criminal behavior infesting their party as the convention suggests?
So why all the panic then over Biden?

Heā€™s already got ā€œ81 millionā€ votes in the bag. Surely President Trump canā€™t get more than that.

Surely people will be horrified over the display of the RNC this week. The political prisoners, the gold star families of service members killed by Biden, the talk of high inflation, high gas prices, high grocery prices. Why canā€™t these people like the fact that their lives are more difficult now under Biden?

I canā€™t wait to see the DNC give their vision of what America should be doing: open borders with millions more refugees to pour in, endless more tax dollars to go to Ukraine, escalation of war all around the world, support for Palestine and condemnation of Israel, more vax mandates, and of course more abortions for everyone.
no vote is "in the bag" until it is cast. this is the mistake hillary's fans made in 2016, and that maga nation is too slow to figure out from 2020.
I'm pretty sure the Dem nominee, who ever that ends up being, won't be a convicted felon who surrounds him/herself with convicted felons at an event where lawlessness is celebrated.

What laws are broken when you replace a candidate the primary voters chose because now your guy is gonna lose?


Peter Navarro: ā€˜This morning I did walk out of a federal prisonā€™

Peter Navarro was invited to speak at the Republican National Convention just after being released from a Miami prison. He completed a four-month sentence for defying a subpoena from the House Jan. 6 committee. He was greeted with a standing ovation and quickly joked that he wished the audience could see the MAGA tattoo he got in prison.

As if they were doing a parody of themselves, "law and order" was a central theme of the RNC convention. But, let's be honest, despite the homage to obeying the law those folks sure do like their convicted criminals. Pete got a standing O just before he launched in to a racist rant about immigrants. A real show stopper.

This woman's folks are in prison for tax evasion but I don't necessarily think that's why she got to speak........if you catch my drift.

Is there really any doubt how the crowd would have reacted if Steve Bannon had been able to be there? Pandemonium. Steve was pardoned by trump in his fraud case but still managed to land in prison for contempt of Congress. That guy never gave up trying to make the list, the very long list......(trump, Bannon, Manafort, Gates, Weisselberg, Stone, Cohen, Navarro, and Rudy on deck. Not to mention the guilty pleas in the GA case and all those fake electors under indictment), of convicts associated with trump. You know, seeing as being a convicted criminal is a badge of honor in the POT. No doubt cuz those grand jury members are all part of the deep state so fuck I right?

Then there's the big dog himself. He's gone above and beyond to show his contempt for the rule of law and thus endeared himself with the minions in a deep and spiritual way. He was found guilty on 34 counts in what could be described as an election interference case (ironic, right?). And who can forget the business fraud case? Perhaps the one that put him over the top in Repub's hearts and minds was being found financially liable for defamation in this case.

Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll

After Donald Trump was found liable for sexually abusing and defaming E. Jean Carroll, his legal team and his defenders lodged a frequent talking point.
Despite Carrollā€™s claims that Trump had raped her, they noted, the jury stopped short of saying he committed that particular offense. Instead, jurors opted for a second option: sexual abuse.

ā€œThis was a rape claim, this was a rape case all along, and the jury rejected that ā€” made other findings,ā€ his lawyer, Joe Tacopina, said outside the courthouse.
A judge has now clarified that this is basically a legal distinction without a real-world difference. He says that what the jury found Trump did was in fact rape, as commonly understood.

How JD got to be the VP choice without a record is beyond me. Though he is a xenophobic, isolationist with an authoritarian bent so there's that. Anyway, my advice to anyone considering a career in POT politics is go see if you can't get yourself locked up. trump and the gang will love you for it.

What the activist judge thinks is irrelevant. What the jury found is what matters.
What laws are broken when you replace a candidate the primary voters chose because now your guy is gonna lose?

Someone else wrote that. Must be the new RWM talking point. It's Biden's decision to stay or go. If it were up to the DNC he'd already be gone.
As if they were doing a parody of themselves, "law and order" was a central theme of the RNC convention. But, let's be honest, despite the homage to obeying the law those folks sure do like their convicted criminals. Pete got a standing O just before he launched in to a racist rant about immigrants. A real show stopper.
Regardless of the aesthetics, the GQP is understandably giddy right now. Have you ever seen a series of events that so favored a party towards the end of a campaign? Amazing.

The question remains, how many of these people really understand what it is they're asking for.

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